Principia Discordia

Principia Discordia => Aneristic Illusions => Topic started by: Cain on July 31, 2009, 12:27:29 PM

Title: Teh Mooslims are overrunning Yurop (again)
Post by: Cain on July 31, 2009, 12:27:29 PM

QuoteSince  the late Oriana Fallaci published her anti-Muslim diatribe The Rage and the Pride in 2001, the Islamic threat to Europe has become something of a minor publishing phenomenon. Mark Steyn, Bat Ye'or, Bruce Bawer and Melanie Phillips have all made their contribution to a genre whose effects can be compared to a scratched record being played ad infinitum at piercingly high volume.[1] Now the American Financial Times journalist Christopher Caldwell has made another contribution to the genre, in his Burkean analysis of the 'revolution' in Europe wrought by immigration, and Muslim migration in particular. But Caldwell's book, Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam and the West, has received an unusual level of critical attention and acclaim that may make it even more significant than its predecessors.

We might not be surprised that a book on the Islamicisation of Europe has received praise from Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Niall Ferguson, but Caldwell has also been interviewed on Andrew Marr's Start the Week and on Radio 3's cultural flagship Nightwaves. His book has been lionised in the liberal press, including a full-page review in the Observer by Prospect magazine's editor David Goodhart, which hailed Caldwell as 'a bracing, clear-eyed analyst of European pieties'. The Guardian's Martin Woollacott described Caldwell as one of the 'more urbane and interesting voices' in the neoconservative political orbit and hailed his book as an important contribution to the 'sluggish' debate on immigration.

At first sight it may seem odd that a senior editor of the neoconservative Weekly Standard and an admirer of Enoch Powell should receive such acclaim from such bastions of British liberalism. So what makes Caldwell different and why has his book managed to transcend the conservative/right-wing readership that the 'green peril' sub-genre normally attracts? Firstly, there is his approach to the issues he raises. Unlike Fallaci and Mark Steyn, Caldwell does not rant or sneer. He presents his book as an objective and judicious discussion rather than a polemic, and avoids conspiratorial explanations for Muslim immigration of the type made by Eurabian theorists like Bat Ye'or. His arguments are measured, thoughtful and nuanced, and considerably more sophisticated than the rantings of Melanie Phillips. His authorial persona is that of a puzzled and concerned observer of the European predicament, driven only by a willingness to consider all angles of a serious debate that others are ignoring. He is cultured and knowledgeable.

For all these qualities, there is virtually nothing in his book that would be out of place in any other examples of the 'green peril' genre. Caldwell's essential argument is that Enoch Powell's predictions have been proven to be mostly correct and that European elites naively - and unnecessarily - entered into a new era of mass immigration after World War II, without thinking through its long-term consequences. As a result they have paved the way for the implantation of a Muslim 'adversary culture' in the heart of Europe that now threatens to engulf the continent demographically, culturally, politically and even sexually. To support this thesis, Caldwell roams back and forth across the continent, combining first-hand reportage with a formidable accumulation of statistics and opinion polls from different countries. All the essential elements of Islamic threat narratives are here; the empty church pews versus burgeoning mosques; Europe's decadence and crisis of spiritual values versus the confidence and power of Islam; the dire warnings of an ageing Europe that is being out-bred by more virile and fertile Muslim immigrants; the failure of multiculturalism and the subsequent proliferation of parallel societies and 'ethnic colonies' characterised by female circumcision, honour killings, criminal violence and terrorism, gang rape and the oppression of women.
Title: Re: Teh Mooslims are overrunning Yurop (again)
Post by: Payne on July 31, 2009, 03:49:24 PM
Because he doesn't get all frothy and extremist what he says must be Moar Troo!!!1!

If I've seen anything reading through those Fascism and Far Right books, it's a tendency of the right to do just this.

God damn.
Title: Re: Teh Mooslims are overrunning Yurop (again)
Post by: Jean-Lustine d'Hadamard on July 31, 2009, 04:28:42 PM
Quotethe dire warnings of an ageing Europe that is being out-bred by more virile and fertile Muslim immigrants

( Well, then, the UK's SHOCKINGLY HIGH RATE OF TEENAGE PREGNANCY should easily combat that. Right?
Title: Re: Teh Mooslims are overrunning Yurop (again)
Post by: Iason Ouabache on July 31, 2009, 04:31:00 PM
Don't Muslims make up less 10% of Europe's population?  It would take centuries for them to catch up even if their birth rate is double everyone else's.
Title: Re: Teh Mooslims are overrunning Yurop (again)
Post by: Iason Ouabache on July 31, 2009, 07:30:39 PM
Ok, so I got off of my ass and actually looked it up:

Excluding the Balkans and Turkey, no country in Europe is more than 10% Muslim. As a whole, Europe is 6% Muslim. The only countries where they are even close to a majority are Kosovo and Bosnia. The United Kingdom has about 2 million Muslims which makes up 3%. These fuckers are afraid of their own shadows. Instead of focusing on a small religious minority and using them as a scapegoat they should be strengthening their secular laws to prevent any religion from highjacking the government.
Title: Re: Teh Mooslims are overrunning Yurop (again)
Post by: The Good Reverend Roger on July 31, 2009, 08:03:59 PM
Quote from: Jean-Lustine d'Hadamard on July 31, 2009, 04:28:42 PM
Quotethe dire warnings of an ageing Europe that is being out-bred by more virile and fertile Muslim immigrants

( Well, then, the UK's SHOCKINGLY HIGH RATE OF TEENAGE PREGNANCY should easily combat that. Right?

Apparently not.

Title: Re: Teh Mooslims are overrunning Yurop (again)
Post by: Iason Ouabache on July 31, 2009, 09:19:02 PM
Quote from: Jean-Lustine d'Hadamard on July 31, 2009, 04:28:42 PM
Quotethe dire warnings of an ageing Europe that is being out-bred by more virile and fertile Muslim immigrants

( Well, then, the UK's SHOCKINGLY HIGH RATE OF TEENAGE PREGNANCY should easily combat that. Right?
Bah! Your teen pregnancy rate is a piddling 29.6 per 1000. United States is 53 per 1000. 


Title: Re: Teh Mooslims are overrunning Yurop (again)
Post by: Jenne on August 01, 2009, 01:32:34 AM
O Jesus.  Well, the Muslims *I* met on the northside of London last year, and had over at my house in CA later on that same year are about as threatening as a celery stalk.  :lulz:
Title: Re: Teh Mooslims are overrunning Yurop (again)
Post by: Payne on August 01, 2009, 01:47:13 AM

*Descends into gibbering about the Muslim council of Britain, the building of mosques attracting even more immigrants illegal or otherwise, and disproportionate representation of Muslim communities in local and national authorities*

edit: I know the spiel quite well from my father, who's a member of the BNP running for election shortly in the local council elections and feels the need to justify his position every time he sees me.
Title: Re: Teh Mooslims are overrunning Yurop (again)
Post by: Jenne on August 01, 2009, 01:52:42 AM can just tell that the people who come up with this garbage are people who (very typically) don't KNOW any Muslims in the UK. 
Title: Re: Teh Mooslims are overrunning Yurop (again)
Post by: Jenne on August 01, 2009, 01:54:18 AM
BTW, a good novel on this is Zadie Smith's White Teeth (
Title: Re: Teh Mooslims are overrunning Yurop (again)
Post by: Payne on August 01, 2009, 01:58:51 AM
Yeah. I liked White Teeth.

The BNP seriously pisses me off, and scares me at times.
Title: Re: Teh Mooslims are overrunning Yurop (again)
Post by: Cain on August 03, 2009, 05:10:47 PM
Quote from: Jenne on August 01, 2009, 01:32:34 AM
O Jesus.  Well, the Muslims *I* met on the northside of London last year, and had over at my house in CA later on that same year are about as threatening as a celery stalk.  :lulz:

To be fair, about the most threatening thing in North London is the possibility of being accosted by Lily Allen
Title: Re: Teh Mooslims are overrunning Yurop (again)
Post by: Jenne on August 03, 2009, 09:11:57 PM
Quote from: Cain on August 03, 2009, 05:10:47 PM
Quote from: Jenne on August 01, 2009, 01:32:34 AM
O Jesus.  Well, the Muslims *I* met on the northside of London last year, and had over at my house in CA later on that same year are about as threatening as a celery stalk.  :lulz:

To be fair, about the most threatening thing in North London is the possibility of being accosted by Lily Allen

:lulz:  Don't think she'd be bothered to hang where my in-laws are, though.  She's kinda too posh for the likes of them, thank gawd.
Title: Re: Teh Mooslims are overrunning Yurop (again)
Post by: Payne on August 03, 2009, 09:27:25 PM
Quote from: Jenne on August 03, 2009, 09:11:57 PM
Quote from: Cain on August 03, 2009, 05:10:47 PM
Quote from: Jenne on August 01, 2009, 01:32:34 AM
O Jesus.  Well, the Muslims *I* met on the northside of London last year, and had over at my house in CA later on that same year are about as threatening as a celery stalk.  :lulz:

To be fair, about the most threatening thing in North London is the possibility of being accosted by Lily Allen

:lulz:  Don't think she'd be bothered to hang where my in-laws are, though.  She's kinda too posh for the likes of them, thank gawd.

Lily Allen? POSH?

Even with the qualifier "kinda too..." that makes no sense.
Title: Re: Teh Mooslims are overrunning Yurop (again)
Post by: Jenne on August 03, 2009, 09:50:04 PM
She's got a rich dad, is all I"m saying.
Title: Re: Teh Mooslims are overrunning Yurop (again)
Post by: LMNO on August 04, 2009, 02:48:03 PM
I believe the proper term is "slumming".
Title: Re: Teh Mooslims are overrunning Yurop (again)
Post by: Jenne on August 05, 2009, 12:58:52 AM
There ya go!
Title: Re: Teh Mooslims are overrunning Yurop (again)
Post by: Cain on August 17, 2009, 04:13:20 PM
Oh look, those dastardly Muslims are STILL on the verge of overruning the Cradle of Civilization:

QuoteOddly enough, of all the articles I've written over the years, the Steyn piece has produced the longest-lasting reaction. To this day, I still get hate mail and indignant comments from Steyn's little sycophants, denouncing my ignorance of Islam's relentless, monolithic devouring of European "civilization." (I would highly recommend Mark Mazower's magisterial work of history, "Hitler's Empire," for anyone interested in seeking how very civilized Europe has been within living memory.) Given that I live in one of the nations that the psychosexual panickers seem most exercised about -- Great Britain -- and in a neighborhood where at least every third person is a Muslim, or of Muslim background, I always find these condemnations of my "ignorance" on the subject of Islam in Europe pretty funny. I live among Muslims, work alongside Muslims, trade with Muslims, my children go to school with Muslims. I can reports from years of my own experience the astonishing fact that Muslims are actual, individual human beings like everyone else: a unique combination of disparate, changing, often conflicting elements, with wildly varying beliefs and behaviors. (What's more, a great many "Muslims" are not really Muslims; that is, they are about as "religious" in their actual behavior as, say, the countless millions of American "Christians" who have made pornography one of the Homeland's largest industries.)

But you would never know any of this from our best-selling Islamophobes. Or, given the ethnic and linguistic origins of Islam, should we not call them by their true names: anti-Semites? For indeed, their own rhetoric and ideas are indistinguishable from those of the anti-Semites of the early 20th century, who also wrote of dark, barbaric hordes of religious fanatics breeding and wheedling their way into dominance over a weak, flaccid, overly "liberal" white Europe. Substitute "Muslim" for "Jew" in the scared-stiff (or is it scared-flaccid?) screeds of Steyn, Amis, and others, and you will hear an exact replica of the anti-Semitism that was so rife throughout Western "civilization" in the pre-Holocaust years.

Incidentally, the last line is dead on accurate.  I actually went looking, and there is a LOT of talk of Jews being behind Bolshevik and Anarchist terrorism, at around the turn of the century for the latter, and after the Russian Revolution for the former.  

Edit:  Ouch, Floyd continues the smackdown on Mark Steyn here  The first half is pretty brutal, he doesn't pull any punches at all.