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Topics - Peterson Silva


Hello! For those who don't remember I am Peterson, a discordian from Brazil. We were in a chat room yesterday and had an idea: why don't we create the first discordian olimpic games? It would be a competition, but not about sports - it's all about MINDFUCKS!!

The idea - for now - is to have a worldwide competition by city: a group (or even an individual) representing the city where it lives. The competition would have categories - like the ancient game "sink", a mindfuck involving music, whatever - and there's a new system to define the winner (if there's meant to be one).

The system works like this: There is a group in A city, a group in B city and a group living at city C. Then the A group does a mindfuck - and of course, provides a way to prove it, like photos or videos - and then the other competitors check it out. Then the B group does another thing - but although they were good, in order for a mindfuck to actually win, it has to be FUCKING GOOD - let's suppose C group does something REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALLY fantastic. What is considered to be really fantastic? That one thing which makes A and B look and think "ok, I admit: C group won" - that's the spirit: when all the competitors agree that one group won the competition, it has won the competition.

The date thought to be the start of everything would be October 20th - this is because this day is actually the 1st of Aftermath, and that's why the name - right now, but that could also change if we have a really really nicer idea - is The Aftermath Games + it's variations, so we get to celebrate the end of Bureucracy. But hey, what do I mean by "variations?" - I mean that the name is changeable to anything that resembles it - and in any other language, like The Aftermath Tournament, Jogos da Pós-Matemática or The Pós-Математика Games!

All of this is a brainstorm: nothing is really concrete and we'd like to know if you are excited about this; we still have to have ideas about the categories and stuff, but that's quite an skeleton, innit?

OH YES, and that's IMPORTANT: Everyone is invited. Many of us are discordians so we hanged around the mithology but everybody can get in the ride. Subgenii, shimonians, it doesn't matter at all - no limits to fun =)

So, what do you think?
Principia Discussion / An interview with you
September 16, 2007, 02:04:20 AM
Hello everybody

I've been disappeared for some time cuz I couldn't access the forum. Now it's ok.

I came here to know what you think about me interviewing one of you. We (some Brazilian discordians) will publish it into 'Discordia Brasilis', the first, best and only Brazilian discordian magazine =D

This would be very interesting, because it's the first edition and we would like to make it great.

What do you think about it?
Or Kill Me / Wisdow or Weakness?
August 18, 2007, 03:51:01 AM
Competing is important, winning is not. Do you believe this is a sentence saib by a good man, or by somebody who's not capable of winning, but still need to satisfy himself with competition, building some sort of mental "high heels" to make him forget about his weakness?

Well, I think Nietzsche would choose the second. Any Christian would choose the first. But is clear for me that putting Nietzsche against Christianity is not fair to Christians. But ir's interesting to ask this.

Maybe the focus on competition and not in the victory is already a beautiful mind shield against the the possibility of failure. The fact that we're ready to lose and accept it makes part of a society that's been forced to adapt itself to capitalism. For sure, if someone suceeds in some way, somebody has to lose and suffer in another. And the loser has to accept this with serenity, just with the "fair play" outlook.

And so what? I have not decided yet. Well, actually, I have. I choose some wisdom is this sentence. Because, after all, doesn't life need to be faced as if it were the art of playing games, and not a game itself (grayface)? Thaaaaaat's it, games are games. You win, you lose, what can you do?

Accepting is normal, but what I can't see is the game that happens involving the Machine (c), the Grayface game. And no way I'd mess up with that game. I choose the leave the Machine.

I'm thinkin about a way. I'll ask to go the bathroom.

Will the Machine lemme go?


Hi there everybody! =D

This is a text I wrote in portuguese in my disc. cabal. So I translated it to you, what do you think about it?

I don't know if this idea has already been posted. So I'll ask sorry if I accidentally end up repeating content.

Hail Eris!