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So, another year of saying there's always next year for us Chiefs fans.
There are more people living in forced labor today than when President Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation.
--Tom Simon, FBI special agent in Honolulu, Hawaii

Six job recruiters have been indicted in federal court in what the FBI has called the largest human-trafficking operation ever to result in charges in the United States.

An indictment unsealed in Hawaii on Thursday accuses employees of a California-based company of luring about 400 people from Thailand with false promises of lucrative jobs. Many of the imported workers wound up laboring on farms under substandard conditions, had their passports confiscated, and were threatened with deportation.

I am amazed this is going on.
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / A new beer!
September 03, 2010, 04:32:18 PM
Guten Tag Charley.

Germany is home to the largest beer festival in the world with some 6 million in attendance. They come for the camaraderie. They come for the experience. But ultimately – they come for the beer.

This year, to celebrate the 200 year anniversary of Oktoberfest, Old Chicago will be featuring an exclusive beer during our upcoming Oktoberfest Mini Tour – the Paulaner Wiesn Blonde. Until now, this beer has only been served in the Paulaner Tent at Oktoberfest in Munich. This is the first time this beer has been available in America!

So mark your calendar to join us for the Oktoberfest Kick Off Party on September 8th, raise a mug of this exclusive beer and celebrate 200 years of Oktoberfest. Supplies are limited so don't delay!
If you can argue with yourself for 4 hours or more without reaching an agreement...YOU MIGHT BE A DISCORDIAN!
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / I Am That I Am.
September 02, 2010, 11:02:54 AM
I am the Lord thy God. You will bow before Me and tremble and worship Me. You will Obey Me as My word is Law. The penalty for not Obeying Me is far worse that death.

How to the christians actually follow this shit? No wonder we are moving towards a slave state, it's been embedded in people.
We need the Mob back. You remember them, the old guys with Italian accents? The ones who controlled their territories.

They were bad men, I know. They were into crime, yeah, that's what they did. And, yes they even killed people.

But what do we have now? A bunch of wild out of control fragmented gangs with no respect for anything.

The Mob, they had respect. They even gave back to their communities. There was no random killing, if there was killing it was isolated and with a purpose. For instance, if one of these gangs had tried to muscle in on the Old Mob, they wouldn't have made it. There would have been a small private war and then the streets would be back to normal.

In those days if you didn't want to get shot you were just careful who you stood next to. That doesn't work anymore.

Kids and gangs today, they have no respect.
I find the US and myself no longer represent each others direction. Therefore I am declaring myself an independent nation.

My national flag is a live rattlesnake. My national flower is the stinging nettle. My national bird has something to do with my middle finger.

I declare my nation is to be named Chartopia.

I fully intend to declare war on the US by the end of the year.
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / How!
August 30, 2010, 10:53:59 PM
Does the ocean stay salty when billions of cubic feet of fresh water flow into it year after, decade after decade?
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Dok Howl
August 28, 2010, 10:30:32 PM
Your voice mail melted Kansas.  :lulz:

You may have rat fuckers, but we have pig fuckers!
Discordian Recipes / PD Wine Review
August 27, 2010, 11:03:54 PM
Last night we went to a new label party hosted by Oz Winery in Wamego, Ks.

I will write about a delicious white called Emerald City tomorrow.
Doctors at a Sri Lankan hospital operated for three hours Friday to remove 18 nails and metal particles allegedly hammered into the arms, legs and forehead of a maid by her Saudi employer.

This is an officially state recognized domestic worker program gone bad. Evidently there are wide spread reports of abuse.

Germany so far is the only country taking steps to preventing potential employers from using social media to determine hiring practices.
Or Kill Me / Are you sure?
August 27, 2010, 05:23:23 AM
Are you sure there is no such things as ghosts?
Are you sure the paranormal doesn't exist?
Will you mock me for knowing otherwise?
Have fun then.

You have not seen. You have not experienced. You choose to not accept such things.  Pleas feel free to mock me. I know the site I post this and I expect it. Please continue along in your certainty that such things simply don't exist because you have never experienced them.

But remember to not come to me when you do. I will not have sympathy or understanding for you, as you have not had for me.

Fly away in your certainty. Enjoy that. I wish to hell I could.
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Alphapance
August 26, 2010, 03:33:06 PM
Have you heard of this kid?

Tallen Latz at 8 years old playing with Jackson Browne.

Kid is good!
Government agents can sneak onto your property in the middle of the night, put a GPS device on the bottom of your car and keep track of everywhere you go. This doesn't violate your Fourth Amendment rights, because you do not have any reasonable expectation of privacy in your own driveway — and no reasonable expectation that the government isn't tracking your movements.

That is the bizarre — and scary — rule that now applies in California and eight other Western states. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, which covers this vast jurisdiction, recently decided the government can monitor you in this way virtually anytime it wants — with no need for a search warrant.

It is particularly offensive because the judges added insult to injury with some shocking class bias: the little personal privacy that still exists, the court suggested, should belong mainly to the rich.
Chief Judge Alex Kozinski, who dissented from this month's decision refusing to reconsider the case, pointed out whose homes are not open to strangers: rich people's. The court's ruling, he said, means that people who protect their homes with electric gates, fences and security booths have a large protected zone of privacy around their homes. People who cannot afford such barriers have to put up with the government sneaking around at night.,8599,2013150,00.html?hpt=T2

I don't suppose we should worry much about this......
Why do I bother to take the next step? Why do I bother to take the next breath?

Who am I to bother to exist in this time? Why do I exist in this time?

Why must I be witness to the horrible things that are happening?

Did I do something to deserve this? Am I a bad person?

Then I know the answer. The Horrible Truth™.

Because the scales have fallen from my eyes and it is my honor to try to assist in removing the scales from others eyes. Damn you Dok. Once I was mindlessly happy, floating along in my ignorance/

Thank you Dok, I am no longer a sheep, but this hurts. Now I have seen the real Horrible Truth™, and what is once seen cannot ever be unseen.

I am Hawk, and I am free. 

Discordian Recipes / Texture and food.
August 19, 2010, 08:04:51 PM
Are there foods you simply can't stand the thought of putting in your mouth just because of it's texture?

Yogurt is one for me.
The US Chamber of Commerce has apparently spent too much time watching Mad Men: in a blog post this morning, Chamber blogger Brad Peck called women's fight for pay equity to be nothing more than a "fetish for money," and said women complaining about their pay should focus instead on "choosing the right partner at home." The Chamber's Peck also approvingly quoted a post that asked, "Should government force gym-man to share his beautiful babes with couch-potato man?"


get back in the kitchen you bitches!
Like a 30 year old angel. This child is incredible.

Whipped Lightning is a grain-alcohol–infused product with flavors like Cinnamon Whipahol, White Chocolate Raspberry Whipahol, Spiced Vanilla Whipahol and the Amaretto Whipahol

And I have bing cherries that have been soaking in cherry vodka for 2 months.
Aneristic Illusions / A REAL American.
August 08, 2010, 04:47:34 AM
Russell Means has lived a life like few others in this century - revered for his selfless accomplishments and remarkable bravery. He was born into a society and guided by way of life that gently denies the self in order to promote the survival and betterment of family and community. His culture is driven by tradition, which at once links the past to the present.

Few have given or done as much.
Techmology and Scientism / Attention Bug Man.
August 04, 2010, 05:52:22 PM
Scientists have unearthed a completely new species of spider hiding in sand dunes on the Israel-Jordan border.


With a legspan that stretches 5.5 inches, the spider, called Cerbalus aravensis, is the biggest of its type in the Middle East. "It is rare to find a new species of spider — at least around this part of the world — which is so big," said biologist Uri Shanas of the University of Haifa-Oranim in Israel, who discovered the arachnid.

Read More

Damn, that's a big spider! But a new species is always interesting.
China has overtaken the United States as the world's biggest producer of greenhouse gases and biggest energy consumer.

But the country is also thinking in big and bold ways when it comes to how it will reduce pollution and a new plan to build a "straddling bus" is among the most space-age schemes yet.

In an effort to go green and relieve congestion without widening roads, the Shenzhen Huashi Future Parking Equipment company is developing a "3D Express Coach" (also known as a "three-dimensional fast bus").

Can you see anything going wrong here?  :lulz:

But on a serious note, this is not a bad concept.
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Occams Razor
August 04, 2010, 04:21:53 AM
and the extremely thin line between genius and insanity.

Have you ever seen it first hand?

Could it be because the more the genius the more of the mysterious part of the brain is used? Connect this with the supposition that tapping into just a part of the unknown brain leaves us with conflicted data that confuses the brain on an unheard of level?

What if true genius could tap ALL of the brain. Can you even imagine the possibilities? I can't.
Or Kill Me / Mad at myself.
August 03, 2010, 04:04:39 PM
I am a drunk. Sometimes I can be a very mean kind of drunk.

It's the blackouts that bother me the most. From all accounts on the outside I function like I am sober. But then the next day I have to e told what I did. I have even said hurtful things to my wife, who I adore.

Why can't I just pass out like normal people? At least then I wouldn't cause harm. But, no, I can't.

This is the one part of myself that I detest, and to any and all, I apologize for being that way. Things I say are meaningless when I am like that.

Maybe I need to get help.

A father and stepmother have been arrested after they allegedly chained a teen to a kitchen table and physically abused him for two days before he managed to escape, according to authorities.

Sacramento police said they found the 13-year-old victim asking neighbors for help on the 7300 block of Winnett Way just before 10:00 p.m. Friday while still restrained by lengths of chain padlocked around his neck and ankles.

WTF is wrong with people?
Russian authorities have imposed a state of emergency around about 500 towns and villages because of wildfires burning across the west of the country, officials said Monday.

Most of the fires -- among the worst ever to hit the region -- were started accidentally by people burning garbage, dropping cigarettes, or failing to extinguish campfires or barbecues properly, Emergency Situations Ministry representative Irina Andrianova said.
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / ECH
August 02, 2010, 06:55:45 PM
Are you in the islands yet?
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Your vote
August 02, 2010, 04:09:11 AM
Do you vote?
Will you vote?
If not, why not?
Do you think voting is a civic responsibility?
Do you think your vote matters?
Should Independent voters be allowed to vote in primaries?
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / RWHN
August 01, 2010, 07:41:06 PM
I was wondering if in your work you have come across Piracetam, a nootropic, and if so what you know about it.
Many of the victims died when floodwaters swept away hundreds of mud houses in parts of Swat Valley and the districts of Shangla and Tank, according to Bashir Ahmed Bilour, a provincial minister in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Hussain said floodwater has cut off the Swat Valley and the districts of Shangla and Peshawar. There is no way to get to these areas by road, he said.
A South Dakota ranch worker who found a record-setting hailstone says the chunks of ice falling from the sky sounded like "big bricks" being thrown at his house.

Leslie "Les" Scott found the record-breaker, which is almost the size of a soccer ball, last week. It's been been officially declared the largest ever recorded in the United States, in terms of both diameter and weight. The hailstone measured 8.0 inches in diameter, had a circumference of 18.62 inches, and weighed one pound, 15 ounces, according to the NOAA National Climate Extremes Committee.
Cram thank you for graciously accepting my apology for the way I treated you in the Secrets thread.

You brought up several very good points during our conversation.

We are too quick to gauge posts by post count. We are too quick to dog pile. We place too much value on poster reputation and not enough on content.

Again I am very sorry for treating you the way I did and as I said in the future I will try not to be so quick to snap at anyone.
Douai, France (CNN) -- French prosecutors said Thursday they charged a woman with murder after she admitted giving birth to and smothering eight babies over a 17-year period in northern France.

The woman, Dominique Cottrez, said she hid the pregnancies and deaths from her husband, who said he had no idea what she had done, prosecutor Eric Vaillant told reporters. Cottrez is overweight and was able to conceal the pregnancies, he said.

Holy shit.
Kampala, Uganda (CNN) -- More than 90 animals in Uganda have died since June from a vicious strain of anthrax, officials said Thursday.

Those killed include 82 hippopotamuses and nine buffalo. The areas most affected surround the Kazinga Channel, a tourist attraction linking Lake Edward and Lake George in the Queen Elizabeth National Park near Uganda's western border with the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Hey Jenne
July 29, 2010, 02:25:14 PM
If the initiative to legalize pot in California passes will all inmates in jail for pot crimes be released?

DeKalb County investigators say a dispute over stolen chickens led to a weekend murder.

Sheriff Jimmy Harris says Rickey McCallie was shot and killed Saturday in the back yard of a home on County Road 188 in Dogtown. However, McCallie's body wasn't discovered until Monday night.

WTF   :?
The House's vote yesterday on emergency funding for the Afghanistan war shows a significant eroding of support for President Obama's war policy -- from members of his own Democratic Party.

There were 102 Democrats voting against the $33 billion in war funding. That's more than three times the number of Democrats (32) who voted against a similar funding bill in June 2009. (This year's war funding bill passed, 308-114.)
I am drunk and anything I post may or not be the official position of the poster.
Oscar-winning actress Gwyneth Paltrow is making her foray into country music with the title track of her upcoming film, 'Country Strong,' which also stars Tim McGraw.
A voice heard on an amazing video of 300 feeding alligators says it all.

"I ain't never seen so many gators in my life."
More than 1,000 Russians have drowned recently as they attempted to find relief from a stifling heat wave -- many of them after drinking alcohol, officials said.

Vadim Seryogin, a department head at Russia's Emergencies Ministry, told reporters Wednesday that 49 people, including two children, had drowned in the last day. More than 1,200 total have drowned, 223 of them between July 5 and July 12.
A federal audit of $9.1 billion targeted for reconstruction in Iraq cannot account for more than 95 percent of it, a federal report said Tuesday.
I seem to be stuck in a negative and critical mood lately. PLEASE don't tell me this is to be expected because I an a Doktor of Horror™.
Rick Norsigian's hobby of picking through piles of unwanted items at garage sales in search of antiques has paid off for the Fresno, California, painter.

Two small boxes he bought 10 years ago for $45 -- negotiated down from $70 -- are now estimated to be worth at least $200 million, according to a Beverly Hills art appraiser.