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Messages - Dalek

Sweet, a drug thread :>

The sign says "I shit on your government" lol
I'll start this of where I last stopped - the protests in Bulgaria. The protests in winter were most probably staged. It's not something new - staged protests to protect someone's interests (mostly Russia's) are mostly what protests are here. Then it got a bit out of control. This is where I don't know how much is staged and how much developed out of people's anger, but eventually it all turned against the ruling party - GERB. A guy set himself on fire. Then a bunch of other people set themselves on fire. Protests continued with people surrounding the parliment, yelling "MAFIA" and throwing tomatoes and eggs (I prefer molotovs, but people are kind of chill when it comes to thrashing the parliment around here)

GERB's leader - Boyko Borisov is a thug/policeman. He used to run methamphetamine trade a long time ago and before that he was Todor Zhivkov (Bulgaria's soviet leader) bodyguard. This guy has seen the Godfather and somehow convinced himself that he is indeed Don Corleone. Speed, whiskey and an Eastern European thug don't really make for a good prime-minister, but he's "Alpha as fuck" so he got elected four years ago and Bulgaria hasn't seen worse times since the Commies. A lot of information leaked against GERB. They stole a shit tone of cash from the EU (for example getting 3 milion to make new roads, and using 1 million on roads and 2 to make the politicians richer). Then a wiretapping leaked. On it were Boyko Borisov, a prosecutor and a minister who were discussing where they've put inside people and various schemes to trick people (too tipsy to explain about the wiretapping, some other time). Anyways, people got pissed about that. When Borisov was asked to comment the wiretapping recording he just said that there is no proof that it isn't someone else, faking his voice.

Briefly, GERB were trying to turn Bulgaria into a police state and they've got the police working for them (that's kind of close to the definition of a fascist party)

Eventually it was the day before elections. In Bulgaria it's called "A day for reflection" and political agitation is forbidden. On that day someone discovered 750 000 fake bulletins that were supposed to go for GERB. GERB denied and said that there's a conspiracy against them.

Skip to elections day. Results come out: 30% for GERB, 26% for Bulgarian Communist Party, 12 for Ataka (Nationalist party), 10 for DSB (Musulim and turks party) and 8 for NFSB (NATIONAL BULGARIAN LIBERATION FRONT - sounds badass, don't it?). So, GERB win, but everyone is against them. And there were 47 parties who you could vote for and almost everyone who didn't vote for GERB, voted against them. This causes outrage. People surround the parliment, fight with police, etc. GERB try to leer Ataka to form a coalition with them. Ataka's leader is an insane fanatic (when he ran for president, his election video was him, waving his fist in the air, yelling, with Bulgarian flags waving and "Dance of the Valkyres" playing in the background).  For once, I actually sympathised with him, because in a response to GERB's proposal, he said that GERB are a bunch of cunts, who try to rob Bulgaria and should probably be abolished from the face of Earth.

Eventually a coalition against GERB formed. This is the most absurd coalition ever - it's the Communist party, the nationalist party and the turks and musulims.

Boyko Borisov is failing hard. At press conferences he speaks a bunch of bullshit that is brilliantly absurd. For example "I AM THE ONLY EXPERT POLITIAN IN THIS COUNTRY" (nope, you're a thug) and his promise to Pork Farmers (who are his supporters) that he will help them establish trade in Arab countries (where, you know, no one fucking eats pork).

Eventually the countrie's main prosecutor (I don't know if that's the word, but I'm talking about the guy, who's on top of the law system and is independent from the other parties) anounces that he's got strong evidence that GERB faked the ellections. Then he started recieving threats and now he's covering, under very high security.

Now it's pretty unclear what is happening and going to happen. I'm reading the news, laughing my ass off, shouting "HAIL ERIS!"
Oh, Fnord (that was Cmon, but my phone corrected it to Fnord lol), life is all jolly and wonderful, cheer up
Remember that time I said:

QuoteYou're just a bunch of old people wishing you'd be young again. YOLO, bitchez!

I was trying to say in a self-ironic way "Yeah, you're probably right, but I'm not going to listen to you, because I'm 18 and immortal." Then I thought that the irony wouldn't be that evident and added the "YOLO, bitchez!" part, but that didn't really get my message through.

And then I came back on the boards, and seeing how you were still convinced that I'm a #YoloSwagRetard I decided to play along a bit, while trying to say the most ridiculous things to make it obvious that I am joking. You know, like saying that I've never been addicted to anything except for cigarettes, so meth surely won't be a problem.

So yeah, IT WAS A SOCIAL EXPERIMENT AND YOU ACTED JUST THE WAY I WANTED TO (this is also self-irony and a reference to a reoccurring theme in PD trolling). I'm not really on meth. I don't even do that much drugs lately and my life is going pretty good (finished high-school with straight A's all over fyeah). Love you, guys <3
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on May 17, 2013, 10:33:13 PM
Quote from: Dalek on May 17, 2013, 10:23:05 PM
Don't worry about me.

Missed this bit.

I'm not, Dalek.  Worrying about junkies is kinda dumb.

Soooo edgy
Quote from: M. Nigel Salt on May 17, 2013, 10:24:11 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on May 17, 2013, 10:20:20 PM
Quote from: M. Nigel Salt on May 17, 2013, 10:19:22 PM

I'm shocked.  Why wouldn't a young lady be head over heels for such a fine young go-getter?

She probably was, until he ran out of meth and she found someone with a steadier supply.

But you know, his mother was an unreasonable idiot for thinking the girl was a bad idea.

Hey, I'm 18 - I'm entitled not to listen to my parents
Don't worry about me. I'm a chaos magician. I'll be fine. The Universe is looking after me
Quote from: M. Nigel Salt on May 17, 2013, 10:15:55 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on May 17, 2013, 10:12:02 PM
Quote from: M. Nigel Salt on May 17, 2013, 10:10:09 PM
Quote from: Dalek on May 17, 2013, 10:09:11 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on May 17, 2013, 10:07:23 PM
Quote from: M. Nigel Salt on May 17, 2013, 10:05:56 PM
Why would I want them to? :lulz:

Well, in Dalek's world, youth is all that matters, and middle age will never arrive.

That might actually be true, now that he's discovered meth.

Meh.  The world will stagger along without him.  Somehow.

I've never been addicted to anything except for cigarettes. I have very strong will power, so I can afford using meth.

:lulz: OK.

U trollin'?

I highly doubt it.  He's proven himself to be that dumb.

He's finally achieved his goal.

His logic is immaculate. "The only thing I've ever been addicted to is cigarettes, so I definitely won't get addicted to this substance that is more addictive than cigarettes".

I wonder how that girlfriend of his worked out?

It didn't work out. The feelings you get on meth and mdma aren't really real, except for the first week WHEN THEY TOTALLY FUCKING ARE
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on May 17, 2013, 10:13:13 PM
Quote from: M. Nigel Salt on May 17, 2013, 10:09:22 PM
I thought Dalek used to be pretty cool, and kind of wondered what happened. Now I know.

He was pretty cool, before he traded in his personality for the 4/20 uniform.

QuoteNo wonder he thinks 40's is old... most tweakers are some serious burned out wrinkly-ass husks by 35. Living from fix to fix has got to suck.

Well, that is a self-correcting problem.

So drugs have made me un-cool? I thought it worked the opposite way.
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on May 17, 2013, 10:07:23 PM
Quote from: M. Nigel Salt on May 17, 2013, 10:05:56 PM
Why would I want them to? :lulz:

Well, in Dalek's world, youth is all that matters, and middle age will never arrive.

That might actually be true, now that he's discovered meth.

Meh.  The world will stagger along without him.  Somehow.

I've never been addicted to anything except for cigarettes. I have very strong will power, so I can afford using meth.
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on May 17, 2013, 10:00:59 PM
Quote from: M. Nigel Salt on May 17, 2013, 10:00:07 PM
Quote from: Dalek on May 17, 2013, 09:52:50 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on May 17, 2013, 09:46:29 PM
I don't get it.

But that's because I am, let me see if I get this straight,

QuoteYou're just a bunch of old people wishing you'd be young again. YOLO, bitchez!

FFS, smoke a bowl or eat a tab of 'cid and chill the fuck out, duuude

I do drugs, and I still think you're a numbnut.  :lol:

I see no functional difference between Dalek and the guy with the corner barstool in the loser bar down the street.  You know the guy.

Got a gram of meth in my pocket, but no fucks to give, sorry
Quote from: M. Nigel Salt on May 17, 2013, 10:00:07 PM
Quote from: Dalek on May 17, 2013, 09:52:50 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on May 17, 2013, 09:46:29 PM
I don't get it.

But that's because I am, let me see if I get this straight,

QuoteYou're just a bunch of old people wishing you'd be young again. YOLO, bitchez!

FFS, smoke a bowl or eat a tab of 'cid and chill the fuck out, duuude

I do drugs, and I still think you're a numbnut.  :lol:

Drugs won't make you young again, sorry :(
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on May 17, 2013, 09:46:29 PM
I don't get it.

But that's because I am, let me see if I get this straight,

QuoteYou're just a bunch of old people wishing you'd be young again. YOLO, bitchez!

FFS, smoke a bowl or eat a tab of 'cid and chill the fuck out, duuude