
MysticWicks endorsement: "Spoiled brats of the pagan world, I thought. I really don't have a lot of respect for Discordians. They just strike me as spiritually lazy."

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Messages - POFP

I'm just gonna go back to the original topic here:

This seems to be exactly what I needed to read, based on my confusion with my other post (rant). The thought of being alone had never occurred to me to be a negative stance, but more of a neutral stance. I've never really connected with anyone until recently, and so loneliness was never really a big deal until I read the connection that Nigel made in the OP.

Fuck, I try to take a step back and look at the biggest picture(s) I can see, but I just keep getting fed more small details that change what the bigger picture looks like.

I guess, for me, it always came down to this choice:

Do I take the time to destroy the predispositions and conditioned tendencies that have been instilled into me by the world (And neglect consequences of decisions I make because they condition/predispose me even more), and achieve transcendence through separation of the mind from the body? Or do I base everything I do off of logical reactions to the environment around me, becoming an adaptive robot?

As humans, I guess we tend to do both of these things at the same time, which causes a bit of conflict with others, as our tendencies toward one of these decisions over the others varies from person to person (Minus the occulty-stuff at the end of each decision, that shit is mine).

Or do most people do neither and contribute to the entropy of this cesspool we call a society for no reason at all? Is this the big-picture choice to be made, and is there a right answer? Am I just fucking nuts?

If I am, and you don't want to reply to this nonsense, just know I am a free-market tard, and it did piss me off.
Or Kill Me / Re: I Am Free
March 29, 2014, 06:08:04 PM
Quote from: The Johnny on March 29, 2014, 05:40:11 PM
In psychoanalysis theress a saying: infancy is destiny.

Mileage might vary, but still...

You bring up an interesting point. Maybe I've been reading too much Crowley without my "critical-thinking cap" on. Must mean I have my "outrageously douchy douchebag cap" on. I mean, only douchebags describe mindsets with "caps."  :lulz:

I'll think about it all some more.
Or Kill Me / Re: I Am Free
March 29, 2014, 05:17:05 PM
Quote from: Nigel on March 29, 2014, 04:48:05 PM
Yeah, fuck society and social influences. Each of us is who he is purely by virtue of free will and self-determination. We are rugged individualists, and we rely on no one but ourselves.

I never took it quite that far in my head. I guess that would be one of those out-of-reach goals to be achieved at or near the end of my life. Obviously I owe a lot of things to how I was brought up and the the environment I've been in my whole life. But I would like to eventually be seen as "purely me."
Or Kill Me / Re: I Am Free
March 29, 2014, 05:03:54 AM
And I thought myself an optimist. Care to expand? A possible negative connotation to this would interest me greatly. I imagine it's the reason why others disagree with me.
Techmology and Scientism / Re: Fuck the System
March 29, 2014, 02:00:51 AM
Talks of abstraction always brings me back to Alfred Korzybski and General Semantics, which makes me hate abstraction layers. But the way you describe these specific systems of abstraction layers, it makes me appreciate them again. You know, like, back before they were the reason I didn't see anything with certainty.

My father has been into electronics since he was a teenager, and so he brought me up on the inner-workings of circuits and computer systems. I appreciated them early-on, so they started to bore me as the people around me started talking, in-depth, about them for the first time in my mid-teen years. I connected the concept of abstraction layers to computer systems early-on as well, but I've always been excited in seeing the connection to things outside of "techmology," like biology, as you've suggested.

Definitely tonight's feast for thought. Thanks.
Or Kill Me / I Am Free
March 29, 2014, 01:02:59 AM
I don't say "please" and "thank you" because I feel obligated to do so. I don't do things for friends because "that's what friends are for." I don't spend my time around specific people because I'm inexplicably drawn to those people due to some unearthly force like "fate" or uncontrollable fondness. I don't do things for people and expect things in return. I don't expect anything from anyone.

Everything I do, I do because I made a will-full effort to do so, because I want to. To do favors, expecting something in return seems, to me, to be the definition of corruption. But so is doing someone harm and expecting to be forgiven. Or showing affection and expecting affection back.

I am your friend by choice, or your enemy by choice. I am nice and polite by choice, or I am a cunt by choice. Do not blame my surroundings for the decisions I choose to make. Do not take responsibility for my state or condition. I will hold myself accountable for my reality, and there's nothing you can do to stop me. I am Free.

"If consequences dictate course of action, then I should play God, and shoot you myself."
Quote from: Golden Applesauce on March 16, 2013, 03:40:18 AM
Oh my god, you're my alternate universe twin. (Currently teaching myself Japanese, and the idea of communicating in a language in which I'm not proficient enough to nest subordinate clauses arbitrarily deep causes a physical fear response - which is a fair reflection of how hard I find it to translate my thoughts into English. [also: how hard it must be for people to read what I write. It's a bad habit I need to fix.] Periods are for people who don't know enough conjunctions, amirite?

Whadyaknow, my friend is also teaching himself Japanese. I feel like I have the same problem with getting my words out. When I get called on, I have to be prepared and have had a chance to think about my response. Otherwise I freeze up or completely butcher it (Comes out as gibberish).  Couldn't have said it better  :wink:

Quote from: Golden Applesauce on March 16, 2013, 03:40:18 AM
"Attention grabbers" as an fixed element of writing/presentations are horseshit. They produce essays that start with something interesting but at best tangentially related to the body content. It leaves your audience distracted and wondering when you'll stop talking about boring stuff and get back to the cool thing. You want engagement, not attention. (Attention you get with a one-off stunt; engagement you need to build continuously.) Repeatedly saying "fuck" at a professional conference keynote gets attention, but not engagement. (So does indirectly describing your teacher with an old-fashioned derogatory slang term in a school assignment. The trick to good satire/rhetoric is that the reader shouldn't realize you're disagreeing with them until after they've already agreed with you.)

That's why, regardless of the grade I will get on a paper (I usually get an A anyways?), I will almost never use any of that extra bullshit. I just go straight to the point. There's no point in "fluffing" an academic paper in High school.

That was what I needed to hear. Thanks for the epiphany moment. I'll work on that for awhile.

Quote from: Bu☆ns on March 16, 2013, 05:28:06 AM
OP: This is the kind of raw unbridled material that I've grown to love about this place.  What Nigel said, welcome home!

Thanks. :) Expect more!
Quote from: Queef Erisson on March 15, 2013, 10:22:35 PM
Hello there. I read it. I like it.

Thanks. Much appreciated.

Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on March 15, 2013, 10:22:56 PM

As far as what happened, you have made the mistake of running into The Machineā„¢ head on.

You can't win that way.  There are better methods.

You're probably right. I just wanted to cause chaos in a more original way. I want my own style. You see, I have a habit of ripping off other peoples' jokes, ideologies, and methodologies. I think it's because I have a very mutable personality.

Quote from: McGrupp on March 15, 2013, 10:32:44 PM
Nice rant. As someone who just ranted for the first time a little more than a week ago I can tell you that you are not the only one who hesitated a bit before pushing the post button. Everyone in the world is insane in some way shape or form. Making you think you're the only one is society's dirty little trick.

Thanks. It does seem that the closer I get to some people, the more I realize, they are very similar to me on fundamental levels. And I think my "fanatic individualist" personality traits make me very conflicted when I come to this conclusion.

Oh well. I'm still young. My ideologies change from day to day anyways.

The bad shit floats, I guess. It'll get skimmed out eventually.
Quote from: M. Nigel Salt on March 15, 2013, 10:10:59 PM
Welcome home, POFP.


That's how most of us got this way. By spewing our guts out over and over and over again and being FUCKING LIBERATED and challenged and sniped at and having to defend ourselves and blow up and cool down and apologize and get back on our soapboxes and RANT.

You are off to a good start.

Thanks. That's enough motivation to keep me going. Now I just have to find the time...
I don't like being that guy that takes way too fucking long to make replies because of how indecisive he is, and how much he doesn't wanna sound like a complete asshole. I don't like being that verbose guy that no one wants to start a fucking conversation with or gets replies like, "TL;DR." I don't like being that guy that gets avoided for saying the terrible things that everyone needs to hear. I don't like being that guy who has 20 sentences in parentheses in every single one of his posts because he doesn't want to be unclear.

I can't stand that everyone at my school calls me "the genius" because I stay up too late, researching everything from computing, to advanced physics principles I don't even fucking understand, for 1 day a week, and because I use exceptional vocabulary (to them) because I over-think everything I say (I don't even care if that was a run-on sentence. I don't even want to try to break it up right now). YOU ALL GET BETTER GRADES THAN ME, ASSHOLES. QUIT ASSUMING I'M GOING TO GET A SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER GRADE THAN YOU ON THE TEST THIS AFTERNOON. YOU ALL MAKE ME FEEL LIKE A NARCISSIST.

I hate being told I have the handwriting of Thomas Jefferson (that beautiful cursive), and then being refused a proof-read 20 seconds later because they claim, "I can't read your handwriting." OUR HISTORY TEACHER HAS A CURSIVE COPY OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE ON THE WALL. ARE YOU SAYING YOU DIDN'T JUST READ THAT WHILE WE WERE STANDING BY THE DOOR,WAITING FOR THE BELL TO RING?! YOU JUST LOOKED AT IT BECAUSE IT WAS INTERESTING, RIGHT?

My English teacher gave us a lesson on introduction paragraphs. He had a list of "don'ts" in his "General Rules" section of his powerpoint. It basically told us not to use "maybe logic" in our writing. He, then, asked us to write a thesis, an attention grabber, and evidence on whatever we wanted. Out of protest, I wrote that his "general rules" section "was for absolutists and 'squares." I proceeded to fill in the evidence and attention grabber. He only looked at the first sentence before handing it back to me, without a fucking word. I need to work on my entropy skills. THEY ARE SEVERELY LACKING.

I'd rather be deemed, "clinically insane," than a genius. AT LEAST PEOPLE WOULD STOP TAKING ME SO GODDAMN SERIOUSLY!

That's why, of all the people I want to talk to in the world, it's people like you, I want to talk to the most. I spend hours on here sometimes, in awe, reading your ridiculous absurd brilliantly hilarious pissing contests and snappy comebacks, wondering, how in the fuck did I get here? I read a few lines from some RAW book, and suddenly I'm a religious leader that should be treated "right?" What the fuck does that even mean? I feel like a cliche discordian by saying "Do you believe that shit?" You can't even make this shit up...

When I'm on here, I feel like I've been stripped of the limitations resulting from the social constructs I'm surrounded with on a daily basis. I can actually fucking rant about my life's negligible nonsense and (hopefully) not get ignored. You crazy fucks might make a funny remark or say "TL;DR," just to piss me off. And you know what? I'm completely fucking ok with that, because, at least I can be as verbose, terrible, indecisive, and clear as I fucking want.

P.S. I'll get better at this. I'm not a learned ranter (That's a word? "Ranter" is a word? Why does that seem so strange?). I'll try this again next week. Thanks for listening.

I just realized... Why the fuck can't I be " verbose, terrible, indecisive, and clear as I fucking want," IRL? Fuck it. I spent too much time typing this up. I'm not deleting this.
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on October 02, 2012, 12:57:33 AM

It doesn't matter.  Libertarianism --->  Fuzzy thinking --->  Same old rehashed arguments ---> Everything ends in tears.

I can't tell if those are personal preconceptions or if you're just describing past experiences.

Well, I've tainted this thread long enough now. I'll be back in a few days or so to make my own toxic threads.
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on October 02, 2012, 12:35:39 AM
Quote from: PlightOfFernandoPoo on October 02, 2012, 12:31:22 AM
Or does this happen to you guys a lot?

Every stinking day of my stinking life.

I said "disagree," not "argue dogmatically until I've achieved Victory by Verbosity." I'm pretty passive. You don't have much to worry about.
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on September 25, 2012, 02:36:23 AM
Quote from: PlightOfFernandoPoo on September 25, 2012, 02:29:39 AM
I suddenly got the feeling that I'm going to disagree with most of the people on this forum, either politically or philosophically.

Libertarian, are you?  May as well say so now.

Many people would put me in that category. It's complicated. It's kinda creepy you guessed that though  :eek: Did I post that in my intro? Or does this happen to you guys a lot?

Looks like I might be making numerous threads. It might take a while for each one because I'm incredibly busy all the time; Hence this post almost a week after my first (Sorry for the thread digging).
I suddenly got the feeling that I'm going to disagree with most of the people on this forum, either politically or philosophically. But I guess diversity, criticism, and conflict can be used to better one's self.

I'll probably create a full reply tomorrow. It's getting late, and the last time I tried to debate on a forum at this time of night, I made a "Monty Python's: The Holy Grail" reference that even I didn't understand the next morning  :oops: