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Messages - Lilith

Or Kill Me / Re: Thoughts on Other lifeform
September 09, 2008, 07:05:46 PM
Quote from: LMNO on September 09, 2008, 07:01:33 PM
Quote from: The Reverend Asshat on September 09, 2008, 06:57:48 PM
A pity that nobody watches :lulz:
Or Kill Me / Re: Thoughts on Other lifeform
September 09, 2008, 06:52:17 PM
Thanks, really. I tend to be too naive in such things.
Oh my... I should have started earlier with this web stuff. Feeling like the older generation :D
Discordian Recipes / Re: ITT, You recommend Coffeemakers
September 09, 2008, 06:04:28 PM
Vienna has the best coffee bean roastery!
Or Kill Me / Re: Thoughts on Other lifeform
September 09, 2008, 04:16:50 PM
Quote from: LMNO on September 09, 2008, 04:05:32 PM
Look at my screename, and consider the context.

Even though it sucks to explain something probably obvious, you have to help me here... don't get it.
LMNO are just letters from the alphabet for me. Me stupid foreigner  :|
Or Kill Me / Re: Thoughts on Other lifeform
September 09, 2008, 03:43:01 PM
There is such a thing as Alphabet Wolf? ;)

I know they use a warning sound which you could interpret as a 'woof', but usually just once...
but I can be wrong.
Discordian Recipes / Re: ITT, You recommend Coffeemakers
September 09, 2008, 02:48:04 PM
Coffeeholic here! But I don't like any filtered one. I have this Bodum glass coffee pots, where you put the coffee in, add hot water and just press down. Taste better, but you'll need an extra thermo, so probably too much work :D
I can only recommend a fully automatic coffee machine which grind the beans fresh and uses no paper fileter (my dream,. but too expensive right now).
But if you go for the caffeine and not the taste, it probably won't matter. Krupps and Braun are best ;)
Or Kill Me / Re: Thoughts on Other lifeform
September 09, 2008, 02:31:31 PM
Quote from: LMNO on September 09, 2008, 02:30:15 PM
Woof, woof.

-The Alphabet Wolf.

Actually, wolves don't bark, they just howl.

- the smartass
Principia Discussion / Re: Congratulations to TGRR...
September 09, 2008, 02:30:30 PM
Quote from: Hoopla on September 09, 2008, 02:27:05 PM
Bowie and Iggy Pop lived in Berlin from about '76 till about '79.  As LMNO said, they produced some of their best albums in that period.

Oh, then I indeed was wrong!
Not much background knowledge here, I bow and ask your apology!
Principia Discussion / Re: Congratulations to TGRR...
September 09, 2008, 02:29:11 PM
Quote from: LMNO on September 09, 2008, 02:11:40 PM
Some of their best albums, too.

Lil, you also have Einsturzende Neubauten, who are awesome.

Wow, I wouldn't have thought they are known beyond the borders! :D
I like Oomph! too, but they mostly sing in German :(
Principia Discussion / Re: Congratulations to TGRR...
September 09, 2008, 02:25:29 PM
Okay, let's re-read it:

QuoteAgreed.... like West Germany after the war wink

QuoteWouldn't use this comparison, it grew pretty powerful afterwards!

(yes, it DID! :argh!:)
Quotewhich of the sockpuppets grew powerful?

QuoteOkay, I have to explain further, cause nobody seem to get it:
don't you dare to compare CoG with my home country!! THAT'S what I meant!! Comprende now? wink

Quote from: Hoopla on September 09, 2008, 01:26:04 PM

No, you did.  Look it up.

Mmmh.. then remind me... where did I go wrong? With the West Germany part??  8)
Principia Discussion / Re: Congratulations to TGRR...
September 09, 2008, 01:15:55 PM
Quote from: Hoopla on September 09, 2008, 01:11:32 PM
Well, they had David Bowie and Iggy Pop in the late 70s...

Wrong country, we have Scorpions and Rammstein over here... guess again :D
Or Kill Me / Re: Are you scared?
September 09, 2008, 01:09:35 PM
Quote from: Dr. Payne on September 09, 2008, 11:54:31 AM
Quote from: Lilith on September 09, 2008, 11:42:57 AM

But then again, I don't live in the US...

Neither do I.
I thought so by the times you are online :D

Yep, love it, too, wouldn't want to live anywhen else!
Or Kill Me / Re: Are you scared?
September 09, 2008, 11:42:57 AM

But then again, I don't live in the US...
Or Kill Me / Re: Use brain much
September 09, 2008, 11:39:33 AM
Quote from: Lupernikes_shadowbark on September 09, 2008, 11:23:58 AM

I think something similar, how have humans adapted in civilised society to  actually survive?  Outside of our very specialised and artiificial envirnment, how long would we survive without our technology and lacking hunter's adaptations (except our brains).  One theory I consider is that maybe our ability to create for creation's sake and to record is our purpose, to record and act as a kind of sensory apparatus for the universe.  It's hard to explain but my belief is that everything in the universe is interconnected (an extrension of Gaia theory I suppose) in the same way the cells in our bodies are interconnected yet independant.  We are our own private universes and processes and events take place every second of which we have no awareness or control yet they occur, for our good or our detriment.  Now I'm not saying the universe is some vast spaghetti monster or suchlike, just that life attracts more life and is somehow connected through means we cannot yet quantify nor understand but are maybe on the verge of suspecting.  Religion stood on the verge and then got frightened and turned back.  Realisation that we are very small and unimportant in the universe is not a nice thought to have.

But yes, back to your post, we are not behaving well towards our own survival nor that of those creatures around us, maybe we're a virus?

More a parasite.

I personally don't believe in a cause. I also don't believe in a unite conscience.
We are living now on this planet and have the questionable luck to realize it. We are curious but not able to explain everything we see, so we think about stuff.
But that's no explanation.
If you look at the mind blowing space and time in the universe, we are a pretty unimportant dust spot in space and nobody cares if we will kill this planet, cause it'll blow up with the sun anyway in a few seconds. It's very probable that there is intelligent life somewhere else, but they are very likely in the same position.
Hey, we won't even make it as long as the dinosaurs did (with a brain the size of a walnut), so where's the big advantage here?

For my part, it could even be that we are in a Microcosmos and our universe is part of an atomic nucleus in another being playing hockey (or whatever they did in MIB!)... but we won't find out and actually I don't care much :)

Or Kill Me / Re: Use brain much
September 09, 2008, 10:18:47 AM
Mmmh, this thread had so much great stuff, it's a pity that there are mud holes everywhere.
maybe you should have eplained it to him in an easy way, I'll try, I can't write complicate English, cause it's not my native language:
You said only humans evolved (oh, I can't even write this without getting goosebumps!): what makes you think so?
Have you been outside recently?
Apes are not very far from humans, in fact, they have self awarness, sense of humor, are able to play 'pretend' and Bonobos even have sex for fun and many birds recognize themselves in mirrors. just because they don't like sitting on a desk in a city office cube all day doesn't mean they didn't "evolve".
For my opinion, humans are no superior being in any way, they can't run fast, can't fight very good and have hardly any insulation left. We are pretty professionalized in cognitive thinking and are able to write our knowledge down for future generations, that's true, but that's all (or would you be able to invent the car new from scratch?).
And, as mentioned, it happended a lot the last thousand years: lactose tolerance in some areas (as mentioned), less ability to digest raw food, esp. meat, and our jaw went smaller, too: no room for wisdom teeth anymore... I'm sure there's more, esp. on molecular bases.
changes also depend on how fast the generation-change of a spezies is.
The only parts, where changes are faster and more obvious in long living animals, is usually when humans stick their fingers in (as to say breeding). But breeding is not adapting, those animals are less suitable for nature.
For me it's pretty obvious, that nothing on this planet is 'processing' towards a goal. Why? You never know how the environment will change (or how we will make it change)! There's nothing planned, it's adaption.

I have a question and hope I don't sound stupid, I don't have a professional insight into this and didn't read much books:
Are you able to lose information forever?
In bred animals, most professionals (sheep with ever growing hair, pigs with hardly any fat, hens who lay eggs, even when not fertilized...) are not able to survive in nature anymore. But we have seen, that some survive and adapt perfectly into niches again (Dingos, horses... and even regular house pigs managed to survive outside in winter). What would you call this re-adaption in a very short time (took less time than the breeding)?