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Philip K. Dick     A Scanner Darkly
Who will go for food at the Humane Society with a 9mm ?   :cry:

Or visit the Zoo with some shotguns? 
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: Desert Outpost
February 21, 2009, 07:13:51 AM
A little simpler but I thought of the Outpost as your Job.  I place of sustenance and stability but that is also a kind of trap.  Some stay there as long as they can.  Some get kicked out or feel compelled to leave.  Then some might be cunning enough to actually survive and cross the desert while most will be swallowed up by it.
The fear mongering from our leaders is reaching an all time high.  They're giving us more terror then the terrorists these days. 

Oh yes any moment now we will all be heading over an economic cliff if we don't do something RIGHT NOW!! even if what is proposed has little merit or doesn't make any rational sense. 

We'll save America by turning into the USSR.  Remind me again why we even bothered to have a Cold War or why we can't get along with Cuba. 
He's never actually run anything in his whole life and his first executive job is President of the United States.  Also I think he is going to attempt to run not just the government but the private sector as well and the Stimulus will be the first of a long series of insane bills he's going to push through Congress. 

About the one thing I'm hoping for is at least we might not wind up fighting more unnecessary wars.  Although he might try to police the world in a more subtle way like Clinton by throwing around a few cruise missiles instead of actual ground force invasions.
Or Kill Me / Re: I'm tired of the U.S. and I wanna move
February 15, 2009, 05:59:47 AM

Literate Chaotic / Re: Very Short Stories (3 sentences)
January 26, 2009, 02:02:53 AM
I grabbed the guy who left the last available stall with piss all over the seat, flipped him over in the air, and slam dunked him head first.  I start working the strangely over sized flush lever when a low mechanical growling sound begins to emanate from the plumbing, the bottom of the bowl opens up, and devours the toilet seat pisser like an enormous garbage disposal.  As I step back from the aftermath, wondering how to explain the severed legs sticking out of the bowl, the janitor walks in with an "Out of order" sign.
The Secretary

John Keel's The Mothman Prophecies.   

The book is a lot different then the movie and has even more weird shit going on.
They ate all the pizza and expect everyone else to eat the box
Quote from: Requiem on January 16, 2009, 05:36:17 AM
The Thing  (John Carpenter version)

Great flick.  Have you seen In The Mouth of Madness.  You might like that one to.  The creature FX aren't quite as good as The Thing but I still like it.
Tetsuo: The Iron Man
Quote from: Faust on January 15, 2009, 09:06:14 PM
naked lunch

Obviously I like Cronenberg's stuff.  Dead Ringers, The Fly, The Dead Zone, and Videodrome.

I still have to see Eastern Promises.
Finished Weaveworld.  I did enjoy the ironic end to Shadwell. 

Now I'm reading "Paycheck and other stories" by Philip K. Dick

Also reading a How to Write Stories of Horror, Fantasy and Science Fiction book.