
There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.

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Topics - Muir

High Weirdness / Torture Game Show
March 17, 2010, 09:16:46 AM

QuoteA French television experiment where unwitting contestants were encouraged to torture an actor has drawn comparisons with the atrocities of Nazi Germany.

The Game Of Death had all the trappings of a traditional television quiz show, with a roaring crowd and a glamorous and well-known hostess.

But contestants on the show did not realise they were taking part in an experiment to find out whether television could push them to outrageous lengths.

The game involved contestants posing questions to another 'player', who was actually an actor, and punishing him with 460 volts of electricity when he answered incorrectly.

Eventually the man's cries of "Let me go!" fell silent, and he appeared to have died.

Not knowing that their screaming victim was an actor, the apparently reluctant contestants followed the orders of the presenter, as well as chants of "Punishment!" from a studio audience who also believed the game was real.

Milgram experiment at it's best (?).

This caught my eye this morning and my first thought was Cram's game show story. Considering I had only read it yesterday, to then see an article about something very similar the next day...

Discordian Recipes / Cake!
February 09, 2010, 11:11:25 AM
When I was a kid (read 11-15 years old) I used to bake cookies, cakes, cupcakes, muffins, etc all the time and was actually pretty good at it.  Fast forward a few years...and...I lost it.  The last time I attempted to bake a "proper" cake it exploded in the oven (I have no clue how, please don't ask).

This past weekend, I decided to try a recipe a friend gave me.  He said it was "foolproof" and it turned out beautifully! (Much to my surprise)

So here is "Sponge Cake in 3 Steps"

Step one:  Sift 4 oz. self-raising flour and 1 tsp baking powder in a large mixing bowl.

Step two:  Throw in 4 oz. soft butter (or margarine) at room temperature, 4 oz caster sugar, 2 large eggs, 2-3  drops pure vanilla essence and mix well until soft and gloopy.

Step three: Empty into a lightly-greased 20 cm (8 inch) round cake tin and put in a 325 F oven for about 30 minutes.  Remove from tin and let cool on a wire rack.


Does anyone else have any really simple "never fail" cake recipes?