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Topics - Telarus


You need to check out the other links to this guy's videos. How to live productively with your own madness 101.
Techmology and Scientism / WOW - Scale of the Universe
February 09, 2012, 09:05:30 AM

January 12, 2012

Dear Mr. McCoy,

Yesterday, Vicky Baxter, Executive Director of Downtown Incorporated of Santa Ana, forwarded this message regarding the opening festivities for the museum show "The Cacophony Society Zone Show" hosted by Grand Central Art Center.
Today I received a call from Mike McCoy, Homeland Security who issues permits for events from the City, with concerns about the February Art Walk and the association with the Cacophony Society.   He spent some time looking at the website and is concerned about what will be presented to the public because the City of Santa Ana is co-sponsor of the First Saturday Art Walks.   He is asking for a detailed description of what will be presented to avoid any issues with public complaints or controversy.   I did not anticipate this but he is right.  We do co-host the First Saturday Art Walks with the City. Please send me the details of what is planned so we can inform Mike.

- V. Baxter

​We understand the Department's domain over public complaints and controversy in the arts as well as the precedent setting crowd control issues and threat of civil disturbance raised by the April 3, 2004 GCAC's exhibition of art by Thomas Kinkade "Painter of Light."

In cooperation with your request for further information, we are providing the attached list of public art and performance scheduled as part of our opening.

These are playfully customized cars typically decorated both with thrift store finds, and other colorful detritus, generally free of sharp edges or objectionable content.  These Include Emily Duffy's "Vain Van," the Thingmaker's "Tijuana Taxi," Reverend Hotcakes "Jungle Truck," and Reverend Charles Linville's "Ass Car."  It should be pointed out that the visual and sculptural references in Reverend Linville's "Ass Car," are exclusively confined to parts of canine anatomy freely displayed throughout our country wherever dogs are found.   Parked alongside the art cars will be an assembly of immense fiberglass dog sculptures.  These fiberglass icons of The Cacophony Society depict only shoulder and heads of what is generally taken to be a Dachshund with no lower objectionable parts displayed or insinuated. If need be, photographs of these cars may be provided for DHS approval.

The Art of Bleeding is a performance art group offering faux educational programs in health and safety out of the back of an ambulance.  They are joined by performer Chuckles the Klown offering a playful yet safe yet really playful demonstration on needle safety.

Is an associate of The Art of Bleeding who uses uplifting humor to teach about hideous disfigurement and tragedy.

Employs a phone booth sized replica of the Semitic top in a performance that crosses the beloved Hanukah tradition with the teen party game "Spin the Bottle."  The operator of the dreidel insures the level of striptease involved conforms to "community standards" as well as any additional standards DHS normally applies in its regulation of bookshops, adult theaters, nightclubs, or burlesque houses.

One of the iconic activities engaged in by the Cacophony Society is mock protests over ludicrous causes. Honoring this tradition and as a satiric nod toward the controversial and ultimately dangerous nature of public discourse, we provide a soapbox, poster board, and markers to Society Members as well as enthusiastic passersby.   These activities and limited use of bullhorns will be conducted in accordance with our understanding of issues of pubic nuisance and noise abatement and/or guidelines issues at DHS discretion.

Musical performances will be provided by Fancy Space People, Creekbird, Clowns & Fetuses, and Phat Mandee.  The diverse content and presentation of these musical acts would be difficult to describe in this context, but set lists, audio recordings and video links can be provided for DHS scrutiny.   The ensemble Clowns and Fetuses has suggested that their themed performance on "Human Spontaneous Combustion" would feature a number of piñatas to be set ablaze.  The piñatas would be of standard size and construction and ignited sequentially in a designated safe area.  A moderate amount of accelerant such as barbecue lighter fluid would necessarily be employed.  We are prepared to work with local fire officials and/or DHS in ensuring that appropriate fire fighting equipment and personnel is on hand and that no damage to person or property occurs.

Comedian-magician Bieno Svengali as well as comedian Eric Cash will perform.  Exact content of their sets is not confirmed at this time, though Cash is expected to preside over a mock raffle "giveaway" of an Afghani war orphan.

In the spirit of free discourse and rapprochement, The Cacophony Society will dedicate a table to the display of introductory literature on the CS as well as whatever literature or materials DHS would care to provide.  A live representative will be available for discussion. Coffee and donuts provided.

As with any live event, a certain level of spontaneity is to be expected, but the above describes to the best of our ability art, performance, and activities planned for the opening of this museum exhibition. If you can provide further guidelines on any of the described activities, they would be much appreciated.

We look forward to working with The Department of Homeland Security to make this a fun, safe, and educational event for all.


Al Ridenour
Founder, The Los Angeles Cacophony Society

John Law
Member, Suicide Club: Co-Founder San Francisco Cacophony Society: Co-Founder, Burning Man.

Jon Alloway
Director, Into the Zone: The Story of the Cacophony Society

:lulz: :lulz: :lulz:

Principia Discussion / RAW Week on Boing Boing
January 12, 2012, 06:25:41 AM
It's the week of the anniversary of Robert's passing.

As such, Boing Boing has dedicated a post a day on the front page to RAW.
When was the last time you saw a major news org mention OWS, SOPA, or NDAA?

Six people at Global Revolution TV were arrested last week as the team was evicted from their headquarters in Brooklyn. The Global Revolution team has covered Occupy Wall Street through live streaming since Day 1. Global Revolution is directly responsible for bringing local as well as national and international attention, and participation, to the Occupy movement. At its outset, they operated under a tarp in the centerof Zuccotti Park, but as gears shifted through the fall and winter, Global Revolution's base has been forced to relocate several times. On January 2nd, an eviction notice was posted on the door of the latest headquarters at 13 Thames Street in Bushwick, stating that the space is "imminently perilous to life" and that "violators of the commissioner's Vacate Order are subject to arrest". Interestingly, no one else in the building was evicted despite these dubious and vague claims about imminent health hazards at this address. 

Among the six arrested that night was Vlad Teichberg, a former Wall Street trader who gave up his pursuit of profit for the pursuit of social justice.  The charges were:  Trespass, Obstructing Governmental Administration and Resisting Arrest. All six were released on the night of January 4th. 

RPG Ghetto / Official D&D 5E Announcement
January 09, 2012, 03:44:58 PM
 :lulz: :argh!: :kingmeh:

(The NYT aparently broke this story before they should have.. as it was 'under embargo' until this morning.......)

More on this here:

And some interesting insights on this whole development over @ EN World:

Comments on the dev of 4E (& what got fucked up):

Thought you all would appreciate those latter links.
Principia Discussion / Antero Ali on Chapel Perilous
January 07, 2012, 05:15:00 AM
I found this piece pretty illuminating, considering how we were trying to come up with a good verbal description of "Chapel Perilous" last month. I actually like the view here better than anything we sketched out (tho it does resonate with some of the things we said).

A shout out to those residing in or visiting Chapel Perilous
by Antero Alli on Friday, January 6, 2012

"Chapel Perilous, like the mysterious entity called "I", cannot be located in the time-space continuum: it is weightless, odorless, tasteless, and undetectable by ordinary instruments. Indeed like the Ego, once you're inside it there doesn't seem to be any way to ever get out, again, until you suddenly discover that it has been brought into existence by thought and does not exist outside of thought."
-- Robert Anton Wilson

We know who we are. We are the dispossessed, the outcasts, and the outsiders, rebels with a cause who have upturned the mulch of our dead lives and seeded those fertile fields with incendiary visions of our future selves. Having already subverted the norm, we renunciate dominator culture's status quo of everything and drift happy disconnected -- babes in the abyss -- wavering in the ambiguity fog of dislocation.  Free-floating between old worlds and the new, guided only by the shining paths of mother evolution.  We have passed over, we have passed the point of no-return and since there is no turning back, we celebrate the momentum lifting us on the wings of perception, grace, and whatever skills we have earned from surviving the inevitable catastrophe of self.  Only when we are over, does our real life begin.

Throughout my adult life, almost everyone I've met or have gotten to know has frequented, or currently resides in Chapel Perilous.  All of them fall into any one or all of the following four categories of Chapel residency (in order from the greatest percentage to the smallest):

LIFERS (THE FLOCK);  who remain in Chapel Perilous completely unaware of their displacement
CLERGY; who are aware of being there but choose to remain and serve the flock
HERETICS; who have awakened and managed to escape as either agnostic or paranoid
TOURISTS; who have awakened, escaped with soul intact and who return for reasons of their own

Though I have known all four personally, I now count myself chiefly as a Tourist.  I periodically return there whenever the Muses decide I need a good shaking up.  I can never predict when that will be but it usually happens when the Muses are ready to use me.  I am a love slave to the Muses and consider myself lucky to be a Chapel Tourist.  I have known Lifers, Clergy, and Heretics who have not been so fortunate.  Some of what I've seen and heard would make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up and shout.  There's a reason why it's called Chapel Perilous and not Chapel Happy.  If there was one word that might save you some grief as a Lifer, Priest, Heretic, or Tourist, that word would be:  nonchalance.  Learn to treat the archetypes and their realms with the same indifference with which they treat you.  Don't take "them" personally; Chapel Perilous is not personal.  Chapel Perilous is a great place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there.

-A. Alli
Aneristic Illusions / Anon hacks US "Think Tank" Stratfor
December 26, 2011, 03:25:17 AM
Via +Barry King, who says,

"Wow. I used to read Stratfor's free emails, several years ago. The possibilities that Anonymous has with their info are mind boggling.

For those unaware, Stratfor is an independent intelligence outfit, selling info to whomever can pay. The summaries that I used to get for free read like sections of the Economist or the CIA World Fact Book, except that there was just that much more info: major factions, what's at stake, what moves people are making strategically and in which directions.

They used to advertise private intelligence gathering, too, in addition to selling higher detail versions of the free info I was getting..."

Frankie70 writes "At 11:45 PST on Christmas Eve, hacking collective Anonymous disclosed that not only has it hacked the Stratfor website (since confirmed by Friedman himself), but has also obtained the full client list of over 4000 individuals and corporations, including their credit cards (which supposedly have been used to make $1 million in 'donations'), as well as over 200 GB of email correspondence."
High Weirdness / High Weirdness By Mail Ressurected
December 20, 2011, 10:44:15 PM

Richard Metzger draws our attention to the NEW, ONLINE EDITION of High Weirdness By Mail.
High Weirdness / Animals are crazy, yo.
December 14, 2011, 10:02:55 AM
What this? Oh, it's nothing. Just a LIZARD PLAYING A VIDEO GAME.

Poor little thing doesn't understand "points" quite yet, tho & keeps expecting to taste the bugs.
Techmology and Scientism / Ravens use "hand" gestures.
December 10, 2011, 07:49:23 AM

Cool. Interesting that we're making some huge advances in recognizing how animals communicate with each other at an individual level.

Oh, Here's another interesting one in that vein (although more at the collective/egregore level).

Bee Swarms Mimic Human Brain Neurons to Make Decisions
Techmology and Scientism / Virtual Desktops for Windows
December 09, 2011, 11:59:30 AM
So I've been lamenting my desktop clutter... and I watched some newer nVidia thing about multiple virtual desktops. Unfortunately, you can only send windows to another desktop, but can't manage icons or the taskbar (which is the same across all of nVidias "nViews")... LAME.

So I went digging around and found this:   <- don't. there's adware in the most recent version

Sweet. BALLS

Anybody know of an any virtual desktop apps that will allow that?
Cause I'm an asshole who won't let this issue go. (Note: "Correlation does not equal causation" and all that...)

Medical Marijuana Laws, Traffic Fatalities, and Alcohol Consumption
by D. Mark Anderson, Daniel I. Rees
(November 2011)

To date, 16 states have passed medical marijuana laws, yet very little is known about their effects. Using state-level data, we examine the relationship between medical marijuana laws and a variety of outcomes. Legalization of medical marijuana is associated with increased use of marijuana among adults, but not among minors. In addition, legalization is associated with a nearly 9 percent decrease in traffic fatalities, most likely to due to its impact on alcohol consumption. Our estimates provide strong evidence that marijuana and alcohol are substitutes.

Text: See Discussion Paper No. 6112

 :lulz: Spags. Broke your set.

First 3D Movie of Orgasm in the Female Brain


An orgasm has now been imaged in 3D video in the brain as it happens — and for possibly the first time in the history of science, women came first.
The video, which was presented at the recent Society for Neuroscience conference in Washington, D.C., is the first to look at the exact order in which women's brain regions are activated in the progression that culminates in sexual climax. The findings have not yet been peer reviewed for publication.
While this may seem like a silly line of research, in fact, understanding how the brain experiences the most pleasurable sensations may be essential for figuring out what underlies conditions in which desire and motivation go awry, like addiction and depression.
Lead author Barry Komisaruk, professor of psychology at Rutgers University, imaged brain activity in several women who were able to masturbate to orgasm in the decidedly unsexy atmosphere of a functional MRI machine. (Orgasm was achieved by either manual stimulation or use of a "passive dildo" in the form of a Lucite rod; vibrators contain metal, which cannot be placed in magnetic scanners.)

Komisaruk discovered activity in more than 80 regions of the brain, including the prefrontal cortex, which is involved in higher-order thinking, and which earlier imaging of the female orgasm by Dutch researchers had found to be inactive. "There's an apparent contradiction in the literature," says Komisaruk. "The group in Holland says that the frontal cortex goes down in activity during orgasm and we see that it goes up."
That could be due to differences in scanning technique, Komisaruk says. Or, a more interesting reason may involve the fact that in the Dutch study, sexual stimulation was applied by the women's partners, rather than themselves. "It could be different [because] women inducing orgasm in themselves may involve executive control characteristic of the prefrontal cortex, whereas in partner-induced stimulation, women may surrender to their partner and that could be the basis for the reduction in activity," he explains.

The sequence of brain activity itself is telling. First, not surprisingly, activation is seen in the sensory regions of the brain that map the genitals. Earlier research by Komisaruk's group showed that nipple stimulation also excites this sensory region, helping explain why it can be erotic.
Next, a region called the insula lights up. "Not only is [the insula] active during orgasm, it's also active in response to pain," says Komisaruk, explaining that brain imaging is difficult to interpret because "activation" can mean different things in different brain cells. If inhibitory neurons are active, this actually reduces the signaling of other neurons — and could mean something is being prevented rather than processed. "We see strong inhibitory interaction between orgasm and pain," he says. "During orgasm, women are much less sensitive to pain."
Komisaruk notes that facial expressions during orgasm (the "O face") are often indistinguishable from those made in pain, and suggests this may be explained by activity in the insula.

Next, the anterior cingulate, an area related to the insula, lights up before the action moves to the amygdala. Although it is best known for processing fear-related information, the amygdala is actually involved in all types of emotion — and may provide some of the intense positive emotion typically experienced during orgasm.
Activity is seen next in the hippocampus, which processes memories and may be involved either in sexual fantasy or in recording the experience or both. The hippocampus is also able to activate many brain regions at once, which may underlie its role in both orgasm and seizure. "The hippocampus is often involved in epileptic seizure activity," says Komisaruk. "There's a lot of similarity between seizures and orgasms in the sense that they involve many brain regions concurrently."
After the hippocampus, Komisaruk saw activity in the prefrontal cortex, the region involved in planning, abstract thought and behavior control. He's currently doing a study comparing partner-induced and self-stimulated orgasm to see if he can resolve the question of why some studies show activation here and others don't.
Following the cortex, activation flowed through a region involved in movement and muscle tension, which occurs during orgasm. Next, the hypothalamus came online. This region releases oxytocin, the notorious "love hormone" involved in social and emotional bonding and connection.
Finally, it's on to the brain's "pleasure center," for the peak experience of orgasm, which likely involves release of dopamine in the highly activated nucleus accumbens.

And then, the brain goes quiet.

Movie Link:

Begin Commentary:

WHOA. Y'know... it's that last line that's super interesting. Brains don't "go quiet"... not while you're conscious ( & not chilling in Nirvana). VERY very interesting.

Haven't finished reading this quite yet... but I am fucking IMPRESSED with the experimental setup.
The Lost Studio Session (Robert Anton Wilson) [FULL]

Talks about the founding of POEE @ 20:00 +
Hi Everybody. I posted this over @, thought I'd mirror this here. For those D&D/Pathfinder players out there, check out Maptool, they have frameworks for your games, too!

I've been coding like mad for the last few weeks. This is the result -

First, I'd like to mention that I'm not an employee of RedBrickLLC (the publisher). 2nd, I haven't (yet ;) ) received any compensation for this.

Ok, done.

Now, I'm a long time gamer, and one of the first that hooked me while gaming with my highschool group was Earthdawn. Barsaive was beautifully presented, fresh, and did interesting things to the tropes that Gygaxian, etc D&D had taught us. I've been roaming Barsaive in my head ever since (ask me about my maps sometime).

The Earthdawn internet community was out there humming along in the 90s while I was on a rock in the Pacific, and has since experienced various fragmentations, reorganizations, permutations, internationalizations, and other -(z)ation action-words.  I've crawled through nearly all of the archived ED material on the net. From the classic Seven Sands FAQ, through Taste-Like-Pheonix Game's early mass-combat system. From the ED Publishing Trust (, to the forgotten ED2 forums. From pics of the German Comic (only 1 issue I've found, '99 print) to the strange-but beautiful re-imagining of the lizard-like T'skrang for the Japanese rulebook/teaser comic.

And through it all, one thing kept coming back to me, amid forum discussions, video reviews, everything.

"This game is GREAT.... but it might be a little too crunchy for your taste."

Oh, man. Those words have kept this game buried under systems that are, admittedly, easier to approach. Almost an 'esoteric secret' of the RP world. The gleams in the eyes of those who had found it and sunk their teeth in despite the complex system kept poping into my head. Many haven't had a chance to get into the intensely exciting Conflicts in the fiction of Barsaive, turned off by the prospect of yet-another-complex-rpg-system. And then, as a GM you have to be quick enough yourself to answer players questions without dragging the game to a halt and dis-interesting them altogether (hard enough with any rpg).

So I said to myself, "Hey, we're living in the future, it's just not evenly distributed right? Do something about it."

So I did. Choosing the excellent open-source Maptool ( as the base software, I built a Virtual Tabletop.

This 'Maptool Framework' incorporates 41 different Disciplines (that's 'Character Class' to you non ED folk), and 12 playable Races from the 'Core Earthdawn material':
ED3 Player's Guide, ED3 Player's Companion, Namegivers of Barsaive, and the new Cathay Player's Guide

It incorporates the basic statistics (Attribute used, Action cost, etc) for every Talent, Skill and Power in the following:
ED3 Player's Guide, ED3 Player's Companion,ED3 Gamemaster's Guide, ED3 Gamemaster's Companion, Namegivers of Barsaive, the new Cathay Player's Guide, and the new Cathay Gamemaster's Guide

Create Adepts in under 5 minutes. Auto-generate Sub-Characteristics! Auto-calculate Steps and Dice for EVERYTHING.

No more "Is he Knocked Down? What's the Tail Attack modifier again? What dice to I roll?" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MUCH More "Your crystal Axe severs the Horrors tentacles, spraying black, foul ichor over your Airship crew! The tentacle writhes on the ship's deck, still tryng to grasp one last victim as the crew scatters."

It has over 25 custom state images to track the "crunchy" bits of the Earthdawn combat engine, and the GM has access to all (well, most.. this is an Alpha release) of the tables, Discipline info, Talent/Skill/Power stats, Step Table / Results Table at a flick of the mouse. Take advantage of Maptool's existing Vision and Fog-of-War setup. Dungeoncrawl in style, as a Thief Adept. Laugh at 'spells-per-day' and sling as many Earthdarts as the combat requires of your Elementalist. Handle battles with dozens of tokens without GOING AS MAD AS VESTRIAL THE MAD PASSION trying to track stats, states, damage, and Wounds.

Now that you're drooling, here's a Screenshot:

I designed this to assist with face-to-face games, but chose Maptool because of the networking capabilities. So you can use this as a GM "character library" (previously, I've been using 3x5 notecards.. HA!). Or you can go all the way with a 2 computer (or dual monitor) setup and run a server-client to take advantage of all the Vision and Fog-of-War features. Or pretty much anything in-between. I can see tracking a play-by-post game with this tool with much less headaches than usual (and you could post sreenshots of the combat positions!).

One of the early users has a pretty steady Earthdawn game running online (he was using my, admittedly broken, 1.0 version of this to some success with a large group of players), and he tends to screencast his recent games. I'll throw a link up later in the week, and maybe we can all see this thing "in use"!

Ok, enough rambling from the author. I hope you like it. Please bring any bugs to my attention on the RedbrickLLC or Maptool forums.

Download link:
High Weirdness / Easter Island Heads have BODIES
October 31, 2011, 04:58:13 PM

+Oliver A Ehlers originally shared this post:
Easter Island heads have bodies

Absolutely fascinating. This has some pretty incredible implications. At least one of the Easter Island heads has been excavated by a private research group [1], and has been discovered to have a carved body.

Were the Easter Island heads originally on much lower ground? Or were they buried by the original creators?

Easter Island is an internationally recognized World Heritage Site [2] and is also considered to be the most remote inhabited island in the world [3]. Anyone interested in #Anthropology is probably very familiar with the (887) massive stone statues that are scattered around the island, and anyone would be intrigued by the mystery behind them. It falls right in line with the incredible puzzle ancient sites like Stonehenge, the Pyramids, and Machu Picchu provide (in terms of how exactly ancient people constructed them).

What do you think happened on Easter Island?

While the circumstances horrify me (a singular master of a lost martial art trying to pass on his most advanced techniques before he dies, but not finding anyone with enough experience with the lower forms to be able to understand them).... I am seriously impressed with Mr. Nidar Singh, last known master of the shastar vidya art of the Nihang Sikh. He currently travels between the UK, Canada, and Punjab, and teaches the art to anyone dedicated.

"The people who are here are open-minded," he says. "I have Muslims and Christians here as well as Sikhs."

Nihang Sikh, btw, are the sect which (used to) drink Bhang (Cannabis enfused milk drink) in order to reach out to the Godhead.

Oh, and the shastar vidya practitioners went around battlefields dressed like this:

Full Story:
Aneristic Illusions / Anon Ups the Ante
October 30, 2011, 10:37:58 PM
Anon has made some interesting waves this week.

First off, they have claimed to ID the Oakland PD officer which shot Scott Olsen.

Next up (Cain, want to weigh in on this one?)

Anon has threatened the Zeta Cartel of Mexico (who have kidnapped an Anon member off the streets for postering activity). If the kidnapped Anon is harmed or not released they say they will start releasing full Dox on local community members (businessmen, journalist, etc) who are in the pay or have paid off the Zetas.
Aneristic Illusions / White House Memetics
October 30, 2011, 02:06:23 AM
Recently, the White House setup the "We The People" website, where they take petitions and respond to any that achieve over a certain # of signatures within a stated time-frame. Five of the top 10 petitions on the "We the People" site are about some aspect of marijuana or drug policy reform.

Late yesterday, the White House chose to respond to 8 of the petitions re: Cannabis which have collectively garnered more than 150,00 signatures.

Let's briefly examine HOW they chose to respond.

1) Collectively responding to petitions which make distinct points in order to avoid them (granted, this is the weakest negative point, as it makes sense to respond to related queries together)

2) Responding late on Friday, when most well paid media professionals are off having fun, and letting the negative responses blow out before the Monday News Cycle.

3) Choosing as the responding representative the only person NOT LEGALLY ALLOWED TO DISCUSS LEGALIZATION OR RELATED OPTION.

I have run across a lot of screaming in certain circles (obviously), so as sources I will try to provide those with what I saw as the least overreaction-due-to-bias:

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition says:

Stop the Drug War examines the memetics a bit as well:
Discordian Recipes / Halloween Food!
October 30, 2011, 01:31:38 AM
In an effort to lurk in here (& post) more, I'd like to share some interesting treat that a friend of mine made for the holiday:

Edible Petri Dishes

QuoteHalloween treat: edible petri dishes! Apple cider and coconut smears and pomegranate cranberry coconut smears. I think they look a lot like Klebsiella pneumoniae. Yum! (Vegan!) Whee!
Techmology and Scientism / What is this? I don't even?
October 28, 2011, 12:34:03 PM
The Earth IS NOT revolving around the sun (nothing to do with TimeCube).

Watch this. I give it a 90% probability of completely shattering some of your preconceived scientific notions. (Or, at least, shattering some of the out-dated models that got shoved down our heads during grade-school indoctrination).

Link on the video leads (eventually) to here, for some background:

[EDIT] Dug around that website, and some others which 'debunk' his work. I'm really not interested in that drama. The 3d model of the solar system traveling with angular momentum so that the "orbits" of the planets produce spirals is what I really liked. I also think the idea that spacetime "twists" as it "curves" to be very appealing.

QuoteWho We Are

Anonymous is a decentralized network of individuals focused on promoting access to information, free speech, and transparency. The group has made international headlines by exposing The Church of Scientology, supporting anti-corruption movements in Zimbabwe and India, and providing secure platforms for Iranian citizens to criticize their government.

Anonymous Analytics, a faction of Anonymous has moved the issue of transparency from the political level to the corporate level. To this end, we use our unique skill sets to expose companies that practice poor corporate governance and are involved in large-scale fraudulent activities.

What We Do

We provide the public with investigative reports exposing corrupt companies. Our team includes analysts, forensic accountants, statisticians, computer experts, and lawyers from various jurisdictions and backgrounds. All information presented in our reports is acquired through legal channels, fact-checked, and vetted thoroughly before release. This is both for the protection of our associates as well as groups/individuals who rely on our work.


Quotepurkinje writes "Tiny bits of genetic material, called microRNAs, can make their way from the food you eat into your blood stream, and change how your genes are expressed, according to a new study. A team of Chinese scientists found tiny bits of white rice microRNA floating around in people's blood after a meal. When they looked at what was happening on a cellular level, they found that the microRNAs were changing gene expression, decreasing levels of a receptor that filters out LDL (bad) cholesterol. When the scientists gave mice both rice and a chemical to block the microRNAs, their levels of that receptor returned to normal---showing that the microRNAs weren't just swimming through the blood stream, but acting on genes in the animals' cells."

This seems like a pretty big deal. Also, this commend from Slashdot jumped out at me....

QuoteGuppy writes I'm going to have a hard time believing this, until we get a couple more labs to replicate the findings.

Just about every animal on earth, including us, produces copious amounts of RNAse, an enzyme that shreds RNA molecules. And while most enzymes are rather fragile, RNAse is unusally robust -- you can boil some RNAses for hours, and they will retain their activity. They're everywhere, on your skin, in your body -- and it's a pain in the butt when you're working with RNA (you put RNAse inhibitors in everything to keep them from chewing up your material).

It's almost as if it were being produced as some kind of defense mechanism against... hmm....
Then read this:
    Fill in your answer below.

    ....forcing the monkeys who built the monoliths to really think about how they're going to feed and shelter all of the Tourists so they can take their shells smoked meat shiny coins.

[If confused, see the 'Ancient Greeks and Eris' thread for the connections between Eris/Enyo/Bellona, Cybele, Rhea, etc, etc...]
Propaganda Depository / 'Out of Copyright' Resources
August 08, 2011, 05:34:50 PM
This should prove useful for the Intermittens crowd, especially when we get the Dialogo della Discordia translation in and start putting that together.
QuoteThe entire 45-year (1896-1940) archive of the Art Nouveau-era German magazine Jugend ("Youth"), "Munich illustrated weekly magazine for art and life," is now online at a Heidelberg University site. Potentially a tremendous source of public-domain illustrations for indie publishers.
May, 23rd, 1896 Cover
(This comes via our good friend "37").

The Retarded State of Public Debate, by Jim Goad

As the international embarrassment known as the American debt-ceiling debate winds down and Congress decides on how much more they should rob unborn Peters to cover for deadbeat Pauls, I feel like wiping the shit off my eyeballs after witnessing this endlessly infantile blame game. It's a repulsive Punch and Judy show of exculpating and implicating, finger-pointing and blame-shifting, of mutual obstruction and, ultimately, of mutually assured destruction.

Since there will be no happy ending, this weeks-long "debate" boiled down to a drunken saloon argument over whether we drive into a brick wall at 85MPH or 95MPH. This country's financial wad is red, white, and blown. Neither side wanted to admit that the nation's financial condition is way beyond redemption. All they did was argue over an acceptable size for the tumor and tried to place blame for who caused it. Neither side is willing to admit that it's terminal cancer.

That should be expected of politicians, especially in the all-or-nothing Manichean climate engendered by a two-party system. It should also be expected of anyone gullible enough to believe that either party represents their interests. To watch this sordid puppet show's left and right fists sparring on public forums was to wish one could stuff them all in a cage and drown them down a well like unwanted puppies. I've never heard the sound of one hand clapping, but now I know what 307 million retards barking at each other sounds like.

Has anyone else noticed a disturbingly rapid ossification of American political divisions over the past couple years? All grey areas have been obliterated in a collective ingroup/outgroup psychosis that dictates if you disagree with one team on a single, microscopic ideological trifle, you are entirely bought and sold by the enemy team. I'm sorry—did you just whisper something bad about Muslims? Well, the only conceivable explanation is because you're slavishly beholden to your Zionist masters. Excuse me—did you just mutter something not entirely positive about the left? The only reason you could have done that is because you've been brainwashed by the right.

When will you all realize that it's the other side that's partisan? It's the other side who are hypocrites. The other side is only posturing to court votes. The other side is pure evil. The other side is acting like Nazis. The other side is un-American. The other side wants to destroy the country. The other side is greedy and selfish. The other side is fanning fear. The other side isn't a political philosophy, it's a mental disease. The other side can't face reality. The other side has always engaged in racial pandering. The other side are nothing more than domestic terrorists. The other side are a bunch of entitled crybabies. The other side cherry-picks facts to suit their agenda. The other side only represents a minority of Americans. The sheeple who vote for the other side don't realize they're voting against their own interests.

Well, I'd expect you to say that, being that you're a loudmouth white-trash teabagging FAUX News-watching Republicunt Austrian School wingnut Koch-head conservatard. It's all the right's fault. The 2008 elections were a clear mandate. We're in this financial mess because the top 2% don't pay enough taxes. Your personal problem is that you can't stand to see a black president.

Ahh, but your Alinskyite tactics won't work on me, you screeching ghetto hoochie-mama socialist pond scum MSNBC-watching Dim-o-Crat Keynesian moonbat Soros-zombie libtard. It's all the left's fault. The 2010 elections were a clear mandate. We're in this financial mess because the bottom half don't pay any taxes at all. Your personal problem is that you're too scared to admit a black president can fail.

SHUT the fuck up. ALL of you.

Never in world history have more retarded people called other people retarded in more retarded ways. Never have people called one another unintelligent while misspelling so many words: "Your not smart enough to notice their to stupid." It's Beavis on one side, Butt-head on the other. To observe this sort of discourse is to watch conjoined Mongolian idiots hocking loogies in one another's face. We've reached rock-bottom on the dumbing-down.

But not everyone in America is stupid—not yet—and one wonders how otherwise seemingly intelligent people can buy into such gross political simplicities. In those cases, the reasons they're acting stupid are more likely due to emotional unease rather than cognitive deficiencies.

Everyone with two neurons to rub together seems to know in their guts that this country is in an irreversible free-fall. Though few seem willing to admit it, most probably suspect that things will get much worse and that this debt-ceiling agreement will only be a Band-Aid on a severed limb. Even in good times, the small souls among us suffer a constant terror of not having all the answers. But just as there are no atheists in foxholes, there are very few political agnostics when times get tough. People believe whatever is most soothing to them, and so confirmation bias is bleeding all over the place at hemophiliac levels. It's less retarded to admit you don't know what's going on than to pretend you do. But it's also scarier. Therefore, most people opt for retarded.

It soothes me to believe I'm intelligent enough to admit I can't isolate blame for what has happened. I don't claim to know whether our economy is failing due to human incompetence or whether it was deliberately engineered to collapse by the hyper-competent. Being fundamentally econotarded, I'm also probably the worst person in all 50 states to consult for solutions. But I'll pretend you asked me, anyway: I'd abolish the Federal Reserve, end all foreign wars now, legalize drugs, tax all religious real estate, deport all illegal immigrants, toss out almost all government-related civil lawsuits involving intangibles such as discrimination and emotional distress, and give me back every cent I've paid into Social Security NOW.

But even if every one of my suggestions helped, I don't think we can reverse our descent into the abyss. And I'd love nothing more than to be wrong about this. There'd be no joy in being correct about it, and not the least bit of satisfaction. So please, let me be paranoid rather than correct. If things ever get better, nothing would make me happier than for everyone to call me retarded.

Read more:
Aneristic Illusions / Fast & Furious, Part Infinity
July 27, 2011, 04:59:18 AM
Quote    "From the intel, it appears that a company was set up in Mexico to purchase weapons through the U.S. Direct Commercial Sales Program, and that the company may have had a direct link to the Zetas."

The U.S. Direct Commercial Sales program is run from the U.S. State Department's Directorate of Defense Trade Controls. It regulates and licenses private U.S. companies' overseas sales of weapons and other defense materials, defense services, and military training.


If these allegations can be verified: what on Earth was the State Department thinking supplying the direct sale of military weapons to a cartel front company? Weapons that were then smuggled out of the very airport used by the Drug Enforcement Agency charged with bringing down the cartels?


    The program is set up so that the sale of U.S. guns to foreign entities involve direct negotiations with the governments of those countries purchasing the weapons. The description of the program specifically states that it regulates the sale of U.S. firearms to other countries or international organizations.

    How, then, did a drug cartel purchase weapons through this program when it is neither an international organization nor a government?

At The Truth About Guns, Brad Kozak opines:

    The ATF was not the only ones running guns to Mexico. Apparently the State Department was playing, too. And then consider this angle — was the State Department competing with the ATF for the hearts and minds of the Mexican drug trade?


    If the ATF is supplying the Sinaloas (with Calderón's tacit approval and/or help) and State is playing for the Zetas, where does that leave the rest of America?

Techmology and Scientism / Finally....
July 22, 2011, 11:49:35 AM
Finally, an official piece of software from the US DoD which which I can handily conver the Gregorian Date to the Discordian Date:
Hey spags.

Twid has tracked down an ENGLISH TRANSLATION of the Dialogo della Discordia text by Sperone Speroni.

Costs to acquire a copy would run a little over $50 USD and would take about a month to prep and ship.

I figure we can keep the original copy hosted on the Wiki, but then prepare another version for "public consumption" in the line of the Chao te Ching project or Richter's Greeks Myff'd. Something with fly-quotes and graphics, or something.

A SPECIAL EDITION INTERMITTENS -= from the 16th century=- ...if you will.

It has been voiced that Twid, nor Phox, nor I can spare $50+ up front.

So here's the deal. I'm seeding $10, and this is a Fucking RANSOM.

:fnord: Pony up the cash or this historic Discordian literature goes the way of American Idol (flash and forgotten), and you'll never get to read it.  :fnord:

(ok, more srsly, anybody up to pitch in on this?  :D )

Ransomee List

  • Telarus
  • Nephew Twiddleton (email confirmed) funds received
  • COL Coyote (email confirmed)
  • Doktor Phox (email confirmed)
  • Hover Cat (email confirmed) funds received
  • Placid Dingo (email confirmed) funds received
  • LMNO, PhD (email confirmed) funds received
  • Iptuous (email confirmed) funds received
  • Luna (email confirmed) funds received
  • Cramulus (email confirmed) funds received
  • Nigel (email confirmed)  funds received
  • Bad Beast
  • Dimo

(Reuters) - Its Japanese developers call it the "Futuristic Circular Flying Object" and it's designed to go where humans can't.

Go check out the neat video.

Great article picking apart modern TV journalism.
Human beings don't always like good nourishment. We seem to love white sugar, and unless we understand why we feel nauseated and disoriented after binging on sweets, we'll just keep going. People like low-nutrition TV, too. And that shapes the internal, self-regulated editorial culture of news.

Take newsroom aesthetics as an example. I admit felt a profound discomfort working in an industry that so casually sexualizes its workforce. Every hiring decision is scrutinized using a skewed, unspoken ratio of talent to attractiveness, where attractiveness often compensates for a glaring lack of other qualifications. The insecurity, self doubt, and body-image issues endured by otherwise confident, intelligent journalists would break your heart. And clearly there's a double standard, a split along gender lines. But in an environment where a lot of top executives are women, what I'm talking about applies to men as well. The idea has taken root that if the people reporting the news look like your family and neighbours, instead of Barbie and Ken, the station will lose viewers.

The problem with the CBC:

Aside from feeling sexually attracted to the people on screen, the target viewer, according to consultants, is also supposed to like easy stories that reinforce beliefs they already hold. This is where the public broadcaster is caught in a tough spot. CBC Television, post-Stursberg, is failing in two ways. Despite modest gains in certain markets, (and bigger gains for reality shows like Dragon's Den and Battle of the Blades) it's still largely failing to broadcast to the public. More damnably, the resulting strategy is now to compete with for-profit networks for the lowest hanging fruit. In this race to the bottom, the less time and money the CBC devotes to enterprise journalism, the less motivation there is for the private networks to maintain credibility by funding their own investigative teams. Even then, "consumer protection" content has largely replaced political accountability.

It's a vicious cycle, and it creates things like the Kate and Will show. Wall-to-wall, breaking-news coverage of a stage-managed, spoon-fed celebrity visit, justified by the couple's symbolic relationship to a former colony, codified in a document most Canadians have never read (and one province has never signed). On a weekend where there was real news happening in Bangkok, Misrata, Athens, Washington, and around the world, what we saw instead was a breathless gaggle of normally credible journalists, gushing in live hit after live hit about how the prince is young and his wife is pretty. And the public broadcaster led the charge.

Aside from being overrun by "Action News" prophets from Iowa, the CBC has another problem: the perception that it's somehow a haven for left-wing subversives. True or not, the CBC was worried enough about its pinko problem to commission an independent audit of its coverage, in which more consultants tried to quantify "left-wing bias" and, presumably using stopwatches, demonstrate that the CBC gives the Conservative government airtime commensurate with the proportion of seats it holds in the House of Commons. Or something like that.

Jon Stewart talks about a "right-wing narrative of victimization," and what it has accomplished in Canada is the near-paralysis of progressive voices in broadcasting. In the States, even Fox News anchor Chris Wallace admitted there is an adversarial struggle afoot -- that, in his view, networks like NBC have a "liberal" bias and Fox is there to tell "the other side of the story." Well, Canada now has its Fox News. Krista Erickson, Brian Lilley, and Ezra Levant each do a wonderful send-up of the TV anchor character. The stodgy, neutral, unbiased broadcaster trope is played for jokes before the Sun News team gleefully rips into its targets. But Canada has no Jon Stewart to unravel their ideology and act as a counterweight. Our satirists are toothless and boring, with the notable exception of Jean-René Dufort. And on the more serious side, we have no Keith Olbermann or Rachel Maddow. So I don't see any true debate within the media world itself, in the sense of a national, public clash of ideas. The Canadian right wing, if you want to call it that, has had five years to get the gloves off. With a majority Conservative government in power, they're putting on brass knuckles. Meanwhile the left is grasping about in a pair of potholders. The only explanation I can think of is they're too polite, or too scared. If it's the latter, I think it's clear enough why.
[Reposting this from the Earthdawn forums for your gaming entertainment]

Hi everybody. I'm still working on a few projects including the Atlas and the Maptool Framework when I have time... but all of this Earthdawn "flash" if you will has created a demand around the house that I run a game.  ;)

I'm starting with 2 Players, my girlfriend Liv and her son, who is 11, so there's going to be some seriously surreal humor to offset the darkness of the Horrors. I'd like to use this thread to share some background and their adventures, and as a reminder to keep notes on the optional rules I'm using to see how they are working.

For this game I'm dropping the classic 1st ed D&D supplement T1-Hommlet/T1-4-The Temple of Elemental Evil (I have a copy of both) into Barsaive. I'm testing how well the old D&D loot and magic item tropes fit into the ED system, and I'm also seriously stress testing my Mass Combat system. If I get a smooth conversion process going, I can see quick conversions of many favorite modules to run through with tricked out Adepts. So...

I've made up a Kingdom on the eastern edges of the Tylon Mts which has land routes to Kratas and a river route to the Servos Jungle river system. This is a very medieval feeling feudal society which during the Scourge developed a similar church/royalty/military structure as captured in the Greyhawk setting(midieval-ish Europe).

'Clerics' are not a Discipline, but a social and church title of rank. The Church of St. Colbert of the Cudgel (lol) developed as a Living Legend Cult around a Hero who bravely saved multiple Kaers and Citadels during the Scourge, and brings together followers of different Passions into a quasi-military religious organization. It is made of a blend of Questors of Floranus, Garlen, and Mynbrujie and their followers. St. Colbert is considered an incarnation of Floranus, and the son of the 'Old Religion' depictions of Mynbrujie and Garlen.

Previous to the Scourge, this kingdom's major religious organization was an old order of Druids who revered Jaspree and Rashamon. The other Passions were represented by individual Questors, small cults and monastic orders (precursors to the Church, who built temples around the kingdom).

The Druids and the Nobility rejected the Theran offer of the Rites of Protection and Passage when they showed up, having devised their own plan to shelter the Kingdom through the Scourge (some say the old Druids openly conversed with Dragons and Fae Royalty... although no-one says this in the presence of a Druid).

The Kingdom raised stone megaliths and markers, huge stone circles surrounding major cities to become Citadels, smaller ones in town centers and around and within the Kaers under construction. Mores lines of standing stones then marked out town borders, major roads and crossroads. The Druids began to weave an immense Pattern across the land of their forefathers, carving shapes and glyphs into hillsides and cliffs to change the path of ley lines and the mana flow in the land. Finally, Stones were erected to define the borders of the Kingdom and the duchies, etc, etc within. Druid agents and their Adept companions raced across the land, conversing with Named Spirits, Elementals, and Magical Beings who made the Kingdom their home.

Then they revealed their Keystone, The Charter (nod to the Sabriel books). This magical contract was inscribed upon a megalith 3 stories high and erected in the center of the Capitol, behind the 7 rings of megaliths which made up the city's magical defenses. The elite of the aforementioned Magical Beings who pledges themselves to the Kingdom performed a Blood Magic Ritual along with the Druid leadership to bind this new Charter to the land. A major Named Earth Elemental and a whole Brotherhood of Obsidimen merge themselves with the Charter Stone to end the ritual.

The Kingdom then retreated into their Kaers and Citadels, content that the Charter would keep the land near the roads and around the old town centers from falling totally to the corruption, even though the wild places and vast stretches of the Kingdom without protective megaliths would suffer the worst. Because each Kaer and Citadel served as a major node in the Charter's protective network (and because the other stone circles served as minor nodes), it was designed to move energy in alternate paths if a minor node fails. This worked well during the beginning of the scourge, keeping Horror manifestation to a minimum (our Kingdom did not have nearly the Invae problem of other kingdoms within the protected territories). When Stone Circles fell, the Roads were clear and protected enough that the Druids could actually venture out of the Kaers and Citadels to re-take the area and repair them or raise new stones.

And then the Passions went MAD. The Druid Leadership was broken when Rashamon turned to Raggok. The smaller Stone Circles across the Kindgom began to fall in greater numbers. The outer layers of barriers protecting the Citadels began to fail, allowing the physical Horrors and constructs to gain access. The fractured Druids and the scattered Adepts and Questors could not help their people.

There was madness and despair until St. Colbert emerged, banding the larger of the remaining Orders together, altering the Charter into a new Named Spirit, and striking a deal with it to save the Kingdom. By having the Spirit reduce the mana used to keep the roads open, he saved the Citadels and Kaers from further incursion. To keep communication (and a sense of community) going, he devised a system of large Living Crystals to send and receive messages (and to preach to the population). An enterprising young Illusionist Questor of Floranus also figured out how to broadcast recreations of Colbert fighting off the Horrors in the Capitol. This rallied the Namegivers and helped forge the Church into the power it is today. After these major events the Charter Spirit wasn't seen again, and the Kingdom weather the remaining Scourge as best they could, loosing only a few Kaers.

When the game starts, major trade and mercantile business with anyone outside of the towns and cities "under the protection of St. Colbert" (i.e. the Kingdom) has been forbidden by order of the Church until very recently (earlier this year). In fact, rumors have it that foreigners have not ever been allowed to enter some of the major cities which served as Citadels during the Scourge. The kingdom's Kaers and major Cities haven't been open very long compared to the rest of Barsaive, with outlying towns having been re-settled only 10-15 years ago. These towns have begun trading with peddlers and traveling traders, spreading rumors of the Kingdom's strange situation.

It appears the Charter is still functioning, major swaths of agricultural lands were recovered quickly in the first few years after the Kaers opened, but lately it seems to be weakening. Farmland goes fallow and the gnarled woods encroach upon pasture-lands. Malicious Fae and other Monsters have been attacking the Towns and Cities, and disrupting food and trade shipments within the Kingdom. Rumors of a deadly blight "eating" the northern lands of the Kingdom has everyone worried.

Zoom in:

The Town of Hommlet is set on the south Edge of the Kingdom. Nearby is the corrupt river-port-slum of Nulb (not under the Charter), and the ruins of an evil Temple which sheltered corrupt Namegivers and Mad Questors during the Scourge. Also in the untamed areas near Hommlet are an Unseelie Faerie Court, and a number of Free Fae Holds (at war with each other). Rumors also have it that Queen Alachia is furious with the noble Elven Houses of the Kingdom for joining the Charter when it was failing during the Scourge and had to be re-formed by Colbert. People claim that Blood Elves are behind the recent rise in bandit attacks.

Whew! OK, next post, brief PC Bios.

Now private citizens contracted by the Military have free reign to break both local laws and international treaties.

GO AMRKKA!  :horrormirth:
Man Mines Midtown New York Sidewalks

from the they-got-cars-big-as-bars dept.
43-year-old Raffi Stepanian makes money searching New York City streets, but it's not loose change or soda cans he's looking for, it's gold. Stepanian says he can make almost $1000 a week scouring the diamond district's streets for bits of gold, platinum, and precious gems. "Material falls off clothes, on the bottom of shoes, it drops off jewelry, and it falls in the dirt and sticks to the gum on the street. The percentage of gold out here on the street is greater than the amount of gold you would find in a mine . . . It comes close to a mother lode because in the street, you're picking up gold left by the industry," he says.

Bikinis Made from 3D-Printers Are Custom Fit for Each Woman's Curve

Avatar for Casey Chan Casey Chan —This bikini, called the N12, is the world's first 3D-printed bikini. It's a sexy design that uses small discs held together by springs. The cool thing is that the designerss want to use women's body scans to create perfect fitting bikinis.

Designed by Jenna Fizel and Mary Haung of Continuum Fashion, it's the first 3D-printed, ready-to-wear item of clothing for sale. There's actually a lot of technical thought put into this bikini, Huang says:

Quote"Thousands of circular plates are connected by thin springs, creating a wholly new material that holds its form as well as being flexible. The layout of the circle pattern was achieved through custom written code that lays out the circles according to the curvature of the surface. In this way, the aesthetic design is completely derived from the structural design."

The idea of the circle pattern design is to adapt to curves and flat surfaces of any size. It's not fully personalized yet but ideally, the algorithm used to develop the bikini can be tweaked to make a 3D bikini that fits each woman perfectly. What a wonderful idea.

A "fantasy atlas" of human sexuality. Probably definitely nsfw (text only, no realistic images).
They've just recently accomplished a 5,000 ft+ test flight and parachute deployment (unmanned, obviously, as it's the first ever parachute controlled decent of a 'jetpack' EVER).

Makes me shiver.

Rainbow Poo Coming to a Toilet Bowl Near You

Though its certainly not filled with gold, turns out there is a pot at the end of the rainbow, and it's made of porcelain.

For years, sagely, health-conscious individuals have read the contents of toilet bowls, seeking oracles of good or bad health. But never before has this practice been more colorful.

Scientists have genetically engineered E. coli bacteria to work safely as a biosensor that can detect the presence of toxins and secret an indicator pigment. The synthetically engineered bacteria (which has had its bad bacteria parts removed) could be used to test water or air samples for pollutants such as arsenic or carbon dioxide. Arsenic in the water, the sample turn blue, for example. But that's not all.

By the year 2039, the scientists -- who hail from Cambridge University --think that their so-called E. Chromi could be mixed in with a special probiotic yogurt, which when eaten, would colonize the bowels and release pigments in the presence of diseases such as cancer, stomach ulcers and salmonella. If your poo was green, for example, you might have an ulcer, or if it turned orange, you may want to get tested for colon cancer.

The scientists designed E. Chomi using standardized sequences of DNA, known as BioBricks, and inserted them into E. coli bacteria. In 2009, they won the Grand Prize at the International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition (iGEM). Since then, the original team from Cambridge University in the UK has  joined with designers Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg and James King to explore  the possibilities of their technology.

If E.Chromi's vision of future pans out, can you imagine the Double Rainbow guy's reaction?

E. chromi from Alexandra Daisy Ginsberg on Vimeo:

Annalee Newitz — Young adults who were abused as children share a similar neuroendocrinal trait. When they confront ordinary situations of stress, like taking a test, their brains are flooded with abnormally high levels of the hormone cortisol. According to Queens University psychology professor Karen Harkness:
This kind of reaction is a problem because cortisol kills cells in areas of the brain that control memory and emotion regulation. Over time cortisol levels can build up and increase a person's risk for more severe endocrine impairment and more severe depression.

In her work, Harkness has found that childhood stress can have lasting effects on brain function, exacerbating depression and causing other psychological problems. As cortisol builds up in the brain, it can even cause "blunting" of normal stress responses, leaving young adults completely unable to deal with obstacles most of us would consider tough but surmountable. Her work is just further confirmation of what many neuroscientists have found over the past decade: Psychological horrors don't just haunt our dreams; they change the very structure and function of our brains.
RPG Ghetto / RPG Techniques
April 15, 2011, 08:36:32 AM
As a followup on the 'theory' thread, which was a bunch of very 'concept' and abstract stuff, I'm going to go over some concrete Techniques that you can use in pretty much any game.

I found a blog on the Wayback Machine ( which I though had been deleted from the web. There was something in the indie RPG community that went down, and the author closed his blog. The ideas are worth resurrecting, and because these are notoriously unavailable (and I can't get to them sometimes), I'm copying them here:

Flag Framing (using PC flags to aggressively open scenes and conflicts):

QuoteWhat is it?

This a method I've used to help myself improvise and scene frame, initially an outgrowth of techniques from my Feng Shui days to now.  It works with most traditional games and replaces the need to pre-plan events and scenes (whether linear or branching) and cuts down prep time by a LOT.

The Basic Idea

Traditionally improvisation has been considered an advanced technique.  Mostly because all the advice we've seen is about preparing adventures either like a videogame level (map, NPCs, monsters go here), or else preparing a set of events, either linear or branching and then trying to engineer the player characters into the events.

The players show up every week with just a character sheet and seem to improvise just fine.  "But wait!  Players only have to deal with just one character!  They don't have to figure out what will happen!"

But that's not the key difference in play.  The difference is that the players have prepared a tool for improvisation -the character.  With the character, the players don't need to prep a list of possible events and responses, they simply use the character as a focus to improvise with.  They can make up on the spot how a "hot-headed young knight out for glory" ought to act without thinking too hard.

What the GM needs is to prep tools that do the same thing.  Instead of trying to guess what might happen, what the players might do, what they might find interesting, you can instead prep tools that react to what IS happening, what the players SHOW you they want to do.

The GM's role really boils down to helping make interesting stuff happen.  This breaks out into framing engaging scenes (and conflicts) and presenting neat NPCs.  So let's talk about how to make that happen...


The Focus is the basic idea or situation of what the game is going to be about.  Everyone in the group ought to know what this is- "A fight for the throne!", "Destroy the One Ring", "The Battle of Troy", whatever.  The Focus can be created as a group, though one person can take the lead if the group doesn't really have direction.

The players need to know the Focus to make appropriate characters and know what kind of conflicts to expect in the game.  You, the GM, need them to know this because you're going to play off of what they do with it.

Character Creation

The players build their characters together, building with the Focus in mind, and also looking to build characters that play off of each other.  If the players build their characters seperately, you might end up with the usual rpg motley crew- "A rabbi, a monkey, and a half-elf necromancer walk into a bar..."  (aside from octaNe, I can't think of any games that this would be a good sign for the campaign...)


Flags are mechanics that the players can use to indicate what they find interesting in the game and what they want the game to be about.  Some games make this overt- such as Riddle of Steel, Burning Wheel, Sorcerer, Shadow of Yesterday etc.  They put up beliefs, ideals, or conflicts in a big way, saying to the GM, "Hey, do this!  Make the game about THIS!"  Flags are a way for the player to tell the GM what they think is interesting and important.


"What about games that don't have obvious flagging mechanics?"-  Most traditional games lack overt flagging mechanics, at which point you have to play detective.  Look at the things the player does to create the character in terms of taking goals, vows,  background traits, advantages, disadvantages, relationships, contacts, abilities, back story, etc.  If the player is playing a priest, but takes "Hated Enemy- The Bishop", there's probably something interesting going on there.  But don't just stop there, mention it- "Hey, it seems like this guy's thing is about THIS, what's your take on it?"  And let the player spill their guts.  Note it down and figure out what the big conflict, issue or ideals are behind that.

Making NPCs

Now, that the players are set up, you set up your characters.  You know what the players want the game to be about, so the NPCs are just tools to make that happen.  The NPCs exist SOLELY to produce scenes and conflicts that hit what the players have asked for via Flags.

Look at the Focus, build characters who fit in with that, and either oppose, support, or make things complicated for as many Flags as possible.  For example, if two Flags involve "Loyalty to Family" and "Always do what is right", it's easy to produce a family member who is corrupt.  Notice that two different PC's can have these flags, and it still will be interesting.

Any NPCs of importance want one of three things:
1) Help from the PCs
2) Oppose the PCs
3) Use the PCs


Good conflict happens when someone is:
1) Desperate
2) Overreacting
3) Violent
4) Irreponsible
5) Immoral
6) Irrational/Fanatical
7) Hiding Something
8) Jealous
9) Any/all of the above.

Basically, someone's willing to do something crazy and fuck someone over.  You don't even need a lot of characters like this- even one will do, provided he or she sets the rest of the characters off in a chain reaction.

The NPCs should be set up in a web of problems- some allied, some against each other, for a variety of reasons.  For short term play, you want between 1-3 problems depending on how likely the players are to buy into the conflict.  For most games, I'd recommend around 3-4 seperate problems tangled together.  In all likelihood, the players are going to latch onto one or more of them as interesting, and in the event you toss out a dud or two, you still have something to work with.

No NPCs should be isolated, you want to be able to follow a chain of connections between them (which can be blood, sex, friendship, opposition, duty, etc.)


Nameless minions

A lot of characters will have secondary allies, servants, minions, friends, gangs, etc.  These folks basically exist to serve main NPCs, you might have to stat them up for the system, but you don't need to give them motivations or consider them independently.  Only do the above process for characters likely to make their own decisions.

Your Conflict Sheet

Take a sheet of paper, down the left side, write down the names of the PC's and their Flags, relationships, etc.  Down the right side, write down the NPCs and their needs/wants, flags, relationships, etc.  Also include a little bit of personality bits to have in mind.  The players use their characters to help them improvise during play, you will use your Conflict Sheet.

Those of you experienced in this kind of play will recognize that this serves exactly the same purpose as Sorcerer's Relationship Maps or Dogs in the Vineyard's Towns.

Scene Framing

Throw a problem in the players' faces

Frame a scene with one or more NPCs that sets up a conflict or problem.  This shouldn't be hard- ALL of the NPCS on your list either want help, oppose, or want to use the PCs, so you ought to have plenty of ammo at your disposal.  The players will react, and whatever happens, you react in return.  How should you react?  Roleplay your characters!  It's just like what the players are doing!

When the scene slows down, cut away

Don't let the scene die out.  Cut it.  You want the excitement to carry over into the next scene, instead of having to build it back up again.  "Excitement" here doesn't have to be crazy action, good roleplaying produces excitement, tender moments produce excitement, etc.


Now, introduce a new situation and a new NPC.  You're going to introduce the whole cast, sooner or later.  They don't all need to be conflict based scenes, but you want to keep dropping tidbits of the NPCs Flags and keep hitting the PCs Flags at the same time.  Remember, every NPC wants something from the PCs.  And at least some of them are going to take drastic measures!  And some of the other NPCS are going to react to that as well!  When the players react, you react with your characters.  Other characters are likely to take actions, and then you can frame new scenes.

Using the List

Between Scenes, look down both sets of Flags and figure out which characters are going to fit together in exciting ways.  "Exciting" meaning trouble.  Put characters together who are likely to oppose each other.  Put characters together who ought to be on the same side, but will hate each other's guts.  Put characters together who will misunderstand and overreact.

It's not hard to think of worse-case-scenarios, and make them happen.  As both the players react and you react in return, it's easy to figure what kind of conflicts happen next, based on playing your NPCs and hitting the players' Flags.

The Classics

If things slow down, remember, you can always have an NPC:
- Get Violent
- Reveal a Secret
- Betrayal!
- Be an Asshole

These 4 things alone or in combination, always make for interesting times.

Reacting to the Players

Watch the players!  Traditionally the players have looked to the GM to pick up cues as to what they should do next.  NO! You watch the players to see what you ought to do next.  When the players are excited, you're doing good.  When the players are bored, you're doing bad!  There's no prepped events to distract you, there's no preplanned story for you to remember- just look around the table and pay attention in the game.

What you're doing is using the Conflict Sheet to crib note what the players want to see and things you think would be interesting.  If you throw out a scene, situation, and conflict that the players ignore, don't sweat it.  In fact, maybe you should note or cross it out on the Conflict Sheet, and circle the ones they do find interesting.  The players might actually be interested in something that ISN'T on their Flags, so note it for yourself.  Change the NPCs Flags in response to the actions of the PCs, perhaps enemies have become friends and friends enemies?  

The Conflict Sheet is a draft in progress- not set in stone.  Between sessions, you will make changes, but pretty much it'll just be cleaning up or rewriting what is there based on what has happened in play.

Between Sessions

Remove NPCs who no longer are part of the situation, change NPC Flags and attitudes according to the events in play, add another 1-3 NPCs if things are looking sparse but you want to keep going with the situation.  Or, you can let the situation keep going until it feels "done".  Then make a new one.  Making a new one is easier than making an initial set of NPCs, because you'll have a good feel for the PCs Flags.

How much work is this?

So, players generate characters- that's not much different than most games.  Initial set up requires thinking up good sets of NPCs that hit the PCs Flags.  At the least, you can make a bunch of NPCs opposed to the PCs Flags.  Me personally?  It's usually taken between an hour to a few hours, depending on the number of NPCs being made and how crunchy the system for character generation is.

But- between sessions?  Usually 10 minutes or less.  The initial setup is heavy (about as heavy as making characters) but after that, it's a breeze.  You don't have to generate new events for each session- you've got a tool to improvise.

What does this work for?

This technique works good for Narrativist style play, though I think it'd work just as well for Sim play as well.  The only thing it doesn't do good is Gamist play, mostly because Gamism isn't really concerned with these sorts of things.

The Short Version

1) Pick a Focus
2) Players make Characters
3) What are the Flags?
4) Make NPCs to hit the Flags.
5) Write down the PCs &amp; their Flags, write down the NPCs and their Flags.
6) Look at the list- put characters together who will make drama.
7) Cut Scenes, Get Violent, Reveal a Secret, Betrayal, Be an Asshole


I use this for a LOT of games, mostly stuff like Riddle of Steel and Burning Wheel, though pretty much it's what I'll also use for traditional games if I run those as well.  It began when I realized that I was running Feng Shui by just running the NPCs as I would PCs, and things worked just fine.  Add in a few years of exposure to stuff like Sorcerer, Riddle of Steel, etc., and here we are.

I hope you find it useful for your games, and let me know how it works for you.

And, following up on that beastie, his description of a Conflict Web (a relationship chart):

QuoteThe Conflict Web
     Yesterday I told you how to make Scene Frame on the fly, with an easy tool.  Here's another prep tool to make scenarios full of conflict for your games.  This is part brainstorming and part R-map.

How Big?

The first question is how big the conflict is going to be.  "Big", not measured by the number of characters, but by the number of potential "sides" and subconflicts that might emerge.  If you have armies of millions at war, but there's only 2 sides and no betrayals or secondary motivations- it's a very simple conflict (GI Joe).  If you have 3 people with multiple motivations, betrayals and layers, it can be terribly messy (House of Flying Daggers).

You don't need to nail down an exact number of potential sides, but you want a good idea before you get to work, so that you don't end up making an intense multilayered George R.R. Martin level of conflict for a one-shot.

A magic number to go with is 3 sides.  3 sides is enough to make things interesting, but not so many people get confused.

Building the Web

Start with any 2 characters in conflict over something.  They haven't taken action- yet, but at least one of them will, and the other will have to respond.  Write down their names on a sheet of paper, draw a line connecting the two.  Put a triangle through the center of the line.  The problem cannot end between the two- it has to drag in other people and affect others.

Now, add a character who has a tie to either one or both of the characters on the sheet.  Attach a line connecting the characters, and add a symbol based on the following:



Now, keep adding characters connected to other characters, and sub-situations to explain their relationships, particularly looking to stress other relationships.  For example, if Amy and Beth hate each other, and Clarissa is friends with them both, that stresses Clarissa's relationships (and makes good drama).

Feel free to add lines between any characters on the sheet if it would make sense for them to be connected.  This is a great place to set up sub-conflicts and crazy love triangles.

If you are prepping for a one-shot or so, you probably want to stop anywhere from 3-6 characters.  If you are planning on doing a short run, 5-8 characters is usually good.  If you are planning on doing something long, 8-20 characters is usually sufficient (you can always add more later...).

Rule of Two Supporters

For any character who is a figurehead to a particular "side", give him or her two supporters who provide different aspects of that particular side.  This is an excellent place to put in extreme views of a particular issue, or contrasting takes on it.

For example, if a new religious leader is trying to gain legitimacy for his movement, one of the followers might be an altruistic progressive sort, who just wants to help society, while another might be an extremist with a chip on his shoulder...

This lets you address the same issue from a few different angles, as well as build sub-conflicts within any side, or even alliances from different sides from the supporters...

How do you use this?

This gives a simple visual cue for motivations and relationships between various characters.  It also is a great brainstorming device.  All the characters end up connected, not a random assortment of disconnected characters who have nothing in common, plus it makes building sub-conflicts a snap.  Take the ideas you get from it, and apply it towards building a Conflict Sheet for Flag Framing, or whatever method suits your fancy.

In play, this doesn't see as much use from me, mostly because it charts highly changable relationships, and becomes a logistical hassle to try to upkeep during play itself.  It might inspire potential reactions or motivations, but I tend to use it more to prep play and occasionally muse on things between sessions.  Sorcerer's R-maps, which track non-changing relationships are a better tool for in play usage.

Advanced Web building

What happens if two characters have different feelings for one another?  If you want to get more complicated, you can put two symbols on each line, the one closest to the character's name representing how they feel about the other character.

For example, if Alvin looks up to his father Bill, but Bill only takes care of Alvin out of social pressure, you'd have a Circle next to Alvin, and a Square next to Bill on that line.  Ouch!  There's bound to be problems somewhere in that relationship, and it's easy to create conflicts based on that kind of stuff.


This may not be the BEST example, but I used this technique to write up the characters in the HeroQuest scenario, Well of Souls, which I wrote with Peter Nordstrand a couple of years ago.

A Standard Shape

Have 3 sides, give each side 2 followers.  Some of the followers will be allied, some will be against each other- regardless of the sides they actually hold.  This gives you 9 characters, and a couple of sub-conflicts.

Strong Points

This technique is specifically designed to create the crazy multilayered relationships you see in epics like Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Heroes of the Watershed/All Men are Brothers, The Ramayana, The Mahabharata, Njal's Saga, and more modern fiction like Artesia or A Game of Thrones.  I've found that it works really well for HeroQuest games, Riddle of Steel, and similar games where politics might play a large role.

Hopefully you will find this useful to generate scenarios, conflicts, and NPCs for your games.  I've been using it for a couple of years, and it's worked really well for me.  Give it a shot and let me know what you think!
OOOH Fuck Yeah.

Those are the screenshots from the site. Though some of you'd might like to :fap: to that.