
MysticWicks endorsement: "At least Satanists HAVE a worldview. After reading this thread, I'm convinced that discordians not only don't, but will actively mock anyone who does."

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Techmology and Scientism / Music Instrument Innovations
January 25, 2011, 03:17:05 PM
So I have an assignment on live sound, and I'm researching the roles of Instrument Technician and Stage Manager. I'm ok as far as the job descriptions and what's required goes, but part of the assignment is researching innovations in the field. I'm focusing on guitar and synth, but there's alot of companies out there making new things, is there anyone who's had some experience of these and future tech and would like to share their opinions on the newer shit, or wouldn't mind directing me to models and such I may not have found?

Finding new innovations for Stage Manager is also a bit of a bitch since I've never been one before, anyone out there who's got experience? I came up with stuff like Ipads to make organisation easier, but I'm going in somewhat blind here.
I didnt (my apostrophe key is broken) want to post this on the OM board because I dont particularly want to *do* anything about it, so it goes here. For some reason I thought it might have a place on these boards, seemed like a fairly interesting discussion... obviously I wont be using real names.

*cough*soimonfacebook*cough* and someone is encouraging others to repost something for one hour as a status, I quote (posts quoted in full for accuracy):

"Please put this as your status for one hour if you, or someone you know, has or had, an invisible illness (Lupus, Crohn's, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Kidney Disease, Fibromyalgia, M.S, Diabetes, etc.) My prayer is that in 2011 a cure will be found. Will you post it for just one hour? Do it for all who have an invisible illness... it's a daily CONSTANT struggle!"

"Call me shortsighted, but I don't see how doing this will help? If I suffered from something like that and I went on facebook I wouldn't want it thrown in my face every two seconds if I was surfing pages, if you wanted to really help cure these diseases, surely it would be better if you actually learnt something about them and tried to find a cure? It would do a hell of a lot more. You're essentially just sitting around going 'gosh I really hope SOMEONE finds a cure!' Praying is fine - action is better. And by the way, its never Lupus."

"I see it as awareness. I know that this isn't my field of research, there are scientists out there who have dedicated their careers to try and find cures who have a lot more experience and know how than me. I leave the cure finding to them.... But these scientists need funding to do their work and funding can come about through public awareness. The problem with invisible diseases is that out of sight out of mind holds true. If people don't see something wrong they don't account for it, they don't think of it. If seeing this post makes anyone think of these kinds of diseases, acknowledge them for a even a moment then the purpose of this status has been served. As for sufferers who see this, sometimes it's nice to know that people acknowledge, it won't hold true for every sufferer though so if anyone has seen this and feels exasperated with it then I'm sorry it was not the intention :-)"

"I get awareness, but unfortunately no matter how many people you make aware of the situation it wont make them *care* anymore about it. Has nobody else seen the ENORMOUS amount of advertising both in the physical world and the internet about these diseases ESPECIALLY Lupus? Its actually reaching the point of scare tactics i.e "If you have a cough YOU MIGHT HAVE LUPUS!" The harsh fact is, there are VERY few people who care without it affecting them directly. If you want to change things, do something about promoting widespread empathy. Doing it this way just causes over-saturation and makes people even LESS likely to care because you see it all over the place. Famility breeds contempt. I mean, everyone knows there are thousands of children being abused in this country alone as we speak, but whats changed? Nothing, because the fundamental problem isnt being addressed, just the symptoms."

Towel has made no response since but it seems enough to get the ball rolling.
Literate Chaotic / Places of discussion
January 26, 2009, 12:58:34 PM
Is there anywhere else apart from here and Barbelith that you can discuss things in the same vein as RAW/Grant Morrison/Douglas Rushkoff/various other 'occult' shit e.t.c?

I can't really be arsed wading through the hundreds of pages dedicated to paganism/wicca whenever you type the word occult into the internet and wondered if anybody had any suggestions?
Being concerned with certain occult readings, I'd like to skim off the top and boil down right to the heart and soul of right and wrong. Or in fact, the heart and soul's Right and Wrong.

Leaving behind the imprinted moral values in social and cultural 'good' and 'bad' of circuit four and supposing that the only 'right and wrong' you could ever now do is the deeds that originate from your 'essence' instead of 'personality', is there such a thing as a 'good' or 'bad' essence?

If all anyone were to do was from the heart and not from the view of acceptable behaviour amongst "peers", "superiors" and "inferiors" (antiquated circuit 2 labels), what about those people 'deep down' you just know are 'bad' news? Can the words good or evil even be applied to such a paradigm, a place where such 1d and 2d scales (lines and graphs) are far too simplistic a description?

I see paradoxical truths in my mind. Does the phrase "All it takes for evil to succeed is for a good man to stand by and do nothing" really hold any water when we are calling the very words good and bad into question? Is baby raping really ok even though it can be understood and even justified? Say you had an urge to have sex with a child, but your social imprint was saying 'no!' but it was in your very essence, perhaps because you had a severely young mental age yourself or some other Freudian reason I'd not care to go into right now. And say you were an outsider in this situation, and the two parties in your witness were both acting on their essence but one was unwilling? Who do you stop, if you were to choose to interfere at all? If you are the sort of person who doesn't like watching other organisms be under sufferance and you decide to stop the 'paedophile', is that 'dislike' socio-imprint, essence or even DNA programming based on protecting the species, particularly children? Is there even a distinction between the latter two? And what about the 3rd circuit Rational response of working it out with OR and AND gates to calculate who profits most from which action disregarding, for now, emotional or moral decision making, a method that is as subjective as the emotional?

I understand my lack of enlightenment on the subject and I wish to improve the situation. I have an intuitive feel for the answers (which are all highly subjective it would seem to me) to all of these questions but it is difficult to tie down the ideas with language. This board I felt was the most likely place where some, if not most of you will have read or be reading the literature I've been referencing and could possibly share with me some of your own clarity on the subject.  
Or Kill Me / Circuit dump
January 09, 2009, 02:42:43 AM
I feel the horrendous influence of the outside world pour it's acid rain onto my good humour and flaming passion, dissolving them into faceless, apathetic roboticism.

What do you do in these situations?
Bring and Brag / Here comes a new challenger!?
January 07, 2009, 04:26:45 PM
This is me, introducing my soul.

3D3N - Eden.mp3