
Thinking about Gabbard in general, my animal instinct is to flatten my ears against my head, roll my eyes up till the whites show, bare my teeth, and trill like a cicada stuck in a Commodore 64.

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Topics - JamesStrangefellow

Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / indy 500
May 26, 2014, 12:08:20 AM

So I really have a question for everyone....

I'm new.

Why do people hate discordia so much? I had an easier time when i was an evangelical non demonational christian going around the supermarket/outfield with my bible.

Shouldn't people at least embrace discord on a superficial level?

Does Crowley just get hype because he's a good chess player?

     So i was at the walmart the other day, (not the new one the just opened 1 mile down the road from it, that i tried walking into 3 days before it
actually opened).  This walmart the one that makes more $$$ than any walmart in your murika, or so i've hoid :cn:.  It's certainly busy, 24/7 of course, and has new neat-o stuff.  What i'm champing at is the fruit punch oreo, not the bit.
     It kind of pissed me off. All other stages of grief also occurred. After i accepted it, i began to ponder the folly of man. Why the fruit punch oreo? Who the fuck needed these things or wanted to eat them? I bet they tasted like shit, like the shit of an angel's puppy. There is still no way i'm buying them.
     But it got me to further thinking. Maybe we did need another oreo, but we were just taking things in the wrong direction. Maybe the answer wasn't different flavors of oreo, but the same two better than they had ever been before. I know it's been attempted
Hi I'm jerry seinfeld with a black and white cookie joke, give me $. Shut up real kramer!, (to himself) Oh, how did i not see this coming!but i think it needs to be done from a different angle, a paradoxical one.
I tend to accept that:
     2*2 also=4
We are all trying to get to 4. I think most try to get there with juxtapositional theories that don't benefit both parties mutually. They try and cut corners and/or mix things in a jar most of the time from a selfish perspective. Once in a while some weirdo comes along and tries to do things the complete opposite way, deny self, be completely sacrificial etc. To delve deeper some would contemplate the thought that those weirdos are manipulated into their behavior by the selfish guys, who may be manipulated into being selfish, but likely some pure of each heart exists at some point in the form of nabisco's original oreo.
Are they seeking a new deal? Have they realized their gestalt relationship? Will we move towards an agreement that paradoxically benefits both parties?

Does the new oreo look something like this?

Is the new oreo the old oreo?
Are they both just representations of the "true oreo"?
I'm hungry. And again succumb to the call of the flesh...

Maybe this should go into "Discordian Recipes"?  I'm new so i mess stuff up.