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Topics - QueenThera

Literate Chaotic / Names, Dead and Living
August 09, 2018, 04:34:29 AM
I was born into judgment, to be a judge raised. Feeling God's bright eyes watching everything I do.

God judges me.

I was a judge of those around me, scorning and accepting based on simple forms.

God accepted me.

But not really.

How could he? I was weak. Every night I broke out in passion and desperation, I lusted after the female form


Found someone there.

Someone else sitting in the shadows, outside the light of God. I only saw her by the moonglow grin of her mouth. Its phases shifted as she whispered to me..

Who are you, really?

I broke. One day the contents spilled out on the floor entirely. All the justice and nobility and gentility. I saw love. I could do no less than break for it.

I craved love. I was empty now with a hole in me. I found a woman who touched me and whispered sweet things to me. She gained promises from me, and gained control over me. I loved her with the nothing in me, and I found... Nothing in her but hunger.

Once again the moon mouth crooned. Out of the night sky, among singing stars.

Who are you, dear?

I cried and sobbed. Afraid of the shards of me. They trailed behind me in beautiful forms. I held them all to my chest and shivered. I wanted...I wanted...

I wanted my real name. My real shape. My real soul.

I looked up to the sky, and reached towards her. Her hand took mine, and took me away.

I looked at her and said,

I am an island

And the constellation woman laughed and smiled with teeth gapped by craters.

And we danced, untamed. Unheeding of judgment. To the song of the sirens who drew men to their deaths.

But not I.
I hate myself.

I only write shitty  stream of consciousness poetry.

I use many many boxes to hold the emptiness that is myself, and pretend they all hide a soul inside them. The paper I wrap around it is so pretty. I don't want anyone to open it (I want everyone to open it). It's so fucking cliché how empty I am.

I am autistic, I am transgender, I am Discordian, I am a fan of Oz, I am a fan of Wonderland, I am in love with Anywhere But Here, I am an escapist, I am passive, I am a fuckup.

I'm not real. How the fuck do you become a real person? Is it by obeying the right authorities like Pinocchio promised?

Is it by laughing at authority, like Tove Jansson promised?

Is it by making friends along the way, like The Marvelous Land of Oz promised?

Or is it all nonsense, like the Blue Caterpillar and Alice concluded?

Fuck it.
In Discordia, as I've come to understand it, there's a general divide between normal and weird. In everyday life, everyone takes offense at being called normal. No one wants to be called normal, ever. I find the word normal a useful one for trying to understand society at large, for trying to understand cultural attitudes, and so on. But if I ask someone to help me understand what the normal thing is...they deny, deny, deny that there IS such a thing as normal.

Fine, everyone's a special snowflake, even the ones who hate self-proclaimed special snowflakes. But I need the concept of normal so I can find a way to blend in, and not stick out like a sore thumb. I don't want to be a freak by mistake, which can happen too easily since I'm almost a hermit and definitely Aspergers.

So, given this... What did they replace the word "normal" with? Because I sure as hell don't believe everyone is accepting everyone else as individuals to be understood one at a time.

...if none of this made sense, please ask me, and I shall respond and try to explain further.
Aneristic Illusions / Puns Forbidden in China
December 20, 2014, 08:33:35 PM
I was trying to research puns in other cultures, and found this.

I have a couple "big ideas" bubbling in my head. One of them concerns a future with uplifted animals, including my favorite creations, the ingeniopods. Their code is derived from several species of cephalopod, but primarily squid. It was found expedient to build off their pseudo-spine, two tentacles, and so on to create a species that can communicate with us.

I am trying to build their culture, and well, I think they'd have to build it from scratch. In a world where most religions center on humans, I suspect Lovecraft would thrill with its transgressive nature, its non-human centricity, and Cthulhu's star power.

What would their Necronomicon look like? What would their pantheon? What are their practices, if civilized?
Spitballing here, admittedly, but here goes:

We have not observed minds being mindful in isolation. A mind thinks in language and behaves via reason. But what use is language in isolation? Language NEEDS someone to listen, as well as someone to speak.

Therefore, God speaking creation into existence cannot be tenable. For whatever else you define God as, apart from the paradoxes of omnipotence and omniscience, God is Mind preceding Matter. SINGLE Mind.

And a Mind speaking by itself does not make any logical sense. Polytheism would have to result, which can be seen in the concept of Elohim, the plural form of God, in Genesis. Talking to yourself makes more sense when you're purely Mind, and able to split up without it being seen as socially transgressive. Hell, it leads to CREATING society.

...dammit, I am not sure if that made any sense.
I go to group therapy since I'm a reclusive Aspergers person. Recently, a paranoid schizophrenic has been coming there. Now, unlike the rest of the group, including the nice therapist, I know what he is referring to most of the time, from Annunaki to Coruscant to chakras to reptilian humanoids. But...he's very obviously ill, and he has a big boner for Fox News-type crap and the end of the world, which he believes he'll be in charge of.

So, I ask you people... How far should I humor his beliefs, and around when should I cut him off and say he is obviously full of shit? He has said I'm the reincarnation of Hitler, and has, evidently, said he would like to rape somebody. Boy's horny and Republican.

I mean, if I ask anyone else, I think the answer would be "Tell him the world works like everyone in school and your local non-denominational church says it does, and don't humor any of it" but I am pretty sure the world has room for people who believe in Flying Spaghetti Monsters and Time Cube.

....if none of that made sense, please tell me what confuses, and I'll respond. I'm chatty that way.
Aneristic Illusions / Darth Vader in Ukraine Elections
October 25, 2014, 11:42:08 PM

Stole thread from Neogaf, full disclosure.

QuoteKIEV, Ukraine (AP) — One candidate in Ukraine's parliamentary elections hopes to bring voters to the dark side: Darth Alekseyevich Vader.

Dressed in full Star Wars regalia, Vader prowls the streets of Kiev atop his black campaign van wooing voters with promises to turn Ukraine into a "galactic empire." So serious is he about his mission that he even legally changed his name to Darth Vader ahead of the elections (He was previously known as Viktor Shevchenko.)

The electrician-turned-interplanetary warlord insists his Internet Party is serious business.

Speaking to The Associated Press on his van, flanked by Stormtroopers and shrouded in white fumes, Vader explained that his top goal is to computerize all government business.

"When I get to parliament, I will expel all the deputies. They have proven their uselessness," he said. "Computers will work in their place and they will fulfil their functions without cease."

Pollsters predict the party, which also includes a Stepan Chewbacca on its list, has little chance of getting into parliament in Sunday's vote. Still, the public greets Vader enthusiastically when he drives around the capital atop his van — which he refers to as "my helicopter."

Despite his pledge to enhance transparency, Vader declines to ever show his own face. That got him banned from voting in May presidential elections by punctilious electoral commission workers who said he was violating voting rules.

Vader is not shying away from the thornier issues.

To the ominous backdrop of the Imperial March theme from Star Wars, he thundered from the top of his van that he would win the war against separatist rebels in the east — even as he withdrew government troops. And he vowed to reclaim the Crimean Peninsula, which was annexed by Russia in March.

How will he achieve these feats?

"A military space station will be built," he said, "that will protect the whole territory of Ukraine."
He's an evangelical Christian who believes the Left Behind series is instructively shitty, and that Hell has no real biblical basis.

This article in particular struck me as a good example of a less-wrong approach to Christianity.

The idea of viewing people as guys like you with their own stories to tell (that are actually interesting) and not just targets to sell your shit to is a good one. Too bad it's not really popular out there.

Your thoughts?

I just found this article online, detailing his ideas on how to make time travel happen.

I'm interested in hearing why this doesn't work, and what would have to be true for this to work.

Because I'm not quite sure I understand this article. So, I thought I would go to the experts.