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Messages - ataraxia

Or Kill Me / Rev Roger, Epistle #4: To the Riff-Raff
October 18, 2005, 06:29:07 PM
Quote from: LMNO1. Atraxia isn't an alt.  Just saying.
This has been getting kinda funny. Recently everybody who isn't a top 10 poster is getting called an alt at some point. Nobody wants to believe that I can be an ass under my own account.
Or Kill Me / Goodbye.
October 08, 2005, 06:51:53 AM
Ok, I said I would quit if it was the right thing to do, and I meant it. The Mgt has decided, and Roger wins again. Here's what I see:
    Roger is a psycho who is more powerful than I had thought. My pwnage. Look at how quickly he ramped up when I stepped. He's clearly got a battle plan for defending his egomaniac self pre-defined and ready to go. And unfortunately for me, it's a
good one.[/list:u]
    Most people here don't care enough about the board to actually fight for it. My pwnage again.[/list:u]
      Lauren does not care enough to fix her board, either. Or more likely, cannot figure out how to do it, which is nothing against her, since it's definitely a hard problem.[/list:u]
        Buddhist_Monk_Wannabe has an excellent point, as well: the asshats will just keep coming back anyway.[/list:u]
          I am subject to my own words to MoC:
QuoteDo whatever it was you were going to do, before you let these other folks get you into a reactionary stance. This isn't a pissing contest, it's a funhouse. Just play. And if you do your own thing and it still doesn't go over well, I'd say you're just in the wrong place. If it's not for you and you fake it anyway, you have no fun. If it's not for you and you don't fake it, nobody else has any fun. Either way, what's the point?
So I will conclude the obvious, and quit.[/list:u]

As long as the good folks here just complain about the problem, and do nothing about it, it will just get worse. It's that damn "When they came for X, I did not speak out, because I was not an X" thing again. This board is all but USELESS for anyone other than the trolls, and it will become more so. Look at all the deserters! Where is the rest of Bella's family? Hoshi's last post was during the Roger-banzor incident, for instance. Where are riff, Lister, Z3, Medeo, Hotsuma, Slartibartfast, Penumbral, Thwack, Shecky, etc? unlike_someone and synaptyx have been absent lately as well. You think they ALL left out of boredom?

So I will stop posting. I won't stop reading, though ,Äì even if the only things that keep me coming back are Hugh's rants, horab's story, and LMNO-PI. At least, those were the best things I saw posted while I was here. (I assume Verthaine would have said some great stuff, too, but obviously he has much bigger concerns at the moment.)

I'll leave POEE UK and kaegogi/Sandbox as well, since those seem to basically be vassal states of this board. It makes a good case for these truly being "Roger's internets". (Just wait for Netsukuku.)

I will leave PM notifications on, so if you are one of the people I get along with and you missed this, PM me if you want and I'll answer you. And for those of you with my email, don't be shy about using it. I'm not looking to lose any friends, just everyone else ;)

And Roger ,Äì do watch out. You pwnd me, and I'm sure you'll do the same to 99% of the people you meet. But sooner or later, somebody's gonna get you, and you'll realize at the last moment that you don't really want to die after all. My only regret is that I most likely won't know about it.

Bring and Brag / Some more fractal stuff
October 08, 2005, 04:19:49 AM
Quote from: Eldora, Oracle of AlchemyLorenz was a weather guy, hehehe
Yeah, he posted his discovery of the strange attractor in some meteorological journal, and the audience said "WTF is this MATH???" The mathematicians that cared didn't find out for about 10 more years :lol:
Or Kill Me / If I were an actual evildoer...
October 08, 2005, 04:16:51 AM
Quote from: Cain
Quote from: ataraxia
Quote from: CainRegardless of the "Eric" status, I think you deserve shit for telling other posters that they should or shouldnt leave when they have been long-term posters on this site.  Not only that, but making some damn good contributions at the same time.  That sort of behaviour is better off at
I do regret pissing you off, Cain. And in my original, I did say I would leave if it became obvious that it was the thing to do. After all, I have no desire to hang around when the general consensus is that I'm not wanted. I'm still waiting for a few more people to weigh in right now.

And rest assured that if/when I do leave, I will announce it, so that everyone can stop trying to beat me up.

Thats nice.  Still doesnt change the fact that you tried to push decent, exceedingly well contributing posters from the board.
I just decided that the named individuals were making a net negative contribution to the place, that's all. You know that there are quite a few people who hide out until they log out, so they don't have to exchange posts with them? (And no, I'm not going to provide a quote, since it was in a PM.)

And all the "board nazi" accusations don't take into effect that I'm asking for help - not ramming it down your throat, not trying to prevent the named individuals from posting.
Bring and Brag / Some more fractal stuff
October 08, 2005, 04:11:08 AM
Quote from: Eldora, Oracle of Alchemy
Quote from: ataraxia
Quote from: Eldora, Oracle of AlchemyNice effects added to the last one.  Looks like, which is it, a nutron star, or another kind of 'dead' star that shoots that stuff into space?
It's the corner of an Octal, with the "starfield" filter applied (the original, I mean).

I still like the snowman butt guy, I mean, Mandelbrots, hehehe, that's what we call them at my house.
Old Benoit Mandelbrot used to call it something like "the weird bug". I've got his book  The Fractal Geometry of Nature. The pics are nice but don't try to read the text - you could probably find his picture in the encyclopedia under "pedant"  :lol: He's also very vindictive of anyone in his fieldwho doesn't worship him. (He's actually an economist, BTW.)
Or Kill Me / If I were an actual evildoer...
October 08, 2005, 04:01:12 AM
Quote from: CainRegardless of the "Eric" status, I think you deserve shit for telling other posters that they should or shouldnt leave when they have been long-term posters on this site.  Not only that, but making some damn good contributions at the same time.  That sort of behaviour is better off at
I do regret pissing you off, Cain. And in my original, I did say I would leave if it became obvious that it was the thing to do. After all, I have no desire to hang around when the general consensus is that I'm not wanted. I'm still waiting for a few more people to weigh in right now.

And rest assured that if/when I do leave, I will announce it, so that everyone can stop trying to beat me up.

Edit: And I won't come back with another account, either. Closed reg makes that harder than usual. And besides, what's the point? If I leave voluntarily, I leave!
Bring and Brag / Some more fractal stuff
October 08, 2005, 03:49:39 AM
Quote from: Eldora, Oracle of AlchemyNice effects added to the last one.  Looks like, which is it, a nutron star, or another kind of 'dead' star that shoots that stuff into space?
It's the corner of an Octal, with the "starfield" filter applied (the original, I mean).
Or Kill Me / If I were an actual evildoer...
October 08, 2005, 03:44:01 AM
...I could apparently trash this whole site, just by posting one perfectly ordinary reply to a bunch of random threads, because such posts would be guaranteed to be followed by trash. But since I'm not, I won't. I have already involved The Mgt, given the insanity of the response to my challenge.

And I'm actually surprised that:
a) Roger believes that he's so great that only one person in the world can possibly call him out;
b) so many people believed him so easily (go read some Eric posts, then decide if you're so sure).

Bad guys, please DO go troll Eric's site. It will tire you out sooner, and I have no reason to like him either.

And everyone who believes I am NOT Eric, please post here. Remember that when I started in on this, my stated purpose was to reclaim the site for its real purpose. I really do have good intentions.

Thanks for your support, goodniks :)
Bring and Brag / Some more fractal stuff
October 08, 2005, 03:27:04 AM
Quote from: Eldora, Oracle of AlchemyVery nice.  I like all the bazillion changes you made to the first one to create the second one.
These are actually entirely independent from each other. And all the filters that I applied were part of XaoS itself, I didn't even need another app to post-process them.

Didja notice that the last one is the original for my current avatar? I applied an edge-detect filter, a "distant sun" flare effect, and an ordinary fuzzy black dot to it in Gimp.
Or Kill Me / You have GOT to be kidding me
October 08, 2005, 03:19:35 AM
Quote from: CainI see no denials, either.  Of course, I may have missed them in all the "excitement", but I doubt it.
Good point. I hereby deny that I am Eric. I am also not any other pedo, either (and I have no problem with anti-pedo violence).

Go troll/spam/whatever that other site as much as you like.
Or Kill Me / Reminder: Ataraxia = Eldora (edited)
October 08, 2005, 01:52:36 AM
The word "Eric" must be like the word "terrorist" out in the real world. Say it loudly, and everyone will stop thinking and do what you say.

Did "Eric" move, just so he could avoid getting IP-matched in some obvious way? Just so he could go underground, and attack the bad guys? What megalomania.
Or Kill Me / Throwing down the gauntlet
October 08, 2005, 01:08:40 AM

Your jokes blow too. You got any more ALL-CAPS hissy-fits about your daily life to spam us with this weekend?
Or Kill Me / Throwing down the gauntlet
October 08, 2005, 01:05:21 AM
Quote from: Machine Grind DreamTHANKS!

You're the primary example of problem #1. Find something else to do when you're so goddamn bored.
Or Kill Me / Throwing down the gauntlet
October 08, 2005, 12:57:53 AM
I promised a rant, and I'm delivering on it. Folks, we've got a serious problem. This place is sucking hard. I'm pissed and I'm done being reasonable.

First, we are suffering from misapplication of the STFU principle, that's not saying it, it's doing it. Far too many people are posting just to post. On slashdot this is called "crapflooding". Trolls and just plain bored people are posting so much that it's like to make my head explode trying to find some real content in here. Say what you've got to say, and not what you don't. I've been just as guilty of this as the next guy lately, and I intend to work on that.

Second, we're way too mean. Have you noticed that you can't post anything without it getting crapped on in some useless manner? Just because our topic is admittedly nebulous doesn't mean you can't make statements about it. Even admitting that you don't know is subject to complaint. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I know who and what I am, and no amount of flamage is going to change that.

Third, the trolls have taken over. (Some call them "Subgenii".) I hate to break it to you, but it's not your job to harass people into silence for the fun of it. I'm not going to play that game anymore. Are you trying to kill the board? What kind of sad shit is that? Look at all the old timers who have left for good. Look at the reasons why, and notice who's been responsible. Now realize who's been pwning this board.

Fourth, what's with all the politics? Take it elsewhere unless you've got a reason to post it here.

My plan is to ignore anything I don't like from here on in. I'm here by choice, and I'll experience it in the manner of my choosing as well. I hope I can convince the rest of you to do the same. Stop replying to crap. Don't even read stuff from the fuckwads you don't like. Fairly soon we'll see who's valuable here and who's not. (And if I turn out to be in the "not" crowd, I'll have the good grace to leave. You please do the same if it comes to it.)

I came here to read and post smart, fun, and philosophical stuff. And that includes "epigrams". Post all the laughing, pipe-smoking, dunce-cap-wearing smilies that you want, you will waste no more of my time. Go on, bitch and moan that you don't agree with this post and that I've got no right. Waaa, waaa.

So in conclusion, if you're a fucktard, go jump off a bridge somewhere. And if you're not one, help one do it.

Or kill me.
Or Kill Me / Rev Roger, Rant #9: The n00b Rant.
October 07, 2005, 03:21:28 PM
Have another one of my epigrams, then.

"Discordians are humans too. Don't expect otherwise."