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Topics - Jaidyn Casey

Heya everyone. :-)

I was curious about the view people have regarding this subject. The reason is that a good book that I have found is the Discordia Totalis which as you may or may not know is a collection of 6 texts:

The Loompanics PD
Metaclysmia Discordia
Summa Discordia
Book of Eris
Zenarchy & Zenarchist's Cookbook
Apocrypha Discordia

This is a very good collection, but I was wanting to assemble a new collection which will include

The Loompanics PD
Chao Te Ching

I am going with the BIP and the Chao Te Ching since I feel these two in addition to the PD really encapsulates (IMHO) Discordianism for me. The BIP and CTC really excite me.
I know people may not agree on the final couple choices I should include but I was hoping to get some input regarding this collection. I am not just wanting to have this be for myself, I was hoping to share this collection so I was looking for some kind of consensus if even possible. I am wanting to choose from these:

Summa Discordia
Aprocrypha Discordia
The ZenArchist Cookbook
The Book of Eris
Metaclysmia Discordia

The Wise Book of Baloney
Et Cetera Discordia
Hey Jim!
Musings of a Faceless Man
The Book of Chaos and it's Virtue
The Devia Discordia

I am actually taking time to read all of these and enjoy them all, but just really wanted to get an updated "Totalis" and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for any assistance.  :)
Literate Chaotic / The Chao-Te-Ching, just awesome!
December 27, 2012, 10:41:53 PM
My apologies if this is in the wrong area but I just really wanted to say, next to the PD and the BIP, the Chao-Te-Ching is ridiculously more profound than I ever expected.
I have been going through it and while funny, there is some serious thought that is put into it that I suspect allot of people overlook.
I am still going through it all but so far, my fave chapter is #13. To quote:

Having and not having
both create frustration.
"Possessing" always comes served with a golden apple.
Being "The Prettiest One" cultivates pride and makes others
Not being "The Prettiest One" cultivates envy and leads to
Expand your definition of Self to include the Universe;
This way you can have it all with nothing to lose.

You know, I used to consider myself a philosophical Taoist, and this may sound silly of me to say but I will risk it and just flat out admit I find this better for myself than the original Tao-Te-Ching. How has everyone else been impacted by this book if they have and which chapter/s most speak to you?

And thank you to the authors of this book. Being new to Discordia, it really is awesome to have it.