
Everyone who calls themselves "wolf-something" or "something-wolf" almost inevitably turns out to be an irredeemable shitneck.

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Topics - Rico Escobar

I pose a simple question.  Strike that. I pose a very complicated question that doesn't require much typing. 
"Why are you here?"  I don't mean here on PD, though your answer may well be related to that bit of trivia as well.  I mean to ask "If you be a babbling, starry-eyed Unique Snowflake of Eris, what sort of incomprehensible mission do you come programmed with?"
Are you active and outgoing with your madness, or do you only spurt nonsense when its productivefnord?
Do you poster bomb neighborhoods?  Do you do "performance art" in crowded places?  Would you consider yourself an "evangelical"?  Or do you prefer to just keep it simple and giggle softly while the world falls asleep with a lit cigarette next to its oxygen tank?

Maybe it's not as simple of a question as I thought.

I ask since my cabal and I are planning on launching the first of many OMGASMs upon our home town.  After years of research and observation, we have realized that there is plenty of untapped weirdness in our area that folks just don't know about.  Local history, mundane or extraordinary, fact or fiction, is still local history.  As such, our Freak Flag flies baring the image of our patron saint, a local favorite, The Lizardman of Dogtown.  With St. Lizardman as our guide, we will unearth and shamelessly display those myths and legends that border fact and fiction.  Wei're gonna make this motherfucker weird, dammit!  Because endless fields of corn are only so unsettling for so long.
As of the moment, we're currently working on producing our particular brand of propaganda in the form of flyers and "devotional materials".  We are quite fortunate in that our love for nonsense blends very well with our love for making stupid crap.  On that note, once we come up with a severed lizardman hand to march with, I'll be sure to get some pictures for you guys.

Bring and Brag / An Art I Done
September 17, 2014, 04:59:59 PM

This is a portrait I did of my associate, Guy Close.  He's more or less "The Face" of the cabal that we've been assembling.
Discordian Recipes / The McFadden
September 10, 2014, 10:13:23 PM
The McFaddenTM is a sandwich, but to say that it is only a sandwich is to insult The McFaddenTM.  This only serves to anger The McFaddenTM.

"What is The McFaddenTM," you damn well better be asking yourselves.  Very simply, it is deli meat, cheese, and chips on white bread with a hot sauce of some form or another, combined with the action of moving between one destination to the next.

The Traditional The McFaddenTM:

2 slices of White Bread
3 slices of Turkey
2 slices of 'Murican Cheese
3 slices of Ham
A large handful of Doritos
A butt-ton of Tabasco Sauce
5 minutes to make it to Class

1. Start by laying a slice of cheese on each slice of bread. 
2. Create a meat packet.  This can be accomplished by laying your meats in such a way as to create an envelope.  This is crucial for the next several steps.
3.  Take your large handful of Doritos and crush them up.  Sprinkle them into the center of your meat surface.  Try to keep them piled up near the center.  While I would be remiss to tell you to take it easy on the Doritos as they are delicious and I want some now,  too many can make the next step difficult.
4.  Add Tobasco.  Just break the little nozzle off of the top and pour.  Be a man for once in your life.
5.  Now to assemble.  Place your meat placemat onto your bread.  Fold the edges around your pile of chips, sealing them away from the harsh, unforgiving outside world.  Complete by placing the other bread on top.
6.  Get the fuck out of the kitchen and hurry up!  You've only got five minutes until class starts!  RUN! RUUUUUUUUUUUNNN!!!

You now have a satisfiying, self-contained, spicy-as-shit sammich to eat as you attempt to not fall down a flight of stairs!

Now that you know the basics, create your own The McFaddenTM sandwiches!  Try your own variations!  Don't like Turkey or ham?  Use Whatever meat you like, as long as its thinly sliced.  Want some other kind of chips?  Why not?  Don't like Tabasco?  Try your own personal brand!  But it better be spicy!  I mean it.

Pictures shall be added soon for demonstrative purposes.

Enjoy The McFaddenTM!