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Messages - Black Death

Quote from: Doktor Howl on April 24, 2020, 11:22:26 PM
Quote from: Black Death on April 24, 2020, 09:33:38 PM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on April 24, 2020, 07:54:11 PM
Quote from: Black Death on April 24, 2020, 12:06:39 PM
I do.

Folks who aren't sucked in by the nonstop propaganda and mind fuckery of the modern era. Folks who have somewhat lucid perspectives on the world and not prone to getting snowballed by bogus crisis/scare campaigns like Global Warming, Climate Change and the Chinese Devil Virus.

Folks I can learn from, steal hard earned ideas from and generally exploit for my own entertainment. Folks who know what an ice age is.

Other than that my standards are extremely low, anyone can apply, there are no fees involved, I don't need verifications or credit card numbers and you won't be required to vaccinate, or enable tracking software. Although those options are available upon request.

Peace Out!

Oh boy here we go

Howdy Doc Malaclypse! Howsithangin?

So you're a bro from capitol grilling?

How's Tuscon treatin you? Locked down and out?

Have you viewed Michael Moore's newest Documentary? It's a thing of beauty in the age of plastic!
Quote from: The Wizard Joseph on April 24, 2020, 09:43:36 PM
Quote from: Black Death on April 24, 2020, 09:23:14 PM
Quote from: The Wizard Joseph on April 24, 2020, 04:34:02 PM
Quote from: Black Death on April 24, 2020, 12:06:39 PM
I do.

Folks who aren't sucked in by the nonstop propaganda and mind fuckery of the modern era. Folks who have somewhat lucid perspectives on the world and not prone to getting snowballed by bogus crisis/scare campaigns like Global Warming, Climate Change and the Chinese Devil Virus.

Folks I can learn from, steal hard earned ideas from and generally exploit for my own entertainment. Folks who know what an ice age is.

Other than that my standards are extremely low, anyone can apply, there are no fees involved, I don't need verifications or credit card numbers and you won't be required to vaccinate, or enable tracking software. Although those options are available upon request.

Peace Out!

So your main criteria is that folks be exploitable and that's your only standard beyond tacitly accepting your bullshit paradigm?

IT's kinda nice to readily spot a sociopath in action without the usual superficial charm or pretense of intelligence getting in the way, but ultimately boring as fuck. :digtbk2:

Dudette, how many times and in how many ways must this be splained to you, you have no clue what my paradigms are.

You assume bs, probably because you have shit for brains.

Ask, don't assume, my single celled friend.

:lulz: :lulz: :lulz: :lulz: :lulz: :hitlerbanjo:
It's LITERALLY what you said quoted verbatim with all context included.

In your very fevered imagination. In the real world you made stupid assed assumptions and bet your farm on them.
Quote from: Cain on April 24, 2020, 09:26:36 PM
Quote from: Black Death on April 24, 2020, 09:19:49 PM
Quote from: Cain on April 24, 2020, 07:04:50 PM
Quote from: Black Death on April 24, 2020, 01:57:20 PM
please unlighten us.......

Go read Hobbes.

Yes it is boring. But it'll teach you more than some internet jackoff.

I don't subscribe to other folks ideas. esp not internet jaggs like you.

But I am here to learn, so teach me something Hobbesian that changes my pov....I am all ears.

:lol: Who do you think you are? I'm not your dancing monkey, I told you what to read. If you can't be bothered to do the reading, get the cliff notes from someone else.

that's fair, but I still won't accept it. What was it that Hobbes said that YOU believe is more meaningful in human geopolitics than the dark forest theory?
Quote from: Hoopla! on April 24, 2020, 09:28:47 PM
Seriously, guy. There is nothing for you here.

Seems so, but I am here anyway. Either you are out of sync or everything is.
Quote from: Doktor Howl on April 24, 2020, 07:54:11 PM
Quote from: Black Death on April 24, 2020, 12:06:39 PM
I do.

Folks who aren't sucked in by the nonstop propaganda and mind fuckery of the modern era. Folks who have somewhat lucid perspectives on the world and not prone to getting snowballed by bogus crisis/scare campaigns like Global Warming, Climate Change and the Chinese Devil Virus.

Folks I can learn from, steal hard earned ideas from and generally exploit for my own entertainment. Folks who know what an ice age is.

Other than that my standards are extremely low, anyone can apply, there are no fees involved, I don't need verifications or credit card numbers and you won't be required to vaccinate, or enable tracking software. Although those options are available upon request.

Peace Out!

Oh boy here we go

Howdy Doc Malaclypse! Howsithangin?
Quote from: Cain on April 24, 2020, 07:03:16 PM
Look, you may be new here, but coronavirus rallies are where many top minds collaborate, and routinely outsmart the most well funded, well equipped and diabolical organizations on earth. How do they do it? Top thinkers, experts on every field, unparalleled investigative skills and fearlessness. I would trust a top comment from one of them over pretty much any news source, especially a mainstream source, any day.

I have never heard of a CV rally, but even if true it tain't remotely possible to make that trip now. Enjoy them for me!
Quote from: The Johnny on April 24, 2020, 07:00:29 PM
Quote from: Black Death on April 24, 2020, 02:04:08 PM
Quote from: The Johnny on April 24, 2020, 01:13:47 PM
Quote from: Black Death on April 24, 2020, 12:06:39 PM
I do.

Folks who aren't sucked in by the nonstop propaganda and mind fuckery of the modern era. Folks who have somewhat lucid perspectives on the world and not prone to getting snowballed by bogus crisis/scare campaigns like Global Warming, Climate Change and the Chinese Devil Virus.

Folks I can learn from, steal hard earned ideas from and generally exploit for my own entertainment. Folks who know what an ice age is.

Other than that my standards are extremely low, anyone can apply, there are no fees involved, I don't need verifications or credit card numbers and you won't be required to vaccinate, or enable tracking software. Although those options are available upon request.

Peace Out!

So lets see, you want people that are:

-Climate change denialists
-Covid denialists

You could hang out at the recent rallys that are popping up around Ohio and other states, i'm sure you'd find like minded individuals easily.

no you assume things asmartly, or self confuse easily if you prefer that term.

The universe in which there are denialists assumes they are in denial of something that is. Or at least in denial of the nature of something that is. Please correct me wickedly if there is an error in my logic.

I am for vaccines for dangerous pathogens, opposed to them as an entertainment vehicle.

I think I covered all four of your points.

Go to the rally's, that's your best bet, you're not gonna find that kind of people here. Do it as a favour for us and for yourself  :lulz:

That is prolly really good advice, based on what I see here. But wtf are rallies, I live on a sailboat as an expat.

My eyes collide head-on with stuffed graveyards
False goals, I scuff at pettiness which plays so rough
Walk upside-down inside handcuffs
Kick my legs to crash it off
Say, "Okay, I have had enough, what else can you show me?"
Quote from: altered on April 24, 2020, 06:26:08 PM
I think I can safely speak for everyone on PeeDee doot comb when I say that you, you, you are the gullible piece of fucking shit that exemplifies the things that are wrong with our world.

You have let your brain be bought by the agendas of other fucking people. When you see death you let it be explained away. Your monkey psychological comfort has overridden your capacity for reason. You would rather be superior and shake your head at people than acknowledge an existential crisis.

And now you wonder why it's so hard to find smart people who agree with you.

I have unfortunate news: you are the moron. The reason you cannot find any smart people who share your beliefs is because there is no such thing: believing those things is fucking stupid. You are the moron. You will never find what you seek.

Moreover, as an antivaxxer, by definition, you would rather people be dead than be autistic. We have a word for that: it's eugenics. Which means I would rather YOU be dead than continue breathing my air, which I fucking staked my claim on and have legally binding paperwork putting me in sole and exclusive ownership of, you hideous fuck.

Fuck you, the horse you rode in on, and I hope you step barefoot on chestnuts and get attacked by owls in the dead of the night and pitch headlong off a cliff and knock your noggin open on a stop sign on the way down. You are everything I fucking despise except a Nazi, and even that's more "benefit of the doubt" than any kind of certainty.

Eat my ass and choke,
— C. Fraudulence Null.

I get about that far into a response and I see this giant billboard in the sky that says "RETARD ALERT!" and I stop reading.

Come back when you learn how to learn and not the other way around.
Quote from: The Wizard Joseph on April 24, 2020, 04:34:02 PM
Quote from: Black Death on April 24, 2020, 12:06:39 PM
I do.

Folks who aren't sucked in by the nonstop propaganda and mind fuckery of the modern era. Folks who have somewhat lucid perspectives on the world and not prone to getting snowballed by bogus crisis/scare campaigns like Global Warming, Climate Change and the Chinese Devil Virus.

Folks I can learn from, steal hard earned ideas from and generally exploit for my own entertainment. Folks who know what an ice age is.

Other than that my standards are extremely low, anyone can apply, there are no fees involved, I don't need verifications or credit card numbers and you won't be required to vaccinate, or enable tracking software. Although those options are available upon request.

Peace Out!

So your main criteria is that folks be exploitable and that's your only standard beyond tacitly accepting your bullshit paradigm?

IT's kinda nice to readily spot a sociopath in action without the usual superficial charm or pretense of intelligence getting in the way, but ultimately boring as fuck. :digtbk2:

Dudette, how many times and in how many ways must this be splained to you, you have no clue what my paradigms are.

You assume bs, probably because you have shit for brains.

Ask, don't assume, my single celled friend.
Quote from: Cain on April 24, 2020, 07:04:50 PM
Quote from: Black Death on April 24, 2020, 01:57:20 PM
please unlighten us.......

Go read Hobbes.

Yes it is boring. But it'll teach you more than some internet jackoff.

I don't subscribe to other folks ideas. esp not internet jaggs like you.

But I am here to learn, so teach me something Hobbesian that changes my pov....I am all ears.
Quote from: altered on April 24, 2020, 07:25:25 PM
It's based on a scifi novel, is codified xenophobia in the worst and most violent form, and has no evidence except the xenophobic tendencies of its believers.

Why am I not surprised an antivax, climate change denying, xenophobic shitstain who believes the worst plague in modern history is a hoax would buy this shit?

Oh, right: because it makes them one step closer to being a fascist, which is their natural habitat.

I have this permanent, relentless urge to chew and gnaw, and you are my new favorite toy, Black Death. I will grind my teeth on you. I have needs.

OK, you have needs, but you have no brain cells. I hope your needs are fulfilled, but your ideas are so far below bankrupt they don't even
Quote from: PoFP on February 05, 2020, 04:59:24 AM
The US economy, especially during the start of Industrialization, was formatted/reformatted based on the assumption that we would need to increase efficiency of Production to meet an ever-growing domestic and foreign Demand (Supply-side economics). It's no accident that this unsustainable ideology is almost identical to the basis of the relationship between drugs and addiction.

The cycle of addiction is based on the idea that Demand is equal to Supply. In other words, you use whatever you have access to.

However, in most cases, due to the fundamental nature of our brain's Reward System, people reach a point where their Supply can't feed their Demand. So, the Suppliers use cheaper substances to make more out of less and meet the growing Demand. Sometimes, that means they use other substances as filler that are less pure because they're easier to find or cheaper to buy. Almost like how most of our food nowadays is rarely pure or untainted by cheap and/or toxic fillers. It's fairly obvious at this point, to anyone paying attention, that we've seriously over-shot our goal of allowing Supply to meet Demand, meaning we've reached, and far surpassed the point of addiction.

In hindsight, it seems like it was inevitable. But why?

Because it was intentional:

It's not that surprising that the US economy's Supply/Demand dynamics run parallel to the fundamental nature of addiction. It was designed before addiction science and treatment was invented, and during a time when drugs were traded openly without any level of regulation or constraint (And were often the most popular trade commodities). It was also during a time when the wealthy were allowed to grow their wealth unrestricted using the profit that came from being the Suppliers (Or the "Suppliers of Suppliers," and so on. I'll explain this concept more a bit later.).

So, what happens when Suppliers become dependent on their excess wealth? They become addicted to it, and so become addicted to the Demand that creates it.

The Demand becomes their Supply.

So, the Suppliers, in need of Demand, began studying and taking advantage of man's vulnerability to desire. Thus, Toxic Marketing and Advertising was born, which has now fully integrated itself into literally every single aspect of our lives. And when Supplying cheap, worthless shit became too personal and real, the wealthiest Suppliers decided to add layers of abstraction between them and their customers to avoid their discomfort. And thus Corporatism was born to integrate Beaurocracy into Supplier organizations and make Supplier markets more complex. It added processes between the Suppliers and the Consumers to blur the lines and fuel plausible deniability and willful ignorance.

How did we get to this point? We were already there. The system was designed based on:

Supply = Demand

It's really that simple. The system assumes Supply is equal to (or infinitely approaching) Demand. Mathematically, and logically, they are one in the same - Two sides of the same coin: An unsustainable system of trade in which neither side is capable of winning because the point of satisfaction for either side is an infinitely moving target. The goal of those with Demand is to be a Supplier. And the goal of the Supplier is to create (not feed, because that's more expensive) Demand and be Demanded.

But if they're the same thing, and we obviously need some things to survive, meaning someone has to Supply the basics for life to meet a basic Demand, does that mean we were doomed to become unsustainable?

Not at all. We've only ever entertained this equation in one direction: Up.

We've been ignoring the fact that the equation can be read the other way:

(-1)Demand = (-1)Supply

More to come some other time.

Feel free to rip apart and put back together again, or add to it. Part of me is very certain that someone's come up with this analogy before, but I have no idea where I would have read it other than here.

OK two points: 1)parasites make up the majority of life forms on Earth, addiction is just a label attached to a form of parasitic relationship. Example: ....humans were thus domesticated by wheat. 2)Any time you try to reduce a complex dynamic process into an abstraction you end up at fail. Your fail may be useful and serve a variety of constructive purposes but that does not alter it's essential and ultimate fail.
Quote from: tyrannosaurus vex on February 06, 2020, 02:34:13 PM
I'm just curious about what, if anything, you people think about life after death. Is it possible? Probable? What would the experience be like? I have some ideas, but they're vague and not very well thought out, maybe I'll try to organize them later.

I think the dilemma is that we don't know what if any boundaries exist between the two and where those boundaries (if they exist at all) are located.

I liken it to the same question posed another way: where do we go when we die?

in which case not enough is known about the "we" in question to understand it's position in the question.

everything is possible.
Quote from: LMNO on April 24, 2020, 01:23:05 PM
Ok, who let Ben Shapiro into the forums?

26)It is ___________to attempt to reduce the universe to an equation of 5 characters?
Quote from: The Johnny on April 24, 2020, 01:13:47 PM
Quote from: Black Death on April 24, 2020, 12:06:39 PM
I do.

Folks who aren't sucked in by the nonstop propaganda and mind fuckery of the modern era. Folks who have somewhat lucid perspectives on the world and not prone to getting snowballed by bogus crisis/scare campaigns like Global Warming, Climate Change and the Chinese Devil Virus.

Folks I can learn from, steal hard earned ideas from and generally exploit for my own entertainment. Folks who know what an ice age is.

Other than that my standards are extremely low, anyone can apply, there are no fees involved, I don't need verifications or credit card numbers and you won't be required to vaccinate, or enable tracking software. Although those options are available upon request.

Peace Out!

So lets see, you want people that are:

-Climate change denialists
-Covid denialists

You could hang out at the recent rallys that are popping up around Ohio and other states, i'm sure you'd find like minded individuals easily.

no you assume things asmartly, or self confuse easily if you prefer that term.

The universe in which there are denialists assumes they are in denial of something that is. Or at least in denial of the nature of something that is. Please correct me wickedly if there is an error in my logic.

I am for vaccines for dangerous pathogens, opposed to them as an entertainment vehicle.

I think I covered all four of your points.