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Messages - Penumbral

Or Kill Me / Re: Scare City
January 09, 2014, 10:50:59 PM
If it weren't for scarcity and the ability to gather more monies would all these diseases be curable? Without profit would there be empty homes? Without ones and zeros floating from account to account would we have the technology to feed all these people?

The problem you describe could also be the cause of such surplus.

Would communists ever invented a computer? Even if they had what piss poor software would it have?   
Or Kill Me / Re: A Curse
January 09, 2014, 10:40:11 PM
Quote from: LMNO, PhD (life continues) on November 27, 2013, 06:43:03 PM
The human brain converts "happens often" to "normal".

This has been something that has been happening a lot in my life lately.

"How was your week?"
- "Routine"
"That doesn't sound very interesting."
-"You don't know my routine."
Or Kill Me / Re: I Am A Nihilist
January 09, 2014, 10:31:48 PM
I really like this Hoopla. Cain seems to be right about the analysis but I don't think that takes away from the prose.
Or Kill Me / Re: "Nihilism light"
January 09, 2014, 10:12:12 PM
Quote from: :regret: on November 21, 2013, 09:17:00 AM
Diet Nihillism is a terrifying concept.

Quote from: Lenin McCarthy on November 20, 2013, 06:29:50 PM
Realizing that the world does not revolve around yourselves, and that pretending it does eventually will break your necks. It involves not giving a few less fucks about the dominant ideologies of POSITIVITY and HEALTHINESS and NORMALITY, and instead just having a good time and being a decent human being. (This is very much a reminder to myself.)

This seems like the take away from your post. I don't think this is much like nihilism but rather a stoic mindset. Stoicism and Nihilism can coexist is a moral and metaphysical way respectively. However, there seems to be no hint as to a nihilistic mindset in this rant. In fact...

Quote from: Lenin McCarthy on November 20, 2013, 06:29:50 PM
All even remotely successful empires and states in human history have had to rely on some sort of ideology to legitimize itself...

Politics is just administration and theatre. Nevermind the possibility that "the market" is not a metaphysical being, some sort of deity demanding regular sacrifices to save us from oblivion. Nevermind the possibility that what is really happening is that the decision-making process is being moved somewhere less accessible for us mere mortals...

I think this hints at a sort of displeasure with others moral ideals which to me seems a little counter intuitive for a nihilistic takeaway. However, I like to points you are making here.

I think the deity you are talking about is the morality of money. When what is RIGHT is money and your god is capitalism one can still feel morally justified using any means to make money. This, I believe, is how we have so many environmental and human rights catastrophes without widespread cognitive dissonance. Everything horrible these people have done was done in the name of their god so how can it be morally wrong.

Thanks for the post. 

Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on January 09, 2012, 06:59:11 PM
Quote from: Penumbral on January 09, 2012, 06:55:32 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on January 08, 2012, 12:49:47 PM
Nihilism doesn't become you.

I fucking hate it when people say that shit.

Then what the hell kind of nihilist ARE you?

I never claimed to be a nihilist. You called me that. I just think it is dumb to look down on nihilists for not believing in anything when it seems like only people who believe in things are causing the problems.

Quote from: Net on January 09, 2012, 08:59:00 AM
Quote from: Penumbral on January 08, 2012, 10:09:19 AM
Fuck anyone who tells me "This thing is intrinsically wrong" or "This is the solution." It's all cycle and all I can and will do is exist in the peaks and dips that occur in my life. 

What does this rationale enable you to perpetrate?

Well for starters I live without cognitive dissidence. I am not afraid to take chances because I am not afraid of failure.

I don't have passion or faith. I don't believe strongly in any cause.

People are idiots and asking them to fix anything is astounding. According to a number of polls anywhere from a third to more than half the country believes in ghosts. Source1 Source2 And 100% of the country belives in at least one stupid thing.

People aren't the only idiots though. I am an idiot asking me to fix anything is irresponsible of you. My ideals are sad examples of half thought out ideas mostly based on the views of writers who killed themselves and comedians who drink daily.

Yes, I think the banking system is fucked up, and the financial market is a mess. I have thought those two things were a mess my entire life and have quietly boycotted and form of credit or loan my whole life. I haven't had a bank account for 6 years. (Counter point: if everyone treated the banking system as I did the country and technology as a whole would be beyond years behind. Only the rich would go to college and I wouldn't have had a house to grow up in.) I don't have all the information or even enough to stand on a street corner. If I wanted to get educated (which I don't) all the hyperbole in media and internet makes even the most unbiased sources based on bad information.

I don't want to go to prison without trial... but a lot of people in gitmo are terrorists and no court system would be able to hold them. While I want to say even one mistake is enough to throw out the system I understand where the system comes from. 

Its all a big ball of mess and at the end off the day what I am enabled to perpetrate is just sitting down with a ciggerette and doing whatever fucking insignificant thing it is I find joy in without trying to solve other peoples problems. Its stess about something out of my control.

Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on January 08, 2012, 12:49:47 PM
Quote from: Penumbral on January 08, 2012, 10:09:19 AM
Nothing matters and I am going to die. Even if I change things and become the father of modern modernism it won't matter tomorrow or in a hundred years.

Nihilism doesn't become you.

I fucking hate it when people say that shit. People get mad at nihilism for some knee jerk fear that they will lose their grasp on reality. I have literally heard this so many times in person as well as movies and literature: It doesn't matter what you believe just believe in it. HORSESHIT! That's what suicide cults do. That's what people who kill abortion doctors do. That's what the Mormons did when they fought prop 8.

The Nihilist is the least harmful person to Your Causetm
Quote from: Net on January 08, 2012, 05:35:51 AM
You're a coward. Everything you were fighting for 10 years ago is coming to a head, and instead of sacking up you're retreating with your tail between your legs. If shit would have culminated 10 years ago I bet you would have made lame excuses to puss out then too.

Good riddance, you spineless husk of a human being.


See, the funny comes from all sides. Nothing matters and I am going to die. Even if I change things and become the father of modern modernism it won't matter tomorrow or in a hundred years. I would rather be an exclamation point in my own existence then be a footnote in the worlds.

I don't believe there are any absolutely good ideas out there. I think the world is obsessed with the apocalypse because that is the only thing we can all agree would be one step forward.

Fuck anyone who tells me "This thing is intrinsically wrong" or "This is the solution." It's all cycle and all I can and will do is exist in the peaks and dips that occur in my life. 

For my information what would sacking up look like? Calling my congressman? Occupying something? Posting twitter opinions? Stapling essays to telephone poles? Getting teargassed for an ideal that will be skewed and watered down before it hits the masses?

I am not folding. I am not giving up on my life. I am simply resining any responsibility for what others do with theirs. Fuck yourself if you want to.
Maybe this makes me part of the problem, but...

I remember when I cared about some monstrous shit this country was doing 10 years ago. I tried to rally with a group of people also outraged but found none. I tried to educated people on the implications but no one cared. There was a moment in my life when I would have rebelled and happily gone to jail to see something change, but no one wanted to do anything. Now I see people outraged, and... well I just don't care anymore.

You could say that I just want to get back at everyone who didn't listen to me, but I don't think that is the case.

I don't think I am except from the problem either.

I think I could watch a meteor hit this planet and shrug. Instead Ill just sit back while everyone decides to implode.

This isn't a depression thing either. I am just going to do whatever it is I find fun for as long as that lasts. It feels good to not have kids in this country.
Horse walks into a bar and asks for a drink.
Bartender turns to him and says, "What is this some sort of joke?"
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: Atheists Owned
November 03, 2011, 06:09:08 PM
An old classic you have all probably seen.

This is your pool?

Dammit Beaver this is where I piss!
Bring and Brag / Re: As of tonight...
October 09, 2011, 08:09:18 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Payne on October 08, 2011, 06:19:06 PM
Still some way to go

Thats one full eskimo roll every 2.26 seconds.  :eek:

I would go on a ride that simulated that. Even if it was just called waterbording.