Principia Discordia

Principia Discordia => Literate Chaotic => Topic started by: BadBeast on January 27, 2011, 12:09:51 AM

Title: A new life for Ruby. A tale of extreme Swinging, by Alty & BadBeast
Post by: BadBeast on January 27, 2011, 12:09:51 AM
I can feel the suspicion before I go to the bedroom, and carry my beloved Dolly to the Table. Candles? Wine? She's going to know there's something going on before I settle her into her chair! Why do women have to be so much hard work!
My resolve set, I call in. "Darling?  Are you decent?

Xaivia was in an off sort of mood that whole week. It was as though she could sense the one thing I had been reluctant to share with her in all of our 6 years.
It wasn't anything as obvious as a "look", you know the kind. She just seemed so...stoic.
"Uh, honey, I was thinking...what if we did something different tonight?"
She said nothing.
"Maybe we could sort of...double with another couple. Just some people I met. I think you'd like them. They've invited us over for dinner tonight."

Cut the air with a fucking knife or what! She glares at me. If only she weren't so bloody suspicious all the time. "What are you up to"  she says, her tone accusatory but hesitant. "Why do you always assume I'm up to something my sweet? It's only dinner"!  I reply. Sounds utterly unconvincing, even to me. "Because you're always keeping things from me, you bastard" she says.
I feel my hackles start to rise..... "Why you feel the need to live such a double life, I'll never know" she says. I almost answer back, "Because you are such a fucking numb cunted dummy" but I hold my tongue. I don't want to make her angry. She has such a temper these days, and I don't like fighting with her.
(Although the make up sex is always great)  "What do you mean, something different"? "What other couple"?  Scorn dripping from her tone like acid
"You only know one person, and you're always very careful to keep me out of the way when he's around"
She sounds pre-menstrual, but that's absurd, I think.

She seemed to warm up a little while I dressed her, but she was laying on her heating blanket, so that followed.
But then the drive over to their house she just stared out the window.
"He's a really nice guy, met him on a forum."
I gave her knee a soft squeeze. She always liked that.
"He works in IT. She," I chuckled, "well, she stays at home like you."
I used to be able to make her laugh so easily. Was there something slipping between us? Maybe tonight would bring us closer together.

I hated the long, icy silences that seemed to be so frequent between us lately. Sometimes, it seemed like she just had nothing to say. And she never seemed to initiate our lovemaking anymore.  Some nights, she just lay there, almost as if she was daring me to touch her!  And if for some reason, I didn't make the effort, she would wake me, in the night, with a sharp knee, or an elbow in the ribs, then pretend she was still asleep. Sometimes I really didn't know what was going on in that pretty little head of hers. Oh, she was always quick with the sexy smiles,  all innocence and wide eyed interest, but I was beginning to wonder if she loved me at all anymore. I would watch her sometimes, when she couldn't see me, and it seemed like she was in a trance, lost in some faraway dream, that didn't involve me at all. Was I kidding myself, about her having any feelings for me? She always told me just what I wanted to hear though, and that was good enough, for now.   

Despite my nervousness I tried to move with confidence as I carried Xaivia up the four flights of stairs to apartment 106 where our hosts were waiting for us.
What compelled him to live so high up I could not understand. Maybe he didn't often take his wife (were they married? I couldn't remember) out on dates. I remember being that way in the beginning. But after a few years of being cooped up my love had made it quite clear that she needed a good airing now and again.
That's why I lived on the ground floor and kept a handcart by the front door.

In retrospect, the mini skirt seemed more risque than I anticipated. I received a few very concerned looks from passersby in the apartment building.

"I assure you she's quite the lady, so take your judgement elsewhere." I told them and strode along without any further thought on the matter.

Some people can be so shallow.

Reaching the door, I stopped for a few moments to catch my breath, and straighten Xav's hair for her. "Don't want you to look like you just crawled out of your bed, do we?" I said, "Please make a special effort tonight Darling, Tarquin is quite a big noise in Golem Girl circles, and if this goes well, and he likes you, us I mean, it could be the high life from here on in". I ring the doorbell. After a few seconds, It opens, and there was our host, Tarquin Ruberman. All smiles and nods. "Great to meet you at last, Bernard" he says shaking my hand rather effeminately. "Come in, come in, and this must be the lovely Xavia, I've heard so much about you" he takes her hand, raises it to his lips, and kisses it, delicately. I could almost feel Xav's pulse quicken, at this rather forward and continental greeting. She always was easily beguiled by a real Ladies man. And Tarquin was quite  the charmer, it has to be said. "Always a pleasure to meet a real Gentleman" said Xav, batting her pretty eyelids, coquettishly. "Charmed, I'm sure" he said, as he led us through the hallway into his stylishly lavish Lounge. All rich Shag pile rugs, Leather Sofas, Teak bookcases, and a rather ostentatious chandelier hung from the ceiling. And in the corner, languishing on a chaise longue, dressed beautifully in the style of a 1920's Flapper, was the most exquisite, and alluring creature I had ever seen in my life! Her  deep green eyes
met mine, and I felt my heart leap!  She smiled lazily at me, and seemed to shift her position in a serpentlike, sensual way that reminded me of , . . .well, a snake I suppose. My jaw almost hit the floor, I had to have her! I would die if she was never to be mine. I loved her, loved her, loved her!  "This, rather lazy and lovely thing, is my good friend Ruby" said Tarquin.
"A dazzling jewel, indeed" I heard myself say, as I almost dropped Xav on the nearest sofa. "She is rather a bore though" said Tarq, "Cute as a squirrels nut, but thick as pigshit, aren't you Sweety?" he said  jovially.
I felt awkward, as if I were supposed to defend her somehow. "Goes like a greased whippet though, if you know what I mean" said Tarq, winking at me, as he fixed us all large tumblers of  Bombay Sapphire and Tonic.

We sat the girls together so they could get to know each other a little bit and he led me into his study.
"I've got some fine smokes I've been saving. No time like the present, eh?"
I could hardly contain myself.
"Where did you find her? You're one lucky man."
He giggled a bit and furnished two cigars. We lit them and sat back in large, well-oiled leather chairs.
"Oh," he said, "I just picked her up during my travels. Quite the bargain, she was."
I was beginning to find his flimsiness annoying. Here he had this, this treasure, a Goddess among men, and he was talking about as if she was some kind of...thing. He suddenly seemed the kind of man that would never know what he had. Until, perhaps, it was gone.
"Yours is very nice," he said. "A bit skimpy on the features. Did you go through one of this minimalist designers? I always try to order as much detail as possible on mine. Ruby's new, and she's denser than most. Something they do to the silicone. I can't be bothered to listen to techs when they blather."
I was doing my best to keep my rage in check. My fists were balled up tightly on my lap, crushing the end of my cigar. The NERVE this man had to speak of my precious love that way.
He didn't deserve her. I was already forming my plan when a thought struck me.
"Wait," I said, "You have...others?"
He laughed at me and rose from his chair.
"Ah, naturally! Don't you? I'd get bored with just one."
He walked to a door on the other side of his study, next to a large collection of leather-bound books and what appeared to be a bust of Pee-Wee Herman.
I followed him to the door, and as he opened it I could feel my heart sink. I knew what was in that closet.
He swung the door wide and inside, as I feared, we're DOZENS of the most beautiful women I had ever seen. He just kept them...stacked in there like...possessions to be used and filed away after he got his jollies. How could I think this man could know the feelings my Xav and I shared? How could I have been so blind?

He laughed as he shut the door and motioned that we should leave the study.
Before I stepped back out I had fixed my resolve. I would not be able to save all those poor ladies, but Ruby...Ruby...?

The plan was in my head as if I had meticulously spent weeks going over every detail. As soon as Tarquin, (Obsequious oily tick of a man) went into the kitchen, I took the bottle of GHB I always carried (just in case of emergencies, you understand) and tipped all of the tasteless, colourless liquid into his Gin and tonic. When he returned, two minutes later, with some smarmy pretentious bullshit about his perfect sauce simmering, blah blah blah, (I wasn't really listening)  I did my best to appear relaxed, and convivial. "I really must hand it to you Tarquin,old thing, you have the most impeccable taste in women, and this flat is such a bijou little lovenest"!  I took a good slug of my own drink,and was pleased to see he did the same."And Ruby is such a Darling creature, you really do know how to pick quality" I said.  Butter the bastard up with flattery.
"I'd like to toast the host, with the most" I said, feigning drunkeness. "To Tarquin, and his delectable gemstone of rarest beauty, Ruby" I drained my glass!
The shallow little fucker did the same. Inside, my heart leapt with glee. Soon, Ruby, very very soon. "So, tell me where you get your lovelies from, Tarquin, please" I said,
"Well" said Tarquin, (his eyes unfocused, and his speech starting to slur) "I went to Harrow with a Gentleman from Abu Dhabi, with the most perverse tastes" he said, sittiing back in his chair. "Pots of money of course, Oil, you know"  Soon Ruby, very soon, I thought. Tarquin seemed to rally, and sit forward, faint shock written on his face, then slumped back, open, his eyes rolled back in his head. "Oh really Tarquin" I said, loudly, and rudely. "You are so up your own arse, that you have no sense of self preservation" I said. "You just drank enough GHB to kill a horse"! I laughed. "In about two minutes, you'll be dead as a Dando" HAhahaha!
"And Ruby, will be mine"! "But in exchange, I will leave my Xav for company" Things really had been strained beteen us for the last ten days. She'd hardly spoken a word. I suppose it didn't help that I'd had to strangle the bitch, to stop the filthy things she was saying about me, over and over and over. Her own fault of course, she knew very well how "upset" I could get. Of course,  I'd tried to make it up to her afterwards. With embalming fluid, perfume, and make up. But although it made her more, erm, malleable and compliant, the spark really had gone out of our relationship. I could see this now. And she had started to smell a little, . . .  fusty, and her looks would be next to start to go, embalming fluid, or not. So I propped her up in the chair, next to her new lover, Tarquin, together in death, quite the odd couple, really.
I took beautiful Ruby, my lovely, rotproof silicone ever loving Ruby, and slipped out of the flat. (After removing any trace that I'd ever been there at all, of course) We stopped in a lay-by, on the A36, to consumnate out love on the way home. And Ruby really is the one for me. She told me so, as she thanked me, most graciously, for rescuing her from that monster, Tarquin. So ladylike, and pleasing, lovely lovely Ruby!   And anyway,  If I'd wanted to live with an uptight, bitchy control freak, I'd have got myself another real, live girlfriend! I lied to myself. They never lasted long enough anyway. No more embalming fluid, or new patios, or rolled up carpets for me!
I start to feel aroused again. "Just you wait til I get you home" I say. Ruby says nothing.
Title: Re: A new life for Ruby. A tale of extreme Swinging, by Alty & BadBeast
Post by: Nephew Twiddleton on January 27, 2011, 12:34:03 AM

Good piece though
Title: Re: A new life for Ruby. A tale of extreme Swinging, by Alty & BadBeast
Post by: The Good Reverend Roger on January 27, 2011, 12:36:11 AM
Title: Re: A new life for Ruby. A tale of extreme Swinging, by Alty & BadBeast
Post by: Lies on January 27, 2011, 01:22:34 AM

Nice work man. I disturbingly like it.
Very well written. We need more short stories like that.
Title: Re: A new life for Ruby. A tale of extreme Swinging, by Alty & BadBeast
Post by: Don Coyote on January 27, 2011, 01:37:43 AM
You are one sick fuck BB :lulz: Nicely written.:mittens:
Title: Re: A new life for Ruby. A tale of extreme Swinging, by Alty & BadBeast
Post by: Salty on January 27, 2011, 01:38:41 AM
Oh that was so much fun. Still think we should unleash it in small bits on a doll forum.

Title: Re: A new life for Ruby. A tale of extreme Swinging, by Alty & BadBeast
Post by: Salty on January 27, 2011, 01:45:50 AM
Ooh! Ruby Goes On Holiday: A stoics journey through wine country.
Title: Re: A new life for Ruby. A tale of extreme Swinging, by Alty & BadBeast
Post by: BadBeast on January 27, 2011, 01:47:13 AM
I seem to remember it was all Alty's idea, after we'd trolled some site full of Dollyfuckers,  (Who were really too inoffensively out there to Troll) So we did this, to get the lulzy taint of silicon corpse fucking out of my head. But it just made me worse, and now I need to move because I've run out of garden to concrete over and the . . . . . . but I've already said far too much.  

Title: Re: A new life for Ruby. A tale of extreme Swinging, by Alty & BadBeast
Post by: Phox on January 27, 2011, 02:23:36 AM
 :lulz: :lulz: :lulz: :lulz: :lulz: :lulz: :lulz:

You're both fucking sick in the head, you fuckers.
Title: Re: A new life for Ruby. A tale of extreme Swinging, by Alty & BadBeast
Post by: BadBeast on January 27, 2011, 02:27:43 AM
Yeah, but it turned you on didn't it? Go on, admit it, you're just waiting for the next exciting installment aren't you?
Well, plans are underway, that's all I can say at the moment, oh, and perhaps, "Time for Tubby custard!"   :evil:
Title: Re: A new life for Ruby. A tale of extreme Swinging, by Alty & BadBeast
Post by: The Good Reverend Roger on January 27, 2011, 02:32:33 AM
Quote from: BadBeast on January 27, 2011, 02:27:43 AM
Yeah, but it turned you on didn't it? Go on, admit it, you're just waiting for the next exciting installment aren't you?
Well, plans are underway, that's all I can say at the moment, oh, and perhaps, "Time for Tubby custard!"   :evil:

I should repost "Hey, Steve".  A little flesh-fiction, if you like.
Title: Re: A new life for Ruby. A tale of extreme Swinging, by Alty & BadBeast
Post by: BadBeast on January 27, 2011, 02:44:45 AM
Go for it, filth, filth, filth, but yanno, in your usual tasteful, and thought provoking style. Maybe with your little fella,  Harley Quinn, too. Saw him on FB, hasn't he grown?
Title: Re: A new life for Ruby. A tale of extreme Swinging, by Alty & BadBeast
Post by: Lies on January 27, 2011, 05:02:03 AM
There should be a name for this type of story, and I think I have the perfect name for it-

Latin for Awesome/Terrible

But of course, I'm sure many of you spags already knew that one.
Title: Re: A new life for Ruby. A tale of extreme Swinging, by Alty & BadBeast
Post by: Disco Pickle on January 27, 2011, 12:29:17 PM

not how I imagined my work day would start, reading a story about fucking dolls.

still, good read.  nice reveal half way through if you're not expecting it.
Title: Re: A new life for Ruby. A tale of extreme Swinging, by Alty & BadBeast
Post by: BadBeast on January 27, 2011, 01:39:17 PM
Just in case of any confusion that may arise,, this tale in no way has any reference to this Ruby, OK?

Title: Re: A new life for Ruby. A tale of extreme Swinging, by Alty & BadBeast
Post by: BadBeast on August 30, 2011, 02:35:55 AM
Title: Re: A new life for Ruby. A tale of extreme Swinging, by Alty & BadBeast
Post by: Anna Mae Bollocks on August 31, 2011, 08:29:44 PM
Title: Re: A new life for Ruby. A tale of extreme Swinging, by Alty & BadBeast
Post by: BadBeast on August 31, 2011, 09:31:21 PM
Quote from: Anna Mae Bollocks on August 31, 2011, 08:29:44 PM
Now that *is* disturbing! (Particularly at about 3.15)  I'm familiar with the song, I always thought it was a rather MOR dirge about "Teh dangers of drugs". Not a celebration of necrophilia. Thinking about it, Tom Petty always did look a little cadaverous. Yuk. Thanks.
Title: Re: A new life for Ruby. A tale of extreme Swinging, by Alty & BadBeast
Post by: Anna Mae Bollocks on August 31, 2011, 09:46:28 PM
I think he freaked himself out with that one.  :lulz:

& ETA: Petty would NEVER write an anti-pot song.  :p