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Messages - Finnyhaha

Literate Chaotic / Read the Illuminatus! trilogy
April 23, 2005, 12:21:18 PM
Ok, here's the thing. I read the first two books and am actually now in the middle of Leviathan but can't get myself interested again. What gives?
Literate Chaotic / Reading List
April 10, 2005, 08:13:25 PM
Quoteyou want books or "typical discordian" books?

Well I was looking for "discordian" books, but anything will do.  I'm pretty eclectic in what I read.

Thanks guys. Can't believe I forgot to list Pratchett though.   :roll:
Literate Chaotic / Reading List
April 10, 2005, 01:33:53 AM
Specific Books/Movies
Alice in Wonderland
Through the Looking-glass
Peter Pan
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy
Don Quixote

Lewis Carroll
Douglas Adams
Dr. Seuss
e.e Cummings

Any more in this non-genre?
Literate Chaotic / God?
April 08, 2005, 09:44:16 PM
I'm not sure, but I think that would be more of an insult if I knew what it meant.

Literate Chaotic / God?
April 08, 2005, 01:12:29 PM
QuoteThere are no gestures that could suffice
to cover up the howling wounds indicting our silence
our lack of words
our complicity bought and paid for
our consent manufactured
the silver linings stripped from the clouds
the sparkle of waves in sunlight
has been skinned off the water

We insist that our dismemberment and burnings are for just causes
while we lose more pieces of our bodies
word by word mouth by mouth dollar after dollar

*cries and cries and cries*

But isn't it the human race that's gone out to lunch?
We/they just like to blame things on God it seems.
It's fucking time my people took responsibility for themselves instead of digging themselves a hole and whining that they can't get out.
Making me kiss my own arse, however funny that may be, will not save the Beholder from the dynamite.

*lights a stick of dime-anight under the newcommers ass and runs aawy laughing8
So you can all do weddings and shizzle?
And Earth is the insane asylum of the universe.
-someone, somewhere, at some junction, who gives a crap
Favorite last words. . .

"And God saw that everything was very good."
Literate Chaotic / What?
April 03, 2005, 11:39:01 PM
My Lord told me a joke
And seeing him laugh
Has done more for me
Than any scripture
I will ever read.
             Meister Eckhart (Catholic Monk 1260-1328)

I didn't know Catholics believed in Eris. . .
Principia Discussion / Questions Only
April 01, 2005, 10:27:40 PM
Why is everyone only asking questions?
Are we being conformists now?
Wouldn't having pretty people strip break the first law of sunday?. . . no fun
I don't know about you. . . but if an old ugly man started stripping while talking about Jesus. . . I'd wanna run as far away as I could.

Maybe you go for the old ugly men though.

To each his own.
You read sunday morning religious programs?