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Topics - Unayko

Literate Chaotic / Transhumanism
May 03, 2009, 10:08:20 PM
Hello. I have been lurking around the forums for a while and finally decided to join.

I've been thinking about the whole transhumanism concept in the last weeks and i wanted to get some discordian input about it (especially about the second definition presented below).
I'm actually trying to accumulate a lot of information on the topic to (maybe) write some pages about it and I'd like to focus on two different aspects of transhumanism from a philosophical point of view.

The whole thing in a nutshell: Transhumanism as a new step for humankind to get rid of the 'barriers' that prevent us from a higher form of life, leaving behind the parts of being human that screw us up every time. Transhumanism as a new sociological model, a sexual revolution (sex as art, fun and enlightenment more than just the old "let's have kids"-concept) and a new philosophy (anthropological, ethic, cognition, etc.)

I want to differentiate between two different 'methods of transhumanism';
1. Transhumanism as we (usually) know it. Enhancement of our bodies (and later even of our souls) through technology, abstraction of the flesh,  expansion of our abilities and the bypass of blockades in certain brain-areas.

2. Transhumanism through a 'return to our roots', a return to the origin of everything, the chaos. As a free 'society' (i guess we need a new definition for that, not even to be compared to anarchistic communities) liberated from the handcuffs that have been given to us through the current world order and the history of (modern) mankind. I think that feral children ought to be somewhat of a example for this but we want to go even further, expanding our cognition through psychedelic drugs, feeling the universe in our bodies and exploring space with our minds.

Do you have any good sources i could rely on to keep on reading about these interesting topics? Information or thoughts about posthumanism or your views of the future of mankind?