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Messages - DORADA


Very succeeded everything, it is the fear to known to lodiferente what joins the people in groups more than the conviction, the man is protected from the reactions of different persons. What does them of weak nature before the adversities, without responsibility, they want to be protected do not resist to live through experiences, and delegate the responsibility in the leader. They protect persons who form a part of the group even if they could be harmful persons since they do not admit the mistake it would unbalance them. :kojak: :rogpipe:
But I think that this fanaticism for the apparent "order" begins to appear as there are getting uncovered the lies and the motives of the leaders, in the measure that gets lost the fear of living the human being it(he,she) will grow in relation to the demas human beings. Our critique must come to a level contructivo announcing and approaching without prejudices towards them as human beings who look for the truth and the approximation to the others must be with generosity. The forts that walk alone and complete(upright) they can rescue consciences instead of moving away

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I think that the author is unworthy of the capacity of the man to decide that to believe, the point is not to see the religion in a political sense, or of free will catholic concept to give the illusion of which the punishment is not imposed and of which the minds are not handled. He(she) forgets that the principal point is that to have faith or is not a completely personal decision and that nobody needs to be inside a group to believe or not to forget that we are not flowed it(he,she) does not see the man as(like) the only(unique) and different and seeker of the perfection or overcoming without limits unput by religions.

(her,your) intentions had been the religion or the atheism, forgetting that it was a part(report) of a mental training to fix in the population ideal chords with his(her,your) interests of domain(control) of the world. The racism and the top race you design that they unify and the communism and the equality another idea that it(he,she) unifies and his(her,your) abstract form displaces any religion as consequence. The world without the absolute power of the classic religions is a degeneracy for those who not evolucionn and stick to concepts of correctly or incorrectly or well and badly(wrongly)
The fear of knocking down former schemes and of not knowing what will bring this new conception of the world for the man and his(her,your) freedom of believing in his(her,your) own(proper) ones and prsonales or not gods without this takes consequences as the burning d bewitching it is what makes cover the Sun with a finger and give him(her) importance to religions that in ralidad her(it) do not have mas that by means of washes of brain. The return to the former gods mas according to the human being or to a god thought(regarded) as a beginning(principle) almost impossible to conceive for the human ment it(he,she) is not acceptable for and because of it he(she) denies it. Very little I target what sorrow(sentence)

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a man is the idea of his god

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Principia Discussion / Re: List of Discordian books
March 18, 2008, 11:12:11 PM
 :p :fnord:Thank you very much.
Principia Discussion / Re: be or not to be
March 18, 2008, 10:07:01 PM
I don·t want talk with soul. What do you think? :? :fnord:
Te contesto primero en español y luego en mi mal inglés para que entiendas mis conceptos. Respeto tu punto de viista en lo que se refiere a formar parte de la humanidad , interactuar significa ser generoso ,solidario, fraterno, pero la realidad y la sobrevivencia tambien nos obliga a ser depredadores de nuestra propia especie lo que no nos hace inhumanos.
Tenemos también los sentidos para llamarnos humanos, y la conciencia , y la inteligencia, la capacidad de elegir por reflexion y no por instinto, pero existen personas psicópatas, existen locos inofensivos, existen autistas, y personas que educan su voluntad para que sus emociones no interfieran con sus decisiones.
Yo pienso que visto de una manera más general se puede plantear ;somos humanos ,no objetos , porque tenemos vida ;entonces todo lo que es vivo es humano? no, pero estamos enlazados con otras formas de vida porque nos sustentan o porque conviven con nosotros en qué momento dejamos de ser humanos entonces ? sólo  en el momento en que la vida se nos va y ya no necesitamos de la tierra y sus formas de vida no damos  no nos dan, ya no somos nada , el resto son sólo grados de humanidad, mejor ser humano o peor ser humano, la naturaleza y nuestra unión con ella nos haría más humanos que nuestra unión con nuestros pares, no podemos prescindir de ella eso es lo que nos hace humanos desde que fuimos creados.
Adan  the first man was human?
 : :roll:Look my profile please . I am very old..or very young  is confused choice please. sorry reverendo Roger?
Hello i am Dorada , sorry my English I practice in this forum. The question is you have a pet? and your pet smoke? if yo don·t have a pet I have a pet for you it smoke pipa :lol: :wink:
But a mad man exist
Principia Discussion / be or not to be
March 18, 2008, 12:46:59 PM
Hello  i want love the material word because i think if i am spiritual i died forever. I think  if each man or all men's know his essence , the word no exist more.
The magic take me to fear because the thing  is the idea if i thing " I am an idea i can no exist?
Principia Discussion / Re: List of Discordian books
March 17, 2008, 08:19:26 AM
What·s the matter? I am very happy :lulz:
Principia Discussion / Re: Why?
March 17, 2008, 08:17:03 AM
 :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
Principia Discussion / Re: List of Discordian books
February 26, 2008, 02:18:08 AM
I'm looking for the book of Eris can anyone help me? i'm very interested in that book, but the link doesn't work, Anyone can help me plis?
thank you   :lulz:
 :lulz:first read the book please