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Topics - Stupid Youngin

Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Primerica
October 24, 2013, 04:24:55 PM
Earlier today, one of my friends contacted me about a potential job offer and wanted to know if i wanted in. We both work miserable jobs in retail so he knows I'll take the bait. He says he'll send in my contact info with his.

I get a call a few minutes later from a regional vice president of Primerica. Right off the bat, the guy wants to know how much i know about the company. Seems a little weird to me. When I tell him that all I know is that they're looking for people, and I hate my current job, he goes off on a story about how he hated his first few jobs when he came back from Iraq but then settled in with Primerica. The guy goes on about how hes been with the company for 15 years and how they're expanding with the recovery from the recession. Then he asks if I'm available on Saturday morning or Tuesday night. Tuesday night? What the crap? I tell him I work Saturday mornings at my god awful retail job and have class on Tuesday nights. So we work something out and schedule my meeting for Nov 9 at 9:00am.

After I get off the phone, I decide to check up on this company that just came into my life outta nowhere. The stock has had a steady incline over the past 5 years, okay that's good. Then I find out it's a "distributor of financial services and sells products through representatives." Fuck... I have to keep working with people... I hate people.... Still pretty vague though. What specifically does this company do?  Then I hit article after complaint after article about how this thing is some sort of a multilevel marketing scheme. But none of these people can tell me what the crap the company makes or does. Fuck it, im going to this crappy meeting to find out more.