Principia Discordia

Principia Discordia => Or Kill Me => Topic started by: East Coast Hustle on December 17, 2007, 06:24:52 PM

Title: Cain's History of Online Discordia (x-posted from EB&G)
Post by: East Coast Hustle on December 17, 2007, 06:24:52 PM
Discordian Wars

A rant in the form of fiction of events that may or may not have really happened.

Ah, fuck them, fuck them all.  They can't touch us, there's not a thing they can do.  This guy, what's his name, Firesong or something?  A nothing. A nobody, ruling an empty site.  Not a damn thing they can do against us...

Hmm?  Well well, looks like we've got a customer here.  Sit down, sit down, let me buy you a drink.  OB!  Hey, OB!  Get me another, will ya?  And one for my friend here too, OK?  Ah, its good to see a new face around here.  I tell you, sometimes, with only the regulars around here and the occasional stray Discordian coming in, it can get kind of monotonous. 

What do I do here?  Well, I suppose you could call me a...troubleshooter, a "point man" for persistent problems.  What sort of problems?  Well, you know, this and that...but, to me, its not just about dealing with the trouble and then moving on.  I like to think I am helping to provide a educational service to those our company deals with.

Ah, this is a good scotch.  We don't really have much in the way of opportunities for cutting loose and having some good old fashioned fun anymore.  Married?  Hardly.  You see, its our competition.  Back in the day, we used to keep our heads down, do the job and do it in the way we liked.  But now, now we're in the spotlight,'s all about public image, you see?  Our competition likes to  make big scenes now and then: they make a fuss about where we've been and who we're hanging out with.  Bastards watch our every move, too, always poking through company records.  Still, there's ways and means, what they don't know they can't blab about.

I remember...
Title: Re: Cain's History of Online Discordia (x-posted from EB&G)
Post by: East Coast Hustle on December 17, 2007, 06:25:52 PM
this should be obvious from the title, but this is Cain's original work and I am just cross-posting it from where it was originally posted.