Principia Discordia

Principia Discordia => Literate Chaotic => Topic started by: Anonymous Poster on September 08, 2009, 03:14:48 AM

Title: Do you have to be into the occult to be a discordian?
Post by: Anonymous Poster on September 08, 2009, 03:14:48 AM
I am a former drug addict (four months sober!) and, while I was recovering, I picked up a book by Alan Watts called the Way of Zen.  Fucking great book; it helped a lot!  Good thing I didn't pick up the fucking bible - it's such a cliche to get over a drug addiction through christianity!  Anyways, I went through a bunch of books because of the way of zen (it sparked an interest in me) and somehow I found myself at RAW and the principia discordia.  To me, Discordianism is the perfect religion fnord.  Reminds me a bit of zhuangzi who's me favorite philosopher.  zhuangzi said: "We cling to our own point of view, as though everything depended on it. Yet our opinions have no permanence; like autumn and winter, they gradually pass away."  He was the first erisian in my opinion - the first philosopher to truly piss on dogma.  Anyways, with discordianism, the thing is it seems to go hand in hand with occultism at times especially with RAW.  Like the cosmic trigger was totally about raw's interest in crowley.  Great book, but still!  Now, I understand that it's my reality-tunnel that won't allow me to accept something like angels from sirius or little green men you see on masculine, but, at the same time, I'm a recovering drug addict and it seems that a lot of occultism centers around psychedelic drug use.  I can't do occultism man!  I still get nightmares from when I did acid and if the acid turns out to be good, i'm scared I'd end up relapsing because I'd want to continue with that good feeling.  And I'm afraid also that I won't be able to understand what discordianism's about unless I also involve myself in psychedelic drugs or the occult.  Like, I did a lot of the experiments RAW described on the maybe logic dvd and in (I think it was) prometheus rising.  What happened?  Sudden changes in consciousness?  All out bliss?  No!  Nothing happened!  I can't help but feel that if I had smoked a little weed or ate some mushrooms I would have felt something.  Like I understand it intellectually, but I don't feel it and, while raw and other occultists who seem to have not only understood but also felt IT, I feel like a poor person around a bunch of rich people...makes me itch for a little oxycodone, you know what I mean?  So, does discordianism entail being involved in chaos magick or some other form of the occult?
Title: Re: Do you have to be into the occult to be a discordian?
Post by: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on September 08, 2009, 03:31:19 AM
Short answer: No.

Longer answer: Everyone tends to have a slightly different take on Discordianism. I personally find it to be more or less, as it's been described, Zen for Roundeyes. Someone once called Discordianism "Taoism in a clown costume". You are definitely not alone in finding that similarity.

Also, hi, welcome!

Title: Re: Do you have to be into the occult to be a discordian?
Post by: The Good Reverend Roger on September 08, 2009, 04:21:29 AM
No.  You do not need to be into the occult to be a Discordian.

Inferior human religions are inferior. <--- All the Zen you'll ever need.
Title: Re: Do you have to be into the occult to be a discordian?
Post by: Brotep on September 08, 2009, 04:31:43 AM
^^, ^

But also...

You don't have to do drugs to be an occultist.

You seem to be pretty well read.  Have you ever looked at William James' The Varieties of Religious Experience?
One of James' criteria for a religious experience is that it's passive.  You can't control when it happens.

What makes you a practitioner of whatever occult school is not exotic experiences, but doing the practices themselves.  There's no guarantee if and when you'll "bliss out."
Title: Re: Do you have to be into the occult to be a discordian?
Post by: rong on September 08, 2009, 02:42:28 PM
you don't have to do anything.

however, based on what  the wikipedia description of Occult ( - i'd say that there are similarities.

but - i would also think that the more discordian you think you are, the less you understand discordianism.

i wouldn't get too hung up on it if i were you.
Title: Re: Do you have to be into the occult to be a discordian?
Post by: Cain on September 08, 2009, 02:56:12 PM
Do What Thou Wilt is the whole of the Law, but remember no-one likes a douchebag.  Also congrats on overcoming your addiction.
Title: Re: Do you have to be into the occult to be a discordian?
Post by: Cramulus on September 08, 2009, 03:01:36 PM
nah, tons of us hold the robe and wizard hat routine at arms length.

the reason RAW is all into it is because the occult is a great tool for a directed change of consciousness. But it's not at all necessary.

If you ask me, this Discordia thing is very much about distilling and crystalizing this "YOU" entity which is pulled and distracted from every possible angle. And also knowing that whatever symbols you pull out of the mix, they're temporary too.

Many people in this world need to fall off of reality for a little bit and see how it feels. Occult and acid are great tools for that. It seems to me that you're done with that trip and are trying to reestablish a tangent with consensus reality. If you don't think the occult will help - stay away!

there's no "right way" to do this thing
Title: Re: Do you have to be into the occult to be a discordian?
Post by: LMNO on September 08, 2009, 03:11:45 PM
"Occult" comes from the Latin word occultus (clandestine, hidden, secret), referring to "knowledge of the hidden".

What many Discordians try to do is to make that knowlegde not so hidden anymore.

Of course, it helps to know what's being hidden in the first place, so some Discordians have a working knowledge of some of the old Occultist heroes (Crowley/Jesus/Mother Goose/Bohr/Mozart).

Once the knowledge is brought to light, however, there's no need to go mucking about with a staff and magic helmet and redheaded virgins and so forth.

-Occam's Razor is my Athame.
Title: Re: Do you have to be into the occult to be a discordian?
Post by: Bebek Sincap Ratatosk on September 08, 2009, 03:38:43 PM
Quote from: LMNO on September 08, 2009, 03:11:45 PM
"Occult" comes from the Latin word occultus (clandestine, hidden, secret), referring to "knowledge of the hidden".

What many Discordians try to do is to make that knowlegde not so hidden anymore.

Of course, it helps to know what's being hidden in the first place, so some Discordians have a working knowledge of some of the old Occultist heroes (Crowley/Jesus/Mother Goose/Bohr/Mozart).

Once the knowledge is brought to light, however, there's no need to go mucking about with a staff and magic helmet and redheaded virgins and so forth.

-Occam's Razor is my Athame.

Well, I disagree about the virgins part... esp if they have red hair.

But generally, yeah. If you look at what RAW, Alli, Carroll etc are doing, it has a lot more to do with creating tools to keep your brain limber and poking at 'hidden' stuff... than believing in the occult or taking drugs.

For the people that like playing with the occult and/or drugs, thats just the sort of thing they like. For people that don't like it, its the sort of thing they don't like.

As Olga the Ostrich once said " Like what you like, enjoy what you enjoy and don't take crap from anyone"

(Anyone includes Cabbages, Thuddites, Upper Management, Religious Leaders, Other Discordians and Your own goddamned brain.)
Title: Re: Do you have to be into the occult to be a discordian?
Post by: LMNO on September 08, 2009, 03:40:20 PM
I prefer my redheads to already have some experience before I sacrifice them to the Great Work.
Title: Re: Do you have to be into the occult to be a discordian?
Post by: Bebek Sincap Ratatosk on September 08, 2009, 04:01:32 PM
Quote from: LMNO on September 08, 2009, 03:40:20 PM
I prefer my redheads to already have some experience before I sacrifice them to the Great Work.

Well, you have a very good point there... but then I always took Crowley's concept of 'virgin' as metaphorical ;-)
Title: Re: Do you have to be into the occult to be a discordian?
Post by: Dysfunctional Cunt on September 09, 2009, 03:19:15 PM
Quote from: Doctor Rat Bastard on September 08, 2009, 04:01:32 PM
Quote from: LMNO on September 08, 2009, 03:40:20 PM
I prefer my redheads to already have some experience before I sacrifice them to the Great Work.

Well, you have a very good point there... but then I always took Crowley's concept of 'virgin' as metaphorical ;-)

Metaphorical virgin?  I LOVE IT!!  :lulz:

Title: Re: Do you have to be into the occult to be a discordian?
Post by: Bebek Sincap Ratatosk on September 09, 2009, 03:57:20 PM
Quote from: Khara on September 09, 2009, 03:19:15 PM
Quote from: Doctor Rat Bastard on September 08, 2009, 04:01:32 PM
Quote from: LMNO on September 08, 2009, 03:40:20 PM
I prefer my redheads to already have some experience before I sacrifice them to the Great Work.

Well, you have a very good point there... but then I always took Crowley's concept of 'virgin' as metaphorical ;-)

Metaphorical virgin?  I LOVE IT!!  :lulz:

Well, his daily sacraficing of a innocent babe or something like that, was metaphorical for fapping off in morning ritual... the babe was a metaphor for his self/seed. So I saw the virgin more like Babelon, the eternal Virginal Whore. She could have sex with the entire Universe and remain a virgin because it was her nature, her innocence rather than money or power that prompted her actions.

Also Crowley liked to lie make misleading statements in order to fuck with the English public... in which he is a very good proto-discordian to examine ;-)

"Crowley was one of the great Metaphysical Comedians of all time." - Sjaantze, Harbinger of Distraction
Title: Re: Do you have to be into the occult to be a discordian?
Post by: Halfbaked1 on September 10, 2009, 04:25:49 AM
All true, I am a very new Discordian and I honestly have no idea what the whole thing is aside from one statement in the Principia, "Reality is the original Rorschach Test."  I am an artist and one of the things they taught us was to make still lifes by visualizing a graph over the object you are reproducing and the blank page you are transcribing to, pertaining to how various cultures view reality through a window overlaid with a graph.  Being a martial artist i had used visualization often so all that was not a big stretch for me.  Now, I have never done drugs so I am at sea about what it is like, but I can say that if your mind is free enough and you understand visualization then there are no end to the vistas and the concepts that you can experience and delve into.

I am proud of you for beating drugs into submission man, it's a cool trip to know that you have done something alot of people say can't be done.  The way I see it, you don't need em anymore mate.  Your conciousness is expanded, you have seen what that path held and now you can take another.  I have never really considered my Discordianism occult like, I rather see it as finding the big cosmic joke that THEY never see cause they choose not to free their minds.
Title: Re: Do you have to be into the occult to be a discordian?
Post by: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on September 10, 2009, 07:31:39 AM
Quote from: Halfbaked1 on September 10, 2009, 04:25:49 AM
All true, I am a very new Discordian and I honestly have no idea what the whole thing is aside from one statement in the Principia, "Reality is the original Rorschach Test."  I am an artist and one of the things they taught us was to make still lifes by visualizing a graph over the object you are reproducing and the blank page you are transcribing to, pertaining to how various cultures view reality through a window overlaid with a graph.  Being a martial artist i had used visualization often so all that was not a big stretch for me.  Now, I have never done drugs so I am at sea about what it is like, but I can say that if your mind is free enough and you understand visualization then there are no end to the vistas and the concepts that you can experience and delve into.

I am proud of you for beating drugs into submission man, it's a cool trip to know that you have done something alot of people say can't be done.  The way I see it, you don't need em anymore mate.  Your conciousness is expanded, you have seen what that path held and now you can take another.  I have never really considered my Discordianism occult like, I rather see it as finding the big cosmic joke that THEY never see cause they choose not to free their minds.

Title: Re: Do you have to be into the occult to be a discordian?
Post by: Pope Pixie Pickle on September 10, 2009, 11:38:13 AM
I found out about Discordia thru getting into the occult and chaos magic, but as Nigel rightly said, its not necessary.  These days that side of things isn't a huge concern for me, altho I still find it interesting.

Congratulations for cleaning up, and that was an amazing first post, welcome to PD

Title: Re: Do you have to be into the occult to be a discordian?
Post by: Mangrove on September 10, 2009, 04:05:25 PM
No, being into the occult is not necessary for being a Discordian.

However, what is necessary to being on is appeasing the 'Secret Chiefs' of SSOOKN (Semi Secret Order Of Kabbalistic Navigators).

This can largely be achieved by sending large sums of money to any of the following people. Please note, this list is by no means exhaustive:

Pentagram (don't give him as much because he's been a bad boy)
Trip 000
Suu and generally anyone in or from New England

Title: Re: Do you have to be into the occult to be a discordian?
Post by: LMNO on September 10, 2009, 04:07:17 PM
Long time no see, Mang!

Thanks for reminding us what's important: People like them sending money to people like us.
Title: Re: Do you have to be into the occult to be a discordian?
Post by: Bebek Sincap Ratatosk on September 10, 2009, 04:24:53 PM
Its how you buy enlightenment!
Title: Re: Do you have to be into the occult to be a discordian?
Post by: Cain on September 10, 2009, 04:44:21 PM
Interestingly, in the pub today, we were talking about Freemasons, since about half our customers seem to be a member, and how we should make up our own secret society just to wind them up.  I'll name drop SSOOKN tomorrow.
Title: Re: Do you have to be into the occult to be a discordian?
Post by: Brotep on September 10, 2009, 10:54:02 PM
Quote from: Cain on September 10, 2009, 04:44:21 PM
Interestingly, in the pub today, we were talking about Freemasons, since about half our customers seem to be a member, and how we should make up our own secret society just to wind them up.  I'll name drop SSOOKN tomorrow.

lol, awesome

this thread is full of warm fuzzies
Title: Re: Do you have to be into the occult to be a discordian?
Post by: Mangrove on September 10, 2009, 11:47:56 PM
Quote from: Cain on September 10, 2009, 04:44:21 PM
Interestingly, in the pub today, we were talking about Freemasons, since about half our customers seem to be a member, and how we should make up our own secret society just to wind them up.  I'll name drop SSOOKN tomorrow.

Best news I've heard all week!

Make the masons jealous. Make them believe that SSOOKN is pretty much the esoteric equivalent of the Playboy mansion and while they're rolling up their trouser legs, we're rolling in money.

Make them curious. Make them really really want to join.

Then tell them to go fuck themselves.

Title: Re: Do you have to be into the occult to be a discordian?
Post by: Mangrove on September 10, 2009, 11:50:46 PM
Quote from: LMNO on September 10, 2009, 04:07:17 PM
Long time no see, Mang!

Thanks for reminding us what's important: People like them sending money to people like us.

It's good to be seen.

I've been living in 'interesting times' for a while. Things are going better now and while I still need a LOT more clients before I'm even close to making a living, Mrs Mang & I are still doing great. I've not been around too much lately because my brain has been in other places. I'll try and contribute a little more.
Title: Re: Do you have to be into the occult to be a discordian?
Post by: Pope Pixie Pickle on September 26, 2009, 01:00:05 PM
Quote from: tangidybobidy on September 26, 2009, 02:34:38 AM
thanks for all the replies and "warm fuzzies" peoples!  i don't know why i got so concerned with the occult being involved in the time i posted that i was getting stressed out about absolutely everything.  don't do hard drugs kiddies.  stick to weed and lsd.

oh and speaking about occultism, i'm actually liking austin osman spare.  i've been drawing and casting sigils left and right.  so i'm sorry if by 2012 there's a robert anton wilson zombie in the white house, a panda invasion of france, and a huge tit in place of the moon.  let's see if those sigil things work.