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Messages - whatc

Bring and Brag / Re: Mantis Shrimps (pic heavy)
July 28, 2009, 08:24:42 AM
Cool, didn't know you could get these as pets.

"...Mantis Shrimps have been known to break the glass of their aquarium." :lulz:
Bring and Brag / Re: procrastinate.paint.
July 23, 2009, 10:55:52 AM
Kongregate collabs competition.. wants that damn tablet :D

"Warm welcome as expected from an old friend"


Cyber Recession Warrior: Edgar

"With limited story, Edgar throws you directly into the action of an endless procedurally generated dungeon crawler. With a "Diablo"-style loot system and an AP driven strategic-combat system (a la Fallout), the game attempts to recreate an experience thus far non-existant in flash gaming."

How much fun can shooting boxes in a ugly virtual dungeon be..? Yeah, this is what i've been doing mostly for the last couple of days.
Bring and Brag / Re: procrastinate.paint.
July 15, 2009, 12:01:27 AM
Quote from: ⒷⓊⓇⓃⓈ on July 14, 2009, 05:08:54 PM
LOVE that technique....I'll have to give it a shot tonight.  I usually start with scribbling with the thinnest line to get the form down then outline the form with a different color and erase the other line to the background.   Your technique here seems to allow a bit more flexibility for error....thanks!
You're welcome. I also think of it as error encouraging, so that they can contribute to the work.
Quote from: Triple Zero on July 14, 2009, 11:35:46 PM
do you use a drawing tablet or a mouse to make that?
Just a mouse. I've thought about getting a tablet someday... Maybe if i could find decent one that isn't too expensive.

Iconoclastic surgery experiment 1.

Bring and Brag / Re: procrastinate.paint.
July 12, 2009, 09:19:33 PM
thank you.

monkey captured.

(painting for yourself is thinking for yourself:insert further thoughts on -personal- "discordian" painting/art here:beyond basic chaos/order stuff:participating in the picnic:mindfuck vs./+ ?)
tracking thoughts.
typical (or one type of)mspaint work starts like this. pick a color and start drawing random lines with the biggest brush.
just spreading the paint there is no promise of anything. Just something to react to. improvising. If it doesnt work i scrap it and start again.

Now making shapes little more defined but still very much playing around. black and white this time. thinking of a rhythm/composition perhaps. In some sense it could pass as a finished work.

Beginning to think this was a stupid idea. worked little more with b&w and mixed a blue i like that works with brown. conforming.
painting loosely following some patterns. more defined.requires more. writing between sessions makes the whole thing seem awkward.

defining with black and white. got reminded of teeth and mouth. was going to mix a yellow but clicked on pinkish(anillin?) accidently and thought it was good. edgy. went with that. More black. going with the yellow next.

added yellow. and turqoise :horrormirth::lulz: coffee starts to kick in.

smaller brush size,defining with black. some light brown and adding light blue line patterns for..coherence?(word that comes to mind)
looks better. could be finished.--- urge to delete whole post.

after taking a nap it seems a little boring. needs more work.

bit more work. meaning few strokes to ruin it. Then free to do what ever.

Bring and Brag / Re: procrastinate.paint.
July 11, 2009, 04:06:58 PM
yeah. I think if you're having fun doing stuff those things will follow.
Bring and Brag / Re: procrastinate.paint.
July 10, 2009, 11:31:02 PM
Thanks :D
I just played around with it  till i "got it". It doesn't do any magic tricks so it's just about practice..and relaxing for me.
Bring and Brag / Re: procrastinate.paint.
July 10, 2009, 10:50:00 PM
Quote from: B_R|S on July 10, 2009, 10:22:58 PM
NICE!   I like your style...have you done anything using the black and white pallet?  I'm currently experimenting with those values to see if i can do a small b&w animation.
Oh are you working with flash or..? I'd like to see if you got something to show.

Thought i had more but these were the only ones i could dig up:

i intended this to be just b&w but got a little impatient..

Bring and Brag / Re: procrastinate.paint.
July 10, 2009, 10:13:22 PM

Or Kill Me / Re: Ever feel like you're going mad?
June 11, 2009, 03:34:48 PM
What is the meaning of life. That was the gospel i intended to scream when i first stumbled here (2004-2005 maybe). Not too long after i found discordianism. It was something of my own i wanted to share with everyone. I watched the pinealists get hammered to the ground and didn't feel like getting the same treatment. So i thought it was best to lurk for a while.. That while has lasted. I have made few posts but i'm still that lurker. Don't think that i've ever made an introduction, i dont remember. Guess i figured i could slip in through the backdoor. That's been my strategy in life. Being the quiet guy. It has worked but with a cost. I can't express myself and it's eating me. Painting brings relief but it's bullshit if i wont get understood. Realizing that i've been a passive-aggressive shitbag instead of just polite/nice/considerate is.. well it sucks. That's why everything fails. Funny enough this sudden "enlightenment" is partly thanks to Atlas Shrugged, which i was afraid to start reading for some reason(becoming a randoid.starting to see a pattern here..).
Now is this a moment of madness or sanity, i don't know. Damned if i hit 'post' and damned if i don't..

Bring and Brag / Re: Disrupted: What happens next?
June 01, 2009, 10:32:46 PM
 "This is bullshit. Let's just all go, allright?
"I don't think it is such an good idea but if you guys are going.."
"Yeah, fuck it. Let's go then."
"Ok but if something happens.."
"Like what could possibly go wrong? Come on!"
"I don't like this.."



"fuck, fuck, fuck!!!"
" all. That was the door wasn't it?"
"Yes it was the door you dick!"
"Ok, chill everyone. Who's got light?
"Just a sec..There!"


"Well isn't this classic.."

"Don't you mean-"
"Shut up! What's that over there?"
Bring and Brag / Disrupted: What happens next?
June 01, 2009, 08:09:30 PM
This was inspired by watchmen(surprisingly), @gnosis! amongst other things. Also that Dada Blacksheep-thread got me into this.

I felt like starting a comic but not so much finishing it. Something like the surrealist drawing(or writing) game where you fold a paper and draw in turns without looking what the other has drawn and get something surprising as a result.
Here you can ofcourse see what is already there and don't need to take turns. If there is a story it can divide into alternative directions(or universes) and you can pick it up where ever you feel like or just start your own random event. Draw or write to best or worst of your ability, it's up to you. propably fail.

Warning: all replies to this topic can be considered as being part of the comic and thus referred in it later by someone.

Quote from: Telarus on March 30, 2009, 05:45:32 AM
Apparently this cartoon:

Is stirring up the hard core Israeli nationalists as much as THAT OTHER CARTOON stirred up the hardcore nationalist Muslims.

The comments on that article are full of lulz.

" The U.N.'s top human-rights body approved a proposal by Muslims nations Thursday urging passage of laws around the world to protect religion from criticism..."
Bring and Brag / Re: Juxtapositions
March 28, 2009, 08:12:10 AM
genius :mittens: