Principia Discordia

Principia Discordia => Think for Yourself, Schmuck! => Topic started by: LHX on June 08, 2007, 11:47:19 AM

Title: its either youre delusional or youre in denial
Post by: LHX on June 08, 2007, 11:47:19 AM
show me a prison bar you delusional fucker


if you dont like the prison exists - you must be in denial

i recognize it now

all this talk about shrapnel lately is a description of what life is like outside the BIP

i couldnt relate to Cram's thread about complacency at this juncture because i srsly have myself busting out of 'the prison' at every conscious moment

the only 'bars' i really feel are gravity and the (broken record) inherent flaws of symbol-based communication


living life 'outside the BIP' is not immune to having your shit knocked around by various implosions/explosions that other people go thru

innocent bystander syndrome

working ones balls off to stay out of the prison only to catch a shard of iron to the jugular because somebody else couldnt handle their own pressure

these are the rewards

it is difficult to bust out the prison because it means you will be exposed to more of the raw elements
the more you resolve that - the more you can investigate living the jailbreak lifestyle

i am seeing that these 2 things may go hand in hand

Felix hit the nail on the head the other day when he said that contempt might be the best motivator to stay outside the BIP once you have figured out a way to make it out

until your skin has toughened enuf to not be sensitive to radiation or flames

i gotta go cook some breakfast

Title: Re: its either youre delusional or youre in denial
Post by: Triple Zero on June 09, 2007, 10:26:26 AM
ok how about it's not explosions and it's not prison bars, but it's like some sort of big knotted ball of very very sticky twine that everybody is wrapped up in, and slowing people down.
some strings go from one person of another, "personal ties", slowing them down, getting innocent bystanders knotted up in their own mess while struggling. some strings just knot around the person, with the other strings, these are belief-systems interacting with eachother, some of them tie you to the ground (that would be gravity)

(btw untying a knot becomes a provably intractable mathematical problem as the complexity of the knot increases)

ok i'm just playing with the metaphores a bit, and i was trying to make the explosion/shrapnel correspond to the prison thing. i think it kinda solves the working bits of the metaphore for both of them:

- another bar in your prison -> another knots
- you can't escape -> you cannot possibly unravel the entire knot
- shrapnel -> other people getting stuck in eachother's knots

even though "shrapnel" is a really cool word, from the sound of it alone. you could probably write good hiphop lyrics with it too :)
but it was TMBG that wrote about twines and pieces of string. (well, i'm sure they must have)

another reason why i liked this, is i have had this piece-of-string vision ever since my childhood. i would imagine if i walk through a couple of people, and make the right kind of somersault, i would get knotted up in their strings and thus in their personal lives. i dunno, musings of a crazy young child i suppose, but it came back to me when i explored this metaphor.
Title: Re: its either youre delusional or youre in denial
Post by: LMNO on June 11, 2007, 01:19:44 PM
Spiderwebs of social reality?
Title: Re: its either youre delusional or youre in denial
Post by: Triple Zero on June 11, 2007, 01:44:43 PM
yeah well sort of. but more metaphorical :)

another word i found is: "tangled"

also spiderwebs suggest some neat ordered pattern. at least it would be one of those spiderwebs that doesn't look like the classic spiral thingy, but more like those fluffy "cloud" webs other species of spiders make. just looked it up "cobwebs" is what they're called.

of course they're also chock full of "strange loops" (Hofstadter)
Title: Re: its either youre delusional or youre in denial
Post by: Cain on June 12, 2007, 01:14:59 PM
From the other thread