
Urgh, this is what I hate about, it is the only site in existence where a perfectly good spam thread can be misused for high quality discussions.  I hate you all.

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Topics - Krez

Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / See you in Tucson
December 24, 2010, 04:59:58 PM
Going to be going through the whole airport system today to get home to Tucson.  Looking forward to seeing a few of you guys at the Meet Rack. First round is on me.
Literate Chaotic / Reading "The Capitalist Manifesto"
October 22, 2010, 04:01:59 PM
With all the things with the economy going on I decided to reed up about our current system assuming that our system of capitalism was well defined. Apparently not. I happened across this book online and it has been really interesting. It was written as an argument against Communism but in fact equally argues against our current haphazard form of Capitalism. I think it is a good read. It isn't Conservative or Liberal (even though socially the author would be considered a Conservative) but something that goes sideways from that whole argument. I know that there are at least a few of us that like it "sideways" :wink:
The book is fee online as a PDF here