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Topics - metapunk

Principia Discussion / Happy DiscoFlux
May 03, 2020, 01:21:51 PM
It is DiscoFlux and I wanted to celebrate it, but I haven't really gotten any plans. Probably my fondest DiscoFlux memory was explaining to someone that it was DiscoFlux and what it meant in the middle of a dance party in a loft above an old furniture store in Chicago after helping to arrange a protest against the TABD where despise their being hoards of riot cops with intent to assault everyone only one person was arrested (a friend of mine who was falsely accused of punching a horse even). The floors were shaking there were so many people jumping, at some point I remember thinking that we might cause the building to collapse. Today I was thinking it would be fun to do some kind of virtual DiscoFlux celebrating but I'm also just glad that I even remembered it was DiscoFlux and have made no preparations whatsoever.
Principia Discussion / Merry Mungday 3186
January 05, 2020, 04:34:29 PM
So how are we fellow discordians celebrating mungday ? I feel like my failed tradition of mungbean casserole is better updated with some kind of random walking in the woods, if I didn't have a 3yr old to tag-a-long I might "try" to get lost but yeah, it's coldish and perhaps watching documentaries on taoism and mourning the spirit of the extinct fresh-water dolphin would also make sense. Sitting in the gray void of Ohio, I just saw a brief ray of light shine through the clouds.
This is just a stupid random observation in celebrating of the upcoming Mung Day 3186 -
One of the first Android phones was the Droid Eris
When Huwaei decided to fork Android because of the sanctions on China they came up with HongMeng OS which is obviously named after the ancient chinese character Hong Meng - of the Taoist primordial chaos creation myth which of course Hung Mung the patron saint of Mung day according to the POEE calendar comes from...
For the English speakers they call it HarmonyOS

I just thought this was interesting enough to post here.
Bring and Brag / Muck Racking Masonry...
September 28, 2005, 04:24:59 PM
Or Kill Me / Discordians should learn how to FSU
September 26, 2005, 04:27:27 PM
First off, many of you so called discordian/sub-genii have very low standards of activitie from what I can tell about this whole fucking subculture particuraly this most obvious and banal of spots for discordians to congregate. Since I am rarely a poster or participant in the idiocracy of so-called internet forums I doubt I will be around to hear the countless flames that result from an insult being posted.

Yargh, this be my bar and my bar will be open.

To count lets just wonder how many discordians have ever truly thrown a golden apple, or participated in any activity which seriously disrupted the status quo, making funny faces at boring suburbanites and then running around giggling like you have heard some great secret is entertaining but I doubt that the cumulitive effect will alter their paradigm...

Ahh fuck it. The whole point here is I'd just like to see more so called Discordians engaging in the procreation of discord instead of posting mindless replies to petty comments. When I proposed a convergence of discordians for a sinking of Columbus, Ohio on Sinko de Mayo the topic was just full of silly ass off cuff remarks about not sinking a banal city cuz umm...

And now New Orleans ended up sinking into the Ocean and that was a totally discordian freaking party town full of erisians and like minded fools, now it's just a wasteland patrolled by greyface and not like these two events are directly correspondent but perhaps if we had sunk Columbus, Ohio on Sinko de Mayo or 05/05/05...then well the wrath of Gaia and her drunken hurricane wenches would of felt appeased that an absurdly middle of the road town in the midwest had already taken the wrath of sum of these puppets of the revolutionaries...

Actually, I'd just like to see more drunken revelries and less parroting pathetic phrases or acting crazier/sillier than thou...umm so I don't give a fuck really, don't bother berating me with how cool you are, if you offended by this perhaps its cuz you suck...