Principia Discordia

Principia Discordia => Aneristic Illusions => Topic started by: East Coast Hustle on December 10, 2013, 08:42:59 AM

Title: Driving while high in WA
Post by: East Coast Hustle on December 10, 2013, 08:42:59 AM

Interesting piece about whether or not the new law has led to more stoned drivers being stopped on the road and what the cops do to determine whether or not someone is intoxicated on the weed.

I found the last part especially interesting, where it gives one cop's very reasonable perspective on the whole matter:

Quote"You may smoke marijuana every day and your tolerance level and what you can function at may be above 5 nanograms," Hicks said. "If I get you and I run you through everything that we normally do and I don`t see the impairment, then it`s irrelevant to me how much THC is in your blood. You could have 20 nanograms. I have no legal reason to arrest you.'"

If this is the officially sanctioned attitude it would seem to go a long way towards easing the concerns of medical user who will almost certainly be over 5ng and not be anything even close to stoned.
Title: Re: Driving while high in WA
Post by: Reginald Ret on December 10, 2013, 12:24:04 PM
Quote from: Jet City Hustle on December 10, 2013, 08:42:59 AM

Interesting piece about whether or not the new law has led to more stoned drivers being stopped on the road and what the cops do to determine whether or not someone is intoxicated on the weed.

I found the last part especially interesting, where it gives one cop's very reasonable perspective on the whole matter:

Quote"You may smoke marijuana every day and your tolerance level and what you can function at may be above 5 nanograms," Hicks said. "If I get you and I run you through everything that we normally do and I don`t see the impairment, then it`s irrelevant to me how much THC is in your blood. You could have 20 nanograms. I have no legal reason to arrest you.'"

If this is the officially sanctioned attitude it would seem to go a long way towards easing the concerns of medical user who will almost certainly be over 5ng and not be anything even close to stoned.
I wish that was the official attitude to everything.
Title: Re: Driving while high in WA
Post by: East Coast Hustle on December 10, 2013, 08:58:14 PM
Well, yeah. It's certainly more prevalent out here than anywhere else I've ever lived. The white people who ended up living in this corner of the US had a disproportionally high number of Scandinavians amongst their ranks and that culture of moderate liberal populism has somehow managed to survive.

Hell, we just elected an honest to god Socialist to Seattle City Council, and SeaTac (the city named after the international airport it grew up around) just passed a $15/hr minimum wage initiative.
Title: Re: Driving while high in WA
Post by: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on December 11, 2013, 03:13:05 AM
I'm gonna have to move to WA if you fucks keep up yer socialistic ways.
Title: Re: Driving while high in WA
Post by: East Coast Hustle on December 11, 2013, 08:41:21 AM
Not the same WA. We get Pugetopolis, the gleaming metropolis of the future.

You get Vantucky.
Title: Re: Driving while high in WA
Post by: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on December 11, 2013, 05:05:53 PM
Quote from: Jet City Hustle on December 11, 2013, 08:41:21 AM
Not the same WA. We get Pugetopolis, the gleaming metropolis of the future.

You get Vantucky.

Yeah, but I found out that Vantucky's dirty little secret is that while it's been cultivating this image of banjos and cowboy boots and good ol' boys in trucks, it's also been busy having its own private love affair with art and weirdness and excellent little restaurants nobody knows about. There's a cultural hub right across the river that almost nobody on this side knows about, and I think they plan to keep it that way.

Also, have you seen this?

All the hot dads are wearing Old Navy.