In situations like this, apathy is acquiescence.
I'm not going to go on some huge thing about how you're an evil person. We both know you've done good things, it's why I even bothered pushing back on this in the first place. It's a waste of our collective time to start yet another pointless unresolvable beef just to try and get my fucking licks in on someone who I respect.
Just, I'm here in bed physically feeling the fever go down after I, no joke, took a toothpick and actually ripped open a huge swath of my gums to drain the infection. I don't know how long I have until it's too late and it's all over forever. I never really, properly had a chance? I have been condemned by disability, illness, bad luck and people who don't get how precarity works and horrible timing, quite possibly the worst time for someone Like Me to be alive. And I am one of the lucky ones. And that's just, like... you don't care anymore.
I'm not attempting to change your mind and make you care here, either. Like I said, it's a waste of time, and even if there weren't other problems we both need to focus on, you have made it clear many a time your stubbornness is legendary, and you see it (and I generally, usually agree) as an asset. Just explaining my perspective: even if it's not what you MEAN, what, to me, it seems that you're saying, is that I and everyone else in my position or worse just isn't worth it. And that fucking sucks and I really have to hope you are all alone on this one. I know you aren't, but ... I have to hope. Because otherwise there will be a lot of dead bodies that deserved better that far too many people decided weren't worth the trouble. Histories, modes of living, stories, communal understandings, full epistemologies, will be lost forever, the total death and erasure of small worlds, and people deciding: yeah, that's whatever. Which maybe means that I will be one of the last people who believe in truly fighting for better things. A grim thought.
And that's all I have to say.
I'm not going to go on some huge thing about how you're an evil person. We both know you've done good things, it's why I even bothered pushing back on this in the first place. It's a waste of our collective time to start yet another pointless unresolvable beef just to try and get my fucking licks in on someone who I respect.
Just, I'm here in bed physically feeling the fever go down after I, no joke, took a toothpick and actually ripped open a huge swath of my gums to drain the infection. I don't know how long I have until it's too late and it's all over forever. I never really, properly had a chance? I have been condemned by disability, illness, bad luck and people who don't get how precarity works and horrible timing, quite possibly the worst time for someone Like Me to be alive. And I am one of the lucky ones. And that's just, like... you don't care anymore.
I'm not attempting to change your mind and make you care here, either. Like I said, it's a waste of time, and even if there weren't other problems we both need to focus on, you have made it clear many a time your stubbornness is legendary, and you see it (and I generally, usually agree) as an asset. Just explaining my perspective: even if it's not what you MEAN, what, to me, it seems that you're saying, is that I and everyone else in my position or worse just isn't worth it. And that fucking sucks and I really have to hope you are all alone on this one. I know you aren't, but ... I have to hope. Because otherwise there will be a lot of dead bodies that deserved better that far too many people decided weren't worth the trouble. Histories, modes of living, stories, communal understandings, full epistemologies, will be lost forever, the total death and erasure of small worlds, and people deciding: yeah, that's whatever. Which maybe means that I will be one of the last people who believe in truly fighting for better things. A grim thought.
And that's all I have to say.