
Endorsement:  I know that all of you fucking discordians are just a bunch of haters who seem to do anything you can to distance yourself from fucking anarchists which is just fine and dandy sit in your house on your computer and type inane shite all day until your fingers fall off.

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Messages - Demolition Squid


im so sorry

been quiet in this thread

went 2 find pogs players

back alley

they do not like hexagonal pogs

lesson learned

have some pictures have not uploaded them from camera yet keep crying and shaking too much

so sorry
This seems like a lot of fun!

I decided to make some PD pogs... PDogs! What's not to like?

I thought giving them five sides would make them more discordian, what do you think??

I like them but I might go back to the classic circle, I don't know how these ones will 'slam' after printing. Is that the right word? 'Slam'?
Quote from: Acosmicist on July 28, 2015, 08:23:01 PM
A falsehood which preserves order is clearly preferable to a truth which permits chaos.

Leaving aside the rest, I think it is worth reiterating that order and chaos are not opposites. Preserving order can - and often does - increase chaos. Permitting chaos can - and often does - lead to more order. None of these qualities have anything inherently to do with truth or falsehood.
Wow guys why the hate?  :cry:

Look I found this really interesting site, apparently you can make your own pogs??

They also talk about tazos, caps, flippos and walkers? Are these the same as pogs?? All that old timey slang is so weird LOL
Hey guys. The pogs craze kind of passed me by when I was young. I'm in a weird position where I can see the effect of pogs and the reaction to pogs but not the pogs themselves. The McDonald's, the Krokodil, the odd Happy Days rerun. Its not like I can livestream pogs, so what was it like for the people who lived through it? Do you still have the battle scars? What are your memories of pogs?

What does it mean?!
Blade Runner is one of the best movies ever made. Probably THE best sci-fi movie. There. I said it.

There's not many movies I can still find new things to enjoy in after more than a dozen viewings. I did find a whole bunch of new stuff when I went to see it at the cinema (all of the humans in the movie are disfigured or ugly in some way, except Dekard; all of the replicants are beautiful and perfect). It is a movie that asks you to suspend disbelief, but in terms of building a world through locations, set and costume, it is a masterclass in sci-fi. It just places more emphasis on the 'fi' than most.
Quote from: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on July 17, 2015, 07:23:10 PM
Quote from: Prelate Diogenes Shandor on July 17, 2015, 02:43:39 PM
The main ones seem to be unplanned pregnancy and stds. What elss is there that's significant?


This genuinely made me laugh out loud. :potd:  :lulz:
Or Kill Me / Re: The Profit Motive
July 14, 2015, 11:26:15 PM
Option 1: The United States makes good on its threat and obliterates all who oppose it. They then have to move in and secure the (surviving) resources with their conventional military, against a surviving population which views them as horrific monsters on a scale unrealized in human history. How has that worked out for them in comparable situations today?

Option 2: The United States doesn't make good on its threat and looks weak on the international stage. It is forced to come to the bargaining table, humiliated, to secure the resources it needs to continue running its economy. At best, it gets a less favourable deal than it would if it didn't threaten to murder millions of people and alienates its allies for even contemplating it out loud. At worst, no deal is reached and a long, protracted and brutal guerilla campaign to take those resources by force without the use of nuclear weapons is launched, resulting in a situation much like option 1 but with less radiation (and thus, more usable resources)

Option 3: The United States doesn't act like a complete fucking idiot and realizes it needs the cooperation of the people on the ground - or at the least, the elites who rule them - in order to sustain itself in the long term. Negotiations are made which put the interests of the elites of all sides at the forefront - that is, the profit motive - and we wind up in a situation much like we have today anyway.

Which one of these three options seems most likely to you?
Quote from: Mesozoic Mister Nigel on July 14, 2015, 03:48:25 PM
I mean, what if a woman laughed and was like "Oh, LOL, you're a man? I didn't notice!"

Shift the context just a little, and people will take it as an insult. NOT NOTICING who people are isn't flattering, it isn't nice, it isn't post-racism. It's just being a dick, unless you authentically have brain damage or a disorder that makes it difficult for you to perceive physical attributes of individual people.

I think I've mentioned before that my dad is horrifically racist.

He claims he's not because one of his best friends is Greek - and as he puts it, "You'd never know the guy is Greek unless you go to his house because he keeps all that stuff behind closed doors where it doesn't bother anybody! That's the good kind of immigration right there!"

The 'I don't see race' idea always reminds me of that. "You can have a different heritage so long as it doesn't offend me, the mainstream majority, by being obviously different."
Or Kill Me / Re: Children of the Strange Times
July 14, 2015, 03:45:55 PM
Quote from: Prelate Diogenes Shandor on July 14, 2015, 03:44:43 PM
Quote from: Q. G. Pennyworth on July 14, 2015, 03:37:28 PM
Quote from: Prelate Diogenes Shandor on July 14, 2015, 03:35:45 PM
Quote from: Cain on July 14, 2015, 10:36:02 AM
Except, no, again you are wrong:

QuoteLovecraft's racial biases ran deep and strong, as evidenced by his stories–from exotic locales with tropic natives lacerating themselves before mad gods in acts of "negro fetishism" (Call of Cthulhu), to descriptions of a black man as "gorilla-like" and one of the world's "many ugly things" (Herbert West — Re-animator). This was no abstract part of Lovecraft's creative process, where he was trying to imbue his work with some hint of realism. Rather, these were expressions of his foremost thoughts, a key part of his personal beliefs, most notably his virulent xenophobia towards an increasingly diverse American society emerging outside of his Anglo-Saxon New England.

Lovecraft was definitely racist IRL and this certainly bleeds into the speech and mannerism's of his characters, but the [oint that I'm tryi g to make is that by the end of Call of Cthulhu, for example, the beliefs of the negro cultists are totally vindicated whereas the worldview of the white protagonist is almost totally refuted

They're "right" but their rightness is horrific and evil, and tied to them being less human than the white people.

Perhaps, but in he world of he Cthulhu Mythos humanity as a whole is an inferior race and being less human is therefore a good thing

So at 11pm last night I got an email from my boss saying he wanted me to 'dig around and put together some research' on the business cases/implementation plans of digital strategy for councils. That actually sounds like the first fun project I've had to do in a while, so I shoot back asking for more details - what with there being hundreds of councils and almost all of them having some form of digital offering, and no timeframe given.

He says he wants it ASAP and he wants me to start with the 'good' ones. Okey doke. Not... the most helpful response but whatever. I haven't had something to sink my teeth into for weeks, other than the incredibly depressing world of social care. I go to bed, and when I kick off in the morning I hit it like a ton of bricks.

Four and a half hours and I think I've produced the best report for them I ever have. It lays out five major projects, what they're doing, why they're doing it, who to contact for more information. I even made sure to pick five ones that were 'good' for different reasons - here's one with really great social media feedback! Here's one that started from a low point and went to a high point! I'm feeling really great about this, huzzah!

I send it off. 3 minutes later I get an email - 'I just wanted the documents please'.

And now I'm back on Reed.  :lulz:
Or Kill Me / Re: Children of the Strange Times
July 14, 2015, 12:33:25 PM




I am growing increasingly pissed off with my dumbass bosses, but that's the new normal, really.

Other news: Games Workshop are recruiting for two fiction writers to join their in-house team. I'mma go for it. You never know, I might get it, and then I'd get to write about SPESS MAHRENS all day instead of ... whatever the fuck it is I'm supposed to be doing for a living, I've forgotten.
Or Kill Me / Re: The Profit Motive
July 13, 2015, 08:36:08 AM
Quote from: Q. G. Pennyworth on July 13, 2015, 01:00:01 AM
Quote from: Demolition Squid on July 07, 2015, 08:47:45 AM
The Cold War is often characterized as a struggle between two great ideas: Communism and Capitalism. The accepted narrative is that Capitalism - with its love of freedom, apple pie and Mom - was inevitably going to triumph, and now we live in the best of all possible worlds.

Isn't that depressing? That THIS is the best we can muster?

The triumph of Capitalism has definitely been reaffirmed time and time again over the past thirty years or so. The Left has become a withered husk, horrified at the thought of being labelled 'Socialist'. The Right has become eager to become ever more extreme, so long as 'extreme' means slashing all barriers to the accumulation of wealth.

Societies are defined by what they stand for. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the credit was given to those hard-working industrial capitalists whose Free Market Spirit crushed the Reds and their authoritarian regime. In the aftermath of that, it became downright irresponsible to stop these paragons of virtue from doing whatever they wanted with their hard-won capital.

The main virtue in our world isn't freedom; it is profit.

In some parts of the world, profit is pursued under democracies. In other parts of the world, dictatorships. If you're on the international stage, though, you're really on the international marketplace. We've allowed them to convince us that, in the post-war world, politics is really economics. We've even allowed them to get away with the claim that this is somehow indicative of human nature; that greed is what motivates us all.

Do you believe that? Really?

Most people know that money isn't everything; that the accumulation of wealth isn't a good enough reason to live your life. Most people know that the value of a life has nothing at all to do with how much stuff that person managed to get hold of.

Profit is what drives us to feel helpless in the face of environmental catastrophes (it isn't 'realistic' to expect companies to become environmentally friendly; think of their profit margins!) and it is profit that sees us stand silent in the face of brutal dictatorships and religious extremism (seriously - Saudi Arabia has far more to do with the spread of islamic fundamentalism than any of the countries we've bombed since 9/11).

Our drive for profit is selling the human race down the river.

Shouldn't we pick a better reason to live?

Can I Big Words this whole thing?

Go for it!  :)