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Aneristic Illusions / Re: Puns Forbidden in China
July 13, 2015, 09:39:35 AM
Quote from: Prelate Diogenes Shandor on December 22, 2014, 10:09:49 PM

They don't even have an alphabet!

It wouldn't have to be the latin alphabet; it could just as easily be cyrillic, or greek, or kana or a totally new system, but not having an alphabet at all is backward and makes the language needlessly obtuse.

Mandarin Chinese has a syllabary called zhuyin or bopomofo. It was derived from ancient chinese character forms in 1910 and is used similar to japanese furigana in taiwan to help children with pronunciation. 

So, yes, they do have an endemic syllabic system for writing sounds down.

If you want a backwards writing system, look to old norse -- they wrote that shit with an alphabet that didn't even contain enough graphemes to express all of the phonemes in the language.
Hell, modern danish doesn't have a character to mark the stød, and god help non-natives reading swedish or norwegian with tonal accents. And don't even get me started with how poorly the early icelanders seemed to understand the whole concept behind latin consonants... I mean, do you think the romans put a rollicking tounge-slap somewhere in the middle of 'puella'?

Zhuyin at least covers all of mandarin's phonemes and tonal qualities and without weird shit that doesn't make sense...
Quote from: Trivial on November 25, 2014, 04:02:54 AM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on November 25, 2014, 03:55:04 AM
Quote from: Trivial on November 25, 2014, 03:53:56 AM
Question, will this make my "I'm not racist, but" cube mate STFU more or less than if there were an indictment?

He's gonna be crowing about it for weeks, just like every other racist piece of shit in the country.

Le sigh.

He had just stopped talking about that ranch thing.

Bundy ranch? if he just got off talking about that, I hate to inform you, but this fellow will probably be telling you about this new event for several years.
Quote from: Doktor Howl on November 25, 2014, 03:32:06 AM
Quote from: von on November 25, 2014, 03:23:34 AM
Quote from: Sexy St. Nigel on November 20, 2014, 03:15:22 PM
Quote from: Meunster on November 19, 2014, 10:05:18 PM
Quote from: Junkenstein on November 18, 2014, 08:26:41 PM

QuoteTwo Twitter accounts belonging to American racial segregation org Ku Klux Klan, @KuKluxKlanUSA and @YourKKKCentral, have been seized by Anonymous as part of the hacker-activist entity's new campaign, #OpKKK.

Wtf anonymous? Remember when they used to do fun things, not this Social justice crap.

For a brief moment, I thought that you might be a friend of mine.

Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Also, Anonymous not doing "this social justice crap"?  :lulz: Clearly you are a noob.

if by " social justice crap" you mean "sharing CP and flooding forums that monetize memes and try to invoke DMCA" then you might be right.
if you mean it any other way, then you obviously weren't in the trenches when people were raiding femenist bloggers for being patronising towards their male children or when the rule of the day was "let's go fuck with this forum full of faggots for teh lulz".

the events which associated anon with sjw garbage were events originally inspired by a YouTube video removal...not doctrinal issues pertaining the how cos is operated. its always been more about " how can we pirate shit and get away with using borderline illegal porno" than it is "how can we save darfur". and there's been racist overtones since day one...

the people playing at being anon since around 2010 or so are not the same people that were raiding subeta or making an entire variety of website famous for being human scum...consider that weev fellow...there's your " social justice" right there.

So your argument is that Weev invalidates everything anon ever did?

no, my argument is that anon as seen on TV and anon as it existed before 12 year olds started wearing guy fawks masks are two very different things in both scope and attitude.
Quote from: Sexy St. Nigel on November 20, 2014, 03:15:22 PM
Quote from: Meunster on November 19, 2014, 10:05:18 PM
Quote from: Junkenstein on November 18, 2014, 08:26:41 PM

QuoteTwo Twitter accounts belonging to American racial segregation org Ku Klux Klan, @KuKluxKlanUSA and @YourKKKCentral, have been seized by Anonymous as part of the hacker-activist entity's new campaign, #OpKKK.

Wtf anonymous? Remember when they used to do fun things, not this Social justice crap.

For a brief moment, I thought that you might be a friend of mine.

Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Also, Anonymous not doing "this social justice crap"?  :lulz: Clearly you are a noob.

if by " social justice crap" you mean "sharing CP and flooding forums that monetize memes and try to invoke DMCA" then you might be right.
if you mean it any other way, then you obviously weren't in the trenches when people were raiding femenist bloggers for being patronising towards their male children or when the rule of the day was "let's go fuck with this forum full of faggots for teh lulz".

the events which associated anon with sjw garbage were events originally inspired by a YouTube video removal...not doctrinal issues pertaining the how cos is operated. its always been more about " how can we pirate shit and get away with using borderline illegal porno" than it is "how can we save darfur". and there's been racist overtones since day one...

the people playing at being anon since around 2010 or so are not the same people that were raiding subeta or making an entire variety of website famous for being human scum...consider that weev fellow...there's your " social justice" right there.
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: Laws
October 30, 2014, 11:05:23 PM
Quote from: Junkenstein on October 30, 2014, 10:51:09 PM
QuoteSo it comes down to how to even make faraday cage bags or body armour illegal...I mean, when does an ESD bag used to ship PC components become a "terrorist anti-EMP device", or when does a piece of sheet metal with a zamak coating become "body armour"?

When it is expedient, or convenient, or hells even just amusing to those in control of the system. For reference here, look at the shitstorm related to 3d printed guns.

Any freedom or privilege you enjoy by law today can disappear by law tomorrow.

And it doesn't even take that much really to provoke that change.

There's more to add here, particularly in relation to "open carry" bullshit. I've been thinking about those guys recently and I'm increasingly suspecting that what these assholes want is just to provoke a gunfight by their presence (Scaring someone enough, pissing of the wrong cop,whatever.) as an excuse to unload in a public place. Or they may be a westboro baptist situation and are actually proving the point for gun control advocates just by wandering around.

God, don't even get me started on those fucking morons who open carry long arms...especially the double-retarded ones who do it for "protest". I mean jesus fucking christ, I can see carrying a long arm when one is out deep in the woods, or cased on the way to the range, but bringing a rifle or shotgun to bear on an assailant in public is too fucking slow for effective self defense.

Anyway, I think my prior point was mainly, how do you legislate banning basic materials? I mean, I can see illegalising using a piece of sheet metal as armour, or using an ESD bag as an anti-emp device. But simply illegalising the materials themselves? I can't think of how you'd do'd be like illegalising plumbing parts in order to curb home made submachine guns.
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: Laws
October 30, 2014, 10:44:10 PM
Quote from: P3nT4gR4m on August 16, 2014, 11:48:03 PM
I'm looking at the end result - total 100% transparency. The problems come in the interim. Anything less than 100%, even by half of a half of 1%, creates a nightmare oligarchy of centralised power. The road to that last % may be long and arduous. Billions may die or become fucked over to the point most of them will wish they were dead. What I think is worth exploring at this point in history, is ways to force engineer that last %, as and when it becomes necessary.

I'm not arguing for or against total transparency. There's no point. It's coming whether you think this is a good thing or a bad thing. Until we hit 100% it has the potential to become progressively worse. Near term I'm not optimistic, based on the current state of humanity in general. It's a big change. Humanity needs to change dramatically to accommodate. Humanity, y'know - 7-odd billion retarded primates who fear nothing more than change. :kingmeh:

Total, two-way transparency will, in my opinion, require sousveillance...which means that those retarded primates will not acheive full two-way transparency for centuries. It's a voluntary, logical process...just like quitting smoking, or running a home aquaponics system for self sustaining food supplies, or using email run through a home email server to communicate rather than social media. In other words, shit that's too complex for the general population of retarded primates.

I would hazard that it will remain one-way surveillance for a long time on the grand least past our own lifetimes. That's grim...
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: Laws
October 30, 2014, 10:37:47 PM
Quote from: Ragret on September 29, 2014, 02:11:09 PM
Quote from: P3nT4gR4m on August 21, 2014, 11:20:19 AM
On the plus side, it's not just the cops who can cover themselves in cameras. Pretty soon we'll all be walking around in a cloud of personal drones. The balance of surveillance power swings back and forward but it's nearer the middle now than it's ever been. The bad guys will begin deploying EMP's in riot zones to try and combat this. Someone will start selling cheap Faraday-cage phone cases on ebay to get around it.

The government used to have a comms and tech advantage. That's gone. Playing field is leveled. I've been thinking a lot about what the word "Terrorism" currently means, after years of systematic abuse by the thought police. Best definition I can come up with is "enemy combatant who we can't defeat using our traditional strategy of overwhelming military force"

When tanks and guns aren't effective weapons anymore, all they're left with is information systems. Good luck winning that war would be oppressors - you're outmanned and outgunned. "Cyberterrorists" will win the info-wars and hopefully that will be the end of centralised government.
They will be illegal to own just like kevlar bodyarmor. "Only terrists and bankrobbers need them"

They already exist and from what I'm seeing, they look to be just double-thick ESD bags. Fairly cheap too...5-15 dollars depending on retailer.

As for body armour, that lies in a sticky ground too. Sure, kevlar and ceramics may not be aquirable by certain peoples, but steel armour is quite viable, and many companies (example: AR500) sell "anti-spalling steel targets" that conveniently fit in a plate carrier and also happen to be tested to NIJ level III.

So it comes down to how to even make faraday cage bags or body armour illegal...I mean, when does an ESD bag used to ship PC components become a "terrorist anti-EMP device", or when does a piece of sheet metal with a zamak coating become "body armour"?

Is ddate no longer included at all, or can it still be enabled at build time with the configure option --enable-ddate?

Cause I know util-linux has been default to not build with ddate enabled since around it now 100% gone?
Quote from: GlompChomp on September 23, 2014, 09:21:24 PM
So when people think weapons and guns and the right to have them they think AMERICA FUCK YEAH or AMERICA FUCK NO.

Less people, maybe y'all are a big exception because this is a rosebud of genius, are aware of just how many other countries also put this into their law. Citizens can arm themselves without being viewed as criminals and can in certain situations use those weapons to kill people. Russia of course has this, Switzerland's pretty unique in that their military's a tiny professional force bolstered by mostly civilians with State issued assault rifles (and whatever else they want to buy). Israel's got a bizarre restrictive and permissive environment where a person is only allowed to own one pistol legally but is highly encouraged to do so. Yemen does not care what you want to buy short of missiles and WMDs and if you live there, you probably need something. Plenty of African countries are like this too hence the popular cliche "go to Somalia if you like to do xyz".

What is your opinion on weapon policy? Do you like weapons? Own any? Hate violence and love peace? This is a discussion thread.

In Discordianism generally violence is relegated as something Aneristic. So what does this make gun control? Essentially gun control requires forceful seizure of weapons and a high amount of control to keep weapons out of civilian hands. Is this also Aneristic?

atf pls...
Quote from: muffinmania on August 28, 2014, 01:09:07 AM
I've found a lovely little spot around me that'd be perfect for a semi-public altar for Eris. I'm a little stuck on what might be useful to put up on it.  So far, I know I'll be putting a cheaply bound copy of the Principia, an empty box for a DVD of midget porn, a plastic apple painted gold, some gold candles, and as many Pope cards as I have the patience to print out.

What would YOU put on this altar?

Historical eris was a deity noted for riding shotgun in aries' chariot, shrieking in laughter while riding through knee-deep blood. As enyo, she was responsible for razing cities to dust, burning whole populations alive, and generally fucking things up.
she was hardly worshipped; only the thracians (iirc) had a cult for her, and thats because they loved going to war.

So what to put on an altar to eris? Blood. Blood of people youve killed for personal gain. Ashes of the villiages youve put to the sword and burned to the ground. Weapons...because why not? And salt. Salt was expensive to ancients, and its as good a thing as any for a goddess who delights in salting the earth and making sure whole populations rue the day they discovered agriculture.

I cant fathom what eris would do with midget porn or that other junk. Shes not some goddess of hippydom and slapstick...shes the madder and orgiastic aspects of aries but with a vagina and more passive-aggressive.
Quote from: Malcolm on August 26, 2014, 09:35:56 PM
I was hoping to have a discussion without being called a: racist a sociopath or a nihilist; I thought that discordians would at least offer a new perspective without resorting to name calling. Clearly, I was mistaken.

>I thought that discordians would at least offer a new perspective without resorting to name calling.

why would you think this? its a 50+ year old religion that's essentially built on pop-philosophy "can't know nothin'; the map is not the territory" trope-y bullshit + that RAW dullard's take on neo-freudianism and self-reconditioning.
Why the fuck would discordians, a group that is founded on ideas so old that they're becoming mainstream, have a "new perspective" moreso than any other group of people? 
As for name calling: they're human. just because they read and write books on new leftism doesn't mean they're any more or less immune to digging in and slinging shit at any idea that they don't like...
Quote from: Cain on August 23, 2014, 01:29:19 PM
You mean the Oathkeepers sworn to protect America from tyrannical government?   :lol:

That group (and radical constitutionalists) irks my nerves like fuck.

They claim to be about upholding enlistment oaths, ostensibly by resisting the federal government.
But in the text of the enlistment oath, it specifically states that one is to follow the orders of the president and all officers appointed above oneself...
Quote from: Cain on August 23, 2014, 08:25:03 AM
No, because that implies Arizona's politics make sense.

that's a whole nother can a worms right there...

still, something about broken clocks being right at least once during the day.
Quote from: Cain on August 23, 2014, 08:01:27 AM
I'm a little surprised at that.  One of those small kitchen flamethrowers would be easy to conceal-carry on a person, which I would've thought is the only reason Arizona wouldn't allow flamethrowers in the first place - not out of concern for safety, but because they're cumbersome.

Then again, being out of the shade in most of the state probably has the same overall effect as a kitchen flamethrower, so they might have taken that into account.

Well, arizona (and cali, the other state I know of that's banned them) is a state with an arid climate, and flame throwers are largely used as defoliants in the US.

Wouldn't it make sense to ban something that could start a wild fire in such an arid climate?

Quote from: Raz Tech on August 22, 2014, 11:54:53 PM
Quote from: Emo Howard on August 22, 2014, 11:34:41 PM
What about flamethrowers?

I think they're considered "any other weapon" and are legal pretty much anywhere but California and a few other states.

Fun fact, a hand-cranked gatling gun is technically semi-automatic, and doesn't require any special permits to own.

They're not Any other Weapons. AoWs are defined right off the bat as being able to discharge a shot through the energy of an explosive...flamethrowers don't do this, thus they aren't regulated as AoWs.
They're 100% unregulated at the federal they should be: I mean really, regulating them makes about as much sense as regulating chainsaws or machetes. They're agricultural tools.