
Everyone who calls themselves "wolf-something" or "something-wolf" almost inevitably turns out to be an irredeemable shitneck.

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Topics - Freeky

Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / ATTN DOK
July 06, 2010, 11:43:30 PM
In case you miss it, I have acquired Bhuna Chicken ingredients. :D

Hello? Hey! It's Freeky!


It's cousin Freeky. Lol, yeah! I was just thinking about you guys, and haven't talked to you in a while. So what's up?
You sound tired, chicka.


Oh you guys moved again? No, she didn't tell me. And you're prego again too? Congrats!
I can't figure out why they always speak so bitterly when they talk about you.


Moving again later this year? Yeah, that's gonna suck for J, since you'll be nearing the end of your pregnancy and can't help. Yeah, at least it isn't halfway across the country with two babies this time, lol.
No wonder you're so tired. On top of being prego, you're always on the go, aren't you? :(
Is it because they seethe with jealousy? For the things you have? For all of your children?


Oh, he's doing fine. He's getting so big now. I know, I can't believe it's been two years, either. Well, closer to three, isn't it?
I know, I bet they're getting big. No, I never met the little one. Yeah, we'll have to figure something out sometime.
Why on earth would they act like they loathe you so just because you can move around, uproot your lives and the lives of your children every few months, just because you can buy things that they can't afford, and afford to live in what is supposed to be an area that shows status or something? Why do you want to tire yourself so, chasing a never ending line of upgrades, packages, special offers, deals, and so many other things? Is that what you really want? You sound so tired, chicka.


Yeah, I gotta get dinner going too. It was nice talking with you chicka! Yeah, I'll tell her. Miss you guys.
Congrats, chicka.
Yeah, you too. Bye.

A winner is you.



Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / ATTN CAINAD
June 17, 2010, 06:58:40 AM
Every time I see a potted tree, I think of you.

The end.
Discordian Recipes / Sik Sik Wat
June 13, 2010, 05:20:44 PM
I made this last night. It was delicious!

I used these as a base recipe. I followed the directions for niter kibbeh and berbere almost exactly, except instead of fenugreek I used half fennel seed, half lemongrass, and instead of some of the whole ingredients, I used ground, and in the berbere I only used 2 peppers.  Also, I put a half cup of goji berry juice in while pureeing the onions. I had to do two batches, because my blender wasn't big enough for one, so I split everything up equally and doubled the amount of ginger put in. I used an extra TBSP of lemon juice to marinade the beef, for more extra flavor. I left out the step for extra cayenne in the wat, and instead put in a small palmfull of sun dried tomatoes at the end, just before bringing it to a boil and letting it simmer.

The niter kibbeh is kind of odd. There wasn't a lot of flavor to it, but maybe I just messed up somewhere. When I run out, I'll have to try again.

The berbere has an intensely peppery smell, so much that I could barely bring myself to taste it.  For me, two New Mexican peppers was PLENTY, though if you like really really hot, I would probably say that you should go with the full 3 or 4. I went with the red wine instead of water, and it probably mellowed the taste out a lot.

The sik sik wat was fucking delicious, though I should probably have left out the tomatoes. They overpowered everything else. It has a really smoky flavor, and the sauce itself has a soup-like consistency. Don't know if that's right or not. I failed to pay much attention to the meat cooking, and ended up with some tough extra huge bits of meat, but they were far from inedible.

All in all, I think i've found my favorite ethnic food to make, due to the complexicated ingredient lists and heavy use of fresh onions, ginger, and garlic.
This is the IRC documentation of Dok Howl eating some cactus, and deciding I needed to have built a boyfriend. Some of the beginning is missing, but you get the gist.

[22:24] *** NARF ( has joined #discord
[22:25] * MistressFreeky is freaking out
[22:25] <Cainad> oh wow
[22:25] <NARF> peer?
[22:25] <MistressFreeky> How does he keep getting cactus?!
[22:25] <Kai1> freeky is freaking?
[22:25] <MistressFreeky> Who the fuck gives it to him!?
[22:26] <Kai1> wait, he's on CACTUS?
[22:26] <Kai1> FUCK
[22:26] <MistressFreeky> I am going to KILL A MOTHERFUCKER
[22:26] <Kai1> enjoy the ride while it lasts lol
[22:26] *** fnord124 ( has joined #discord
[22:26] <NARF> goody keyboard
[22:26] <MistressFreeky> I'm fucking doomed.
[22:26] <MistressFreeky> He's still laughing.
[22:27] <MistressFreeky>  /me is nearing hysterics
[22:27] * MistressFreeky is nearing hysterics
[22:27] <Kai1> hey
[22:27] <Kai1> it will turn out alright
[22:27] <Kai1> just enjoy the ride!
[22:28] <MistressFreeky> No,, Kai. Is not ride. Is horrorfilm.
[22:28] <MistressFreeky> Wait, he's coming down the stairs.
[22:29] <MistressFreeky> Hang on...
[22:29] *** Kai ( has joined #discord
[22:29] <Cainad> But the nice girl always survives the horrorfilm!
[22:29] *** Kai1 has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.)
[22:29] <Kai> goddamn internets
[22:29] <Kai> IS RIDE
[22:29] <Kai> ENJOY
[22:29] <NARF> keep him away from convenience store clerks
[22:29] <MistressFreeky> He's gone back into the garage again.
[22:30] <MistressFreeky> Thank goodness I had the presence of mind to hide his jeep keys.
[22:30] <Kai> hey, what's the worst thing that could happen?
[22:30] <Kai> run over another joshua tree?
[22:30] <MistressFreeky> PUPPY CANNONS.
[22:30] <Kai> that sounds fucking cool
[22:30] <MistressFreeky> HORRIBLE WHIRRING THINGS.
[22:30] <Kai> wish I could visit
[22:30] <MistressFreeky> Not when they're rifled with razor blades, Kai!
[22:31] <Kai> it's for science, freeky
[22:31] <Kai> you don't question science
[22:31] <Kai> you just do it
[22:31] <MistressFreeky> He's shouting for something, hang on.
[22:31] <MistressFreeky> Does anyone know where I can find a buyer for a slightly used, somewhat bloody diamond-edged tile saw?
[22:32] <Cainad> It has it's own needs, it's own morality. Science is a higher calling, and woe unto he who turns away from it!
[22:32] <MistressFreeky> ._.
[22:32] <Idem> why don't you partake
[22:32] <Kai> yeah
[22:32] <Kai> why aren't you doing science, Freeky?
[22:32] <MistressFreeky> He ate it all.
[22:33] <MistressFreeky> He ran back upstairs just now, screaming "WHERE IS MY OSCILLOSCOPE?!"
[22:34] *** narot ( has joined #discord
[22:34] <MistressFreeky> I AM NOT A SCIENCY PERSON
[22:34] <narot> evening folks :)
[22:34] <Idem> get a media player and set it to the oscilloscope visualization
[22:34] <narot> drinking a night train express woo
[22:35] <MistressFreeky> I'm actually kind of worried about attracting his attention at this point.
[22:35] <Idem> lol
[22:35] <MistressFreeky> I'm just going to let him get on with his science, and sleep down here on the couch.
[22:36] <MistressFreeky> OSHIT
[22:36] <MistressFreeky> WTF
[22:36] <narot> ??
[22:36] <MistressFreeky> Dok is /laughing/ again.
[22:37] <MistressFreeky> *gibber*
[22:38] <MistressFreeky> His dog just ran down the stairs with it's tail between it's legs.
[22:38] <MistressFreeky> Well, hobbled.
[22:38] <MistressFreeky> It can't run real well.
[22:39] <Idem> "Look, we're basically on earth to shit and fuck. So unless your job's to help people shit or fuck, it's not that important, so relax."
[22:39] <narot> :)
[22:40] <MistressFreeky> He's calling for Nurse to help him.
[22:40] <MistressFreeky> Nivek isn't here,, wtf?
[22:40] <Idem> nivek is never here
[22:40] <MistressFreeky> D'you think he means me?
[22:40] <Idem> oh wait you mean there
[22:40] <Idem> right
[22:40] <Idem> no
[22:40] <Idem> i mean i dunno
[22:40] <MistressFreeky> O shit, he does.
[22:41] <MistressFreeky> Back in a few.
[22:43] <MistressFreeky> He just needed me to wrap up his hand
[22:43] <MistressFreeky> He cut it on someting.
[22:43] <MistressFreeky> Wouldn't let me look in the room, either.
[22:43] <Cainad> oh dear
[22:43] <MistressFreeky> When I asked what he was doing, he just giggled.
[22:44] *** Kai has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.)
[22:44] <MistressFreeky> I asked if he remembered I was supposed to sleep in that room, he guffawed.
[22:44] <MistressFreeky> Couch it is tonight!
[22:44] *** Kai ( has joined #discord
[22:45] <MistressFreeky> Jesus.
[22:45] <Cainad> lol
[22:45] <MistressFreeky> There's that BANG BANG BANGing angain.
[22:45] <MistressFreeky> again*
[22:45] <MistressFreeky> Sorry, my hands are shaking pretty bad...
[22:46] *** Cainad has quit IRC (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[22:46] *** koasdx (koasdx@851E6109.8A23D5BA.7AA52BA.IP) has joined #discord
[22:46] *** Cainad ( has joined #discord
[22:46] <Idem> cainad
[22:46] <Cainad> idem
[22:47] <MistressFreeky> And there's that creaking and groaning.
[22:47] <MistressFreeky> He's gone back in the kitchen, but that banging is still going.
[22:47] <MistressFreeky> WTF?
[22:48] <MistressFreeky> Oh, he needed a sammich. Apparently, whatever is up there can handle itself for a few minutes.
[22:48] <MistressFreeky> According to Dok.
[22:49] <NARF> o my
[22:50] <Idem> tell him you're waiting a few stories up
[22:51] <MistressFreeky> Picture, if you will, the Dok wearing his vintage doctor's outfit, the glacier goggles, he's bleeding into the sandwich he's eating, and carrying a dremel.
[22:52] *** Kai has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving.)
[22:52] *** Kai ( has joined #discord
[22:53] <MistressFreeky> I'm waiting a few stories up?
[22:53] <Dok> thiis is a good sammich
[22:53] <Idem> yo
[22:54] <Dok> hey
[22:54] <Dok> Nurse Freeky's been complaining about not getting laid, so I did something about it.  
[22:54] <Kai> hi dok
[22:54] <Dok> I mean, not me personally
[22:54] <MistressFreeky> O_O
[22:54] <Dok> hey kai
[22:54] <Kai> what did you do?
[22:55] <MistressFreeky> OH GAWD
[22:55] <Dok> It has a 1 hp motor.
[22:55] <Kai> I know you've been doing science, on cactus
[22:55] <Dok> fucking thing works, Kai
[22:55] <Dok> needs a little polishing up
[22:55] <Kai> what is it?
[22:55] <Kai> a sex machine?
[22:55] <Dok> right now it looks like a catapult with a dick
[22:55] <Kai> one of those mechanical fucker gadgets?
[22:55] <Dok> anda resouvoir
[22:55] <Idem> dok, so it's a hardon collider?
[22:56] <Dok> for teh mayo
[22:56] <Dok> HAH
[22:56] <Dok> Nurse better appreciate ths shit.  I think I need stitches
[22:56] <Cainad> THAT'S what the mayonnaise was for?
[22:56] <Idem> lolomg
[22:56] <Dok> bleeding all over my keyboard
[22:56] <Idem> ack
[22:56] <Dok> it's kind of cold though
[22:56] <Dok> need some way to warm it up
[22:56] <Idem> what's it look like
[22:57] <Idem> Oh jesus no dok noooo
[22:57] <Dok> wut
[22:57] <Dok> Nursey doesn't look very grateful
[22:57] <Kai> use a heating blanket
[22:57] <Dok> YES
[22:57] <MistressFreeky> Kai, you're not helping.
[22:57] <Dok> I neeed something
[22:58] <MistressFreeky> You need to stop taking cactus.
[22:58] <Idem> a cold wound is a good wound
[22:58] <Dok> No
[22:58] <Dok> I need bourbon
[22:58] <Dok> It replenishes science
[22:58] <Kai> Yes, I am helping
[22:58] <Kai> and no, you don't dok
[22:58] <Kai> cactus is fine.
[22:58] <Dok> why not
[22:58] <Dok> cactus isn't flammable
[22:58] <Kai> jack daniels is not
[22:58] <MistressFreeky> Who the fuck gives that shit to you?
[22:58] <Idem> *spew*
[22:59] <Dok> what shit
[22:59] <MistressFreeky> CACTUS
[22:59] <Dok> the preacher at my church
[22:59] <Idem> wal-mart
[22:59] <MistressFreeky> YOU DONT GO TO CHURCH
[22:59] <Dok> so
[22:59] <Dok> (we're yelling this shit at each oterh while we type)
[23:00] <Dok> You need to try out your new BF
[23:00] <MistressFreeky> NO MAYONNAISE
[23:00] <MistressFreeky> NONONONO
[23:00] <Dok> I got the spring all coiled up and everything
[23:00] <Idem> dood smear that shit on the keyboard
[23:00] <MistressFreeky> lkkAUUUGH!
[23:00] <Idem> it'll get up the blood
[23:00] <NARF> picture?
[23:00] <Dok> how do you KNOW you won't like it if you never even try it/
[23:00] <Cainad> I am literally crying with laughter
[23:01] <Dok> so is freeky.  I think
[23:01] <MistressFreeky> FUCK
[23:01] <MistressFreeky> FUCK OFF
[23:01] <Idem> we don't need eyes where we're going
[23:01] <Dok> brb bourbon & smoke reward for Dok
[23:02] <Burns> aww fuck whaddai miss
[23:02] <MistressFreeky> Dok on Cactus, and science
[23:02] <Kai> Oh god
[23:02] <Kai> I am laughing so hard
[23:02] <Idem> yeah so am i
[23:02] <Idem> oh jesus
[23:03] <Kai> Freeky, JUST ENJOY THE RIDE
[23:03] <Kai> I mean that both figuratively and literally
[23:03] <MistressFreeky> IS NOT RIDE KAI
[23:03] <MistressFreeky> IS NOT RIDE
[23:03] <Kai> IS RIDE
[23:03] <Kai> ENJOY
[23:03] <Idem> you better enjoy that hardon collider
[23:03] <NARF> love machine
[23:03] <Cainad> that thing sounds like it would throw her across the room
[23:03] <Idem> LOL
[23:03] <MistressFreeky> IS NOT GOOD RIDE
[23:03] <Kai> I believe it's spelled "hard-on", idem
[23:04] <Idem> *cough* *hack*
[23:04] <Cainad> the LARGE Hardon Collider
[23:04] <Dok> Kai, wrote you letter earlier
Quote from: Nast on May 29, 2010, 08:06:38 AM
Oh look, it's summer. I wonder if we'll have some more fires here.

Who's the deity in charge of those?

Does this position belong to anyone? If not, is there an application process? I would like to apply.

My qualifications and experience are as follows:

Once, when I was like, eight or nine, me and a friend built a bonfire in my house's fireplace, in order to throw this stuff on it to make the flames change colors.

I have a tendency to flare up in rage over small shit, and then quickly burn down, much like fire.

Big goddamn sexy boots.

Thank you for your consideration.
Professor Freeky
And I can resist no longer. ITT, you give me tips on how to survive in a hot middle of nowhere place with a dog with nothing but a car.

So far I know I need

Water (lots)
Shade thing
Stuff to hold up the shade thing.
Dog and me food.
Clothes to cover up
Salty stuff
More water or gatorade or something

So I read a thing, and it was helpful. I'ma be using this thread when I get back to post pics experiences etc.
Why is it that people just automatically assume as soon as the sun goes down, no not even that late, when the sky starts turning orange, why do people go on and on about how dangerous things CAN be, how people CAN do this, do that, but only at night? Only when it gets Dark? Why do they not think that horrible things can happen to them in the daytime? Seriously.

I had a run-in with such a person today. She went on and on and on and on until I wanted to shake her about how you "have to be careful, mindful, aware," etc. Now, I understand the value of wariness. And I certainly wouldn't go door to door after dark. But why, when I tried to explain how I felt on the subject of Safety At Dusk (I'm not afraid), she just told me I was being resistant and insinuated that I was just being contrary to be contrary?

I mean, couldn't it be possible that just outside her perfect little bubble, between the hours of 4 and 6 in the evening, she could get snatched into some pervert's (not the good kind like the tapeworm fetishists or branding freaks, but the serious sex offender types) house? Isn't it in fact probable that if no one is around but you and some dude (or chick for that matter), if he was going to do it in The Dark, wouldn't he do it during the day too?

Wouldn't he?

I have a hypothesis, and I wonder if there's any merit to it. There are many kinds of people (obviously), but regarding nighttime and The Dark, there are two types; those who fear it, because they were told it's dark and scary and always always dangerous, and the people who know there are hazards more apparent there, but know that it's a wonderful place/time, too.

Am I just Not Getting It? Am I retarded or something? Or is there something wrong with everyone else? I wish I knew. Do you?
let's say that it's getting late, and you're stressed out from various stressful thingies. You can't find any sleeping pills (that's saying you take them anyway) but you do find sedatives prescribed for your medium-small sized dog. Do you take them or just power through your stressed out sleeplessness and hope you don't fuck things up in the morning worse than they already are?
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / ATTN: FRED
May 19, 2010, 04:05:42 AM
Or Kill Me / This city is like a mood ring.
April 23, 2010, 04:22:35 AM
You know, I have recently been thinking about how much I really do like this city, when not that long ago, I really hated it. Right now, I think this place is beautiful, and not long ago at all I was getting hysterical over a bridge being green and going on at length about how ugly I thought this city was.

Here's an example. Today I went to the grocery store after dinner because I was feeling too upbeat and happy to stay at home. Walking outside, I drew in a deep breath, enjoying the bitter cold, damp air which carried the delicate scent of rehydrated tears and broken dreams. Thanks to the weird weather for this time of year, there was quite a bit of low floating cloud bank, which made for an interesting panorama on the mountains, and it was really beautiful to me. There's quite a bit of plant life still growing, which makes the scenery even prettier.

I suppose that it really depends on yourself, and how you feel, when it comes to how you feel about this city, and everything about it. Maybe your feelings about this horrible, wonderful city are an indicator of how you're feeling about everyday life. Maybe it's just me, and I can't really decide how I feel. But right now I am enjoying myself as much as I can here. That's what really matters, right?
I'ma be using this thread to post food that are sub-par to what I usually make, in the hopes that maybe someone can give me pointers and say where I went wrong.

Will be posting a recipe shortly.
It's a new food AND a new way of cooking I haven't tried before. You and the rest of coffee night will be my test subjects.

Mistress Professor Freeky,
Cooking in the name of Science.
I went to Hulu to get my anime fix ,right (I know, bad habit), And I saw the advertisement for the new episode of Sons of Tucson. I  totally forgot about this, and I will now watch it. For science, and so you don't have to.

I will give my opinion on it as soon as I finish watching. If my brain doesn't collapse under the weight of the fail, anyway.

...Because these bits are particularly funny.

"It didn't look so scary to him. Ugly, yes. Poorly thought out, yes. A curse on mankind and having something akin to a malevolent proto-sentience, no. "

Tucson summed up in a single sentence, right there. :lulz:
Or did I just fuck it up?

I made up some pie dough so I could bake it tomorrow. It's for apple pie. But either I stirred the flour too much, or the liquid I used (aple and orange kool-aid type stuff, I thought it was apple juice but was mistaken) was NOT meant to be used in baking. It ended up being sticky in flakes on me and not really wanting to stick to itself too much. Is this a good or a bad thing?
Dear Doktor Howl;

It has come to my attention that you are in fact right about blowing it up. Do you have any openings for another assistant? My qualifications are good math skills, a willingness to carry the heavy stuff, and a mind that is yet still unbroken and clean.

I look forward to working with you in bringing the world to its knees in a fiery way.

Mistress Freeky

PS Have you seen Pickles? I thought I saw your Jeep today in the neighborhood, and I can't find Pickles anywhere.
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / ATTN Sigmatic
March 05, 2010, 05:42:14 PM
Marvin the Martian kicks ass.

That is all.
Discordian Recipes / Egg drop soup
February 23, 2010, 02:16:20 AM
I required:

1 49 oz can of chicken broth, with 1/4 cup set aside
some frozen spinach
some frozen carrots
3 eggs
2 1/2 TBSP soy sauce
a dash of lemon juice
salt and pepper
fresh grated ginger (some)
2 TBSP flour

Bring chicken broth to a boil, add carrots, spinach, soy, lemon juice, and ginger. Cook until carrots and spinach are done to your liking. In a bowl, add flour to the set aside broth a little at a time, then add to the pot. Beat eggs in another bowl, then slowly add them in to the soup, stirring slowly in a single direction the whole time. Enjoy quickly, I don't think this stuff would keep well. Makes 5 servings?
Holy jeesus. Coffee night Fight Night. Roger vs. John. Jumper cables vs bare flesh. Who do you think won?

An sight I'll never forget.

And Dok, would it have killed you to even giggle? Before TGRR died, you'd have been laughing your ass off. It was creepy, you just smiling a little bit that way...
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Oh god, why?!
February 18, 2010, 07:45:23 PM

QuoteThe Day Bill Clinton Licked Meredith in the Torture Chamber
It was a sunny place beyond time's illustriously rabbit-like flow. The climate was slightly overcast in the Mythical Realm of the Breathing Termite. Amidst this repulsive scenery shed a tear the gorgeous Mr. Johnson. Not far away, Madame Bourgeois had the most lubricated hair of all, and all the town bled profusely at her marvelous fortune. Moreover, she was suggestively skilled in torture chamber management. Neither of them ever forgot the day that the gorgeous hip of Fate intervened in such a suicidal fashion.
He laughed, and it was then that she knew he wanted her like some handcuffs dying vociferously. He slapped her gayly, and she responded by dying cruelly. He became discombobulated haphazardly and yearned to attack Olga with an axe and pretend to be Popeye. She vacuumed him ruthlessly. Then he wrang her like a dying poodle. Dying suggestively, he vacuumed her arm while jumping. Gasping enigmatically, he snuggled her spleen while hyperventilating. She pet him gayly. Then he tackled her like a dying praying mantis. Hiccupping gayly, he tore at her nose while hyperventilating. He seized her suggestively, and she responded by crying cruelly. He shed a tear vociferously and yearned to pretend to be Popeye. Not to be outdone, he laughed and seized her haphazardly on her spleen. Quite suddenly, they felt a gnome-like second-wind! Gasping enigmatically, he felt her heart while breathing. He vacuumed her unwittingly, and she responded by throbbing suggestively. He became discombobulated vociferously and yearned to attack Madame Bourgeois with the most nauseating berserked timberwolf carcass in the world. Not to be outdone, he fantasized and seized her softly on her armpit. She smiled at him gayly, and told him that he made love like a termite. Drenched in sweat, he kissed her one last time and bounced.

Suddenly, Igor burst into the room, and, finding his wife amidst a most lubricated, adulterous situation, softly killed them both with an axe. In time, the saber-rattling legend of the two lovers faded sweetly into the farcical ebb-and-flow of the box factory, lost among the coniferous appeal of the local witch doctor.

Because if I had to suffer through that, then so do you all.
So I need volunteers to practice reading tarot for. Also, tips on doing this would be nice, too.
Techmology and Scientism / I need help...
February 09, 2010, 01:01:50 AM
I'm trying to set up a website, and I have NO FUCKING CLUE what I'm doing. Plz haylp?

Right now, I'm trying to install geeklog onto the website (I think), only I can't figure out/can't find the information of database type, hostname, name, username and password (maybe), and table prefix. Pretty much everything.

:x How do I find this information?
Or Kill Me / Roger, why is the bridge green?!
February 04, 2010, 04:26:15 AM
You know that bridge, where Alvernon turns into River? It's green. FUCKING GREEN. i don't know why it suddenly stood out to me. But I was in the car today and it was raining, after failure and disappointment happened, and when we crossed the bridge I noticed it was green. I was like, "WTF? Why is it green?? That doesn't look like a healthy color, WTF is going on?!"

I was in panic mode (well, maybe panic mode. Probably not real panic, because what have I got to get worked up over, honestly?) for, oh, maybe about a second or two. Not long at all. But then I noticed how absolutely hideous this whole place is. It's like a huge cloud of death and dessication just rolled over this place, but it's always been this way. Everything looks wilted, gnarled, and dying or already dead. Have you noticed that?

And you know how in some places, people try to plant grass and shit, to make it look more inviting? Have you noticed that whatever indigenous tree or plant is there looks for some reason even worse, like they're bent double in agony from how hard people are trying to pretend that everything is OK? I mean, this one business I passed, it had some particularly lush winter rye, and the mesquite tree that was there looked exactly, EXACTLY like someone trying to crawl away amidst death throes. Have you seen that tree?

I mean, at least where people try to make desert concrete look pretty with rocks and gravel or just leave it plain, they at least have the decency of knowing that 'pretty' and 'lush' do no generally crop up when people talk about the desert. The trees in these plots, have you noticed that there's more than a little bit of a militant look to them? The way the limbs and things look just like their neighbors', and they are all standing up very straight without a bend in the trunks anywhere? And they're all in a straight line and everything, or they're planted to look like they grew there naturally, but it's still a bit too something to be perfectly natural? Have you noticed?

Have you?

-Mistress Freeky loves you all,
until her dying breath.
Propaganda Depository / Slanket's real face?!
February 03, 2010, 03:31:59 AM
I have found out what Slanket the Destroyer really looks like! No wonder "he" didn't want to put up "his" pics...

The jig is up, Slanket. Or should I say.......


I've been noticing recently that there's a lot of rage going on (and I mean a lot more than when I first got here). And you know, it makes me a sad panda.

So I decided to make a thread dedicated to lovey dovey happy good time. In this thread, post things that you saw on the forum that gave you the warm fuzzies, or just tell someone that you luffles them.

I will fully admit to being a hippy, and then tell you I love you if you call me one. So there.  :)

Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on January 26, 2010, 04:33:15 PM
And life just isn't that bad..

TGRR actually admitted that life wasn't that bad. This gave me extra warm fuzzies, considering the source. (No offense meant...)  If you didn't read it yet (I don't want to take this quote completely out of context), find the letter here.
Doing a sort of trial group thing. It's interesting, and gives me a little bit to wonder about people more. And it's made me realize that while I'm still kind of (read: incredibly) naiive and idealistic, I'm starting to get a bit cynical. I found this out because they made us do questionnaires all throughout, and my initial answers to the questions were erratic at best.



Didn't take pictures until I was sitting down at the puter, by which time it is a finished dish. Oh well.

You will need:

Chicken thighs, skinned and boned. The amount should be enough to feed four people.
Four packs of Roast Chicken Ramen.
Oil (for frying)
Flour (lots)
2 to 3 oranges, for garnish

Also for sauce,

Orange juice (the no pulp kind works best)
Terriyaki juice (not the sauce that is a marinade by itself)
Soy Sauce

Step 1. in a medium size sauce pan, add about 2 cups of orange juice, 3 TBSP terriyaki, 2 TBSP soy sauce, and 1 TBSP honey (more if you like). Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally, and reduce heat to medium low. Reduce until it is a bit syruppy.

Step 2. Skin and debone your chicken thighs (if it is necessary). Cut up into chunks.

Step 3. Take about 3 cups of flour, and season well with your favorites. I used ground thyme, seasoned meat tenderizer, ground ginger, and black pepper. Add milk to flour until mixture is slightly runny, about a cup and a half(?).

Step 4. Heat oil to 350 - 400 degrees.

Step 5. Begin boiling a large pot of water, for the ramen.

Step 6. Coat chicken chunks well in flour batter. When putting chunks into the oil, be careful, that shit burns if it splashes you.

Step 8. If  you remembered to put the ramen blocks in the boiling water, and they've finished cooking, drain. add packets of seasoning that came with the ramen.

Step 9. Serve chicken over Ramen. Add orange slices for garnish.

7. Oh shit! did you remember the sauce? Better turn it off. Coat cooked chicken pieces lightly in yummy sauce.

Step 10. Consume with relish!

I put down MS Word/Excel experience (that's one of the things they want), and great math skills. What else should I put that I can fake if I don't have it?
Take one can of tomato soup, andprepare as normal (add a can of water or milk or whatever). Heat, stirring constantly so the fucker doesn't scald. Add in sliced Kraft sandwich cheese and chunks of tomato, and salt to taste. continue heating on low until chese is melted.

Monkey pushed some button while I was on the phone, and now everything is all wonky and shit.  The text and everything is too big! Can anyone help me? :x
The Misadventures of Flapjack is perhaps the greatest cartoon I've seen to date soley from the episode I just watched. In it, one of the characters was getting a picture done of himself, and the artist thought HE was ten months pregnant. With triplets. After having a weight loss misadventure, he says to the kid he hangzs out with, "Hey, let's go to the bar and tell people I'm pregnant so I can cut in line!"

Fucking win. :lulz: :lulz:
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / ATTN PD Parents
December 29, 2009, 11:33:40 PM
The closer we get to Monkey's 2nd birthday, the more explosive his tantrums get. Is this a normal thing?
I have made this thread in the hopes that there are other people who punish themselves needlessly, in the name of science,  and it isn't just me. :horrormirth:

I downloaded the Twilight book series to read and see exactly how bad it was intended to be.

It's meh so far (page 44 in book 1).
Discordian Recipes / ATTN: RCH, Nivek, TGRR
December 16, 2009, 09:25:55 PM
I am making your cookies. :D

Will post pics after they're done.
Bring and Brag / ...
December 16, 2009, 06:04:28 AM
If you really feel like looking, here is a thingy I did. I am disappointed at how poorly it came out... :cry:
Literate Chaotic / Accurse'd Inspiration Demon
December 16, 2009, 03:59:58 AM
I found this poem I had to write for my senior English class. I'd almost forgot about it. One of the things we were SUPPOSED to do was to reiterate a line, and there is a specific kind this is called, I just forget. I thought it was funny.

Sneaky little demon sitting on the sand

He's got work to do

Just relaxing life away, sitting on the sand

He's got work to do

That sneaky little demon is a double fisted drinker!

--That souse--

He's got work to do

Stupid, lazy, inspiration demon.

He's got work to do

Get back here NOW! Stop ignoring me!

You have work to do!

My inspiration cracks an eye; "Oh,

I've work to do?

Well, that's too bad, I'm on vacation,

So I've no work I'll do."

But this essay's due TOMORROW! Please,

You have work to do!

I really have to get this done,

We have work to do!

Sneaky little demon, relaxing in the sun;

"Oh, fine, if you insist,

I will help you get the work done."

The sneaky little demon makes a bone from thinnest air,

'Cause he's got work to do

He tosses it inside my skull,

'Cause that's the work he'll do.

He watches over my shoulder as I type away,

Insisting I don't do it right.

He comes up with new ideas as I slave to finish,

'Cause that's what work he's supposed to do.

Some hours after midnight, the work has been completed.

Now, I say to my demon, let me get some sleep!
Insight # 1: Morals don't really exist. I can't really explain what they are just yet, but I think that much right now.
I'm trying to improve my typing speed on this learn to type site. This is the one I just completed:

The exercise was
A plumbing system is very much like your electrical system, except that instead of electricity, it has water, and instead of wires, it has pipes, and instead of radios and waffle irons, it has faucets and toilets. So the truth is that your plumbing systems is nothing at all like your electrical system, which is good, because electricity can kill you.
Propaganda Depository / ATTN ROGER
December 09, 2009, 06:09:08 PM
I made it better.

That BEARFORCE1/A Team Mashup news headline popped up a couple of times, so I clicked on it. In the Bearforce 1 clip, it says in spanish 1, 2, 3, 7.

Other than that is an awesome song, WTF?
Aneristic Illusions / Just heard on ABC news...
December 04, 2009, 12:33:18 AM
"President Obama asks what ideas can people come up with to create new jobs. People WE talked to say they think the bailout is enough to get them through the recession."

Didn't have much choice hearing that, my parents put the news on every day. I paraphrased a bit in the first sentence.

What do you all think? Did the bailout help? Did I even hear that right, do you think? Or has this topic been beaten to death yet and i missed it?
This morning, my little guy and I were wrestling around, and his head fell on my teeth (he fell over on me playfully, that's how). My front tooth still hurts, and I can't drink my soda without it hurting. :/ and no dentistry for Mistress Freeky, as she already owes the dentist mucho moneys for getting three teeth pulled.

Edit: Sorry about so many posts...

Last night, the garbage disposal backs up, and I don't know how to fix it. Today, friends get sick (or can't talk cuz they're too busy), the chicken that was supposed to be dinner is gone bad, and my almost two year old is being a two year old, except more so than usual. I have no way to get out of this house, I want some home-made tomato soup, and I'm already hoarse from screaming.

Shit sucks and then you die.
Discordian Recipes / Chicken nuggets
November 28, 2009, 03:43:33 AM
I love chicken nuggets and I love chips. This is the best recipe ever combining both.

Boneless skinless chicken breasts (1 to 1 1/2 per person eating)
Two big bags potato chips, whatever flavor (i've yet only used sour cream and onion, but I bet BBQ would be tasty also... mmm, my favorite.)
Two boxes Ritz crackers
8 eggs

Cut up chicken into small, bitesized pieces. (Step 2) Crush 1/4 bag of chips or one pack of crackers into crumbs and put these in a bowl. (Step 3) Whisk four eggs with a fork. Preheat oven to 400F. Dunk chicken in eggs, then in chips/crackers, then place in a glass pan in one layer. When you run out of chips/crackers, or they get too damp from eggs, dump what's left and repeat Step 2. If eggs become too ucky, repeat Step 3. Cook in oven for 15 minutes. Remove and serve.
Discordian Recipes / Freeky's Holy Sex Beef
November 25, 2009, 05:46:31 PM
This is my favorite recipe for dinners that I made up without altering anything from anywhere.

6 - 7 pound chuck beef roast
1/2 cup juice (I usually use apple, but any clear juice will work)


Terriyaki juice
Pepper, seasoned meat tenderizer, ginger, paprika, chili powder, thyme
1 - 2 TBSP liquid smoke

Tip: Don't trim the fat off your roast, as it adds flavor and can be drained off later, if it ends up being too much.

Cut the roast into 1/2 inch thick slabs and layer into crock pot. After each layer, season each side of the pieces of meat and splash with Worcestershire and terriyaki. After seasoning and layering all the meat, pour in the juice. Let cook on low for 4 hours, then on high for another 2-3 hours, and then turn back to low. If it seems soft enough, shred meat with some forks.

Half of the remaining liquid can be used in place of barbecue sauce. Or you can just use your favorite store brand, or use this one (it tastes great, but the texture is off. And makes the beef no longer holy sex.)

1 cup oil
2/3 cup brown sugar
2/3 cup honey
1 1/2 TBSP liquid smoke
1/2 TBSP mustard (yellow)
Seasoned meat tenderizer

Mix all that up very well. Cover and refridgerate.
Or Kill Me / Just airing my thoughts.
November 25, 2009, 01:56:27 AM
You know, I have a problem. My problem is that I'm too nice. Why should I think that? Well, I don't think I'm too nice, I know I am, I just can't define why. I can, however, give you examples of my nice-osity.

When I was with my ex, and during phases where the lies I told myself ("Oh yes, I'm very happy, why should I leave?") were wearing thin, and I grew unhappy enough to contemplate leaving him, I never went through with it because it would hurt him too much.

Up until a few days ago, I didn't want to apply for child support because I figured that the 200 a month, that's 200 dollars every thirty days so, would be plenty and I would have tons of money left over. And I didn't want to apply for it because that would inconvenice him, in no small degree.

And any situation where I don't tell my folks how completely they disgust me is proof enough of how generous I am, even if I am just doing it to keep the peace.

But you see, I'm tired of it all. I cannot stand how understanding I feel like I have to be. I can't handle giving a damn for every excuse, every story, every lie formulated for sympathy that comes my way. I'm tired of temporizing my every THOUGHT to include the ifs, buts, and exclusions that can and will arise to every statement I make.

I've got over 20 years of rage bottled up, and it's Contents Under Pressure, don't you doubt. I want to beat the crap out of people who make me mad. I want to be rude to random people on the street. I want to give two shits about whether or not I inadvertently offended someone.

And at the same time, I like being nice to some people. My friends for one, because you can't keep friends fif you're a dick all the time. I like being nice to people in person, or at least polite, and also on the internet, in case they want to be friends. And I think the biggest reason I have that keeps me nice all the time is that I can't stand myself when I'm not. I have literally been kept up at nights over some trivial little thing that might have been construed by the other party as a little bit rude.

And so I have come to you, PD, in hopes of being learning how to not care if people get angry, to not care if someone gets offended, and to learn how to think for myself. This sheep has a long way to go, though, I reckon.

Luffles, Mistress Freeky
The "Token" Sheep!
My poor little guy. He's had a really bad week, and so far it hasn't ended. Last Tuesday he got a fever that he didn't get over until yesterday, but it went down over the weekend. Sunday, he fell off a high barstool. Yesterday, he fell in the fountain in the backyard, and then he got a poke and a prod in the ER for his rash. Today, he fell off the back of a chair and hit his ear and head on the printer table right next to it on the way down. I'm lucky that dice makes everything better...