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Messages - hunter s.durden

"Oops I dropped a carrot in a bowl of water... wait a tic..."
Quote from: Cain on December 28, 2006, 11:49:33 AM

This thread SUCKS.

Two things I would like to add:

1. Rome polluted long before it became Christian.  The late Republic in particular was an awful time for the environment.

2. More social progress has come about since the Enlightenment then in the prevoius 3000 years of superstitious bullshit that preceeded it.  Magic is a cop out for the masses so they can play with candles and chalk instead of learning what critical infrastructure needs to be seized in an armed revolt and how exactly best to reduce the tyrannies of power.

1. Cain, can you help us think of a group of people that weren't dirty bastards?

2. Fucking sweet. I second LMNO's sentiment.
Or Kill Me / Re: Happy now?
December 28, 2006, 09:39:53 AM
Not Hangero's buddy.... TGRR's buddy, Bhode.
Or Kill Me / Re: Happy now?
December 28, 2006, 09:19:54 AM
Maybe your buddy can beat off until he finds a "sea partner."
Animals that look like a genocidal madman... up his alley?
Or Kill Me / Re: Happy now?
December 28, 2006, 09:15:30 AM
Watch those sudden thrusts...

I know what you mean though. People wonder why I know about
Or Kill Me / Re: Happy now?
December 28, 2006, 09:03:47 AM
Good god man, are you a marine biologist or something?

It's interesting they have to warn you against letting a dolphin anally penetrate you.

That was a sentence I never thought I would type. Live and learn, eh?
Or Kill Me / Re: Happy now?
December 28, 2006, 08:51:21 AM
Quote from: Hangero on December 28, 2006, 08:45:44 AM

Join the fight Brother.

Dolpins can suck IT!

Interbred with KILLER whales? My third eye is opened.
Dolphin for dinner tonight. I didn't know how bad it really was.
It's like The Terminator, but with aquatic mammals.
Rog you didn't give Hangero shit because he types interesting, relevent, thought provoking shit. That's not being fair to the people that talk out of their ass.

You're suck a dick.
Or Kill Me / Re: Happy now?
December 28, 2006, 07:40:34 AM
I always say "Save the Dolphins", as my condescending smart ass generic primative environentalist tagline, but has anyone read about dolphins?
Dolphins have been know to attack each other for no reason other than amusement. There was an incident witnessed at some sea life park where two dolphins wanted to play with an eel, but the eel hid under a rock. The dolphins used the spines of a dead scorpion fish to poke at the eel intil it came out, and they played with (read: tormented) it until they got bored. Dolphins even kidnap weaker females and harrass smaller weaker males, sometimes to the point of death.

Fuck the dolphins. Fuckin' assholes.
Puppy, please remember that the personal attacks came after Bhode couldn't come up with his own tagline and stole TGRR's. TGRR is a merciless bastard. Like the Aztecs.

Everyone else gets his point but attacks it because it is stupid as fuck.

Also, I thought the 50 post rule was n00b training wheels, not hazing.
Quote from: SillyCybin on December 26, 2006, 01:04:24 PM
Feeling guilty about yourself or your race is typical catholic inculturation. All races are bastards, because all people are bastards. Being born white doesn't make you any more or less of a bastard than anyone else. Burn down your local church if you don't believe me.

Name a group of people that weren't huge bastards at some point.... GO!

Where did white people get slaves? From the black people that sold them.
Why were whites so brutal to indians? Because indians had some of the most brutal tactics and torture methods ever witnessed.
Japanese? Rape of Nanking
Chinese? Tienamen Square
Arabs? 6000 years of slavery and brutal executions
Egyptians? ask Moses
Wiccans? the pain I feel hearing about how "I've made people ill with my revenge spell"
Mongolian Hordes! Assyrian skull pyramids! Dancing with the stars!
History is fun.
Or Kill Me / Re: A Sermon
December 25, 2006, 09:00:14 AM
Bhode I think TGRR is getting to you.
Just as a point might peek out its head you say things like:
"your going to die before me"
"I'm just practical"
"Our species is doomed to failure"
All assumptions. Weak ones. The being of course that our species is doomed to failure. How? If our evil pollution fucks everything up, we are the only species that can make our own heat source, and cleanse water. If the sun explodes one day, we can leave the planet.

We are in first place, and it feels damn good.

As for the machine, cavemen started it. The ones that decided the light in the sky was an invisible man that wants virgin sacrifices. In our current state we are closer to breakout then ever. I'm sure Galileo and newton wouldn't mind giving up some mountain clear air for all the advances in phyics we've made. Just a thought.
Or Kill Me / Re: A Sermon
December 25, 2006, 12:26:47 AM
Are you suggesting I live my life in constant fear that one day my worldview will be thrown on it's head and I should do my best not to do anything so I don't regret it later.
Better stop using the internets. What if you realize the Mennonites are right about technology? Should I not eat another hamburger. Might realize it's murder one day.
I'll play the odds.
Or Kill Me / Re: A Sermon
December 25, 2006, 12:17:56 AM
If the killer changes his bubbled view, and killing is wrong, his regret is his not being able to live with himself. He ceases to be right, because that is his choice.
Literate Chaotic / Re: The Haiku Game
December 25, 2006, 12:10:04 AM
An old tradition
Roast and then call the dentist
Who the fuck eats these?

NT - Choose your own topic
        My christmas gift to you bards
         Don't let it suck ass