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Topics - valentine

Literate Chaotic / i like the blue altoids not the red!
October 09, 2012, 05:45:50 AM
In the hall way left and right buckets were lined up neatly. Inside were a variety of buttons of all colors, sizes, and shapes. At the head of our tour group our guide stood at the threshold of a pair of double doors. She urged for our attention and told us to collect as many buttons as we could. The rest of the group attending the tour fought to gather as many buttons as possible, but I decided to only collect the buttons which caught my eye. I examined the styles first and then the size. Was the color right?
The cacophony of the crowd was interrupted by yet another announcement by our tour guide. "Whoever collected the most colorful buttons wins!" She told the group. This was quite a disappointment for me as I mostly picked out nothing but black buttons. I looked down at my hands observing the few buttons I picked out completely oblivious that the group was flocking through the double doors ahead. Once I glanced back up I proceeded to the doors and on the other side found that the tour ended at what seemed to be a very elaborate gift shop which, at it's brink, seemed to be very simple but as a whole was as large as a Walmart or some shit.
While in my dazed amazement at the marvels of the size of the gift shop and the vast items it held a little girl attempted to put these pens in my pocket. I tried to take the pens out of my pockets but she persistently continued to fill my pockets. "Look I don't want to pay for these fucking pens!" I told her. Then my argument ceased to the sound of panicked frenzy in the crowed. "Hermaphrodite!" Some old geezer yelled. I looked around in confusion and asked to myself  " what the fuck is a hermaphrodite?" Then out of nowhere a giant praying mantis crashed through the shelves of the gift shop causing a great commotion all around. I ran off hiding behind a large lining of selves. I looked back at the crowed who seemed to be running in a very orderly circle. The mantis stood over the deluded crowd eating them as they passed him by. While he was distracted I decided to push the shelf onto him. As he fell his feet got caught in a lawn chair which for some fucking reason was being sold in a button factory, if that's even what the tour was about.
With no hesitation in thought I jumped up and down on the lawn chair attempting to cut off the legs of the praying mantis. In the midst of doing so the mantis looked at me and said in some kinda redneck accent "come on boy cut off my legs."
I understand now! I understand that I understand nothing. Eris said not to seek her without and not to seek her within, and like a fool I overlooked these words without a second thought. Like most individuals, I tried to fill this void I felt with perceptions and concepts in which I could easily conform my mind in order to make sense out of an irrational world. But once I let go of this pride that I had I realized I wasn't so special in fact I was an irrational fool. knowing this doesn't exactly make me any less of a fool or anymore special than I was before... and In all honesty I'm completely fine with that fact.
Literate Chaotic / trepanation party @ 5
August 22, 2012, 02:11:02 PM
Rooms filled with black curtains and smoke-A fun house mirror a restless joke
distorted colors reflect off the obscure glass.
As your idols pull the strings, did you ever wonder what life could be
if you didn't choose the easy way so fast?

So picture box please teach me what's right or wrong in reality
because I can't seem to find the final piece
A blurred vision of what is true
As ventriloquists control your every move.
How am I to solve a puzzle I can't even see?

So paint a smile on my face play juggling games with restless haste
Keep pretending you have something left to prove.

But hey the world is a cacophony, with lack of reason yet still laughing
And that's alright what do we have to lose?

Tie a noose on the ground see if gravity turns around
Maybe the world will flip and you will see
None of the above is a choice too, but when you're falling up what else is new?
A rubber nose is all this world needs.
Principia Discussion / getting my own
August 22, 2012, 01:28:30 AM
Just ordered my own copy of the principa discordia. Couldn't find it in a book store mostly because they're all going out of business, I don't understand electronic books I'm more into something solid. Anyways found a reasonable price on Amazon for a new book. Not a big deal but worth sharing I think.
A few months ago I was walking with my friends and heard them mention Hugo which I believe Is some kinda movie which was out at the time hell I don't even know. Some how Hugo always reminded me of some kind of weird term for a tempo a music instructor would shout in the middle of rehearsals. It also sounds like some kinda exotic fruit. What is Hugo? :?
Principia Discussion / New to it all
August 07, 2012, 03:06:40 PM
My name is Val and I'm kinda new to Discordianism in general. While I've known about the basics of the religion I've never actually practiced it. So I'd like to hear from some "enlightened" individuals what Discordianism is and how I may get further involved.