News: "the lot of you are some of the most vicious, name calling, vile examples of humanity I've had the misfortune of attempting to communicate with.  Even attempting to mimic the general mood of the place toward people who think differently leaves a slimy feel on my skin.  Reptilian, even."

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Topics - Demonica, Oracle of Doom

If you find any bizzare or interesting news articles,  post them here!

Also any bizzaro letters you've read or received.  


A few I've read lately:

Possessed Woman Says She Will No Longer Call Phone Psychics:

In her following letter to Miss TwiceKisst she states;

"I wanted to thank you for all the help and guidance you've given me over these several months.  I think I'm going to take a break from Tarot and this site, as for whatever reason I don't think the Tarot gives me accurate readings.  I'm not sure why, but it ends up confusing me even more.

This happens a lot with me and tarot, and I guess it ends up confusing me and upsetting me even more.  Why would it change so quickly? ["kill whitey", "Lord's of Darkness Rule!"]

As you can see I am soo confused, and it's probably time for me to break away.   I just don't get it - and I wish I could trust in the tarot.["Kill..Kill..Kill......"]

If you have any insight as to why this happens to me with the readings, I'd love to hear it. ["I want to rip out your soul......and feed it to your mother"] Thank you,

Dear Blair,

I know you are very confused.  Perhaps you should stay away from the tarot at least until after your next scheduled excorcism.  Didn't you ever see 'The Excorcist'?

Also, aren't you a witch? An obscenely persecuted ressurected witch? I think I saw 'The Blair Witch' a few years ago.  

Well, I wish you luck and gallons of holy  water.

Yours never,


Proof: Baptists need to shut up

According to police, the passengers on the bus from Hyles-Anderson College ?? a baptist school in Hammond, Ind. ?? were singing and swaying on board the bus. Their swaying caused the bus to sway and tip over.
Bus Rollover Closes Part Of I-94