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Messages - Pergamos

Aneristic Illusions / Re: The Resistance 2.0!
November 17, 2024, 02:38:48 AM
Quote from: Brother Mythos on November 17, 2024, 02:07:28 AMBuyer's Remorse Alert! Buyer's Remorse Alert!

"US Muslims Who Voted For Trump Now Upset With His Pro-Israel Cabinet"

"We are very disappointed. It seems like this administration has been packed entirely with neoconservatives and extremely pro-Israel, pro-war people."

I'm really tempted to make more fun of them for the choice they made. But, they were far from being the only group who made that exact same choice, and have already come to regret it.

Here's the link to this article:      US Muslims Who Voted for TSF Now Upset

The Resistance 2.0 is going to have to make contact with, and enlist these people in our cause. And, I don't foresee it being very long before they're ready to disavow the "Dark Side." My hope is that the Democratic Party doesn't simply use them, and then abandon them again.

Of course it will, and it will do the same to you.  If you think the Democrats are a resistance you aren't at all serious about resisting.
Quote from: Doktor Howl on November 12, 2024, 09:04:49 PM
Quote from: Pergamos on November 12, 2024, 08:52:27 PMit looks like they lost a lot of votes because Leftists stayed home to me.

The term for this behavior is "being the architect of your own reward."

Well sure, and you can be angry at folks who didn't vote all you want, but that doesn't inspire them to vote.  Meanwhile a candidate that actually speaks to their desires probably would.  Offering to put Republicans in the cabinet, pledging to be the toughest on immigration, and otherwise courting conservatives didn't get any of them to vote for her.
Quote from: Sophia the Altered on November 09, 2024, 05:50:26 AMMaybe it's because I've been warming up to electoral politics the past few months, but I think this is the one time where the democrats didn't really do anything wrong. Her campaign policies on immigration and Gaza were questionable but a lot of exit polls show that Americans didn't give a shit about the border or foreign policy when voting. I genuinely think a lot of them are just too uneducated to know what the fuck they're voting for.

Well, if I had to blame one person for this, it would be Biden. He should've never reran for office in the first place and a primary should've been held. If people didn't want to vote for Kamala, it would've shown there. What's done is done, all that's left to do is to observe what happens next. Personally, I hope it's just another age of filibustering again. The republicans do have everything but it's not by a supermajority so I wouldn't be surprised if we get a government shutdown or two in the next couple of years. But I don't want to imply we're in for smooth sailing, at the very least the government is going to get way more corrupt and fucked up with whoever Drumpf fires and replaces.

I sincerely hope the Democrats filibuster like mad, it's not their style, but it could happen.
Quote from: Doktor Howl on November 10, 2024, 06:36:39 PM
Quote from: Bruno on November 10, 2024, 06:02:37 PMI think a big part of the problem is the lack of real progressive messaging in the media, which seem to mostly represent corporate interests and, you know, Putin.

And even then, part of the problem with what little independent progressive media that is out there, is that the progressive message tends to be complex and nuanced, and it turns out we really need the votes of some 15 million or so people who are maybe not so good at processing that kind of information.

Progressives make up 30% of dems.  Blue dog dems make up another 30%, and 40% are your bedrock liberals that aren't opposed.

So what happens when you take the party too left, you get ~ 70-80% of your voters showing up and then you're fucked because the MAGA assholes run off with everything.

Quote from: Doktor Howl on November 10, 2024, 06:36:39 PM
Quote from: Bruno on November 10, 2024, 06:02:37 PMI think a big part of the problem is the lack of real progressive messaging in the media, which seem to mostly represent corporate interests and, you know, Putin.

And even then, part of the problem with what little independent progressive media that is out there, is that the progressive message tends to be complex and nuanced, and it turns out we really need the votes of some 15 million or so people who are maybe not so good at processing that kind of information.

Progressives make up 30% of dems.  Blue dog dems make up another 30%, and 40% are your bedrock liberals that aren't opposed.

So what happens when you take the party too left, you get ~ 70-80% of your voters showing up and then you're fucked because the MAGA assholes run off with everything.

I'm not wild about it, but we just saw it happen.

Well, that and the bullshit economy thing.
not wild about it, but we just saw it happen.

Well, that and the bullshit economy thing.

You think the Democrats moved too far left?  That's not my perception at all, it looks like they lost a lot of votes because Leftists stayed home to me.
Quote from: Sophia the Altered on November 09, 2024, 05:50:26 AMMaybe it's because I've been warming up to electoral politics the past few months, but I think this is the one time where the democrats didn't really do anything wrong. Her campaign policies on immigration and Gaza were questionable but a lot of exit polls show that Americans didn't give a shit about the border or foreign policy when voting. I genuinely think a lot of them are just too uneducated to know what the fuck they're voting for.

Well, if I had to blame one person for this, it would be Biden. He should've never reran for office in the first place and a primary should've been held. If people didn't want to vote for Kamala, it would've shown there. What's done is done, all that's left to do is to observe what happens next. Personally, I hope it's just another age of filibustering again. The republicans do have everything but it's not by a supermajority so I wouldn't be surprised if we get a government shutdown or two in the next couple of years. But I don't want to imply we're in for smooth sailing, at the very least the government is going to get way more corrupt and fucked up with whoever Drumpf fires and replaces.

I sincerely hope the Democrats filibuster like mad, it's not their style, but it could happen.
Quote from: Brother Mythos on November 08, 2024, 11:13:48 PM5. Negative campaigns are extremely effective. Running a positive campaign achieves no more than does "Preaching to the choir."

Don't believe me? Then, consider giving some thought to how well the "When they go low, we go high" strategy worked out for the Democratic Party.

If they'd gone high, with real proposals that helped the working class, they'd have won, but they're too indebted to corporations, and Israel, and can't support policy that would piss those folks off, so they don't get widespread support.

In this case it really wasn't that folks like Trump, he got less votes than he did when he lost in 2020, it was that folks really didn't like Harris.  her support for Israel kept a lot of folks home, and campaigning with Republicans, and pledging to put them in the cabinet, lost her more.  Until Democrats realize they can't win conservatives over, and they need to work to inspire the left, they will keep losing.
Quote from: Q. G. Pennyworth on November 11, 2024, 02:07:22 AMSound off nerds, who's not dead yet?

I'm dead, I think.
Apple Talk / Re: 23 years on. (One Shot Blog Thing)
November 03, 2024, 05:52:34 PM
My life has improved, since the more active forum times, which I did participate in, all aftermathy stuff, but still, participation.

Improved, calmed down, I've gotten quiet, but I never did post that much and most of it was shit stirring, which is never really needed, and is much less fun on a nearly empty board.
Apple Talk / Re: Open Bar: Curbside Pickup Only
November 03, 2024, 05:42:26 PM
The challenge isn't making art, anyone can make art, and with practice most people can make good art. The challenge is making a living, if you want to make a living making art you need to get good at sales, convince people that your art is worth paying you enough that you can survive on selling it.  That's mostly about creating the idea of value in the heads of folks who might pay for it.
Has anyone said why the GOP is not controlling the weather too?
So apparently FEMA is running out of money, and the Republicans refuse to reconvene congress to approve more funds for it.  I am not surprised Biden doesn't remember that he can reapportion the military budget for emergencies, he's a very old man, but I'd have thought at least one of his advisors would remember.
Quote from: Faust on August 11, 2024, 10:15:00 PM
Quote from: Pergamos on August 11, 2024, 05:05:58 PM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on August 11, 2024, 04:40:16 PM
Quote from: Pergamos on August 10, 2024, 05:49:25 PMI think her support of the genocide in Israel is costing her a lot of support, and also costing those who might support her a lot of joy.
We get it.  You want Trump back.

Yeah, that's pretty much what she said when people were protesting about it at her rally too.  Since when is "genocide, but without admitting you favor complete genocide" the acceptable lesser evil?
Trump recognised Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and planted an embassy there.

Sorry, the US is fully in support of genocide, regardless of which of your parties gets in. No lesser of two evils there, you are as a nation, fully committed to that specific evil.

Yes, that's exactly my point.  We've got two options, both of which support genocide, to the point of arming the folks committing it, and sending troops to help make it happen.
Quote from: Doktor Howl on August 11, 2024, 04:40:16 PM
Quote from: Pergamos on August 10, 2024, 05:49:25 PMI think her support of the genocide in Israel is costing her a lot of support, and also costing those who might support her a lot of joy.
We get it.  You want Trump back.

Yeah, that's pretty much what she said when people were protesting about it at her rally too.  Since when is "genocide, but without admitting you favor complete genocide" the acceptable lesser evil?
I think her support of the genocide in Israel is costing her a lot of support, and also costing those who might support her a lot of joy.
I was, and am, happy about this development.  She's younger and more charismatic than Biden and has been inspiring a lot of donations and volunteers.  Unfortunately she's already made a statement in support of Israel, which will lose her a lot of that support.
Quote from: Sophia the Altered on June 15, 2024, 06:16:00 AM
Quote from: Finnius on February 09, 2024, 02:03:46 PMMy last post in this ridiculous thread (yaaa):

Should I even bother reading your sad fallacy of an argument if you flee with your tail tucked in-between your legs after being challenged? I can tell that you're subconsciously aware of being wrong but you either don't want to accept the feeling of being a dumbass or are so high off of your own ass fumes, you think your Reddit tier nihilist philosophy of "Who cares man... Politics is just an illusion" is the apex of critical thinking. Spoiler alert: It isn't.

And yeah, I did end up regrettably reading it. I hope you're at least still lurking in this thread months after so you can self-reflect and realize you're just as shallow as the strawmen you protrude in your response. Seriously, kudos to your immediate pivot to Godwin's Law. I'm sure Anne Frank's family would be grateful to see you defending their honor by continuing to uphold the Weimer-like conditions in this country as something completely normal and okay. Here's a question to ponder: Do you believe any suffering occurring as a direct response to this system is invalidated because people aren't outwardly being rounded into camps and killed? When does this arbitrary line of suffering become crossed? Would it ever even be hypothetically possible for the line to be crossed in your mind when you're already so deeply grounded in delusion, and you cover your ears whenever you hear the muffled whimpering of the damned beneath your ivory tower?

If you have political apathy due to not being affected by this rotting carcass of a dog of a system, then whatever. Just shut the fuck up and don't be a smug dipshit about it.

People ARE being rounded up into camps, it got a lot of attention under Trump, but Obama started it and Biden has continued it (the infamous kids in cages)  we're just so dedicated to the illusion that it can't happen here that even when it does we pretend it isn't.