News: "the lot of you are some of the most vicious, name calling, vile examples of humanity I've had the misfortune of attempting to communicate with.  Even attempting to mimic the general mood of the place toward people who think differently leaves a slimy feel on my skin.  Reptilian, even."

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Messages - bpseudopod

Quote from: Doktor Howl on July 14, 2018, 01:20:50 AM
I don't actually give a fuck about your opinion of my rants.  They're not actually for or about you.  :lulz:  In fact, they're not aimed at anyone on this board.  This board is pretty much dead, and except for keeping up with some old friends, it's just a scratchpad for elsewhere, on account of there are some places I don't like to post on from work.
Thanks for answering the question. I guess that does make sense.

Quote from: The Wizard Joseph on July 14, 2018, 05:33:37 AM
You're just
a cookie-cutter
gutter punk
with a bit of
a mouth on him.

... Change my mind

Nah, you're right. Now that you point it out, I've seen this story happen too. Not on this forum obviously, but in other places. And now I feel foolish, though that probably doesn't get me out of anything.
Quote from: Doktor Howl on July 13, 2018, 04:19:33 PM
I have not yet begun to wank.
If five posts of responding to one post of low-effort flame is any indication, you have indeed begun to wank.
Quote from: Doktor Howl on July 13, 2018, 04:02:39 PM
Oh, dear.  Perhaps I have insulted his ideology.  :cry:
But them's fightin' words, and people are watching, and I don't intend to run away crying because someone called me a Nazi.

I'll admit, I did feel a sting at some of your rants. I never supported Trump, but I was the one who never took him seriously—that he was just posturing and didn't believe half the shit he said himself, or that Congress would shut it down, or that somehow the really nasty, terrifying shit he was supporting just wouldn't happen. But if that was the problem, I would've said something when you called that kind of behavior out, in a different post. I didn't, because I agree with every single thing you've posted in your rants.

The problem with your rants isn't that they're pointed, it's that they're pointless. I'll hand it to you, the first Bunky hit some people where it hurts, and that's good. But what about the others? There aren't a lot of fervent Trump supporters or stodgy conservatives around here, so why bother railing against them like another tedious Medium thinkpiece? What's the point? If you're trying to change something then you'd go somewhere you actually had an audience, if you were just getting your thoughts out you'd start a blog, and if you were trying to entertain then you might have realized this wasn't clever enough for four parts and you would have quit while you were ahead.

So, why did you bother posting four. fucking. threads. of the same schtick?

You're probably going to say something like "I don't have to answer to you," and you'd technically be right. But if you couldn't stop at a simple "fuck you" when some rando posted a low-effort flame on your thread, I get the feeling those callouses you're bragging about aren't doing much for you.
Man, you sure told that strawman in another long-winded, masturbatory, and not-terribly-insightful post.
Specifically, it criminalizes one who "injures, oppresses, threatens, or intimidates" anyone while wearing a mask.
It has a specific exemption for police officers, and also increases the penalty for vandalizing or damaging anything on the water by two more years. I'm not a lawyer. How exactly are "oppression", "threats", and "intimidation" defined in the law? Depending on how loose the definition is, I could see this being used to mass convict entire protests, not just black blocs and similar—is a group of Muslim women wearing veils or headdresses "in disguise?"

Obviously, the specific targeting of antifa is worth being upset about, but there runs a deeper logic to this bill, which is why I fear it'll gain broad support in Congress. The point of wearing a mask is to subvert police surveillance, and neither party shies away from a police state. (The Dems pay lip service to BLM, but their hearts aren't in it, and they don't have a majority anyways.) Black Bloc movements are usually accompanied by some property damage, so crimes, righteous or not, are being committed, and empowering police to punish crimes isn't exactly a hard thing to sell, whether to politicians or to voters. Recall that the official state ideology is "peaceful protest" within an encircling set of parameters, and this is pushed on, well, anyone who went to public school. The people that aren't outright hostile to antifa are mostly at best ambivalent about the "violent methods" they're associated with.

Frankly, I'm surprised this law wasn't passed decades ago.

Does anyone know anything about other anti-mask laws in state or municipal codes? (I'd ask a lawyer, but I don't know any.)

The Society Harping on About Reckless Transformation cabal (SHART), known for taking entirely too seriously the notion of Discordian magickz, were widely mocked for unsuccessfully using bullshit ceremonial magic to do stupid things, then pretending they all had it under control when it inevitably failed to work. In the one instance their rituals worked, they harnessed the power of elemental Sweet to turn an entire valley into rich, chocolatey goodness. The chocolate was eaten by animals within hours, and the valley today is indistinguishable from a clearcutting.
Literate Chaotic / Re: Five word horror
June 28, 2018, 01:22:46 AM
Man has two left hands.
(Wait, did something called The Great Seriousness™ actually happen?)
We got one problem here, bub.

Quote from: Doktor Howl on June 06, 2018, 12:58:26 AM
1 It is worth mentioning that EVERY religion has a Prometheus figure.

What's the Discordian Prometheus figure? Closest I can think is Greyface and he's basically the opposite of one.
Quote from: Goddess Eris on June 09, 2018, 06:27:24 PM
omg fluffy bunnies 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
What's their name?
Do they have a name?
If I scratch a pentagon into the ground, burn something funny-smelling, and call upon their name, can I pet them for a minute?
Speaking of moments of tension, Eris, can I see your boobs?
I've been trying to incorporate your worship into my life more lately, and since I spend most of my time masturbating, I figure this is a good step.
These comics suck.
Literate Chaotic / Re: ITT: Original Story Ideas
June 05, 2018, 01:52:54 AM
The Apocalypse actually happens. The story follows the rise and fall of a prepper community that survives and tries to recreate civilization, only to buckle under the weight of their task.
I mean, of all the places in OR, I'm glad it was just Salem.
Or Kill Me / Re: The left and the right
June 01, 2018, 04:34:17 PM
Your argument's kind of fucked if it hinges on the notion that you can do Brave New World, but better.
I went to Tuscon once. Fourth Avenue was cool, but as soon as I went south of Congress St, everything turned into the county seat of a backwater rural area and I was, frankly, frightened.