
I live in the Promised Land, except the Chosen People are all trying to get out. 

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Topics - Makoorakoo

March 26, 2009, 11:25:37 PM
Right my fellow Erisian Popes, I have something simple yet ive found pretty fun.

Sink On Status On Facebook GASM

All you have to do is get some fellow Popes and invade peoples status updates on facebook (or any other social networking site) by playing sink. Heck do it with your own as well if you wish, all the more fun. You know how to sink peoples status right? Then do it with a passion. I have been able to keep it up for quite a while and nobody realised what was going on at all. Its especially fun on those status updates that cry for attention. Sadly I only have two Discordians on my facebook friends list, unless Eris is spying on me through a fake alias.

So I say to thee, do as thou will shall be the whole of the lawl. If you wish then perhaps you would enjoy the pleasure of adding me on there, Eris seems to like what I do on there.