Principia Discordia

Principia Discordia => Or Kill Me => Topic started by: Irreverend Hugh, KSC on April 11, 2005, 10:56:22 AM

Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Irreverend Hugh, KSC on April 11, 2005, 10:56:22 AM
Sermon on Eristicism 17:
The Last Sermon; in which the highest secret of Erisianism is revealed for a limited time only.

"C?©n f?°th a bh??m ag radaireacht i gc??na?? faoi rud?"

"Bramm hep trouz na c'hwezh a zo labour difrouez!"
(Flatulence without force or noise is useless.)

-Ancient Breton Proverb

"If you ranted all that crap like Irreverend Hugh, you'd have phage days more often too.
-St. Kallista (something I overheard)

QuoteAs noted in Sermon 16, this is the last sermon. I feel that the days of posting rants and sermons to the PD forums is over. Roger and Trollax, two of the most prolific writers posting here, have chickened away in a fit of insanity or some private line of bullshit either Eris or Bob is feeding them. The vast majority of my sermons (and the rants which preceded them) were written for my home cabal first and then shared with those of you on the forums. Now I must move on to other Erisian evangelical activities. Perhaps some day in the distant future, I will decide to post sermons and/or rants again. No one should hold their breath. But do know that I will continue to preach Erisianism wherever I find it useful IRL, but only if I can wear a silly hat.

Yeah, we know you. You know you. I know you. You're the one who says "this is not about me" or "you have it all wrong." And that's precisely because it IS you we are talking about. We have it all, or mostly, right. We are the ones who fly high on supercharged Erisianism and constantly invite you along, remembering Our Goddess and The Original Snub. We sometimes toss Golden Apples your way because you are our sisters and brothers. No harm in that, at least in our intentions.

Have you taken a good look at the world around you recently? It seems that, much like in the latter sixties and early seventies, some of the youth are NOT doing as they are told. A lot of them are rejecting the pre-fabbed expectations to just fit in. In the USA, for every willing recruit into the Armed Forces, it seems there are two or three new converts to anarchism or whatever the hell people call it to excuse their behavior these days. But that's no sign of health or improvement. For every convert to the religion of anarchism (about as superstitious in its visions as any other religion) there are several dozen converts to the cult of the mall rat. I would venture that a good deal of the anarchists are mall rats. But don't be so hard on them. What else could be expected?

Everyone seems to want to wave a flag, even if it's the flag of anarchy. Everyone seems to want to have a belief to take away all the scary parts of life, even if it's the belief of no beliefs. Everyone wants to be a part of some group, even if the group alleges that it is an 'ungroup', especially if the group lets one maintain the illusions of weirdness that many normal people seem to be obsessed with. It is a damned shame that people get caught up in defending this or that identity or this or that label and forget the simple naked truth that true identity or uniqueness is destroyed by asserting it. This seems counter-intuitive because everyone around us appears to have bought into the whole 'assertion of identity' habit. But it's simply a trap. A trick of the market researchers who know exactly what to make you think in order to get you to buy more of what they want to sell you.

Even then, don't blame them or despair over the situation. Simply watch the spectacle and contribute something to the din, if you wish. Rest assured that Eris is fucking them (the so-called normals) over just as surely as She has duped you into becoming Discordian.


I have just told you the secret only known by the highest 23rd level Discordians, the sort of people who could pull off things like the Horrible Police Prank of this past January...the sort of people who years ago listened to my fevered rambling lines of urban concrete cracked poetry and formed a cabal around those twisted thoughts and installed me as the misdirector. It was all a trick to get me to LEARN. And learn I did. What do I ask of you for revealing such a secret (see a few sentences previous, for those of you with A.D.D.) when you don't even know the secret handshake? Nothing except praise for Eris and perhaps your willingness to continue to Take No Shit from others and to keep your mind working. Even so, I could be lying.

Had I known about what I now know, perhaps I would have read self-help books instead of allowing myself to be persuaded into misdirecting the cabal. Perhaps, but the offers of tequila I have received and still receive for doing such a thing, is something to be taken into account. And it really is a lot more fun to LEARN this way anyway. Therein lays another occult secret that will astonish you when you begin to figure it out.

That said.

I have a few more words to say to you before I get down off this soapbox.

Many of you have convinced yourselves that being Discordian is a useful excuse to avoid intelligence or to avoid any sort of searching whatsoever. are right. It is a useful excuse. But you are wrong to do so as experiments have shown that even those who use Discordianism as an excuse for stupidity or even as a pretty label are in the very real danger of blowing their minds out through their noses like so much snot. Or having their minds blown by someone or something else. In any event I encourage more of the same behavior. It may be dangerous, but only to those with huge egos. And it can only help to spread the memes brought to us by Our Lady. (If you think I have just contradicted myself, you have only gotten half of the message.)

As long as you are in no danger of falling into the toilet, you are doing okay. So push away all those depressing angsty whining thoughts about what a fuckpit this world is. We all know it can be a fuckpit and a miserable hellhole populated with some uncaring people. (By all gods! Look at the leaders of the USA for evidence of this.) But there are people who do care, if you'd only take the time out to stop your drivel and look for them. And the world being what it is, is simply what it is, with no regard for whatever label you are giving it at any given moment.

Or you can simply forget you ever heard or read this. In fact, just forget everything.

-Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Guido Finucci on April 11, 2005, 12:01:32 PM
As luck would have it, I have a few shots of El Jimador sitting in my cupboard.

I may not have always said so but you've certainly distracted me down an interesting cul-de-sac of thought, or two, in the time I've been reading this drivel.

So, here's a shot to you Hugh, and my thanks for the bits that made my quotes file and the bits that spun my world.

Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Burning Trees on April 11, 2005, 12:57:26 PM

As soon as I get here, all the raving insanity is finished.

I shall read some of the rest of this and Roger's stuff. Perhaps I will become a preacher of some sort.
Title: Re: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Ben on April 11, 2005, 04:02:41 PM
Quote from: Irreverend Hugh, KSCIt is a damned shame that people get caught up in defending this or that identity or this or that label and forget the simple naked truth that true identity or uniqueness is destroyed by asserting it.  But there are people who do care, if you'd only take the time out to stop your drivel and look for them.
Question: how do we get to know the people who actually care if they don't assert themselves, and if they assert themselves, how are they destroyed?  Face raping bats?  Sounds like a catch 23 to me.
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: LMNO on April 11, 2005, 06:29:32 PM
::hands Hugh a bottle of tequila::

It'll be sad not to read you anymore, Hugh.  If you  really do stop posting NAFRs, the boards will be a lesser place.

But we shall soldier on.  I will not let these forums sink to fucktards.
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: agent compassion on April 11, 2005, 06:33:07 PM
Amen to that...

Besides, the trolls make even me look good...

Perhaps we should have a garden here too, because all the shit the trolls spew would go to waste otherwise.

Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: LMNO on April 11, 2005, 06:36:43 PM
Maybe we could set up some Public Gardens somewhere around here...

Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: agent compassion on April 11, 2005, 06:37:55 PM
I'll do it.

Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Great Teacher Largo on April 11, 2005, 11:24:12 PM
Quote from: agent compassionAmen to that...

Besides, the trolls make even me look good...

Perhaps we should have a garden here too, because all the shit the trolls spew would go to waste otherwise.


Bullshit makes the flowers grow, and that's beautiful.

People should remember that.
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: beholderofI on April 12, 2005, 12:22:30 AM
QuoteAnd it really is a lot more fun to LEARN this way anyway

It's cruel to be kind,
It's better on your own,
When you manage to find,
an ecstatic moan,
without guiding hand,
or having planned.

QuoteA way that can be walked
Is not the way
A name that can be named
is not The Name

Tao is both Named and Nameless
As Nameless, it is the origin of all things
As Named, it is the mother of all things

A mind free of thought,
merged within itself,
beholds the essence of Tao
A mind filled with thought,
identified with its own perceptions,
beholds the mere forms of this world

QuoteQuestion: how do we get to know the people who actually care if they don't assert themselves, and if they assert themselves, how are they destroyed? Face raping bats? Sounds like a catch 23 to me.

As (I think) Maimonides said, there are several reasons why an author will have seeming contradictions in their work. He named seven.
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Eldora, Oracle of Alchemy on April 12, 2005, 04:56:28 AM
Thanks, Hugh.  You have reminded me why I do not brag about my exploits, and why I do not always think of them as exploits.  Also why I do not like categories.  Sometimes I feel like I fit in here, sometimes I don't.  I guess that's a good thing.  I know I do not fit anywhere else.  I can pass as a lot of things.  I can put on a particular outfit and play a particular part and hang out with lots of different people.  

I don't fit in with the xians, I don't believe Christ died for our sins, I think he was here to show us what love and compassion look like.  And to show us that we should not always follow leaders.  And they crucified him for it.  And that is what people focus on, his death and resurrection.

Then there's the various pagan/wiccan/druidic whatever groups.  Too much pomp and circumstance and ritual crap.  If I want to do something, I light a candle and/or incense and turn my focus inward.  If I wanted all that complicated stuff, I would go to Catholic Mass.  Some people think that stuff is great and I guess it is for them, but it's not for me.  

I think part of Hugh's rant is a passing of a torch.  It is time for the rest of us to get our shit together.  Those of us who can write need to start doing rants.  And those of us who think we can write need to try it and see of we can get better.  And we will all have to put up with some bizarre ramblings in the mean time.  Thanks Hugh for sharing with us all the bizarro stuff that is hiding behind the spider webs in your mind, it was very entertaining and at least a little enlightening.
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Horab Fibslager on April 12, 2005, 09:07:32 AM
Quote from: Eldora, Oracle of AlchemyThanks, Hugh.  You have reminded me why I do not brag about my exploits, and why I do not always think of them as exploits.  Also why I do not like categories.  Sometimes I feel like I fit in here, sometimes I don't.  I guess that's a good thing.  I know I do not fit anywhere else.  I can pass as a lot of things.  I can put on a particular outfit and play a particular part and hang out with lots of different people.  

i do notmuch exploti my xploits,. yeha yal 've heared a thingro two but. ihj yeah. no.

i drank afuch uh monte alben's, in remembrance of you  wether otr nto youget he mystricla bnullshit meanign of that(and ou oughta, it's as old as solomin, and then some) i also drank in your honour. wretchd junk. i think  iscared the new girl.
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Zurtok Khan on April 12, 2005, 09:14:27 AM
How terribly anti-climatic, Hugh, my dear.  I am quite sad that you will no longer be around to spoon feed me bits of Erisdom every now and again.  I think that, perhaps, I have grown up some, and may have to start sermonizing myself...err, I mean, sermonizing to everyone else.  Sermonizing myself could be deadly painful, besides my Pope is already missing his hood.

That being said Hugh, thanks for the spark.  I think mine is about to light into a bonfire.
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Horab Fibslager on April 12, 2005, 09:19:57 AM
if you mis hi sspoonings, you can alwaysh hang on to ym chewables.

Quote from: eriseat my asshole n00bs!

wtf? she;s fuckin  freak, an no i aint eatien her fuckin asshole. that's you r job fuckers.
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: B_M_W on April 12, 2005, 06:18:33 PM
dude, how much did you have to drink this morning? Or is it the new weed you got?

Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Cain on April 12, 2005, 06:24:15 PM
Damn, I like Hugh's rants, always worth a read, even if I didnt agree with them all.
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Horab Fibslager on April 13, 2005, 02:55:51 AM
Quote from: Buddhist_Monk_Wannabedude, how much did you have to drink this morning? Or is it the new weed you got?


i blame the tequila, and the tobasco.

put soem fire into me.
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Sepia on April 13, 2005, 11:39:12 AM
hugh is always worth the reread

and the copy pasting

and saving.
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Irreverend Hugh, KSC on April 13, 2005, 11:52:31 AM
Quote from: horab fibslager
Quote from: Buddhist_Monk_Wannabedude, how much did you have to drink this morning? Or is it the new weed you got?


i blame the tequila, and the tobasco.

put soem fire into me.

I always blame the tequila...

It's worked out thus far and if it ain't broke don't fix it.
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Irreverend Hugh, KSC on April 13, 2005, 11:53:57 AM
Quote from: Sepiahugh is always worth the reread

and the copy pasting

and saving.

Well, thank you.

And thank the rest of you too.

I will still be around the forums, I just needed a break from sermonizing this place.
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Burning Trees on April 13, 2005, 11:56:01 AM

What the fuck? You quitting or something?
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Irreverend Hugh, KSC on April 13, 2005, 11:56:25 AM
::stabs teh n00b::
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Cain on April 13, 2005, 11:57:26 AM
Quote from: Sepiahugh is always worth the reread

and the copy pasting

and saving.

I got a pdf of all of his rants, I need to copy the NAFR sermons though.
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Burning Trees on April 13, 2005, 11:58:49 AM
The booby head probably has them pdf'd somewhere else too. Fucking Erisians are like that.
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Cain on April 13, 2005, 12:00:15 PM
Quote from: Burning TreesThe booby head probably has them pdf'd somewhere else too. Fucking Erisians are like that.

Actually, I believe he did.  I think Gnimbleby the gnome did them all.  He hasnt been around lately, I wonder where he got to...?
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Irreverend Hugh, KSC on April 13, 2005, 12:00:27 PM
Quote from: Scribe
Quote from: Sepiahugh is always worth the reread

and the copy pasting

and saving.

I got a pdf of all of his rants, I need to copy the NAFR sermons though.

Sermons: If St. K got my files, they should be at

or so I think.
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Cain on April 13, 2005, 12:01:23 PM
Quote from: Irreverend Hugh, KSC
Quote from: Scribe
Quote from: Sepiahugh is always worth the reread

and the copy pasting

and saving.

I got a pdf of all of his rants, I need to copy the NAFR sermons though.

Sermons: If St. K got my files, they should be at

or so I think.

Excellent, all working, thanks! :D
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Burning Trees on April 13, 2005, 12:01:54 PM

Are you the 4/ from the 23?
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Irreverend Hugh, KSC on April 13, 2005, 12:04:22 PM
Quote from: Burning TreesWhoa!

Are you the 4/ from the 23?

Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: gnimbley on April 13, 2005, 09:31:04 PM
pdf of Hugh's rants (

P.S. i'm always around
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Zurtok Khan on April 14, 2005, 12:06:27 AM
Don't be so sure Hugh, I've been teaching everyone I can the Secret Handshake the Mormon's use to get into heaven, bwhahahahahaha.

Of course...the Freemason's used it first...
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Irreverend Hugh, KSC on April 15, 2005, 08:58:11 AM
Quote from: The 11 Letter Word is FunDon't be so sure Hugh, I've been teaching everyone I can the Secret Handshake the Mormon's use to get into heaven, bwhahahahahaha.

Of course...the Freemason's used it first...

I KNOW you're lying.

You don't even speak Czech for bobsake. So how could you get the secret handshake...unless those Gypsies are putting you on.
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Burning Trees on April 19, 2005, 10:33:22 AM
Czech? Sure does.
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Irreverend Hugh, KSC on April 20, 2005, 09:46:34 AM
Quote from: Burning TreesCzech? Sure does.

Nope. I disagree.
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: VERBAL on April 20, 2005, 09:05:59 PM
*Brings in a case of Potcheen and a case of Guiness and an AUTHENTIC IRISH Folk Band, turning to Hugh says* THAT'sTHE SPIRIT now HAVE SOME MORE SPIRIT and LET'S Dance HELL COLD!! :twisted:  :P  :wink: C'mon everybody!
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Irreverend Hugh, KSC on April 22, 2005, 10:41:47 AM
Quote from: verb*Brings in a case of Potcheen and a case of Guiness and an AUTHENTIC IRISH Folk Band, turning to Hugh says* THAT'sTHE SPIRIT now HAVE SOME MORE SPIRIT and LET'S Dance HELL COLD!! :twisted:  :P  :wink: C'mon everybody!


Na bi ag baic liom anois, fhear.
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: PopeLoUDICRUCE on April 24, 2005, 07:18:24 PM
Go l?? scata Fomh??rach ??lta do bhall fearga. :lol:
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Irreverend Hugh, KSC on April 24, 2005, 08:37:54 PM
Quote from: PopeLoUDICRUCEGo l?? scata Fomh??rach ??lta do bhall fearga. :lol:


Go mba sin dhuit freisin!

Go dtachta An Diabhal thu!
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Anonymous on April 25, 2005, 07:47:45 AM
*slaps Hugh on the ass and proceeds to dance a jig with him*
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: Irreverend Hugh, KSC on April 25, 2005, 08:44:32 AM
Quote from: Anonymous*slaps Hugh on the ass and proceeds to dance a jig with him*

Na bi ag troid liom anois...

No ni do namhaid me.
Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: East Coast Hustle on April 25, 2005, 03:04:45 PM
c?©n f?°th t?? seasamh ar rud scr??obh doil?©ir teanga?

Title: NAFR Sermon 17: The LAST ONE
Post by: PopeLoUDICRUCE on April 26, 2005, 08:15:55 AM
:lol:  :lol:  :lol: This is all very hilarious! I would have never expected, 10 years ago, to be sitting here playing the dozens in Gaelic with people I've never seen before :lol:  :lol:  :lol: Goddess technology IS great!! :lol:  :lol:  :lol: *falls out of chair laughing on the way down* :wink: