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Topics - Danny Muffin

Or Kill Me / Rules and Responsiblity
May 15, 2012, 09:19:43 PM
"The rules don't have to make sense. We just follow them. That's our responsibility." – some jagoff I work with.

You come across this kind of thinking (or rather lack thereof) rather often. At least I do. That somehow blind adherence to a set of rules is what RESPONSIBLE people do. This strikes me as really stupid.

Okay, so being responsible is having some sort of obligation. But what is that obligation? I suppose we are constantly bombarded all day every day with the message that we are obligated to be obedient meat bags. But is this really an acceptable choice to people? Is it really that fucking outlandish to, oh I don't know, actually stop to think about what we're doing once in a while? As far as I know they haven't yet amended the DSM to include 'proclivity to ask questions' as a sign of mental illness. But clearly there must be something wrong with me because I thought that being responsible might just possibly be an obligation to being a rational, thinking, decent human being.

Wait a minute what the hell am I saying? Jeez, listen to me ramble. I must be overworked or something. Sorry boss man, I'll be a good drone and go back to my desk. But would you do me one little favour? When I come to you because your stupid project doesn't make any sense don't tell me what the rules are. When I ask why don't tell me 'because those are the rules'. That's not an answer. Or if you are going to, then at the very least don't pretend that you are being responsible while you abdicate your obligation to use your goddamn head for a minute.

But hey, at least you can get a refund on your brain since you haven't voided the warranty by taking it out of the packaging and using it.
Or Kill Me / How stupid do you have to be...
March 29, 2012, 06:10:27 AM
How stupid do you have to be to accept the illusion of choice as something to be excited about? I figure the answer is either not, since so many people do it, or very. And if it's very then the vast majority of people are rather dim. Hmmm, I think I might be on to something here...

Anyway, I live in the Texas of Canada. I actually don't know that much about Texas so it might not be an accurate comparison, but you probably got what I meant. There's an election about and for the first time in my life the outcome is not a forgone conclusion. People are excited, change is coming, a new future is being created- boy, it's quite something! Get this- either the conservatives are going to win or the 'no we're conservatives' are going to win.

Politics aside, it's unbelievable the fuss people are making. A bunch of guys at my work were coming in their pants today because they could chose between ultramarine and navy blue. Forget that there's virtually no difference, this is big stuff! Oh sure, smaller gubment, cutting corporate taxes, deregulating the oil industry, we can all agree on those things but come on- a new name and a new face that hasn't fucked us in the ass yet! The winds of change are in the air!

It's fucking astounding. My favorite part is that this miraculous harbinger of a new era said today that she 'likes Alberta just the way it is and doesn't want to change it'. Right, I'm glad we cleared that up. So, the choice is more of the same or more of the same? More conservative government or moar conservative government? And this is supposed to be exciting?!

And since this isn't ridiculous enough as is it, I submit this for consideration:
