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Topics - maphdet

Or Kill Me / It's all the same fuking shite
August 16, 2017, 04:14:03 AM
we've been bitching, ranting. and raving about the same fuking shite for how answer fuking needed.

call me when, We Are Ready To ACTUALLY Change Something, Somehow...because i have lost faith...I see no cure for us beings. That's it, that's all I have....... and some more fuking dots..........
The Youtube thread. There was one, right?

I gotta share this shit with yous.
You'd appreciate it. The SO found it and it is too good to pass.

So-please help out a ditzy chica who cannot find the right place to park this link.
I think it was a poster. A bathroom scene with a cute girl on a toilet.

Yeah-not much to go by-It was here somewhere. If this rings a bell with anyone, could you please post a link or point me in the right direction.

How do I turn every body back to a body?


See that is why I normally Do Not Click on Any Thing here. Help, Please.  :sad:
And such...

Itt, we post moments of happiness.
That is all.

driving back home in the AM hours (morning after a good nights rest, not drunk late night hours)-the weather-just perfect , a cool breeze not too hot nor cold, just rolled down...the song that just makes you wanna smile and move comes on the car radio, you crank it and just lose yourself in the moment.

Please list them, if you will...
Techmology and Scientism / CD/DVD image Creator
February 15, 2011, 03:27:53 PM
I'm fucked.I've slacked and now y deadline is at 2pm.

I need to create a CD/DVD image for work and All I have to work with is the full page image. How the hell am I suppose to take a full page (8 by 11-or similar) and make it fit on a CD/DVD cover.  When I stretch it through CD designer It doesn't work-Cuts off my wording. I could cut and paste the pieces separately through Photoshop but hen the cd/dvd looks blah. AHHHHHH (it is a demo though and not yet clients. Should I just create the blah version and call it good-or try to come up with something eye candy worthy.

fuck-Any Ideas What so Ever will be Much Appreciated.
Thank you folks!
I was bored and came across this-Thought it was funnay-

Interesting wills to come-I'm sure.
SO-I am getting ready to throw this fucking PC out the window.

I am trying to simply send a report from QuickBooks in a pdf format.
I have the report displayed.
I click on e-mail and then enter my details.
When I receive the report it is not the right normal letter size. I have to increase the size using the zoom tool when It comes through as the pdf.
I cannot send this off like this-ITs too small!!! and they wont understand to increase teh size when they see it.

There have been no changes (unless my boss is fucking with me) to any QBs settings that I know of.
I am not even sure you can change how the size of pdf is sent via e-mail.


Anyone have any ideas?
I have to get this shit sent out tonight!
Universe or doing my roof in the morning???
Discordian Recipes / I don't have Celery Salt...
August 05, 2010, 05:09:03 PM
And this recipe calls for it.

If I skip it would it make that much of a difference?

The recipe is for porcupines (ground beef mixed with rice, baked with tomato sauce dish).
Not sure if this was posted already, if so-apologies and disregard.

QuoteDaniel said at a news conference that the company was not aware of the leak on Sunday night, despite 911 calls about a gas odor in the area. The company learned of it Monday, he said.
Another f-ed up company that doesn't know shit from shinola within their company.
I just thought that it was fucked up that the network actually censored what the creators gave to them. All over what? A bunch of fear?

sorry if this has been discussed already, I couldn't find it.
Shit is hitting the fan

*glad her meeting was running late-pulled into Publix as they were sealing off he whole damn store and parking lot.*

To be sexist here-typically it's the dudes that snap-this time it was a girl, and really in not so hurting of an area.
Fucked up man.
Is it stolen from us.
Why is it that we must keep time, isn't that just keeping us?

Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / wtf-tis' the what?
December 22, 2009, 03:07:53 PM
Happened to the fucking 12 days of Christmas, these people are supposedly practicing?

I blame Religion and money. For if it wasn't for them, my head would be clear enough to work now.
So there.

Ok so With some wine anyting is possible---this will put a face to the handle.
But only for tonight-as they WILL be deleted in the AM.

Boobs I want.( note I am holding them up)

Boobs that would look nice if bras's were not used.

Boobs I wish I have:

Boobs with an extra shiney head:

No Boobs-head shot(no no penises involded)   ;)

damn i suck at teh internets/ and too much wine to figure out the damn directory paths for my site via ftp.

cant get the fucking images to show.

*right click copy image url paste into another window voilĂ 
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / E-mail Distruction
September 08, 2009, 01:58:24 AM
SO-the demise of a certain e-mail address is eminent.
Any ideas???

Don't feel comfortable, replying here, please pm me.

Thanks in advance folks!
Or Kill Me / Something to share.
June 05, 2006, 08:28:03 AM
The following is Not Mine.
I saw it somewhere and thought I would share here.
I'll leave a link where I saw it at the bottom.
It is Very Lengthy...just a heads up.

I'm sticking my neck out, but I took an oath to protect and defend the
Constitution Of The United States of America against enemies foreign and
domestic. They are here...they are now. God help us.

(INTRODUCTORY NOTE: Burlington, Vermont's new mayor, one Mr. Kiss,
Progressive Party, has responded to concerns about illegal immigrants with a
proposal that Burlington become a Sanctuary City for the "illegals."
(-Don't ask, don't tell.) Then, despite the fact that, outside of
Switzerland, Vermont is the safest place on the planet to live, likely due
in part to it's highest per capita gun ownership and right to keep and carry
concealed firearms, Mayor Kiss declares that, due to a recent incident
involving a non-Vermonter, non-U.S. citizen shooting a person on a
Burlington street, Burlington and Vermont need new Gun Control Laws!
[severe violation of Vermont's Constitution] -Giving pause for thought,
what does this truly reveal about the recent history of Vermont's takeover
by forces unfriendly to traditional Vermont and American values.)

In Mayor Kiss' "sanctuary city", Burlington, Vermont, 'illegals', per his
own words, would be immune/exempt/sheltered from background
checks.........but smokers, draft beer drinkers, NASCAR and football fans
and indigenous/aboriginal Vermonters would likely come under scrutiny
because of their lack of politically correct sensitivity and sensibilities
and hence, a potentially likely gun violence group. This group of infidels
must be considered a barred from public places and we MUST
impose a *Nuisance Tax* and a *Gun Ownership Tax*. The U.S. and State of
Vermont CONSTITUTIONS must be re-taught so that gun ownership is believed to
exist only for the purpose of hunting. The sanctuary city of Burlington can
help lead the way for the state and the rest of the country by providing
'relief from abuse' orders*** to protect ALL of the animals..hence, no
justification for guns..hence, no guns.

But first..taxes; we shall need revenues to re-educate the public and
especially THE CHILDREN. Make it politically correct to hate gun owners and
the above mentioned nuisance group(s). Violence against these groups must
be understood as a natural consequence of zie people's frustration with
these groups' callous and collective insensitivities and their history of
abuse against the innocents who are trying so hard to protect the guilty
from themselves. Again, and hence; the above new taxes -to help relieve zie
people's frustrations.

We shall also need a *Veterans' Head Tax*. All veterans have handled guns
and must be made to pay for their sins against humanity and the animals
whether directly or indirectly involved in the exercised use of
weaponry...they must be re-educated to understand that the above mentioned
constitutions are archaic and an insult to politically correct life in the
New World Order of our new One World Government and proper way of living
modern life. Such re-education will not be cheap, hence; the Veterans' head

Re-education centers must be built ASAP...churches and church properties can
be seized for this purpose as the supreme court has already agreed that
greater tax revenue generation is sufficient grounds for public confiscation
of private property and previous church protections MUST be considered a
violation of separation of church/state...such protections must be
eliminated now...there is no doubt zat vie vill prevail in zie courtz! To
fund this endeavor we shall need a new *Freedom of Religion Tax*.

Until properly re-educated, all veterans and members of the nuisance
group(s) must be publicly disdained and the public be protected from their
influence. To this extent, it is imperative that 1st Amendment protections
be suspended from members of the press, the clergy and the entertainment
industry until such time that their successful re-education is complete and
certified by our board of experts. This may well prove costly; hence, a
*Freedom of Speech and Opinion Tax*. If sufficiently large enough, this tax
may help eliminate independent media and their hate messages of traditional
values and freedom, which have proven to be unsafe.....Freedom and Liberty
must be re-taught as dangers to public safety.

The police must be given unlimited powers. So called "rights of the
accused" hinder police efficiency and cost the people too much revenue. The
police motto is "to protect." Vie must be safe! Zie public must be safe
for zie gut of zie peoples! Hence, we need a new *Public Safety Tax* to
help fund new police technologies; street cameras for starters, to ensure
the people's public safety and in-home audio-visual monitoring of those
found to be in need of re-education; until declared to be properly
re-educated and certified by our board of experts.

As the "pursuit of happiness" has proven to be SO unsafe...we must impose a
*Happiness Tax* on all such pursuits to include; motorcycling, skiing,
sailing, sky diving, sun bathing, movie watching, reading, computer and
video games, bar hopping, restaurant going and especially love making. The
social burden and cost(s) to society is just too high; hence, the Happiness

The unsafe principles of freedom and liberty being imposed/spread by the
United States must be curbed and sovereign nation-states must be done away
with. To this end we need a new *United Nations Tax*. The sanctuary city
of Burlington can lead the way for the rest of the world in this endeavor!
We must raise the cigarette and draft beer tax so that the U.N. can build an
enforcement force. Since certain countries of the communist persuasion have
been mistreated for so long they will be exempt from the United Nations Tax
until the West (Traditional White Male Countries) has paid it's debt to the
rest of the world.

As all of the above new taxes may cause stress in certain groups of
citizens, we are advised by our board of experts that unapproved stress
relief may be sought after by the non-re-educated. This will likely be
detectable by body fluids testing; hence, we need a new *Urine Tax*. As
it is more difficult to closely and properly observe the female specimen
donation process than that of the male's donation process, it is deemed
unfair to females and this unfairness and additional expense must be
properly compensated for with a new *Penis Tax*.

Objections to these policies will NOT be tolerated. These policies are
necessary for zie gut (pronounced 'goot') of zie peoples. Objectors shall
be considered unsafe and dangerous for zie peoples. For the safety of all,
objectors must be incarcerated until properly re-educated and certified by
our board of experts. Pursuant thereto, these expenses must be paid for
with a new *Objections Tax*. As these expenses are expected to be quite
high and, as ALL citizens must be considered potential objectors, this tax
must be paid for by ALL citizens until such time as they are exempted from
payment following evaluation/certification by our board of experts and
deemed free of objectivity (objection) and in no need of further

So be it,
Mayor Kiss, Progressive, Burlington, Vermont, United Nations
Entire City Council, Burlington, VT, UN
Almost Entire current Vermont Legislature
Advisory council:
Hilary Clinton, Bill Clinton, the Bushes, Howard Dean, Bernard Sanders,
Peter Clavelle, Peter Freyne, Brian Joyce, Bill Kehoe(sp), Vermont
Judiciary, Commitee for Tobacco Free Vermont, Burlington Free Press,
Bilderberg(er) Society (secret), Conservation Law Foundation, United Nations
Security Council, President Fox, Mexico and the Peoples Republic of China.
Other honorable mentions include, the guys that wired buildings 1, 2 and 7
at the World Trade Center, 9/11/01 and the Murrah Building, Oklahoma City,
OK, 4/19/95...the guys that set up and took out Oswald...and almost ALL
politicians currently enslaving in Washington, DC. Also...many others too
numerous to list.
(Please visit

-Lest we forget..."The Republicans want your urine sample...the Democrats
want your guns...the United Nations wants your property...and Lucifer wants
your soul." Please prepare to accept your national I.D. card and, of
course, your bio-chip. -It's for the good of The All and to protect you
from yourself.

Happy Memorial Day weekend, folks! (Was their blood in vain?)


found at