
I hope she gets diverticulitis and all her poop kills her.

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Messages - The seer

Literate Chaotic / another sign the machine is rotting
December 11, 2005, 03:37:54 AM
Quote from: LHXi dont know if it is positive thinking

like i said before

any end is a good end
Weishaupt and his cronies believed something similar.

There is what is said and what is done
And what is done shall reveal what is felt.
And just as the bitter heart finds no joy
So to does the bitter leader create no joyous followers
Or Kill Me / Monsters...
December 09, 2005, 03:45:09 AM
Quote from: renkobut, uhm just to get back to this: Is that bob thing something completely different from discordianism? are they written by the same guy or something? From what Ive seen I think I prefer Eris to Bob, personally.
Eris is the positive facet of Hesiod's two part eris.
Bob is the other, angry, vengeful part. The irony is he just haoppens to look like the ery vision of the world he is against: 1960's america.
Or Kill Me / The plains.
December 09, 2005, 03:42:52 AM
2. Yes, it is. Now suck it up and deal with it.

3. Hence the first phase of the plan.

LHX. There are a lot of workable ideas, only the involve risks that may result in a gruesome state execution for trying and failing. So by workable I take it you mean: "Will still allow me to function in daily life if I can't score 100%. Sad to say unless you take some "unworkable" Ideas, daily life isn't going to be worth much of anything by the time you're roger's age.
Or Kill Me / Monsters...
December 09, 2005, 03:35:53 AM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Rogerand they have the ability to get bored with handling sharp objects that cut them occasionally... unlike me.  :lol:
Or Kill Me / The plains.
December 09, 2005, 03:33:48 AM
  • a damn shame
  • There is little about behaviour that is not ultimately controllable, even some biologics can be managed.
  • Ontological genocide. The war on dumb's final solution.[/list:o]
Or Kill Me / Monsters...
December 09, 2005, 03:30:49 AM
Quote from: renkoUnless I made a specific attempt at not thinkin in words, just indistinguisable sounds. Then no one would have thought of that before, I just wouldnt be able to articulate it.

LOL. A million zenji have done just that.
You can't distinguish yourself no matter how hard you try. Just get over being distinguished. You're still unique even if there is nothing you cannot say that hasn't been said. Don't coddle yourself with delusions of grandeur is all I'm saying.
Or Kill Me / Monsters...
December 09, 2005, 03:26:24 AM
Quote from: renkoshit.... you had the same thing. well I came up with it like, last week, before I even knew about discordianism. So ya, well it doesnt really matter. Thanks for welcoming me.

Just as an extra note: After reading the principia discordia and the book of eris what else is there? Im sure theres more.

every thought you are currently capable of having has already been thought before. Don't be so shocked, you're not nuveau anymore, you're as passe as the rest of us.
Or Kill Me / The plains.
December 09, 2005, 03:24:12 AM
There's even parts of fat city that are like that, but they're a lot smaller than they once were. I suppose you could bargain with the grizzlies in alaska, but there's no guarantee they won't rip your face off, Because they know how white men behave.

The metaphor is actually many layered. On the one hand I was talking about my leaving, and how the removal of my emotional investment in this place taught me a thing or two about what to finance my cares in and what not to. and also about the spiritual ruts we fall into. We get hung up on one idea and then we forget it and eventually we come full circle and don't realise today's new revelation was last week's holy shit idea.
The sum total of all human knowledge and experience covers very little of anything, and there are many reasons:
Few people know how to propery transmit information
Those same teachers know little about the fact we all speak a different language
People get so hung up on finding the ultimate truth they end up finding it. That's when they stop thinking.

People who are satisfied really piss me off actually. I'm all for comfort and quality of life, but the minute you're happy to live out your days following the same routine is the minute you end up with civilisations like ours. You'd think the opposite would be true, that you have to be discontent to breed malcontents, to have waste, to have war. But people are happy to throw molotovs, people are happy to fight over land and resources, people are happy to turn their neighbours in to the fedz. People are happy to watch the same old crap and bitch about it.

I am not content to watch the world's resources be pissed away for money and power. and I am not content to follow the same old path to do something about it.
Or Kill Me / The plains.
December 09, 2005, 03:07:34 AM
You didn't even read the whole thing.

And there ARE places like that, they're just dangerous for westerners to travel in because the locals know what you want to do with them.
Or Kill Me / The plains.
December 09, 2005, 03:04:37 AM
,ÄùThree are the paths of the soul:
    -One out: and Roam across the plain
    -One back: Dwell with tribe and tent
    -One in: turn an enemy's hate,Äù[/list:u]~Unknown~[/i]

    In this place there is nothing of what you call the
civilised world. There are no buildings, there are no farms, there are no farmers, no families, only aching miles of expanse, life itself streaming towards the sky, radiating from open ground. You may travel far and wide and ne'er see a single soul.
From the horizon I come, A dustcloud has signaled my approach, you cannot hide in that wide open space, and anything that you can hide, cannot stay hidden for long. Day by day as survival takes it's toll on your defenses you shall realise yourself and be dragged kicking and screaming to the truth. For death is a fear that shall always far outweigh all other concerns, be thankful for that, for it is this blind terror within you that has pushed you forward, driven you up.
You are alone on the plains as even those you travel with cannot take care of you. Even should you not be brave enough to travel alone, understand that you will in time become an island. You cannot escape the fate that awaits you traveller, you have come here searching and thus you may never leave without finding. Until you have wrested your hands free from chains of vengeance, taken off the armour of security, until you have cast aside all that is of no use to you here, until you have touched the spirit of this place, it will haunt you, it will dog you and torment you. Onward! For she has answered to your cries for help. Upward! For she has thrown open the closed doors of consciousness. Even if you have chosen in jest, she shall care not, you have come to seek and shall find.

You will learn that there is much you cannot control outside of this circle of tents. Out among the Plains, whether alone or surrounded by people you shall come to see many things. That people do not trust someone who asks risks but does not take them upon themselves, You cannot lead without so doing. That when you most need help it shall be unavailable to you, You cannot truly stand until you stand on your own. That your words will fall on deaf ears, your sword shall cut only air and you shall be waylaid by those with less scruples than yourself, it is impossible to force the willing. You shall see me as I come closer, that I am alone, but yet I smile, For I have stood upon my own feet, I have lead by example, and I have avoided pointless conflicts.

You shall find me as I dismount at your camp stranger, that I am clad in plain clothes, that I carry only the baggage which I need to keep my health in all five spheres. You ask me of my travels, of the ruins you can see from afar, the ones at the edge of the desert. You tell me on the horizon these strange monoliths make words to you, and I can tell you that they are far stranger up close. You tell me of your chieftan, that he has ridden past these monuments and on one side were startling revelations, and on the other side were more still. Forgive my laughter, but these standing stones are reference points for many people, and each face has said the same thing to you. The toppled statues to the west of the wadi are a message you have yet to interpret. The cavern of scratchings to the far south, holds a message so alien even one such as I cannot interpret it.
Do you see your folly? Your monuments are on distant horizons and they have never changed. But the world is far more wide than the horizons. The sum total of your knowledge and experience is but a tiny drop in a vast ocean and yet you circle the ruins and these plains learning new things from the same things. It does me no pride to say to you that a new facet, a greater subtlety to an old wisdom after the umpteenth time, is not one tenth of a new wisdom.

Wherever you shall go, you carry your memories with you, the teachings of the monuments are available to you. You may reflect on them over and over and learn to translate into new languages; yes! This too was written on a monument many days from here, deep in the desert, where the sand turns black and the beasts fear to tread.

I see I have yet to crush your comfort here in this stateless place. Would it provoke you to know that these monuments were carved by human hands. Yes. For after the place of black sands the monuments begin to peter out, some repeat, some are still blank, and this deep into the desert there are signs which i cannot read. I have returned for one thing alone: a hammer and chisel, I can no longer make my journeys without the ability to add an echo in my own words, words that perhaps you may read one day. No, I have not come to stay, for the future is not here, it is out there on the plains, naked and honest, alive and free. Be content with your rut stranger, and may it cradle you no longer than is necessary. Yes the stormclouds gather, but rain and thunder do not trouble me as they once did, the gods are not vengeful with those who stand in defiance, this you shall learn.

As I ride out I bid you farewell, and I hope that you remember this day, I hope it nags at you the way the plains nag at me, and I hope it drives you out from your home and hearth and into the wilderness, screaming, seeking; clawing at the dirt, crawling to the creeping sands. You may think I wish to curse you, but if you would but pull the mask from your face and let your ears hear the sounds of the world without the filters of your armor stranger, then you too would see with your own eyes as it is, in all it's beauty, horrible or glorious.
Quote from: The Good Reverend RogerBut we are saving the world from terra.


Will start calling Aussies "irrelevant", now.
That's fine, the more irrelevant we are the more likely we are to survive.
The seer: Nobody's monkey until they pay the right price.
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger
Quote from: CainNever trust an Australian.  All of them are liars.


I say it's high time we sent the USN down there to teach those pouch-bellied, beer-swilling dingos who the boss is.

Just saying.

LOL BRING IT ON! You think the mob and the teamsters are bad. You ain't never seen a labour strike over here. You ain't never seen a riot. You ain't never seen a drag queen in gold lame with sparkling high heels weilding a lead pipe and a chain.

You can teach us who's the boss all you like, but you can't change the mischevious spirit inborn to all who grace these shores. We played chess by mail with the turks at the gallipoli trenches. We've had prime ministers go missing while spear fishing on their day off. We've got a city whose streetlights spell out "hell" when seen from the air, and if you ask us to change it we'll turn on "go 2" as well.
Towns for the marijuana smoker, towns for the weary traveller, the person with a past to forget, GIANT PHALLIC OBJECTS donated and opened by the queen.

Is my country in need of a wet slapping, what country in the west isn't? But you can't change the spirit of this place, what makes it so great. A place where you can call the leader of the country an ass-licker and have other politicians support you (though maybe not your choice of words).

PS if you want carrot top dead, that can be arranged, do the CFMEU or the MUA do it? your choice.
Or Kill Me / LHX - short circuits - part 12 - any end
December 08, 2005, 03:49:38 PM
is that before or after placing boxes in all the aisles, moving the exit signs and turning the lights off?
Or Kill Me / Rant 149: Can You Do That?
December 08, 2005, 02:47:29 PM
Quote from: Eldora, Oracle of AlchemyExchange concentration camp for burning at the stake and you have the reason most "witches" were burned.  Not because anyone thought they were a witch, but because someone wanted their land.

Even more interesting is looking at the social clusters where witch burnings occurred, and they were most common where the influences of different churches overlapped. Theological warzones with pagans as the culprits and sometimes as the victims.
Literate Chaotic / Larry King Interview
December 08, 2005, 08:03:28 AM
:lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Enr!co If you ever need work I have a job for you as a PR officer for me.