
It's like that horrible screech you get when the microphone is positioned too close to a speaker, only with cops.

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Messages - Fractalbeard

Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: What is Chi?
November 10, 2008, 01:01:28 AM

I've met this guy in person, my Taichi teacher had him come over from Taiwan to teach a series of seminars.  From what I've read so far, y'all are pointing towards what he was saying (and my teacher keeps saying).

BTW, couldn't even touch this guy.  Well, I could, but he let me, and then I couldn't let go.  Until I slammed into an object.
Propaganda Depository / Do you like anole?
November 09, 2008, 01:03:11 AM
Propaganda Depository / Re: VIOLATORS WILL BE FISTED!
November 08, 2008, 11:55:42 PM
Useless printer: about $100.
50 copies of the poster: $5.
Look on the girl's face at Office Max: Priceless.

She thought it hilarious and requested a copy.  I proudly obliged.
Propaganda Depository / VIOLATORS WILL BE FISTED!
November 08, 2008, 01:23:15 PM
Literate Chaotic / Re: Without warning
July 12, 2008, 08:12:20 AM
Quote from: Cain on April 21, 2008, 05:36:13 AM
That sucks.  You should see if you can get hold of Lithium, though it would need to be a fairly large amount to do anything except fizz and fly around the surface of the water.

Lithium Ion Batteries.

Haven't tried it, but charge one of those up, crack the fucker open, toss in water and run, from what my organic chemistry teacher told us in class one day (not quite in those words of course  :D).
Art, man. Pure. Fucking. Art. Especially the "found baby" poster.
Rofl, oops, Americas. I R genius. Sorry about the geographical brain fart. :fnord:
WOOOOOOO! PARTY IN THE SOUTHERN US!!!!!  :lulz::lulz: :fap:
Y'know, speaking of Y2K, maybe this 2012 thing could be turned into some kind of Y2K-esque mindfuck thing.  Perhaps some bullshit about the quantum resonance of matter follows some blah blah pattern that the Mayans figured out, and the universe's master clock is going to reset, possibly resulting in the horrid destruction of all matter, living and nonliving, that hasn't been "upgraded" in some screwed up absurd way.  Or some crazy crap along those lines.
According to wikipedia, our all-knowing online entity, regarding the year 2012:

"December 21 — The Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, notably used by the Maya civilization among others of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica, completes its thirteenth b'ak'tun cycle since the calendar's mythical starting point (equivalent to 3114 BC August 11 in the proleptic Gregorian calendar, according to the "GMT-correlation" JDN= 584283).[6] The Long Count b'ak'tun date of this starting point ( is repeated, for the first time in a span of approximately 5,125 solar years. The significance of this period-ending to the pre-Columbian Maya themselves is unclear, and there is an incomplete inscription (Tortuguero Monument 6) that records this date. It is also to be found carved on the walls of the Temple of Inscriptions in Palenque, where it functions as a base date from which other dates are computed.[7] However, it is conjectured that this may represent in the Maya belief system a transition from the current Creation world into the next."

Oddly enough, to get the 23 thing out of my system, December 23 is supposed to be an alternative date for this to happen.

In short: the Mayan calendar resets, causing a cataclysmic Y2K event (i.e. nothing at all) to happen to an already dead society.  Or something like that.