Principia Discordia

Principia Discordia => Two vast and trunkless legs of stone => Topic started by: The Good Reverend Roger on December 20, 2012, 09:34:36 PM

Title: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: The Good Reverend Roger on December 20, 2012, 09:34:36 PM
20 points total.  Answers posted Monday.  Winner gets a hate mail.

1.  What is freedom?  Slavery of choice.
2.  What is science?  Everyone's personal religion.
3.  What is religion?  Somebody else's science.
4.  What is insanity? The state of being insufficiently neurotic.
5.  What is neurosis?  Personality.  Because consciousness always needs to have a style.
6.  A fish is to water as the mind is to. . . ?  Falsehood.
7.  What do all the evils in the world have in common?  They're all necessary ones.
8.  And who commits them?  Everyone else.
9.  What are the two great keys to lifelong happiness and what great modern thinker discovered them?  Good health and a bad memory. Ingrid Bergman.
10.  To whom is all religious, moral, political, scientific and artistic preaching directed?  The converted.
11.  What is the most important information in any message?  The name of the messenger.
12.  Why do some people believe in God?  Because they're afraid not to.
13.  Why do other people not believe in God?  Trick question. Everyone believes in God. They just don't believe in someone else's God.
14.  Who has the hardest belief system?  Atheists.  They have to believe in EVERYTHING.
15.  What's a black hole?  God's open grave.
16.  Name the only two humans in history whose theories on the nature of reality were correct. One was the Cabalist sage Isaac ben Solomon Luria, who in the sixteenth century correctly surmised, in his theory of zimzum, or contraction, that God's first act of creation was to retract himself from existence, in order to make room for the world. The second was the painter Salvador Dali, who astutely noted that the universe is not vast and expanding at all, but is in fact smaller than a butterfly and contracting to a single point somewhere in a railway station in Perpignan, France.
17.  What is the greatest enemy of truth? (this one is worth 4 points)  Consensus

Remember that this was a test of cynicism, not science.  Points to be awarded down thread.
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: The Good Reverend Roger on December 20, 2012, 09:42:26 PM
Edited #16 to specify TWO people.
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: P3nT4gR4m on December 20, 2012, 09:52:11 PM
1.  What is freedom?

Mine. Fuck you if you don't like it.

2.  What is science?

Cool as fuck

3.  What is religion?

Funny as fuck

4.  What is insanity?


5.  What is neurosis?

Train of thought on bent rails

6.  A fish is to water as the mind is to. . . ?


7.  What do all the evils in the world have in common?

Someone thinks they're evil

8.  And who commits them?"


9.  What are the two great keys to lifelong happiness and what great modern thinker discovered them?

Nope - I got nothing

10.  To whom is all religious, moral, political, scientific and artistic preaching directed?


11.  What is the most important information in any message?

Not that

12.  Why do some people believe in God?

Someone convinced them

13.  Why do other people not believe in God?

It never worked on them

14.  Who has the hardest belief system?

I can't answer this  :?

15.  What's a black hole?

Some kind of science thing - a star implodes or something

16.  Name the only two humans in history whose theories on the nature of reality were correct.

Can't think of any

17.  What is the greatest enemy of truth? (this one is worth 4 points)

Pretending you know what truth is
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: The Good Reverend Roger on December 20, 2012, 09:55:45 PM
Scores will be posted when answers are posted.
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: Cainad (dec.) on December 20, 2012, 10:46:54 PM
1.  What is freedom?
Making choices based on good information, with acknowledgement of all possibilities, not merely the comfortable ones.

2.  What is science?
The process of accruing the best possible information about the world/universe/reality by repeated testing of hypotheses and continual correction of ideas that do not correspond to reality.

3.  What is religion?
Defining the world/universe/reality from a human perspective, enforcing a human context on things which are decidedly inhuman.

4.  What is insanity?
Inability (not merely unwillingness) to parse bad signal from good signal, and acting accordingly.

5.  What is neurosis?
Bad wiring leading to maladaptive behaviors. The mind falls back on meaningless "solutions" to alleviate anxiety from another source.

6.  A fish is to water as the mind is to. . . ?
The brain.

7.  What do all the evils in the world have in common?

8.  And who commits them?

9.  What are the two great keys to lifelong happiness and what great modern thinker discovered them?
Hrm... gonna take a shot in the dark and guess that it's Hunter S. Thompson.

10.  To whom is all religious, moral, political, scientific and artistic preaching directed?
The desperate.

11.  What is the most important information in any message?
"Who stands to gain if I believe this?"

12.  Why do some people believe in God?
A need for a reason behind the mess, even if it's a shitty reason.

13.  Why do other people not believe in God?
A refusal to accept that any distinct being could be responsible for this mess.

14.  Who has the hardest belief system?
Atheists, for they must find an impossible answer (proving a negative) in an inherently unanswerable question.

15.  What's a black hole?
A superdense collection of mass, or a dirty joke. Or both.

16.  Name the only two humans in history whose theories on the nature of reality were correct.
Not sure about this one.

17.  What is the greatest enemy of truth? (this one is worth 4 points)
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: Nephew Twiddleton on December 20, 2012, 10:54:07 PM
Will respond when i get back to laptop. I dont think ill score very high though.
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: Pæs on December 20, 2012, 11:32:32 PM
1.  What is freedom?
Freedom is the absence of subjection to obvious or direct interference/domination. It is the apparent power of self-determination. It's the illusion of independence. It's a symptom of being insufficiently aware of the effects of regulatory and oppressive agents.

2.  What is science?
An attempt to take responsibility for the pursuit of truth.  On paper, science is a promising proposition because it  contains methods to keep itself apolitical and free from bias. In practice, science is administered by a political system.

3.  What is religion?
An attempt to evade responsibility for the pursuit of truth. On paper, religion is a promising proposition because it contains methods to keep its assertions of moral authority immune to poltical meddling. In practice, religion is administered by a political system.

4.  What is insanity?
A result of insufficient science.

5.  What is neurosis?
A result of insufficient religion.

6.  A fish is to water as the mind is to... ?

7.  What do all the evils in the world have in common?

8.  And who commits them?

9.  What are the two great keys to lifelong happiness and what great modern thinker discovered them?
William James: "Belief creates the actual fact." and "The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook."

10.  To whom is all religious, moral, political, scientific and artistic preaching directed?
Um, everyone.

11.  What is the most important information in any message?
That which is omitted.

12.  Why do some people believe in God?
Low evidentiary standards.

13.  Why do other people not believe in God?
Response to the question as phrased: Insufficient evidence.
Response to the question as it may have been intended: People believe in !God because of low evidentiary standards.

14.  Who has the hardest belief system?
I don't understand the question. Does it refer to the practitioners of the religion which is most resistant to change under force or which is the most difficult to practice?

15.  What's a black hole?

16.  Name the only two humans in history whose theories on the nature of reality were correct.
Greg Hill and Kerry Wendell Thornley.

17.  What is the greatest enemy of truth? (this one is worth 4 points)
Unthinking respect for Einstein.
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: Nephew Twiddleton on December 20, 2012, 11:35:17 PM
Ok ill take a stab w the phone. May come in chunks.

1 a paradox
2 a method of discovery limited by testability
3 submission to any belief system.
4 willful ignorance
5 insistence of imposition of your sense of comfort on reality
6 ignorance
7 the agent believes that it was the right thing to do
8 everyone
9 damned if i know
10 the choir
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: Nephew Twiddleton on December 20, 2012, 11:40:49 PM
11 that which is left out
12 because they need to
13 because they refuse to
14 the one who believes themself free
15 a whole lot of nothing
16 albert einstein and.... Hmmmm.
17 interpretation/manipulation
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: Nephew Twiddleton on December 20, 2012, 11:47:27 PM
Einstein and socrates. Einstein because reality thus far seems to agree with him and socrates because the only thing we know for sure is that we dont know shit.
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: Richter on December 21, 2012, 01:13:15 AM
I'll play.  I've yet to read an answer here that is wrong though.  WHY ARE YOU RUNNING PROJECTIVE TESTS ON US DAMNIT?   :crankey:

1.  What is freedom?
A perceived condition of unrestricted choice

2.  What is science?
Job type - An assortment of disciplines less than more related to the scientific method.
Noun - The collected data and theories based on human observation.
Verb - The act of applying the scientific method in structured observation or experiment

3.  What is religion?
The organized administration of shared belief.

4.  What is insanity?
Action and reaction exhibited in a community that is perceived as not conducive to the well being of the individual or the community, or judged actions judged drastically different from the norm by members of the community.

5.  What is neurosis?
A condition of flight reflex triggering to situations not immediately perceived as needing to be fled from.

6.  A fish is to water as the mind is to. . . ?
The world.

7.  What do all the evils in the world have in common?
People doing them and people judging the acts to be evil.

8.  And who commits them?

9.  What are the two great keys to lifelong happiness and what great modern thinker discovered them?
Not worrying about it too hard, and not trusting any one limited sentimental view or philosophy as absolute.

10.  To whom is all religious, moral, political, scientific and artistic preaching directed?
People who keep listening.

11.  What is the most important information in any message?
What the listener perceives the message to be, since this may vary from the sender's intent, and lead to difficulty.

12.  Why do some people believe in God?
Don't know.  Ask them.

13.  Why do other people not believe in God?
Don't know.  Ask them.

14.  Who has the hardest belief system?
The person whose beliefs cause them the most conflict (internal or external)

15.  What's a black hole?
I can describe the theory of an event horizon and an acceleration disk.  Information on the actual item is pending more complete observation.

16.  Name the only two humans in history whose theories on the nature of reality were correct.

17.  What is the greatest enemy of truth? (this one is worth 4 points)
Thinking you know it.
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: President Television on December 21, 2012, 02:21:41 AM
1.  Just another name for nothing left to lose.
2.  The closest we can come to knowledge.
3.  The illusion of knowledge.
4.  The human condition.
5.  Awareness.
6.  Culture.
7.  Intent.
8.  People.
9.  No idea.
10.  All of us.
11.  The bit you can use.
12.  Because the world doesn't make any sense without one.
13.  Because the world doesn't make any sense with one.
14.  Whoever tries to justify it.
15.  A really dense lump of matter. Or Tuscon, Arizona.
16.  Finagle and Murphy.
17.  Certainty.
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: Nephew Twiddleton on December 21, 2012, 03:04:41 AM
I think Wallified got 16.
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: Deepthroat Chopra on December 21, 2012, 03:06:16 AM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on December 20, 2012, 09:34:36 PM
20 points total.  Answers posted Monday.  Winner gets a hate mail.

1.  What is freedom?
2.  What is science?
3.  What is religion?
4.  What is insanity?
5.  What is neurosis?
6.  A fish is to water as the mind is to. . . ?
7.  What do all the evils in the world have in common?
8.  And who commits them?
9.  What are the two great keys to lifelong happiness and what great modern thinker discovered them?
10.  To whom is all religious, moral, political, scientific and artistic preaching directed?
11.  What is the most important information in any message?
12.  Why do some people believe in God?
13.  Why do other people not believe in God?
14.  Who has the hardest belief system?
15.  What's a black hole?
16.  Name the only two humans in history whose theories on the nature of reality were correct.
17.  What is the greatest enemy of truth? (this one is worth 4 points)

1. In Australia, Freedom is chain of warehouses where furniture and home wares can be purchased. Elton John had Philadelphia Freedom, which meant he could eat all the cheesy steak he wished.

2. Science is a process whereby statistics are tortured until they confess what the torturer wants to hear.

3. Religion started when someone, millennia ago, worked out it was easier to collect yams after it was raining. He or she started praying for rain one day when they were hungry, and it all just rolled on from there.

4. Insanity is the only sane thing to do in an insane world.

5. Neurosis? Why would you ask that! What the hell are you getting at! That question was aimed at me wasn't it! You've been out to get me all this time, you bastard! Why don't you just stop? I didn;t do anything, and if I did, it's got nothing to do with you! Why the hell don't you leave me alone! You hate me, don't you! You and the frogs! Why won't they just stop! and so on...


7. Someone's saying they're evil, while others are pointing out that evil is a relative concept in the minds of the evil-pointers, and evil may not actually exist in a vacuum divorced from cultural norms.

8. The enemy, or some other bastard.

9. An early and very quick death, or absolute perfect physical and mental health, forever. I'm not sure about modern thinkers, but I think Enoch disvovered it in the ancient Hebrew world.

10. I have a client who thinks it all directed at him. He likes to be known as "Mad Dog", and he lives in the northern suburbs of Brisbane. He also thinks Jesus and aliens communicate with him too.

11. I think it's all contained in the movement of the eyebrows, which is why i'm having such a hard time with the digital age.

12. Oh, that's because of the "yam receptors" located in the frontal lobe. Some people think they're being deeply spiritual, when in reality, they're just firing off neuro-receptors that make them crave yams.

13. They're conscious of what a yam is.

14. I think it'd be those guys that try to be spiritual vikings, and have to believe the world is being dragged around on the back of an enormous tortoise. Try visiting the Southern Hemisphere and keeping that belief alive. Or, maybe it's the people that believe in the inherent goodness of human nature.

15. They seem to appear whenever the subject of black holes exist. Some wanker will say "Well you're assuming black holes exist" before they drown in their own smugness, and the room falls silent, sucked into this wankers ego. Others say a black hole was a star that couldn't handle reality anymore, and topped themselves.

16. I was going to say Isaac Newton, but some fundamentalist christians reminded me that "Gravity is just a theory", before they floated off into that thing they wrote about in the "Left Behind" series. The Tribulation or something. Also, that guy who said "There's one born every minute", just as long as he/she said that thousands of years ago when there probably was only one person born every minute, because now, there's one (sucker) born every nanosecond, and it's exponential.

17. Hmmm...I would guess at ego being the answer. Individual ego's, and collective, tribal ego's, which become belief systems.

Difficult test!
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: Salty on December 21, 2012, 03:13:18 AM
Quote from: Deepthroat Chopra on December 21, 2012, 03:06:16 AM
15. They seem to appear whenever the subject of black holes exist. Some wanker will say "Well you're assuming black holes exist" before they drown in their own smugness, and the room falls silent, sucked into this wankers ego. Others say a black hole was a star that couldn't handle reality anymore, and topped themselves.

Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: hunter s.durden on December 21, 2012, 05:32:30 AM
1. An Illusion
2. The method of inquiry by which we discover existence has no inherent meaning
3. Pass
4.You really want this religion thing answered, huh?
5.The source of Earth's comedy
6. water
7. suffering
8. Everyone. Mostly Cain, though.
9.I can't do this.
No right answers.
I'm too cynical to be bitter.
I think I now want to draw a picture of me and Diogenes jacking off onto Korans wrapped in American flags.
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on December 21, 2012, 07:44:50 AM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on December 20, 2012, 09:34:36 PM
20 points total.  Answers posted Monday.  Winner gets a hate mail.

1.  What is freedom?
2.  What is science?
3.  What is religion?
4.  What is insanity?
5.  What is neurosis?
6.  A fish is to water as the mind is to. . . ?
7.  What do all the evils in the world have in common?
8.  And who commits them?
9.  What are the two great keys to lifelong happiness and what great modern thinker discovered them?
10.  To whom is all religious, moral, political, scientific and artistic preaching directed?
11.  What is the most important information in any message?
12.  Why do some people believe in God?
13.  Why do other people not believe in God?
14.  Who has the hardest belief system?
15.  What's a black hole?
16.  Name the only two humans in history whose theories on the nature of reality were correct.
17.  What is the greatest enemy of truth? (this one is worth 4 points)

Freedom is slavery
Science has ceased to exist
Religion is heresy
Insanity is independence
Neurosis is the tie that binds
A fish is to water as a brain is to the skull
What all of the evils of the world have in common is power
Who commits them is people
The two great keys to lifelong happiness are telling the truth and heavy drinking, and Johnny Cash discovered them
All religious, moral, political, scientific and artistic preaching is directed at Other People
The most important information in any message is What I Think and it's directed At You People
Some people believe in God because they're sheep
Other people do not believe in God because they're sheep
Agnostics have the hardest belief system
A black hole is the Kardashians, whatever the fuck they are
The only two humans in history whose theories on the nature of reality were correct are me and you
The greatest enemy of truth is Truth

Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: P3nT4gR4m on December 21, 2012, 09:32:35 AM
Quote from: M. Nigel Salt on December 21, 2012, 07:44:50 AM
The two great keys to lifelong happiness are telling the truth and heavy drinking, and Johnny Cash discovered them

Nigel wins question 9  8)
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: LMNO on December 21, 2012, 01:52:48 PM
1.  What is freedom?
A useful illusion.

2.  What is science?
The ideal of a self-correcting system.

3.  What is religion?
An un-useful illusion.

4.  What is insanity?
A brain that cannot map to the existent Universe.

5.  What is neurosis?
Bad signal made flesh.

6.  A fish is to water as the mind is to. . . ?

7.  What do all the evils in the world have in common?

8.  And who commits them?
Other humans (or so they like to think).

9.  What are the two great keys to lifelong happiness and what great modern thinker discovered them?
Ignorance and Forgetting – George W Bush

10.  To whom is all religious, moral, political, scientific and artistic preaching directed?
See answer to number 8.

11.  What is the most important information in any message?
The person delivering it.

12.  Why do some people believe in God?
Bad signal.

13.  Why do other people not believe in God?
More bad signal (most often).

14.  Who has the hardest belief system?
The mother of a sociopath.

15.  What's a black hole?
I do not have enough knowledge of astrophysics to properly answer this.

16.  Name the only two humans in history whose theories on the nature of reality were correct.
Charles Bukowski:
"there is a loneliness in this world so great
that you can see it in the slow movement of
the hands of a clock.

people so tired
either by love or no love.

people just are not good to each other
one on one.

the rich are not good to the rich
the poor are not good to the poor.

we are afraid.

our educational system tells us
that we can all be
big-ass winners.

it hasn't told us
about the gutters
or the suicides.

or the terror of one person
aching in one place

unspoken to

watering a plant."

Bruce Campbell
"Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun."

17.  What is the greatest enemy of truth? (this one is worth 4 points)

Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: LMNO on December 21, 2012, 08:56:59 PM
Hey! I want my score!
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on December 21, 2012, 09:38:16 PM
Quote from: LMNO, PhD (life continues) on December 21, 2012, 08:56:59 PM
Hey! I want my score!

I bet you won.  :lulz:
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: The Good Reverend Roger on December 22, 2012, 05:39:46 AM
Quote from: LMNO, PhD (life continues) on December 21, 2012, 08:56:59 PM
Hey! I want my score!

As I said, scores and answers will be posted on Monday.

But I'll probably actually do them Sunday, around 1 PM real time.
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: Reginald Ret on December 22, 2012, 04:04:56 PM

1.  What is freedom?
             A lie I am willing to die for.
2.  What is science?
             A slightly more accurate way of finding out about reality than guessing.
3.  What is religion?
             A method for controlling people.
4.  What is insanity?
             Trying to be normal in an abnormal world.
5.  What is neurosis?
             A mind stuck in a pointless pattern.
6.  A fish is to water as the mind is to. . . ?
7.  What do all the evils in the world have in common?
             Those who commited them didn't feel they did anything wrong at the time.
8.  And who commits them?
             People with good intentions.
9.  What are the two great keys to lifelong happiness and what great modern thinker discovered them?
             Ignorance and convidence. Machiavelli.
10.  To whom is all religious, moral, political, scientific and artistic preaching directed?
             The self.
11.  What is the most important information in any message?
             Who sent it.
12.  Why do some people believe in God?
             It is easier than going against their peers.
13.  Why do other people not believe in God?
             It is easier than going against their peers.
14.  Who has the hardest belief system?
             Post-nihilists (We don't even believe in nihilism anymore.)
15.  What's a black hole?
             A point where our brane is punctured. It's where our dimension's gravitons leak out.
16.  Name the only two humans in history whose theories on the nature of reality were correct.
             Protagoras (Sophist and author of 'The Technique of Eristics') and Carneades. (One day in Rome he spoke before a large audience and argued in favour of righteousness. The next day he argued against righteousness. He was enthusiastically applauded both times. He was consequently kicked out of Rome for endangering the established education of youths.)
17.  What is the greatest enemy of truth? (this one is worth 4 points)
             Conviction, as in certainty.
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: Sano on December 23, 2012, 12:54:22 AM
1. The only game impossible to escape from.
2. A game where people input empirical facts and the output is crazy sometimes
3. A game where people input their beliefs and the output is crazy sometimes
4. A dissonance on the game rules as utilized by different players
5. The hurtful result of said dissonance
6. Games
7. Human presence
8. Everybody's answer is always "not me"
9. No idea
10. To the Wrong People(tm)
11. The amount of game-savvyness the speaker displays while transmitting the message
12. It makes a fun game to believe it
13. It makes a fun game not to believe it
14. Those who are 1 second away from dying and know it
15. Everyone's heads
16. No idea
17. To think you have it.
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: Phox on December 23, 2012, 01:17:45 AM
1.  What is freedom?


2.  What is science?

     The best attempt possible to explain the universe.

3.  What is religion?

      Rejection of the merely real in favor of the possible and/or unreal. 

4.  What is insanity?

     Inability to mesh reality and perception.

5.  What is neurosis?

     The barbarians at the gates of reason.

6.  A fish is to water as the mind is to. . . ?

     The fish.

7.  What do all the evils in the world have in common?

     They are perceived.

8.  And who commits them?

     The eye of the beholder.

9.  What are the two great keys to lifelong happiness and what great modern thinker discovered them?

       Accepting that it is neither fair nor pleasant, and refusing to accept the words of others without thinking. Thomas Hobbes.
10.  To whom is all religious, moral, political, scientific and artistic preaching directed?

       Anyone who will listen, the gullible, and the converted.

11.  What is the most important information in any message?

       What is the larger intent?

12.  Why do some people believe in God?

       As an excuse for not accepting empirical data.

13.  Why do other people not believe in God?

       As an excuse for acknowledging the limit of knowledge.

14.  Who has the hardest belief system?

       Those who struggle to change theirs.

15.  What's a black hole?

       The brightest part of the universe.

16.  Name the only two humans in history whose theories on the nature of reality were correct.

         Hobbes and P.T. Barnum.   

17.  What is the greatest enemy of truth? (this one is worth 4 points)
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: trix on December 23, 2012, 07:35:39 AM
1.  What is freedom?

In my opinion:  Being left the fuck alone to do whatever I want, as long as I leave other people the fuck alone to do whatever they want.
These days:  A tired meme and overused catchphrase, but not much else.

2.  What is science?

The study of reality.

3.  What is religion?

A large collection of nutjobs that have to be put down from time to time when the murder or pedo rate gets too high.

4.  What is insanity?

The lingering belief that you can relax in the Web all day year after year and the Spiders will still let you leave.
Sort of like drug addicts that tell themselves they can stop any time they want.

5.  What is neurosis?

Um, isn't that when the flesh turns all gross after somebody dies?

6.  A fish is to water as the mind is to. . . ?

No idea, but now I'm hungry for fish.  Asshole.

7.  What do all the evils in the world have in common?

Dollar Signs.

8.  And who commits them?

You do.  I do.  Also, your mom.

9.  What are the two great keys to lifelong happiness and what great modern thinker discovered them?

Lifelong happiness?  If that were the goal, I'd imagine the best two things that would help would be a healthy dose of ignorance and/or a lot of drugs.
And since that was off of the top of my head, I am the great modern thinker that discovered them.

10.  To whom is all religious, moral, political, scientific and artistic preaching directed?

At each other.  And the wall.  And the TV.  And probably a whole lot of dogs and cats, too.

11.  What is the most important information in any message?

The context

12.  Why do some people believe in God?

Because we can see her influence in everything we do.

13.  Why do other people not believe in God?

Because obviously Eris doesn't like those people.

14.  Who has the hardest belief system?

Ron Jeremy.  ( :rimshot: )

15.  What's a black hole?

A hole.  That's black.  Serious question?

16.  Name the only two humans in history whose theories on the nature of reality were correct.

Aha so many traps in this "Test" it's like Admiral Ackbar wrote it.  But to answer the question:  Me.

17.  What is the greatest enemy of truth? (this one is worth 4 points)

Also me.
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: Dildo Argentino on December 23, 2012, 01:13:56 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on December 20, 2012, 09:34:36 PM
20 points total.  Answers posted Monday.  Winner gets a hate mail.

1.  What is freedom?
2.  What is science?
3.  What is religion?
4.  What is insanity?
5.  What is neurosis?
6.  A fish is to water as the mind is to. . . ?
7.  What do all the evils in the world have in common?
8.  And who commits them?
9.  What are the two great keys to lifelong happiness and what great modern thinker discovered them?
10.  To whom is all religious, moral, political, scientific and artistic preaching directed?
11.  What is the most important information in any message?
12.  Why do some people believe in God?
13.  Why do other people not believe in God?
14.  Who has the hardest belief system?
15.  What's a black hole?
16.  Name the only two humans in history whose theories on the nature of reality were correct.
17.  What is the greatest enemy of truth? (this one is worth 4 points)

1. A necessity of life that's always within our grasp but which we often do not allow ourselves to have.
2. A collective edifice of knowledge built on reason and convivial dispute.
3. An organised complex of ritual, practice and ideation whose purpose is to create social stability. It often persists beyond utility.
4. Dionysus to the Apollo of its twin brother, sanity.
5. An inadequate response to dire circumstances.
6. Language. Or community.
7. Coercion, manipulation or deceit of the weak by the strong. Objectification of persons. Exploitation for selfish gain.
8. Everyone. Some learn and change, some don't.
9. No idea who and what you might be thinking of. But the question put me in mind of this: "There are two stupid things you can do in life. Insist on your principles - and not give a shit about them."
10. Those who know less according to the person doing the preaching.
11. The addressee.
12. Some because they were brought up to. Some because it decreases their fear. A precious few, because it increases their sense of freedom.
13. Some because they were brought up not to. Some because that decreases their fear. A precious few, because it increases their sense of freedom.
14. The hardest thing (in the sense of hard to achieve) is not to have one. Or: the hardest one (in the sense of hard to destroy) is the one of the fanatic. Or the hardest one (as in the badassest one that wins against all others): secular capitalist consumerism.
15. A hole that is black.
16. I think there were more than two. Buddha and Krishnamurti come to mind. Einstein, too.
17. Fear, I think.
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: PopeTom on December 23, 2012, 03:25:57 PM
1.  What is freedom?

The state of having nothing left to lose.

2.  What is science?

A process used to determine if your personal view of reality matches up with real reality.

3.  What is religion?

Formalized superstition.

4.  What is insanity?

A biological floating point error.

5.  What is neurosis?

A stress induced biological floating point error.

6.  A fish is to water as the mind is to. . . ?


7.  What do all the evils in the world have in common?

They put the needs of the few above the needs of the many.

8.  And who commits them?


9.  What are the two great keys to lifelong happiness and what great modern thinker discovered them?

Knowing when to be good and knowing when to be evil.

10.  To whom is all religious, moral, political, scientific and artistic preaching directed?

To anyone willing to listen.

11.  What is the most important information in any message?

The subtext.

12.  Why do some people believe in God?

They find looking for answers to be too difficult.

13.  Why do other people not believe in God?

They read the Bible.

14.  Who has the hardest belief system?


15.  What's a black hole?

An astronomical phenomenon where the gravitational pull of a body causes that body's escape velocity to exceed the speed of light.

16.  Name the only two humans in history whose theories on the nature of reality were correct.

Malaclypse the Younger and J.R. "Bob" Dobs.

17.  What is the greatest enemy of truth? (this one is worth 4 points)

Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: The Good Reverend Roger on December 25, 2012, 04:26:13 AM
Correct answers have been edited into the thread opener.

Scores are:

Pent:  0/20.  No cynicism at all.  Hopeless believer.
Cainad:  1/20.  Unicorn poop huffer.
Paes:  0/20.  Where do You People come from?
Twid:  2/20.  RAINBOWS.  UP YOUR ASS.
Richter:  1/20.  I am bitterly, bitterly disappointed.
Wallified:  1/20.  I expect better from Eskimos.
Deepthroat Chopra:  1/20.  Have fun in pleasantville.
Hunter Durden:  0/20.  I don't even KNOW you anymore.
Nigel:  I have high hopes here...Lemme go grade it...AW SHIT, 1/20.  I AM SO ALONE!
LMNO:  2/10.  I am giving up hope, here.
Regret:  1/20.  Fucking Belgians.
Sano:  1/20.  This isn't going well.
Phox:  1/20.  What ARE they teaching in schools these days?
Trix:  0/20.  Don't quit your day job for stand up.
Holist:  0/20.  Hungarians are supposed to be cynical, dammit!
Pope Tom:  0/20.  WTF, BOSTON?

Okay, Twid and LMNO are tied for SUCKING ASS.

Elimination round tomorrow.  One question, one answer each.

I think the problem here was everyone was trying to give some answers that would make them look wise.  This wasn't a test for wisdom, it was a test for bitter cynicism.  So you all failed.  WHICH IS HARDLY SURPRISING!

Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: Nephew Twiddleton on December 25, 2012, 04:34:44 AM
Dude i beat out phox nigel and richter?

That said i noted that i would do poorly. Miserable bastard tho i may be from time to time i am an optimist.
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: Phox on December 25, 2012, 05:02:45 AM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on December 25, 2012, 04:26:13 AM
Correct answers have been edited into the thread opener.

Scores are:

Pent:  0/20.  No cynicism at all.  Hopeless believer.
Cainad:  1/20.  Unicorn poop huffer.
Paes:  0/20.  Where do You People come from?
Twid:  2/20.  RAINBOWS.  UP YOUR ASS.
Richter:  1/20.  I am bitterly, bitterly disappointed.
Wallified:  1/20.  I expect better from Eskimos.
Deepthroat Chopra:  1/20.  Have fun in pleasantville.
Hunter Durden:  0/20.  I don't even KNOW you anymore.
Nigel:  I have high hopes here...Lemme go grade it...AW SHIT, 1/20.  I AM SO ALONE!
LMNO:  2/10.  I am giving up hope, here.
Regret:  1/20.  Fucking Belgians.
Sano:  1/20.  This isn't going well.
Phox:  1/20.  What ARE they teaching in schools these days?
Trix:  0/20.  Don't quit your day job for stand up.
Holist:  0/20.  Hungarians are supposed to be cynical, dammit!
Pope Tom:  0/20.  WTF, BOSTON?

Okay, Twid and LMNO are tied for SUCKING ASS.

Elimination round tomorrow.  One question, one answer each.

I think the problem here was everyone was trying to give some answers that would make them look wise.  This wasn't a test for wisdom, it was a test for bitter cynicism.  So you all failed.  WHICH IS HARDLY SURPRISING!

I am unsurprised by this result.
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on December 25, 2012, 09:44:37 AM
Wasn't trying to be wise.

Was trying to be funny.  :cry:
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: Cainad (dec.) on December 25, 2012, 06:30:09 PM
At least I managed one point. :lulz:

I have a hard time differentiating wisdom from cynicism these days.
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: The Good Reverend Roger on December 25, 2012, 09:40:05 PM
Quote from: M. Nigel Salt on December 25, 2012, 09:44:37 AM
Wasn't trying to be wise.

Was trying to be funny.  :cry:

And you were.  So were most other people.  Nothing to feel bad about.

Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: Sano on December 25, 2012, 09:41:53 PM
Quote from: Cainad on December 25, 2012, 06:30:09 PM
At least I managed one point. :lulz:

I have a hard time differentiating wisdom from cynicism these days.

This. Now I'm really curious about the right answers.
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: The Good Reverend Roger on December 25, 2012, 09:43:38 PM
Quote from: Sano on December 25, 2012, 09:41:53 PM
Quote from: Cainad on December 25, 2012, 06:30:09 PM
At least I managed one point. :lulz:

I have a hard time differentiating wisdom from cynicism these days.

This. Now I'm really curious about the right answers.

As I said, I edited them into the first post.
Title: Re: Bitter Cynic's Test
Post by: The Good Reverend Roger on December 25, 2012, 09:43:50 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on December 20, 2012, 09:34:36 PM
20 points total.  Answers posted Monday.  Winner gets a hate mail.

1.  What is freedom?  Slavery of choice.
2.  What is science?  Everyone's personal religion.
3.  What is religion?  Somebody else's science.
4.  What is insanity? The state of being insufficiently neurotic.
5.  What is neurosis?  Personality.  Because consciousness always needs to have a style.
6.  A fish is to water as the mind is to. . . ?  Falsehood.
7.  What do all the evils in the world have in common?  They're all necessary ones.
8.  And who commits them?  Everyone else.
9.  What are the two great keys to lifelong happiness and what great modern thinker discovered them?  Good health and a bad memory. Ingrid Bergman.
10.  To whom is all religious, moral, political, scientific and artistic preaching directed?  The converted.
11.  What is the most important information in any message?  The name of the messenger.
12.  Why do some people believe in God?  Because they're afraid not to.
13.  Why do other people not believe in God?  Trick question. Everyone believes in God. They just don't believe in someone else's God.
14.  Who has the hardest belief system?  Atheists.  They have to believe in EVERYTHING.
15.  What's a black hole?  God's open grave.
16.  Name the only two humans in history whose theories on the nature of reality were correct. One was the Cabalist sage Isaac ben Solomon Luria, who in the sixteenth century correctly surmised, in his theory of zimzum, or contraction, that God's first act of creation was to retract himself from existence, in order to make room for the world. The second was the painter Salvador Dali, who astutely noted that the universe is not vast and expanding at all, but is in fact smaller than a butterfly and contracting to a single point somewhere in a railway station in Perpignan, France.
17.  What is the greatest enemy of truth? (this one is worth 4 points)  Consensus

Remember that this was a test of cynicism, not science.  Points to be awarded down thread.