
He was a pretty good teacher, but he's also batshit insane and smells like ferret pee.

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Messages - TheLastLump

Bring and Brag / Re: Illuminated Orchid
August 01, 2008, 01:03:09 PM



Yes, it IS a bit much, but I honestly liked it. You rhymed it well.

But you still can't have any of my Internets. Don't even bother asking.
Bring and Brag / Re: Illuminated Orchid
July 31, 2008, 09:18:35 PM
Like Jabberwocky, but with 20% less made-up words! Well done, Rook!
Hell, Isa, that makes alot of sense. Imagination if, when those chunks of iron fell in those comets all those years ago, there were microbes and bacteria latched inside crevices where they were protected from the heat? Most of them fell- you guessed it- just before the Iron Age, but there could've been precursors that fell shortly before human creation.

To me, it seems ridiculous to think God made the Earth in a few days. I just think the scribes were dullwitted enough to be like, "What the hell is an aeon?! That's no amount of time I ever heard of... seven aeons... well, he's God, so he could do it in seven days if he wanted to. Hey, yeah! That works! Let's write that down..."

There's so many cracks in the Bible that I no longer even call myself Christian anymore- anyone who trusts a book that, for two hundred years, was solely able to be read by corrupt individuals and leaders who'd only benefit from having their citizens kept ignorant... is just foolish. It's like Kevin Smith hypothesized in that comedy, Dogma: Who knows what all's been altered and changed in it throughout the years? I still believe in God, but I believe he used Evolution as the tool to develop and alter life to the degrees necessary to let us survive.
Quote from: LMNO on July 29, 2008, 05:31:11 PM
I highly doubt that LastLump meant to convey that association when he made the reference.

I've said this before.

Quote from: LMNO on July 29, 2008, 05:31:11 PM
I just felt that in that instance, Lump sounded like he was using "faggot" as an actual insult, that homosexuality was somhow "bad".

The word's pretty much been used so much as a placeholder for any other insult, with or without regard to it having anything to do with being gay, to the point it just becomes instinct. I didn't mean gayness was bad; I just used the first word that came to mind.

Sure, it's not right, but it's a habit I'm still trying to break.
Cram you, Damnulus!  :argh!:

Thwarted again!
 :D It's kinda like how I'll never get why communists chose that whole "bundle of sticks wrapped around an axe" thing as their symbol. What, is it like Russian Reversal? Is it supposed to be confusing, but just ends up being funny?

And, like I said, it wasn't MEANT to be funny. I just wanted to express rage by emasculating the two old geezers who wanted to "crack down" on immigrants by allowing them to be identified and, consequently, murdered. The fact that I called them faggots, and that their symbol is ALSO called a faggot, escaped my notice at first.

And now, since this has all been cleared up, can we go back to our reasonably intelligent discussion about fascists again? This whole "Whoops, I said something bad again" thing is getting annoying.

What else is news in the World o' Fascists? What're the responses from other countries?
Quote from: Darth Cupcake on July 29, 2008, 03:06:35 PM
Quote from: TheLastLump on July 29, 2008, 12:23:28 PM
Quote from: Father Kurt Christ on July 29, 2008, 04:02:37 AM
I've always found the similarity of "faggot" (not really sure how the hell this became a term for homosexuals) as in a bundle of sticks, and the roots word of "Fascist" from Rome, as an analogy for unity within the state, as a single stick can be broken more easily than a bundle, to be funny.

Finally, somebody got the joke. Father, I'm awarding you a +5 to your Awareness stat, a +3 to your Wisdom, and an additional D6+1 roll to improve your Awesomeness rating to reflect your Level Up.

Also, yes, you MAY make a rat-flail out of that dead Dire Rat and that Stick you found in the last dungeon.

You have got to be shitting me.

ZOMG YUO GUISE "Faggot" begins with FA- and ends in -T. So does "fascist." WHOA CRAZY. So wait, how does fast and fat and fart and fairest and any other number of words work into this game? I'm confused.

No, seriously, someone please explain to me how the FUCK we are supposed to see TEH FUNNAY in this?

Also, if it's supposed to be funny that a faggot in the bundle of sticks sense doesn't snap as easily as a single fascist stick, then why would you call that person a fascist faggot? Aren't you trying to say that faggots are STRONGER than fascists? Then why equate them as being the same thing? That sort of yanks the carpet out from underneath the hilarity.

Do not--I repeat DO NOT--back pedal and try to turn your bigoted statement into a joke when it clearly isn't, wasn't, and will never be. Just admit that you said something wrong that you shouldn't have.

XD The joke was that it's funny to make fun of fascists.

Get it?

And besides, Eris works in hilarious ways. I didn't even catch the fact that- in my anger- using the big, bad, awful mean hurtful word "faggot"- which, by the way, is the BUNDLE of sticks, which is the point Father was trying to make- in an attempt to express my rage at the fact gypsies were being murdered for being... y'know... gypsies, actually had a double meaning in there. I didn't notice it at first, but with Father's comment, it seemed so obvious.

So, yes, I WILL backpedal when I realize I've used a word that causes MASSIVE BUTTHURT. I'm sorry that you don't hate murderers and racists as much as I do. I deeply apologize for not realizing that you don't indeed find fascists as offensive as the word faggot.
Quote from: Father Kurt Christ on July 29, 2008, 04:02:37 AM
I've always found the similarity of "faggot" (not really sure how the hell this became a term for homosexuals) as in a bundle of sticks, and the roots word of "Fascist" from Rome, as an analogy for unity within the state, as a single stick can be broken more easily than a bundle, to be funny.

Finally, somebody got the joke. Father, I'm awarding you a +5 to your Awareness stat, a +3 to your Wisdom, and an additional D6+1 roll to improve your Awesomeness rating to reflect your Level Up.

Also, yes, you MAY make a rat-flail out of that dead Dire Rat and that Stick you found in the last dungeon.
When I first started reading this thread, I wanted to beat somebody. Anybody- mostly any fascist faggot who seriously likes to see this stuff happen, but I would've settled for anyone who annoyed me.

But now I'm just sad.
Or Kill Me / Re:
July 10, 2008, 04:20:51 AM
Quote from: trippinprincezz13 on July 09, 2008, 05:03:06 PM
Quote from: LMNO on July 09, 2008, 04:14:00 PM
LastLump:  The TV ads for Dianetics has been around for at least a few decades.

Yea, I think I brought this up a few weeks ago, and it was mentioned that they've been on for a while, though mostly during the daytime shows. Which is probably why I never noticed them since I wasn't around watching tv during the day. I have noticed they seem to be popping up more at all times of the day though.

Ah... see, I've watched TV alot, even during the day, but I've missed these commercials somehow. Weirdness.
Or Kill Me / Re: Oh No You Fucking Don't!!!
July 10, 2008, 04:16:14 AM
Quote from: The Littlest Ubermensch on July 08, 2008, 05:13:34 AM
:patiently awaits another hemp + LastLump inspired shitstorm:

XD Apparently you didn't get the sarcasmicacity of my post.

Just because hemp is an awesome product doesn't mean making it legal would change anything.
Or Kill Me /
July 08, 2008, 04:33:14 AM
Seriously, I was just watching Scrubs on Comedy Central, and all of a sudden, an advertisement for scientology popped up. In a commercial. ON T3H IDIOTBOX.

I was unaware that Scientology had its own commercials.

<b speak>
Is it can be troll tiem nao PLZ?!!

Seriously, unless this site is old news (i.e. Has been around for awhile, but they've just gotten the commercial to increase brain trafficking rates) we need to eat them. EAT THEM WITH FAVA BEANS AND A NICE CIANTE.
Or Kill Me / Re: Oh No You Fucking Don't!!!
July 08, 2008, 04:23:19 AM
Quote from: Paesior on June 25, 2008, 02:54:08 PM
Quote from: SillyCybin on June 25, 2008, 02:41:41 PM
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Dwindling oil reserves have nothing to do with cars not being able to move and everything to do with not being able to make the car in the first place. Everything you touch, wear, use or eat depends on oil from the styrofoam packaging to the additives in the chicken feed.
It'll all be ok, because "they" will discover a practical way to power my car with biofuels... and "they'll" harvest the plants needed to power all of these cars with vehicles which also run on biofuels, which "they" will make and transport using machinery which also runs on biofuels, and EVERYTHING WILL TURN OUT OK!
[/stupid fucking monkey]

I see you appreciate the irony of the situation.

Why don't we just fix what we CAN fix in a day, and start planting Hemp? Industrial non-drug hemp creates lots more oxygen per acre than an acre of trees. Something something something, hole in ozone layer = fixed.

There. I've done my good deed for the day.
July 04, 2008, 04:08:58 AM

I don't know how to embed images in here, so I can only supply this URL. However, this picture is a decent vision of what the future could be... and, perhaps, how it should be.

Nature and Technology, living as one.
Quote from: Donkeyotay on August 10, 2005, 05:40:07 AM
what is the term for a cause that is doomed from the start?

Quote from: Verthaine on August 10, 2005, 08:55:56 PMLittle something called "democracy"

I think we have a winner.