Principia Discordia

Principia Discordia => Think for Yourself, Schmuck! => Topic started by: Richter on September 08, 2010, 05:28:52 PM

Title: The Hook: an idea for inclusion in Intermittens, or other PD stuff
Post by: Richter on September 08, 2010, 05:28:52 PM
Cram's questions goaded this out of my brain, and I'm not certain if we had anything like it yet.  The idea is an active hook, a recruitment speach to draw in people who read the stuff and aren't already here. 
Comments / changes / heckling welcomed.  I will reply however I feel like the comment deserves. 



If you're not reading this after poking into another delicious issue of "Intermittens", then someone's likely jacked my stuff, but the message is for you all the same.

Has this issue been amusing to you?
Do you want to know more?
Did you have seditious, contrary, or similar ideas before, during, or after reading?
(Did they make you want to TOUCH yourself?)

If "yes" has been your answer to any of these, and you aren't running yet, the YOU need to write for INTERMITTENS.

We don't care if you're no good.  The Intermittens staff tools are some of the best amateur writing coaches on the internet, and will advise, bullshit, or goad to help you get your stuff into shape. 
We don't care if your take isn't relevant.  Half of the stuff in our issues is relevant to NOTHING.  If your idea is novel, interesting, and left field enough, it may just help define its own separate issue. 

You can be the new blood, the fresher asshat, the next horrible troll who can somehow keep it together for 3 or more paragraphs!

Distinguish yourself!  Join us!
Title: Re: The Hook: an idea for inclusion in Intermittens, or other PD stuff
Post by: Cramulus on September 08, 2010, 05:37:06 PM
YESSSS that is bad ass

and it also makes me wish worked :(
Title: Re: The Hook: an idea for inclusion in Intermittens, or other PD stuff
Post by: Richter on September 08, 2010, 06:34:07 PM
Thanks dude!

Yeah, having it working as a central site would be awesome. 
Sort of like how webcomics really catch readership when they've got a few months of content posted and the site in order, the same could apply to internmittens.

I was on the fence about promoting it as the site vs. PD, but PD won out for being the active creative stewing pit, and the road into our other heinous ways, for better corruption of the newcomer.