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Messages - Lister

Or Kill Me / These forums are dead.
August 11, 2004, 08:11:45 PM
Quote from: fasboy4001i think it could be this place.

these forums are bogged down with tradition (molitovs, drinking, coffee, and shit) that it has started to turn greyface.

a little spring cleaning, some fresh paint, and a new coutch and this pace will be like the honeymoon.

If you don't like it, try to change it...
This forum is bogged with drinking, coffee, molotovs,... because a lot of people here like these things...
No-one here is stopping you to post whatever you like to post about...
(*adult* material such as hardcore gay bestiality and the likes are preferred to have a link with a suitable warning by Mgt decree...  It's possible security is tighter now, stopped keeping track of that sort of stuff for about a year)
Or Kill Me / y: epilogue 2
August 11, 2004, 08:00:30 PM
That someone probably didn't realize that indifference and hate (and caring for people, to complete the general list) are all just opinions...
Opinions are equal in worth on a global scale...
There is no hierarchy in opinions on a global scale...

Big words:
Caring for people can sorta be described as altruism...
Indifference can be described as apathy...
I can't think of a big word for hate...
Just wasted at least 10 minutes trying to come up with it...
Bollocks to this...
Or Kill Me / Discourse 30: World: idle?
August 05, 2004, 07:38:29 PM
I know nothing about the Mayans or their calendar, but might it not be possible that one day they just said "Haven't we got enough already?" and went off to play soccer with the head of a spanish conquistadore...?
Strangely enough I've never been bothered by vegans (and consorts)...

The few times the subjects arises in conversation, I always ask why they don't eat meat...

"I don't like the taste of meat" (or something likewise) is about the only reason I accept for not eating meat...
(And maybe health reasons as well, although I never encountered them)

Reasons involving honor or conscience get to deal with sarcasm, scorn or /ignore...

(The above assuming of course that someone else broached the subject to me...  I generally don't go out of my way to bother people about their eating habits...)
Sorta reminds me of someone (a colleague of a friend of mine) who works in a factory on nightshift for an entire month, in order to afford a special exhaust pipe so his pimped car makes a slightly different sound when driving...
Or Kill Me / Lister's Movie Guide: The Evil Cult
July 09, 2004, 09:57:26 PM
The Evil Cult (a.k.a. "The Kung Fu Cult Master" in some regions)

Starring: A very young Jet Li
Sammo Hung
+some more oriental people I've never heard of.

I have a weak spot for oldskool kung fu movies.  
When you view the whole availability of kung fu movies, then the Bruce Lee ones can be easily called boring...

It's hard to find decent screenshots of this movie, so this one will have to do:

Jet Li & his posse

Above are the least extravagant-looking characters in the movie.

First a warning: the movie is 96 minutes, but do to some weird timewarp thingie, it seems as if it's 180 minutes...  No Shit; happened twice in a row...
It might seem so long because the plot is very confusing at first, since events tend to follow each other up really fast, with random flashbacks thrown in for good measure.

Here's what I understood from the plot so far (do not read if you want the full experience of watching it for the first time):

Once upon a time, 2 magical swords were created that were powerful enough to rule the world.  One sword was taken away by "Golden Lion" from the "Evil Cult" (the evil cult are the good guys in this movie...  It took me half the movie to figure this one out...), and the other one by some other guy.
Golden Lion then tried out the hermit thingie and disappeared with his sword.  The only guy who knew where Golden Lion was committed suicide instead of telling the real evil guys (a whole lot of warlords, bushy-eyebrowed shaolin monks with bells, and a nun named "Sister No-Mercy" who for some reason had obtained the sword leading them), and incidentally that guy was Jet Li's father.  
**You obtained a quest: Avenge Thy Father**
**A journal entry has been created**
But Jet Li has been hit by the "Jinx Hand" as a kid, and therefore can't learn kung fu...
Jet Li no kung fu?
Not untill he grows up, learns some special ?ºber kung fu from a castout insane hermit cook who's chained to a giant boulder in a dark forest at the bottom of a crevasse.
After that he just learns kung fu like it's nobody's business, and starts his own personal war against an army, working sort of with the evil cult.

And then suddenly halfway the story after 3 hours, the movie suddenly stops...
No happy ending, no warning,...
Just *BLAM!*: ending credits...

Apparantly it was supposed to get a sequel, but for some reason it never got one.

I recommend this movie to anyone who's sort of interested in kung fu movies.

Action: ***** (only for about 9 cumulative minutes in the entire movie absolutely no-one is fighting)
Romance: * (Female sidekick tries to make a pass, but only at the end of the movie does he even show a slight interest)
Confusion: ***** (practice the following mantra to chant while watching: "WTF is going on?")
Humor: ***** (get it subbed, not dubbed.  The subtitles are the best.)
Over The Top Extravagancy: ***** (Look again at the utter right guy on the pic.  Then at the utter left guy's mustache...  The right one is "White Eagle", and the left one "Green Bat")
Gore: ** (some chopped-off limbs at times, nothing more)
Sex: - (Main characters wishes to stay a virgin so he gets a boner every morning and his kung fu stays top shape.  As by the exact words of his teacher -second guy from the right-)

Ninja Presence:  There's one sudden ninja attack in some temple, but very few ninja's overall.
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger
It is almost universally true (the jobs bit)...except for the top 9% or so.

I am shocked...

You mean TV was right?

I expected TV to lie to me; it had always lied to me before...  

You used to know where you stood with TV back in the day, and then it suddenly starts spouting out true stuff...

Everytime I saw such a reference on TV (in some movie or show) when someone got fired because they were late, or just because one customer complained, I always thought "nah, it can't be that bad"...

I hopefully assume that 20k a year is after income taxes and including bonusses...  That would make it roughly the same as over here, easing my mind a bit...
Literate Chaotic / Robert Rankin
July 08, 2004, 08:02:58 PM
It sorta sounds foney to me...

It's still you who decides what you think or feel they want to hear...
A saleswoman... (which takes skill...  skill I can't seem to learn no matter what...  respect!)

In reality, tarot is probably only useful if you do it only for yourself...

Quoteif it works because my subconscious sorts through whatever just happens to show up and comes up with the information I need.

I think this comes closest...

Everyone has intuition when solving problems (although I prefer to call it instinct because it's roughly the same, and has less syllables.), but few people trust it enough to listen to it...
There isn't *one correct way* to get in touch with your instincts, that's one of the many things you will have to figure out for yourself...

People who do not trust their instinct tend to turn to other people for advice when facing an enigma...

I have the sort of mind that can easily switch the focus to problem-solving mode, and then I just go on "feeling" to select the right solution...
If I look convinced enough that it was the right decision, then other people will easily believe that it was indeed the right decision...
In a way, I will have made the right decision...
It is, after all, accepted by everyone as being right...  What else defines reality?
But in effect it's just the right decision for me, while the rest will just continue to walk around with their heads in their asses...
So if Bush gets re-elected, he'll get the blame?
Maybe he even sponsored Michael Moore, so he won't get elected again...

One thing I've been curious for a While...
What's employment in the US like?

If you turn on the tv here to the usual american rubbish, everyone needs 2 jobs a day to make ends meet, can get fired on a whim (arrive half an hour late from work and you're fired), work 12-hour days with almost no breaks,...

How much of this is true?
What's an average (or median if you like) income over there?
How much is minimum wage?
So if I get this right, this guy flies a deathtrap through storms on a regular basis...  How long has he been doing this?
Because you seem to rule out the possibility that he might actually be good at this sort of thing?

If the plane is a deathtrap, who do you want to be the pilot?
The experienced nutter, who is familiar with the quirks of the plane?
Or a top-notch pilot, who is used to planes that are reliable?

The most important thing is not to show pH34r when in the plane...
If you show pH34r, he'll try more crazy stuff just to freak you out so he can call you a n00b afterwards (in jest)...
Put on a face of professional indifference, and his interest in "showing off" will diminish...
All show-offs need an audience...

If you die, then you die...
No real use in worrying...

And at least you can make sure that the plane is in order before you take off...  
Most people who died in plane crashes didn't have that privilege...
Or Kill Me / Hotsuma's Reviews: Drakengard
July 08, 2004, 07:12:34 PM
It's not the job-change that's bugging people (FFV had plenty of job-changes), it's the fact that the game is too girly in general...
It's not a matter of content, it's a matter of presentation...

"Well, of course the game is girly, but at least you get to see rikku in a swimsuit."

I'm old enough to watch real porn...

"If you look past the girly stuff, then there's a really cool game underneath."

Quite possible, but there are other cool games where you don't have to look past stuff to see that it's cool.

"Why don't you like girly stuff, are you a homophobe?  A closet case?"

I don't like it because I don't like it.
If a girl doesn't like to watch "Big Trouble In Little China" 10 times in a row followed by 15 sittings of "Army Of Darkness", does that make her a closet-lesbian?
Closets are not my thing, I prefer a basket...
Literate Chaotic / Robert Rankin
July 07, 2004, 08:33:31 PM
Quote from: chaosgraves:agentoferisI think I have one called sex drugs and sausage rolls.... weird stuff this guy.

Either I have this one as well, or I saw it lying in the bookstore...
Too lazy to run up to my bookshelf a second time to find out...
Or Kill Me / Hotsuma's Reviews: Drakengard
July 07, 2004, 08:14:27 PM
Quote from: Hotsumaactually, enix had nothing to do with FFX-2

But I guess the Yuna-fetish you guys have has everything to do with FFX-2...
I didn't play FFX-2 since I don't like the princess-dress-me-up part...
In FFX Yuna was far less appealing than Rikku, so it must come from FFX-2...
Literate Chaotic / Robert Rankin
July 07, 2004, 08:04:55 PM
Quote from: fluffyI put these on my Amazon wish list. I don't know about these,
but I really like the title of one of his other books, "The Hollow Chocolate
Bunnies of the Apocalypse." Sounds like someone I know!

I'm reading this one right now (well, not now now), I'm about at the middle, but personally I liked Witches of Chiswick and the Brentford quintology best.  Brentford quintology probably isn't right, but it's a series of 5 books happening mostly in Brentford (books are: the antipope, the brentford triangle, east of ealing, the sprouts of wrath and the brentford chainstore massacre)

But you must admit...
If you see a book entitled "The Hollow Chocolate Bunnies Of The Apocalypse", it's pretty hard not to buy it out of curiosity...
I often buy books based solely on the title...
Quote from: Captain Hotsumavery, not one of my reviews hasn't been hijacked o date

Reviews generally don't reach a second page...