
Yeah, fuckface! Get ready to be beaten down. Grrr! Internet ain't so safe now is it motherfucker! Shit just got real! Bam!

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Messages - MithridatesXXIII

The pention only served as a temporary license to "kick the can" down the "road". The problem is the credit score of the people in the "present" is for shit and those in the general direction of the future as well as every other direction are quite pissed.

There will be horror. There will be mirth. There will be Discordia. Coming soon to a theater near you.
Quote from: Cain on March 27, 2018, 04:45:31 PM
Not that it matters.  We need the pention to defend us from time travellers using history agains us.  C'mon MithridatesXXIII, keep up.

I do recall, you beautiful bastard


His opportunity to create a pention or :? has officially expired.

So you're telling me feelings about violence have changed around here?
Quote from: 00.dusk on May 04, 2017, 09:20:49 AM
So, this is an example of what I sometimes worry I look like.

See, I take all of this /very/ seriously. Deathly seriously, even. I do the research and put in the work and make sure I'm doing the /right thing/. I worry about ethics and morality more on a given day than the vast, vast majority of humans who have (who will EVER) live have in their entire lives. I worry, I get anxious, I stress, I drive myself /fucking batty/. Seriously.

And then I cackle like a methed up hooligan and start throwing rocks at cars because by fucking god if I don't do something stupid I'll be this nosy self-absorbed cunt over here, telling other people about my ethical conclusions and leaning on them to DO THE RIGHT THING OR ELSE THEY'RE FUCKING AWFUL. That shit? That's just another part of Them. That's the part of Them that They've automated, put in gear. The part They normally don't need to say out loud because pompous fuckmissiles will do it for Them and They can avoid direct blame. It's the part beaten into the heads of kids who do not, can not know any better -- not so they'll learn now but so they'll fall in with the jackboots when the Great Headstomp comes around.

Mithridates, you have missed the entire point of Discordia. Discordia has no room for people who can't dress up for the disco (yeah, the dead one) and no room for people who can't laugh themselves bloodshot and shitting themselves over all this fucking INJUSTICE. You have become the very Greyface the Principia Discordia warned about. There's a traditional response to it, but I just woke up and haven't really slept enough and you really just are not worth it. It's easier to give you a reply in as close to your language as I can manage and hope, potentially, you get the sudden urge to fuck off -- or maybe to laugh a little before you become one of Them.

Thank you for articulating your perspective
Quote from: Junkenstein on May 04, 2017, 09:10:58 AM

I'm still waiting to hear all about this theory of mind, among other things. Or should I just assume you're terminally dull?
Then satire harder. Same difference
Who told you to laugh at tragedy, destroy yourself, and condemn violence against the system? Was it your friend?
Quote from: East Coast Hustle on May 04, 2017, 06:36:43 AM
I commit more violence every time I take my morning dump than you've probably ever managed in your entire life and I'm barely in the middle of the pack around here in that respect. Some of these guys break out their own teeth when they get bored and there's nobody more deserving around.

"I laugh impotently while getting fucked and when I'm not doing that I destroy myself in response to violence"

Tell me more about the BIP
Your boy was laughed all the way into the presidential palace hahaha wow look at his tiny hands
The system is invincible to everything except laughter. I thought this was known
That's commendable. But I thought the sanctioned response was

"Oh so you're a tough guy now "
Just say violence is never acceptable or desirable and get it over with.