
Today, for a brief second, I thought of a life without Roger. It was much like my current life, except that this forum was a bit nicer.

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Messages - Triple Zero

Or Kill Me / Techno Will Save Your Soul
July 07, 2006, 10:48:10 AM
Quote from: The Littlest Ubermensch:(  Sometimes I get the feeling a lot of people have yet to listen to actual rave music. Too much crap is being pushed blablablablah
don't worry man

i like electronic music (wouldn't call it "rave" nowadays, that's really the stuff they did 10 years ago with Eat Static or when the Prodigy was still being original) and, seeing the "what are you listening to?" thread, a lot of others do as well.

i visit the occasional goa, drumnbass, electro or (hell yeah) breakcore parties. i can find myself a bit in your ideas and personally have kind of wondered among the same lines myself as well.
mostly for me such a party is a good reason to get a few hours of heavy workout ;-) [really, should do that more often hehe]

i think you could find the most people who will "dig" what you say on goa-parties. lots of hippies there, some of them perhaps actually recognizing dance-induced gnosis when they feel it, and if they do drugs it will more often be pot and shrooms than xtc coke and speed. though that may be just the scene over here, ymmv

Edit, PS i like happyhardcore. but only the ones i know from i was young. bite me
Quote from: maphdetCain, (or anyone else) could you put to rest something for me.

I get waves of thoughts at times, that discordians (yes I know I'm generalizing here) are a front for 'them'.
And the purpose is to gather info and such.

This is a serious thing that I need put to rest for me.

i was gonna say "i'll prove to you that i'm not one of 'them', as soon as you prove to me that you're not a figment of my imagination"

but then i thought of the barstool experiment

so, i pose a new question .. as the barstool experiment tends to 'solve' the new age metaphysics nothing is real hippie stuff .. is there a similar way to cure common paranoia? :)
look at him float! :)

[just a little disclaimer: i stole the idea of the invert/continuous movement optical illusion from some other gif, i think i saw somewhere on this board before]
Principia Discussion / The Barstool Experiment
June 13, 2006, 07:08:49 PM
Quote from: LMNOI also think Enricos Sacred Bull could go in.

What about it?  who's got some Lail to contribute?

the sacred bull story was awesome.

i'll see if i can come up with anything, making up lail is at least more up my alley than writing down political angsty stuff (but i dont promise anything)

for the simple reason that you don't need to be believed for the first one to be successful :)

how heavy should we go on the inside-jokes btw?

- zero because they're n00bs?
- just a teensy bit of self-lailage?
- or medium chunks of injokes for great teasing and tickling "i want to be part of this to get this"

what would be the right way to capture (or just affect?) the humour receptive part of our audience?
Principia Discussion / The Barstool Experiment
June 13, 2006, 06:54:56 PM
Quote from: LMNOThe problem I have with it is that it isn't much fun.
not much fun? wouldn't a short story like this be just what we want for the upcoming lollercaust pamphlet B thing?

i mean, it's even got a good solid (omg pun) punchline.
Bring and Brag / .GIFs
June 13, 2006, 05:35:03 PM
if you make the background opaque grey instead of the vague grainy paper texture it is now, your .GIF will become quite a lot smaller. also, since you use just grayscale, reducing the number of colours you use to, say, 16 (instead of the default 256) will probably help.
Or Kill Me / Rev Roger, Flyer #5
June 13, 2006, 03:03:18 PM
i was away for the weekend after i posted my message ... :)

tggr, you pick. either you explain what you mean with "conveniently leaving out the second clause in the sentence" but IMO the discussion is not really worth it, or we just leave the thread derailed as it is
Or Kill Me / Re: Rev Roger, Flyer #5
June 07, 2006, 04:39:37 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend RogerBecause, hey, who the hell elected them?
??? i wouldn't have expected you to say this? did you ever take a good look at this four-yearly Reality TV Show you just called elections?

i'm not really a big fan of democracy per se : the regular kind, majority-vote style thing, not the Democracy(TM) that goes along with the USA-brand of Freedom(TM) cause i don't really agree with the notion of "hey the majority wants it, so it's HAS to be a good idea, right?" (have you ever seen a larger collection of stupidity than the majority of the people ;-) )

anyway that's besides the point i wanted to make. now, i don't want to come off as the stereotypical eurotrash bitching on the usa, but just know that i'm not claiming that it's any better over here. (just different)

now as far as i understand elections in the usa, you got two choices, either Democrat or Republican. and as far as i understand it, they're both the Wrong Choice anyway (sometimes i hear people even say they're basically the same party anyway -- like that futurama episode where they could vote for two identical clones), so people tend to vote for the lesser evil.

now you say that people elected their government in the usa and that it's their own fault? while all the choice they got is basically worthless? would you like the puppet on the left or the puppet on the right? that's like saying that the democratic people's party in china (or whatever it's called) is chosen by the people and their own fault (ok, the chinese propaganda does in fact state this and fabricates elections with one choice etc) .. and several other countries which are usually deemed as "dictatorships" instead of "democracies", even while they make the claim.

also, in another thread i heard you say something about -- what was it? this federal reserve thing? so the government chooses who rules the "private" federal reserve who distributes the money in a way which benefits the large corporations who buy out the political campaigns/brainwashings/propaganda/lies/stuff and control the politicians that are elected (no matter who gets elected) that make up the government which chooses .. etc etc

explain me please, where do the people come in? how exactly is this bubba's fault and not that of the suprahuman corporate entities that you choose to name The Machine?
and yes i understand Bubba makes up a tiny cogwheel in this machine, but it's not the cogwheels that decide what the machine is doing, in the same way it's not my cells that get to decide what i'll be doing, but it's the shape/the structure/the programming of the entire system that decides the direction in which it is going.
in much the same way as i don't give a shit about what happens to my body cells, as long as not a great many of them die out and disrupt my system, do the corporate entities not give a shit about the people that make it up. but you don't hear me claiming that my cells "got the brain they deserved", because that's bullshit, it's meaningless to make such a statement.
and that's my motivation for chaos, disorder. if you want to give the cells or the cogwheels back their freedom, have them fuck it up until the machine/body falls apart, and then keep on fucking it up or otherwise a new machine/body will arise. anyway now i'm drifting a bit. i hope you got my point.

one last thing. there are these "third parties", right? like, you can - theoretically - choose for something else than democrat or republican.
why the fuck don't people do that? are those parties invisible to them like the fnords?
over here we got loads of different parties. usually a ruling coalition consists of three of them, and not always the same ones either. not that it matters much as long as the Christians and the Liberals ("liberal" means "right wing conservative" over here, btw) keep fucking it up, but it at least gives a littlebit of meaning to the concept of democracy and elections. (and i'd be happy for that, weren't it for my first objection about the dumbness of majority vote for groups larger than about 20-150)
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / I like boobs
June 02, 2006, 03:48:59 PM
Quote from: Lady Godiva, on 24th of MayJust four more days... Just four more days... Just four more days...
did i miss anything? what happened, four days later?
nice layouts indeed! of course, i'm always a sucker for the Century Gothic font :)
Quote from: NetaungrotI like where the shift to the second column gives a dramatic pause on this one.
disagree with this though, dramatic pause is a nice effect but not at the cost of an orphaned last line of a paragraph thingy IMO. but never mind that, the other two are very cool.
Literate Chaotic / itt LHX asks a ?
June 02, 2006, 01:23:52 PM
Quote from: Machine Grind DreamStations can refuse to air things though and if they're subversive they will likely do this.
is that so? but as long as you pay up, they'll broadcast it, right? it's not like they're doing the other side's propaganda for free and out of idealism right?
i would think if you can show the money the media doesn't care which side you're on.

(edit: just read the above post, apparently things work differently.)
..until you have access to a working camera?

when life hands you grapefruits, make bad puns.
*duck/moves like they do*

..until you learn not pretty much begging for it by comparing them to ... grapefruits .. ??? what were you thinking in the first place :) :)